Islamically Yours

By veiledservant

12.6K 1.1K 377

There is not a word that exists that describes the amount of zeros in my bank account. I make 35 million dol... More

Chapter One ~ Dark Waters
Chapter Two ~ Shocking Truth
Chapter Three ~ Night Prayers
Chapter Four ~ Psych 101
Chapter Five ~ Money Talks
Chapter Six ~ Boxing Bag?
Chapter Seven ~ Progress Progress
Chapter Eight ~ Breaking Barriers
Chapter Ten ~ Changes
Chapter Eleven ~ New Friend

Chapter Nine ~ Melting Hearts

731 82 10
By veiledservant

• Bismillahirahmanalrahim •

Please if you guys haven't prayed yet make sure you stop reading, pray and return. This story can wait but Allah (swt) only knows that time doesn't.

Enjoy reading and May Allah (swt) grant all those reading this firdous.

Your Sister In Islam
Rayyaan's POV
As I sat and wrote down Mr Summer's progress report, my mind began to lose itself in though. Adam was doing well, that was a given and his progress was simply mashallah. It had been a month since we started therapy and he as already able to stand on his own as well as take small steps. He also seemed to be much happier as I heard from the staff as well as his time with me but it was more than that. When Adam first arrived no one wanted to help him. They all told me I was stupid for even trying with him. Despite having not dressing in clothes that demanded attention he still received it through other means. His aura screamed male dominance and in a female dominated field that was very off putting. I mean sure you had the usual crushes and what not but for the most part he was hated in the hospital and trust me, that wasn't a trait you wanted to attain. Don't ask me why I choose to specifically rehabilitate him. But I was a firm believer in Qada' and Qadar (Devine destiny) and so I knew there was a purpose for this. I have faith in him.

Adam's POV
As much as I wanted to deny it, I couldn't. I was a changed man. In the short span of a month I felt more like myself again than I had in years. And it seemed that the people around me seemed to realise it too. No longer did the nurses run from me or give me death glares. And my relationship with Uncle Osama was growing everyday.

He told me tales of his war torn country, people he had met, experiences he had and the most intriguing, his religion. I mean I wasn't going to convert or anything, I was too messed up for even God. But there was something about Islam that brought a sense of tranquility to my heart. I think I could even say that I was growing very fond of Uncle Osama and that he had a special place in my complex heart.

My thoughts were suddenly interrupted when I saw Uncle Osama being wheeled in the room after his fault assessment. My face instantly lit up as I saw those familiar eyes and endlessly moving lips. Remembrances he called them, constantly in remembrance of God, it was truly amazing.

His bed resumed its usual spot next to mine and the curtain lay on the side a long unused barrier...

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