In Your Eyes (Prince Zuko LS)

By AllNewProblem

46.4K 1.3K 130

Luna Suzaki She was just a normal girl 'till that one night that was forever burned into her memory. She dis... More

Chapter 1: Power Revealed
Chapter 2: New Beginning
Chapter 3: No Control
Chapter 4: This can't be real
Chapter 6: The Avatar
Chapter 7: Siege Of The North 1
Chapter 8: Siege Of The North 2
Chapter 9: The Avatar State
Chapter 10: Old Memories
A/N: Q&A

Chapter 5: Northern Water Tribe

4.2K 137 4
By AllNewProblem

Luna paced around while Osamu sat on a nearby chair, deep in thought. "So you need to master water then earth then fire then air. I suggest that you head out for the North Pole at first light-" Osamu started but was interupted. "What's the point?!" Luna yelled as she stopped pacing. "If by some miracle I manage to master water, earth and fire, there's nobody who can teach me airbending! The firenation wiped out the entire Air Nomad years ago!" Luna was stressing more with every word she spoke. "Calm down Luna," Osamu soothed. She looked at him with her now red eyes, her palms begining to heat up. Realizing she was losing control again, she took a deep breath to calm her nerves. "There is still hope," Osamu started, sparking Luna's interest. "There has been word of the Avatar's return." She raised an eyebrow in confusion. "How is that even possible? He disepeared a hundred years ago," Luna questioned. "Nobody knows for certain but many rumours are spreading." Luna nodded. "If he really is out there, then he is my only hope. I have to go find him," she said and started to walk to her room. "Wait Luna. You don't even have the slightest idea of where he is," he tried to reason. "I'll ask around. I think a hundred year old man will stand out from the rest of the croud." Luna made it to her room and grabbed a bag from under her desk. Osamu had probably brought people in to clean her room while she was out. "Luna, don't be rash about this. Think it through first," Osamu instructed. "What is there to think about?! My options are find the Avatar or die. I think it's pretty clear which one I'm choosing." Luna stuffed the essensuals into her bag. "It could take you months to find him and you don't really have that time do you?" Osamu pointed out. Luna stopped packing and froze. "He could be anywhere by now and you don't know where he's going. You should go to the North Pole and focus on your waterbending first. When the time comes, you will be able to search for the Avatar," Osamu said. Luna let out a sigh before sitting down on her bed. "Why did it have to be me?" Luna asked, looking up at Osamu. "It's your destiny, Luna. Just like it's the Avatar's destiny to restore balance to the world. There must've been a reason you were born as the Elemental. It means you are strong enough to conquer this power," Osamu explained. Luna offered him a small smile which he happilly returned. "Thanks Osamu. You're right. I may not know the exact reason for this but what I do know is that it's real and I have to do whatever I can," she said determined. Osamu nodded his head in agreement. A knock at the door interupted their discussion. "Who could be here at this hour?" Osamu asked as he went to answer the door, Luna walking behind him. When he opened the door, a man dressed in a Earth Kingdom uniform stood before him, a scroll in hand. "General Osamu, there has been word of a growing Fire Nation army in the East. All soldiers are being called out to defend the Earth Kingdom against an appending attack," the soldiers informed. "Thank you for informing me. I will head out as soon as I can," Osamu thanked. The soldiers bowed respectfully before turning and walking away. Osamu sighed at the news he had just received then closed the door. "You're going into battle again?" Luna asked. Osamu gave a sad nod as he walked towards his room. Luna followed. "When will you be leaving?" she asked. "I told him I'll leave as soon as possible," he replied. "Which is?" Osamu looked up from his packing, a sorrowful look apon his face. "I'm sorry Luna," was all he said in reply. "Wait now? You can't leave me now! Not when I need you the most!" Luna yelled. "It's my duty as a general to defend my nation," Osamu defended. Tears threatened to fall as Luna looked at him. Without another word, she ran up to him and warped her pale arms around his torso. "I promise Luna, I will be right here when you get back," Osamu reassured. Luna looked up at him with her watery eyes and gave a small nod of her head. "I'll send a ship at first light to take you to the North Pole." She nodded her head in understanding. Osamu gave her a small smile before continuing to pack. Once he had finished, he pulled the strap of the bag over his shoulder and began to walk to the door. "Osamu, wait!" He turned around only to be pulled into another embrace. "Please be safe," Luna whispered to him. "I will. I promise." With that, Osamu placed a small kiss into Luna's forehead and walked out the door. Tears streamed down her cheeks as she watched him go. Once he was completely out of view, she lost it. She screamed out in frustration and anger. A strong wind started to blow inside the house as Luna's eyes began to turn silver. 'Why does the Fire Nation have to take everything from me!' was her only thought as she threw a nearby vase at the wall. She collapsed onto her knees as the wind whipped her black locks in all directions. She clutched onto her mother's necklace that hung around her neck. "Breath Luna," a soft, angelic voice whispered in her head. She had only heard that voice once before, and that was when she had found out that her family had been killed. Doing as she was instructed, Luna took in a deep breath. The wind began to die down around her, as her anger started to melt away. 'There's no point in becoming angry about this, I have to do something about it,' Luna thought to herself. She stood up, feeling determined once more. She scanned her surroundings with her original baby blue eyes and let out a small sob once she saw the destruction she had caused. There wasn't a single thing left in its original place and some things laid broken on the floor. She had to put a stop to this. She had to learn to control her emotions. She took another deep breath before walking to her room. On her bed laid her half packed bag. She grabbed it and continued to pack her things. After awhile, she was sure she had packed everything she would need before she remembered to grab a map. She walked over to her bookcase and scanned over all the contents when her eyes landed on what she was looking for. She took the scroll down from the shelf and pulled it open. On it was a map of all the nations. How could it have been that all these nations lived in peace and one selfish act from the Fire Nation could destroy that? Luna shook her head clear of the thought, closing the map and putting it in hee bag. She changed into her night clothes and got into her bed, tightly wrapping the blanket around her body. That night was like torture to her. Shw could barely sleep because of the thoughts that clouded her mind and when her eyes grew to heavy for her to keep open, she would have dreams cluttered with nightmares of her fears and what might await her. After what felt like an eternity of endless fears and doubts, the sun rays started to shine from behind the horizon, painting the sky a magnificent orange. Luna sat up in her bed, feeling drained but she still managed to get herself ready. She wasn't going to let this stop her. She had to go to the North Pole. Once she was dressed, she grabbed her knives and slipped them into her side sheaths then grabbed her bag and swung it over her shoulder. Her hair was tied up into a high ponytail, a few strands hanging out from the sides. She walked outside and closed the door behind her. Instead of heading to the docks, she made her way towards the library. She had to get that scroll first. Sofar, it was the only thing that could give her any information on what she actually was. The library was still since it was still early in the morning. The librarian sat behind the counter, reading a book with a worn cover, indicating that it was old. Luna went straight to the isle she had been before. She scanned over the selves, looking for the symbol. After abour a minute of searching, she finally found it. She took it and went up to the librarian, informing her that it would be awhile before she could return it. The librarian only nodded her head to say that it was alright, before Luna bid her a good day and walked out the door. Now it was time for her to go to the docks. She began her walk, her pace rather quick because she didn't want to risk missing the boat. After a while, the smell of saltwater filled her nose, indicating that she was near. She turned a corner and was met with the buzzing docks. People walked around, crates and bags in their hands, loading them into the boats that drifted on top of the calm waters. A small smile crept onto her lips but soon disappear when she remembered why she was here. "You must be Luna," a deep male voice asked from behind her. She turned around only to be met by a built man. He wore the familiar Earthkingdom warrior clothes. He had black hair and a short black beard, some grey hairs visible in between them. Luna nodded her head at the man, feeling a little intimidated since he was much taller than her. "Great," he explained breaking into a smile. "My name is Nathaniel. I'll be your escort to the North Pole," he introduced. "It's nice to meet you Nathaniel," Luna said politely. "You don't have to be so formal with me. Treat me as if I'm your fun uncle." Luna smirked up at him. "As you say Uncle Nathaniel," she joked. "Now, that just makes me feel old," he pouted, acting like a child. Luna let out a laugh at the strange man. He smiled down at her, happy that he could make her laugh. Osamu had told him that she was going through a lot, even though he wouldn't tell him what, and he just wanted to do everything he could to make her happy. "Let's get on board before the ship leaves us behind," Nathaniel said to a still smiling Luna. "You go ahead, I'll be right there," Luna said, a mischievous glint in her eye. "If you say so," he said and shrugged before he began to walk to the ship. Luna spotted a small pebble at her side and smirked. She gave a small flick of her wrist and the pebble went flying until it hit Nathaniel on his back. He stopped and Luna quickly looked up at the sky, pretending to be examining the fluffy white clouds. Nathaniel turned around and looked at Luna. "You know, that one kinda looks like a platypus-bear," Luna said and pointed to the cloud above her head. "Come here you little troublemaker," he said and walked towards her. He picked her up and threw her over his shoulder, causing her to let out a small shriek of surprise. "Nathaniel, put me down," she ordered, only for her to be ignored. She felt like she was 7 years old again, playing with her father. How simple things had been back then. She was brought back to reality when her butt met with the hard planks of the ship's deck. "Welcome aboard!" he said enthusiastically. "Was that really necessary?" she asked him as she stood up, rubbing her sore bum. "Yes," he said with a small smirk. Luna rolled her eyes before she turned her attention to the ocean. They had already pulled away from the docks, so they were already on their way. Luna watched as the shore become smaller as tgetr sailed farther into see, until the land had completely disappear from her vision. This was it, no turning back.

After about a week of sailing, the ship was drawing closer to the North Pole. The air had turned cold, so they had to wear coats. Over the week, Luna and Nathaniel had grown close. He always knew how to make her laugh and take her mind of things and she was truly grateful for it. She currently rested her arms on the ship's railing, looking out onto the water, watching as the ship pushed away the floating pieces of ice as they passed by. It was a peaceful atmosphere but an unnerving feeling seemed to settle in Luna's gut. She couldn't place the feeling but she couldn't shake it either. Something was going to happen. She didn't know when or what it's going to be but it was coming. "Northern gates ahead!" a gaurd yelled from his post. Luna's interest was instantly peaked at the thought of seeing those marvelous gates. She ran to the front of the ship and stood at the very tip, her eyes widening in amazement at the sight in front of her. A gigantic gate made entirely out of ice and snow, a giant water tribe symbol carved into it. As they drew closer, waterbenders began to sail beside them on wooden skiffs, leading them to the giant wall. The waterbenders opened up a giant tunnel so the ship could easily pass through. Luna, who still stood by the railing, waved at a nearby skiff and all the men waved back with small smiles on their faces. The ship sailed through the tunnel and came to a halt inside a square ice lock. Waterbenders lined the three walls of the lock that was in front of the ship and to its sides. In unison, the waterbenders melted slits in the walls with one swift movement. The water level started to rise as water poured in. The wall in front of the ship lowered and the ship continued to sail forward. Luna looked at the marvelous ice city that stood in front of her in amazement. Another wooden skiff appeared in front of the ship and it started to guide them in the right direction. "Magnificent, isn't it?" Nathaniel asked as he came up from behind Luna. "It simply takes my breath away," Luna confirmed in awe. "As soon as we arrive at the place and we are sure that you are safe, the ship will have to depart. We have to join the others at the post," Nathaniel stated. Luna turned around to face the man, a look of utter confusion and sadness plastered onto her face. "You're leaving? But we just got here." Nathaniel let out a sigh, then stepped closer to her and put a comforting arm around her shoulders. "Our objective was to get you to the North Pole safely. And since that was accomplished, we have to join the rest of the troops," he explained with a sad smile on his lips. Luna wrapped her arms around his torso, burying her face in his shirt. "First Osamu now you," she said, trying to hold back the tears that threatened to fall. "It'll be alright Luna. We'll make it back to you. I know Osamu wouldn't dream of leaving you alone," he reassured with a slight chuckle, trying to lighten the mood. The ship came to halt, ending their conversation. A platform lowered to the ground and dug into the snow, allowing Luna and Nathaniel to climb down from the ship. Halfway down the platform, Luna stopped and looked up at the building that towered above her, gulping. "Something wrong?" Nathaniel asked. Luna took a deep breath then shook her head and continued to walk. Soon her shoes met with the soft white snow. A girl stepped up to them, a smile placed on her pink lips. "Luna Suzaki?" she asked. Luna gave a small nod of her head. "My name is Chia. Chief Arnook informed me of your arrival and instructed me to be your escort," she informed. The girl looked quite young, seeming only about 18 years of age. The top half of her midnight brown hair was tied up into a messy bun while the rest of her curls cascaded down her back, a messy fishtail braid in between and her gray eyes held a spark in them that would make even the saddest of people feel happier. Luna nodded her head at her then turned her attention to Nathaniel. "You have to go, don't you?" Luna asked disappointed. He only gave a sad nod of his head. Without another word, she threw her arms around him once more. "Please be safe because if you die, I'll kill you." Nathaniel gave a light heartened laugh at her statement. "Well, I'm convinced then," he joked as she let go of him. "Good luck Luna." With one final smile, he boarded the ship once more. Luna watched as the platform was raised and the ship started to depart. She watched it until in disappeared from her sight. "You ready to go?" Chia asked from behind Luna. She turned around to face her and nodded. With that, they began their walk.

Luna walked up the to the chief who sat on a risen platform, with a girl to his left and an old looking man to his right. The girl had silver hair and wore the clothes of royal stature, indicating that she was the princes. The man that sat on the right had long gray hair and a long gray beard to match. He looked strict and Luna was instantly intimidated by him. She walked up to the three and knelled in front of the chief as a sign of respect. "Chief Arnook. My name is Luna Suzaki and I come to you from the Eastern Earth Kingdom, seeking your help," Luna introduced herself. "You may rise," Chief Arnook instructed. Luna stood up strait and looked up at the chief. "I require a master to teach me waterbending," Luna said. Chief Arnook's expression hardened. "Then you've wasted your time coming here. Women are forbidden to learn waterbending in the Northern Water Tribe." Luna's heart sank as she registered his words. "Please, you don't understand. I need to learn waterbending," she pleaded. "If you're so eager to learn waterbending, then I suggest you meet up with Yugoda for healing lessons," the old man said sternly. "But-" Luna tried to protest. "Are you going to leave or should I call the guards to escort you out," the man threatened but Luna stood her ground. "Fine, you leave me no choice. Guards!" Two men dressed in the Water Tribe warrior clothes walked into the room. Luna's blood started to boil as the anger rose. Her eyes turned a brilliant silver. "Please escort our 'guest' outside," the man instructed. One of the men reached for her but before he could touch her, she sent a huge blast of wind in his direction, making him fly backwards. The other man stepped back in surprise but quickly regained his focus and bend the snow under her feet so it would freeze her whole body in place. She glared at the man as her eyes turned bright red. She heated up her palms, causing the ice to melt around her. "Firebender!" the man yelled in surprise. The chief and the old man raised from their sitting positions in defense. "Father, wait! Please, let me speak to her," the princess spoke up. "Yue, she's dangerous," Arnook said. "Please." The chief looked between his daughter then to the girl who fought against the guard. He gave a small nod of approval. Princess Yue stood up and slowly began to walk towards Luna who sent a final blast of fire to knock out the guard. Luna turned her attention to the princess once she felt her presence behind her. Yue gulped nervously but continued to slowly walked towards her. Luna eyed the girl suspiciously. "I'm not going to hurt you," Yue reassured. Luna snapped out of her trance as her eyes went back to normal. She looked at the to unconscious guards behind her and let out a small sob. She hated hurting people like this. She looked at Yue, looking like a deer in headlights. "I can't control it," she said under her breath. Yue examined the strange girl until realization hit her. "You're the Elemental." Luna's eyes widened. Yue turned to face her father. "Father, we have to teach her waterbending," Yue said. "Yue, you know that the traditions of this tribe have always been the same and we can't just-" the chief started to protest. "She's the Elemental," Yue interrupted. A silence fell over the room until the old man broke it. "That's impossible. The last known Elemental died centuries ago." Yue stepped closer to them. "It is quite possible. I've research Elemental for almost a year now because the subject always fascinated me. An Elemental is not like the Avatar who is reincarnated soon after the previous Avatar dies. Elementals are only born every 300 years and they are born with incredible powers," she explained. She looked over her shoulder to Luna and gave her a small smile. "So why is it so important that she needs to learn waterbending?" the chief asked. This time, Luna stepped forward to answer. "Because if I don't master all four elements in the order of the Avatar chicle, I will die by my 16th birthday." Arnook raised a questioning brow. "Which is?" he asked. "At summer's end." Another silence fell over the room as everyone processed what Luna had just told them. "That's why I beg of you. Please, teach me waterbending," Luna pleaded once more, breaking the silence. "Very well. You will train with Master Pakku," the chief said and gestured to the old man who sat on his right. "He is the best waterbender in the Northern Water Tribe." Master Pakku rose and walked towards Luna. "Meet me at the citadel at sunrise. Don't be late," he instructed and with that, he walked out of the building. "Thank you so much Chief Arnook, Princess Yue," Luna thanked with a bow and walked out of the building.

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