Best Friends, Aren't We? (Sug...

By TheLivingParody

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It's been four years since Suga and you met ever since your family left to a different country. Both of you w... More

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After a week
Jimin and the wedding
Two are weeks are over.
Secret Chapter...
It's coming!
It's out!

The last time we met

17K 470 805
By TheLivingParody

Suga's POV

When was the last time we met?

I thought as I reached the airport to pick up my best friend ______.

Flash back...

7 years ago...

"SUGA!!!" Someone tackled me to the ground.
"_____! AISH!!!! I hate it when you do that!!!" I scolded her.
She laughed, "Mianhaeyo~"

_____, my best friend ever since our first year of high school. She even has a crush on me which I found out through rumors but I assured her that we'll stay as best friends. She's alright with it. She has always been alright with... Well, almost everything.

Her bubbly personality, noisy and always smiling without a fail. I've never seen her stop smiling for a moment. She was always smiling each time we met. Never failing to make others laugh every time. That's why everyone in school loved to hang around with her. She made everyone smile, making sure no one ever let out a single tear.

"Let's head to class!" She said pulling my hand.
Everyone gave her high fives and greetings, telling her how she's been. I swear, the moment she started school, everyday seemed like the best moment of our lives. Everyone's best highschool life ever.

Compared to me. Grumpy, tired, not very sociable and always finding time to do homework which I barely finish. At times I wonder...

Why would she hang around with me? Among all the kids here, why me?

"Min Yoongi~!" I snap out of thought to see _____, standing right in front of me. Her hair being tied into a pony tail, the same green sweater I bought for her the last time we met with those black shorts.
"Hey _____, I missed you." I ruffled her hair, expecting her to tackle me into a hug like always.
She laughed and pulled her luggage along. But...

No hugs. No sarcastic jokes. No funny stories. No. Just nothing.

Helping her things into my car, I drove to my house which wasn't very far, maybe just a 30 minutes drive.
Throughout the journey, she never said a word.

4 years can really change a person.

I thought.
We texted everyday and she still sounded like the same old ______. Plus, I'm pretty sure she isn't affected by me and the news about my marriage. She told me that she already has a boyfriend who's working pretty hard. What was his name? Park Jimin? Yeah. Never met him before but I bet he's a swag dude.

We've been best friends for 12 years now... From 13 to 25... Wow...

Stopping the car by our favorite cafe to grab some drinks, I bought her, her favorite drink. Hoping to see her exclaim with energy. But no, she didn't. All she did was,

"Thanks Suga... You still remember my favorite drink..." With a small smile. I'm not even sure if it's even a small smile. Maybe... Not a smile at all.

Maybe she's tired?

"Do you want to rest first once we reach home?" I asked her and she just gave me a small smile, "It's alright... I should be polite and meet your fiancée first right?" She reminded me of my girlfriend who's at home waiting to introduce herself to _____.
I nodded and proceeded to drive back home.

"Oppa~!" I was being greeted by my girlfriend who gave me a tight hug followed by a soft kiss on my lips which I've always received when I had to go off for work and come back from work.
It seemed _______ was unfazed by the action and bowed in greeting to Minji.
"Omo! Hello! I'm Jeon Minji!" My babe greeted and gave _____ a warm hug.
I felt happy that _____ gave her signature warm smile, follow by her usual hug and energetic personality, "I'm ______! Suga's best friend! I've heard lots about you!"

They started talking about our marriage, Minji sharing our love story and ______ sharing our funny moments back in year 8 when the teacher tried to prank her but instead pranked me.
"His face was priceless! It was the first time I saw Suga rage towards the teacher!" The two girls laughed and I just scoffed a smile, remembering that incident very well.

Back when we were 14...

I was just walking to class, alone since _____ was helping one student around the school who was new.
"YE-NO NO STOP!!!" Several voices in the classroom shouted as I twisted the door handle open.


I was covered in shredded styrofoam and some water which clung onto my shirt.
"WHAT THE F*** WHO?! I'M GONNA KILL THEM!!" I shouted and everyone was trying to avoid my gaze and the teacher's. Immediately. I knew it was the teacher's bright idea.
"It was the Mr. Kim's idea." Jungkook whispered to me.
I growled and started scolding our classroom teacher for pranking me. Geez, I wonder why we needed an alien teacher like him. I heard that he sings and people used to call him V. But whatever. This teacher needed some scolding.

"Um... It was planned for ______." He said suppressing his laugh.
Now I continued to scold him for trying to prank my best friend. No one bullies her!
"Ya! Min Suga! It's fine! I'm glad to get pranked by Mr. Kim." My best friend high five our teacher.
Rolling my eyes, I went to the bathroom to change into my sports wear since my school uniform is just ew no swag.

"Both of you must be pretty great friends." Minji giggled.
______ nodded with a wide smile, "Ever since our fist year of highschool."
Minji 'wow'ed and seemed very interested in our past, "How did you two meet?"
Another weird memory. I swear, almost every moment with ______ is a guaranteed adventure.

Back to our first year, 13 years old.

Geez, first year of highschool. Finally. I'm glad.

I groaned mentally as I stepped into the school's corridor.
"Hi!!! This is your first year too?! We're in the same class!" A voice echoed loudly among the other first year students.

Ew... Sigh, another noisy kid. How clichè

"Hey! Min Yoongi right?" She gave me a small wave.
For some apparent reason, my disgust faded away. Just like that.
"Suga, yup! I think Suga is a cool name for you!" She smiled widely.
Giving my usual face, I just nodded, "Yeah. Thanks for the new name when I don't even know yours."
She didn't look hurt or anything but bowed more than 90°, "______!"

I snickered at how formal she could be for a 13 year old.
"Go away, let me listen to my HipHop songs." I said just above a whisper.
She flashed another toothy smile.

How does her face not feel tired after how long of smiling?!

"I like Hip Hop too! Have you heard of," she stated a long list of hip hop artists that I've never heard of.
My eyes widened at her knowledge of hip hop and at that moment. I felt like we knew each other since kids.
"Say, are we even friends?" She asked me while we unconsciously walked together to our first class.
I gave her my gummy smile, "I guess we are now."

"Wow. I didn't know Suga was like that." Minji's eyes widened.
She laughed and sipped on her drink, "He has always been like that. Looks like he found the right woman to marry. You two, I swear, look so cute together! For your marriage, fighting!" She should us a supportive sign which made us both smile widely.

After a few hours of the girls chatting, we felt like it was time for _____ to rest since she has been talking and talking without being able to rest.
"And this is your room." We showed her the room she'll be staying in since she's here for two weeks.
It was a simple room, white walls, a single bed with a table beside it. A desk by the window and a bathroom.
"Thanks for letting me stay." She said giving Minji a tight hug.
"Don't mention it! We'll be more than happy to let you stay!" Minji and I chorused.

She bowed and we closed the door.
"I really like your best friend." Minji hugged my arm as we headed off to our bedroom.
"I'm glad. I bet she'll be happy if you call her unnie. _____ always wanted a younger sister." I suggested to my girlfriend.
Her eyes glittered and hummed, "Yeah."

Sooooo... How do you like this chapter? It's a short fanfic so... Yeah ^^

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