The 99 Poem Challenge ~ by Wa...

By Warrior_Prophet

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The idea behind this 99 Poem Challenge group project is to build a folder of poems that are all completely di... More

~Table of Contents~
1. Limerick ~ An Old Man On Wattpad
2. Haiku ~ The Setting Sun
3. Cinquain ~ As The Moon Hides The Sun
4. Tanka ~ Snorkeling Time
5. Acrostic ~ One Door Closes, Another Opens.
6. Refrain ~ My Wish for my Wonderful Wonder Wife x
7. Ode ~ Children of Odin
8. Prose ~ The Pretermission of Imagination
9. Couplet ~ A Merry Song And Dance
10. Sonnet ~ The Last Dodo
11. Doggerel ~ A Rose By Any Other Name
12. Carpe Diem ~ Take The Sun's Place
13. Clerihew ~ A Little Bossy
14. Haibun ~ The Abecedarian
15. Burlesque ~ Stephanie & William's Wedding Eve
16. Nonet ~ The Ancient Duel
17. Ballad ~ We Brace Ourselves To Ride The Storm Again
18. Blank Verse ~ Sensing Love
20. Tanaga ~ Now I See The Light!
21. Triolet ~ Alzheimer's
22. Pantoum ~ For Queen and Country
23. Sijo ~ Dance With the Devil
24. Choka ~ Orchestral Manouvres in the Dark
25. Ghazal ~ The Ripper of Old London Town
26. Rondeau ~ As Children Scream
27. Palindrome ~ Day and Night
28. Tyburn ~ Taunt & Haunt
29. Fable ~ The Owl and the Hedgehog
30. Minute ~ Lost In The Storm
32. Etheree ~ Tick Tock Clock
33. Epitaph ~ So Rich is Death
35. Essence ~ Cold Lies
36. Vers Beaucoup ~ The Raven
37. Nove Otto ~ Master of Dreams
40. Naani ~ Warming Warning
99) Epic ~ King Arthur's Excalibur

19. Cacophony ~ Laconic Sesquipedality

268 5 2
By Warrior_Prophet

Froward on he went in a jolt

Gory dew stenching alegar

Pusillanimous to a fault

And cogent to the abulia

The Wyvern with its clapperclaw

Spotted young wallydrag

A weazens temper so raw

But no such much a scallywag

Its lulliloo swinked its gig

But for the foofaraw of the Gribble

Lubricious as a fizjig

A tumid fulgeration of dribble

It throws a dornick missing the looby

Connected the Wyvern wapperjaw

Send it sideways scooby

And denyest its clapperclaw

Twas pawky to showeth

A volacious wamble midsky

Now the Gribble to run lest

Be pule in synchronicity

So skepsi be the micawber

As thy wallydrag frittles

Be ending nugatory jitney

As the Gribble fells like skittles

Definition of Cacophony

Cacophony is a technique which was used by the famous poet and author Lewis Carroll. Lewis Carroll makes use of cacophony in the poem 'Jabberwocky' by using an unpleasant spoken sound created by clashing consonants. The word cacophony originates from the Greek word meaning "bad sound". The term in poetry refers to the use of words that combine sharp, harsh, hissing, or unmelodious sounds.

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