Losing the Games

By Adorkable_24

22.6K 412 188

"You know why they call her Ryder right?" Josh smirks. "Why?" One of his pets ask. "Because everyone gets a c... More

Meet Ryder- Chapter 1
Issues- Chapter 2
That Dirty Little... -Chapter 4
Authors Note
Ice Cream Makes It All better- Chapter 5

Sophie has a Secret -Chapter 3

1.1K 58 18
By Adorkable_24

"You are such an idiot, I swear." I face palmed myself.

We hadn't been working on this project for a good five minutes and he already has a stupid comment. Good thing we were at Hannah's house, or I would've beat him to the pulp by now.

"You're just mad because you didn't think of it first." Josh smirked. I wanted to punch that smirk off of his face.

"No, its a retarded idea, just like how your parents felt after they had you."

"Are you calling my parents retards?" he gasped.

"You are so stupid." I mutter under my breath. Can't he at least pretend to be smart sometimes? I swear he needs help.

"Yep, I'm the smart, talented, unique, person in demand." he smiled, obviously proud of his idiotic comeback.

"Hannah, get him before I slap the shit out of him." I said, taking a drink of the delicious lemonade that Hannah's mom brought us.

"Language!" Hannah's mom yelled from inside the kitchen.

"You're not gonna do anything." Josh challenged, and I stood.

"Okay, okay, just stop." Hannah hissed, "Josh, there is no way that we're going to attempt to grow a money tree."

"What?" his face fell.

I laughed loudly, "Thank you for clarifying that Hannah."

"Shut up." Josh grumbled.

"I'd be better off working with monkeys." Hannah sighed, putting her head in her hands.

I think its fair to say that Hannah has no patience whatsoever. She knew what she was dealing with the second Mrs. Coral put us together. This project will be complete chaos.

"Hey guys, my dance class starts in," I checked my watch. "Twenty minutes, I gotta go."

"But what about the project?" Hannah whined.

"Find some monkeys." I smirked, and her mouth dropped. I grabbed my bag and headed out of the door.

It was especially important that I was on time for dance class all this week. We had a recital coming up and I had 'A Midsummer's Night Dream' tryouts. I was trying out for the role of Titania.

I don't know how to explain how important this is to me. The town holds all the best dancers and now they're having the ballet performance, 'A Midsummer's Night Dream, in town.

I was so excited to be in class that day. We have two months to prepare and it starts today.

"What are you so hyped up about?" Jenny asked

"Oh, just the fact that were starting to practice for our next recital today." I grinned

"You've been in a billion recitals and now you're all super excited about this one?"

"I don't-"

"No more talking girls, class has began." Michelle interrupted all of the chattering going on.

Dance class was so exhausting, and I loved every second of it! We worked hard at the barre and our jumps.

"Michelle, that was an awesome class." I beamed as everyone else sagged in exhaustion.

"Thank you Ryder, you're always so positive." she said walking away. "I love it."

The locker room was completely silent Everybody was pissed at how hard she worked us. They should be happy, I mean its only for our benefit

"Ryder, you kiss ass like no other." Jenny stated loudly, and all the girls nodded in agreement.

"No I don't" I blinked.

"Yes," Sophie said slowly, "you do."

"Whatever, I just like being pushed."

"That wasn't being pushed, that was torture." one of the other girls said

"Anyways, can you take me home?" Sophie changed the subject

"Sure, but where's your car?"

"It broke down the other day. It's in the shop right now " We were the only two talking in this silent world.

"Oh, okay."

"Yeah, I'll have it back by next Tuesday."

"Okay." I repeated.

"Are you guys doing anything later on today?" Jenny joined us. She was fully clothed, unlike everyone else in the room.

"Well, I'm going to go for a run, do some ab workouts, maybe a insanity video," I scrolled through my to-do list "then hangout with Matthew...after that I'm free."

"Not you," Jenny rolled her eyes. "Everyone else that's not you. What about you, Sophie?"

Sophie had been watching her the screen of her phone, smiling the whole time The smug look disappeared when she heard Jenny's voice. "Huh?"

Jenny chuckled and walked over to her, "Who is it?"

"Who is who?"

"They guy you have the hots for." I joined in the taunting.

She instantly turned red, glanced back at her screen, and back at us. "I don't know what you're talking about."

"Sophie, you're hiding something from me?" I asked sadly, taking her hand in mine.

"Millie, I-I just...I'm not ready to tell anyone." Sophie squeezed my hand, and instantly went back to her phone. This guy must be amazing if she's choosing texting him over talking to me.

"So, I guess that means Sophie is busy?" Jenny asked confused and I shrugged.

I'm actually kind of hurt. I tell her every detail of my life and I get nothing in return. What a great best friend she is. Maybe I'll start talking to Jenny more.

"Come on Sophie," I yelled after I got dressed. " I have to start my workout."

"You're still going to workout after today's practice?" her eyes nearly popped out of her head. "You're insane."

"Did you think I was joking?"

"Well, kind of. Just relax, enjoy the rest of your day."

"But I don't want to get fat!" I whined like a little kid.

"Amelia, you're a toothpick, if anything you need to gain weight."

What can I say? I eat like a pig and workout like a psychopath and don't gain weight.

"You know, maybe you're a little too perfect." Sophie told me, using her hands as quotations when she said the word 'perfect'.

"Okay, so?" I shrugged simply, "What does it matter?"

"That's probably why you cant get along with some people."

I put my hands on my hips, "What are you trying to say?"

"Lets just go." Sophie sighed and walked out of the door. "My mom is waiting for me."

Now she's bossing me around, telling me when to leave and whatnot. She needs a shrink, I swear.

I followed her out of the building and over the parking lot to my car. I unlocked the doors and she jumped in without a word, but her phone all in her face.

"Sophie?" she was silent. "Sophia," I hope she knows that ignoring me won't help. "Sophia Anderson!"

"What?" she slammed her phone on her lap, and threw her hands up in frustration.

"What's your problem?" I glared.

She rolled her eyes. "Ryder I don't have a problem, just please take me home."

I put they key in the ignition and started the car. As I pulled into the street I could feel the tension just floating around in the car. I felt suffocated by our cracked foundation that use to be friendship.

The ride to her house was filled with very uncomfortable silence. Is it me, or is everyone walking away from me? The one person that would never turn on me is starting to slowly turn. I feel like I've been becoming very dramatic lately.

"Sophie, we're here." I told her very softly.

She looked up from her phone and smiled, "Thanks Millie." Noticing my frown her face quickly dropped. "Look, I don't like hiding stuff from you, its just..."

"Its just what?" It came out a bit harsher than I expected. No need to be that rude to the girl Amelia, she has been your best friend since as far as you can remember.

She looked down and closed her eyes. It was what seemed like forever before she opened them again. I could tell that she was about tell me something big. She opened her mouth......


I'm sorry if you hate me for that (I'm laughing evilly as I type) You might hate me for some other reasons too, but I'm fine with that.

If you want to know the big secret then you better keep reading!! (:

If this took too long, I'm sorry.

If you don't like it, stop reading it.

If you don't like me, then why are you here in the first place?

Sorry that this was short, I will make up for it. I honestly love you all and hope that you continue this journey with Amelia. Things are about to get REALLY interesting!! Next chapter might....I'm talking too much again!! 

Show some love vote/comment/do something lol.

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