skirts | ot4

By focusonlwt

141K 4.5K 2K

luke loves skirts and mikey, cal, and ash love him More

1. One Direction
2. Netflix
3. I like Luke
4. Secrets
5. Gender fluid
6. Comfort
7. Brandon
8. Confusion
9. Lukes proposal
10. Band meeting
11. Made In The A.M.
This is kindaish important (not an update)
Character ask
13. I love you
Character answers
14. Embarrassment
15. Kfc
New fanfic
16. Hired - well, almost

12. Low self esteem

5.1K 194 158
By focusonlwt

"Do you guys know any good smut to read?" Luke asks from where he was sitting at the table waiting for Ashton to finish cooking breakfast, not looking up from his phone once.

"Why do you read that gay shit?" Michael asks, raising his eyebrows slightly.

"Well Michael, maybe because I'm gay and I enjoy reading about Harry getting it up the ass."

"Guys stop it, Larry isn't even real," Calum then pauses, "and plus, Louis is totally a bottom!"

"What the fuck is wrong with you, Louis isn't a bottom," Ashton shouts slightly, from where he standing at the stove.

"And you guys say you don't like one direction." Luke smirks.

"We don't like their music, but we have opinions of who tops, okay?" Calum says looking up from his phone long enough to glance at Luke.

"Alright chill," Luke replies defensively.

"Guys, I'm gonna go have a shower, save me some food," Michael sighs standing up from the table.

"It's odd for you to leave when there's food about to be out out, but okay" Ashton replies.

Michael walks to the bathroom incredibly slow, since he just woke up and he really wasn't in the mood for walking.

When Michael finally gets to the bathroom on the second floor he's out of breath. Wow that's a lot of steps. Michael shuts the door behind him and takes off his shirt, and looks in the mirror. He sighs over dramatically at his appearance.

You see, Michael wasn't always this disappointed in his body. It all started when he was about  15 when his ex best friend called him fat and he actually believed it. Ever since then Michael believed he was fat, when in reality he was perfect. The boys always try to tell him how perfect he is but he never listens to them.

Michael finally gets in the shower and finishes up quickly so he can go eat some food before the other boys do.

When Michael gets out of the shower he sees there's two pieces of bacon and half an egg left. What kind of a sicko leaves half an egg. Michael is going to have to kick some ass.


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