A little piece of me

By CallMeMalfoy

4.9K 138 133

Some amateur poems and the occasional rant. Titles with *** at the end are my personal favorites More

A little piece of me - 1
a little piece of me - 2
a little piece of me - 3
a little piece of me - 4
a little piece of me - 5
a little piece of me - 6
Bradleigh <3
Bridgette <3333
This is just an experiment
a little piece of me - 14
Colby :\
a little piece of me - chapter 16
a little piece of me - chapter 17
Misery is Bliss
a little piece of me - 19
a little piece of me - 20
a little piece of me - 21
My Dannie Phantom </3
a little piece of me - 23
a little piece of me - 24
a little piece of me - 25
A little piece of me - 26
A little piece of me - 27 ***
The Light at the End of the Tunnel
The Truth.
Positivity ***
A little piece of me - 31 ***
A little piece of me - 32
A little piece of me - 33
Just thinking
a little piece of me - 35
A little piece of me - 36
A little piece of me - 37 ***
a little piece of me - 38
a little piece of me - 39 ***
A little piece of me - 40
A little piece of me - 42
A little piece of me - 44
I'm a rapper. Get at me.
Another rap?
Just need to get something off of my chest.
A little piece of me - 48
A little piece of me - 49
A little piece of me - 50
A little piece of me - 51
A little piece of me - 52
A little piece of me - 53
A little piece of me - 54

a little piece of me - 13

120 4 0
By CallMeMalfoy

Wow can you guys believe this is already my 13th poem? It doesn't feel like I've written that many. But I must say that this next poem is probably my favorite so far. It's not like the others with the tales of broken hearts or lost loves or friendship. This poem tells about how I believe the world should be. It doesn't really start out that way because I'm just kinda painting the picture. I'm trying to get you to imagine me being the ruler of some sort for this little place we call Earth. So please tell me what you think (: Do you guys agree with my views or disagree? I hope you enjoy <3

Imagine I’m the ruler of this entire town,

Call me your majesty,

I wear the crown.

Living life like I never had before,

Taking on the world,

Not knowing what’s in store.

Bow down to your ruler,

The almighty saint,

The martyr of the Eastern shore.

Running this place,

The way I know best,

All peace and love; No war.

No singling people out

For being gay or bi or queer.

No outcast in the corner,

Crying silent tears.

When I’m the master of this place,

Everyone’s treated equal.

No discrimination against a certain race,

Because we are all people.

People with lives and dreams and hopes,

No matter what they are.

Shore to shore,

Coast to coast,

We’re all under the same stars.

Look into the night sky and tell me what you see.

Do you see a moon and stars, just like me?

There are people out there who just don’t understand,

We’re all the same.

Black or white,

Gay or straight,

No need to be ashamed.

You are who you are,

And that’s perfectly okay.

Because despite what others try to tell you,

We were all born this way.

If I were ruler of this world,

There would be safe streets.

There’d be happy homes and clean air,

And the world would live in peace.

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