Immobile......[BW/Biracial Ma...

De nikkib101

261K 5.3K 938

🎆🎇 A New After Hours Romance🎆🎇 *SNEAK PEEK ONLY* Lena Rae is a stripper, one that just strips for money... Mais

20 Questions(Part 1)
20 Questions (Part Two)
Thank You's....
Immobile 2


23.6K 689 140
De nikkib101

24 year old Lena Rae sat in front of her vanity mirror, getting ready for her set at 'Delicious Selections', a strip club in Atlanta, Georgia. It was the strip club she worked at, the place were she only came to make money, not comrades. Lena wasn't one of those girls that stripped to strip, she only stripped to take care of herself. She stripped at night and went to school in the mornings, bettering herself. Why stripping you might ask? Well, because.... It was quick and fast and she had bills to pay.

Living in Atlanta , Georgia was not easy, especially if you lived on your own, with no one to support you. She had school and a apartment to pay for, she needed quick money. Of course , she got financial aid from going to community college, but that still wasn't enough. After she paid for classes and book fees, she hardly had any money left for herself. Yes, she tried the traditional job route, but of course, they were looking for someone more experienced than her. She would have been more experienced if.....

he would have let her live.....

Be free.....

But, he didn't....

Lena pushed the painful thoughts away as she continued getting ready. Reaching out, she grabbed some blush and dusted it on her high cheekbones, then sat the blush back in its place. Retrieving some mascara, she dabbed a little over her long lashes, making her brown eyes stand out. Picking up a little natural colored lipstick, she smeared it over her lips neatly, then rubbed then together, making sure the product was deposited evenly. Once she was done with her makeup, she began focusing on her hair. Turning on her flat iron, she waited for a few seconds before bringing it to her soft , wavy hair, straightening it smoothly. After making sure all of her wavy locs were straight, she stood, checking out her blue baby doll ensemble. It was lacy and sheer, showing the outline of her body, but the breast cups were completely covered with ruffles.

"Lena, you're on!" suddenly, Channing, the stage manager burst through the dressing room, alerting her.

"I'm coming...." she said, giving herself one more once over as Channing nodded, then left. She turned and walked toward the door, heading to the back of the stage. Taking a deep breath, she waited for Channing to introduce her to the roaring crowd out front.

"Now , coming to the stage, the delicious, the delectable, sensual..... Lena!!!" she pushed through the curtains of the stage, walking up the steps as the club cheered for her. Ciara's 'Body Party' began to boom through the speakers as Lena started gyrating her hips, moving closer to the pole as she did so. Reaching out, she gripped the pole as Ciara sung to her, pulling her body forward as she swayed her hips seductively. Releasing the pole , she turned around, pressing her back to it as she lifted her arms and rolled her hips. Reaching behind herself, she undid the hooks of her bra, making a big show as she took it off, throwing it over to the edge of the stage, a bald, old man catching it.

Men cheered and clapped for her, some throwing money, her conscience laughing at them.


They actually thought she enjoyed doing this for them, when in reality , she only did it for the money. Why take a job you didn't enjoy? Again, it was fast money and it amused her how desperate some of these men were just to see a half-naked woman. She danced against the pole , her body making love to it as if it were an actual man. Once the song was over, she covered her breast as she took a bow, breathing heavily.

Exiting through the backstage , she made her way to the dressing room, ready to change out of her set clothing. Once there, she changed into a black lingerie and robe set, putting her blue baby doll in the duffle bag under her vanity. Leaving the dressing room, she made her way to the front, making a beeline towards the bar. Plopping down on a bar stool, she sighed.

"Lee, you were wonderful, baby!" she smiled as Mitch, the bartender, praised her. Mitch was also the manger and owner of the bar, but he had a bartenders license, so he was known to work the bar on most nights.

"Thank you, you know I try." she said, shrugging her shoulders.

"Nah, baby, it comes natural with you, you're a natural sex goddess. All you did was take off your bra and you had these knuckleheads going crazy. You're magical, babe!" Mitch told her, shaking his head, which caused her to roll her eyes.

"I'm not magical, they're just stupid." she huffed, then chuckled. Mitch shook his head then proceeded to take her order. Lena ordered a scotch on the rocks, with only two cubes of ice. Once Mitch brought it over to her, she guzzled it down, then slammed the glass on the bar counter, sighing.

"Time to get to work!" she said, hopping off of the stool. Turning , she looked around the club, trying to find a patron that wasn't already with one of her coworkers. Lena wasn't the type to make friends on the job. She spoke to her coworkers, of course, but she didn't make friends with them. Making friends with people that hardly knew you, but wanted to know all your business, was not idea.

She knew.....

Because she went through it....

Spotting a patron that wasn't preoccupied, she sauntered over, fake, sexy smile on her face.

"Hey, big boy, need some company?" she asked, watching in amusement as the man blushed furiously. The was a typical patron. Nice suit, big watch, costly shoes and completely smitten with her.

"L-L-Lena? Hi... Sit down, please!" he said, making space for her.

"Well, don't mind if I do..." she said, taking a seat.

"You were amazing ,Lena, I couldn't take my eyes off of you." the man said, cooing to her, making Lena's stomach churn.

"Thank you, what's your name, handsome?" she asked, smiling sweetly.

"Donovan, it's Donovan." the man she now knew as Donovan , said.

"That's a very robust name, Donovan, I like it. Do you come here often?" she asked him, beginning to play with his fingers that were clasped together.

"Yes, but only to see you, Lena..." Donovan said, gazing into her eyes deeply.

"Oh, is that so? Do you enjoy my sets?" she asked, honestly wanting to know.

"Yes, you're wonderful..... But...." Donovan froze, causing Lena to raise a brow.

"But, what, Donovan?" she questioned in fake sincerity.

"But, I don't like it, I wish you wouldn't just showcase your body to these pigs..... Lena, I love you..... I really love you...." Donovan said tenderly as Lena tried hard not to roll her eyes. How many times had a patron professed their love to her?


But, she knew it wasn't love, just infatuation.

"And, when did you first find this out?" Lena asked curiously, deciding to toy with Donovan.

"When I first saw you on stage..... You were so....beautiful.... I knew I had to have you for myself. Lena, you don't have to do this, I'm a very rich man and I can take care of you, all you have to do is be with me." Donovan said, making Lena's brain take a trip to the past.....

"Let me take care of you, Lena, let me make you happy.... Let me love you..." Tanner , her first love said, holding her tightly.

"Tanner, I don't know... We just met and I feel like everything is moving so fast. Please, give me time to think." she pleaded, looking into his eyes as she caressed his cheek.

"Lena, I just want you to move in with me! I hate living so far from you! Why won't you just agree?" Tanner said sadly.

"Because.... If I move in with you, I have to quit my job and I'm not ready for that. I just moved out of my parents house and I want to be independent, Tanner, I don't want to depend on you." she told him truthfully.

"But, babe, I want you to depend on me! I want you to need me! I'll take care of you, Lena, you'll never have to worry about anything...." Tanner told her lovingly, stroking her long hair.

"Will I be able to keep my job? I mean, are you willing to take me everyday?" she asked, causing Tanner to nod adamantly.

"I'll think about it, Tanner, nothing's set in stone. And, I have to talk to my parents, okay?" she said honestly, then smiled a little, leaning in to kiss him......

"Lena? Lena?" Lena blinked her eyes rapidly, coming back to reality.

"Oh, I'm sorry, Donovan, but I can't. It's not permitted for patrons and employees to date, it creates problems. I'm very sorry, sweetie, but if I weren't working here, I'd take you up on that offer." she lied, reaching out to rub his chin gently.

"But, Lena, I love you, I can take care you...." Donovan said as Lena pulled her hand away, then stood, smiling sadly.

"I know you can, honey, but I don't want to be taken care of...." she said, then turned and walk off, toward the bar. How many times had Tanner said that? How many times had he promised he would take care of her.....

Love her.....

But, he didn't.....

He turned into a monster....

Her eyes fluttered as she raced to the bar, needing a drink desperately. Taking a seat at the bar, she called Mitch over.

"Hey, kid, you alright?" he asked, voice filled with concern.

"Yea, just get me another scotch.....please..." she finished, being polite. She wasn't going to take out her frustrations on Mitch, he was too nice. He never gave her any crap for not speaking to the other girls, which she was thankful for. And, he didn't mind her drinking on the job. She smiled sadly as Mitch threw her a tight smile, then went about making her drink. Placing it in front of her, he leaned against the edge of the bar, rocking slowly.

"I know you're a little bit...frazzled right now, but I got a call from a client and he wants a girl to do a show for him and a few of his friends." he told her, making her roll her eyes in aggravation.

"What's Tamika doing, can't she go?" Lena asked, speaking of one of the most requested girls at the club.

"Nah, she's already doing a private show in the back." Mitch rebutted, shaking his head.

"What about Nancy? I'm sure she wants to make a little extra money." Lena said, grabbed her scotch, drinking it down. She wanted the extra money, but she'd rather make her extra money here, at the club. She didn't trust doing private dances at a clients home, god knows what could happen.

"Nancy's about to do a set, so she can't. Come one, Lena! You know you need the money...." Mitch chided, making her frown. She did need the money actually. Her cable bill was past do because she had to pay the electric bill and didn't have money to pay both, so she paid the bill that was most past due, which was the electric bill. And, on top of that, she was also backed up on rent. She put forth all her money toward bills, so why weren't they all paid off? Because she wasn't making enough money......

"Alright, where am I headed?" she sighed in defeat, then asked.

"Out in Cumming..." her eyes grew large as Mitch spoke.


But, that's like twenty miles from here!

"Mitch, you know I can't go all the way out there! By the time I get back, this place will be closed! How am I suppose to get your money to you, hmm?" she questioned, talking with her hands frantically.

"Lena, calm down. The client said he'll pay you extra for your travel and you can keep the money over night , then give it to me in the morning, ok? I trust you." Mitch said softly, giving her googly eyes. Lena huffed and shook her head, knowing that tonight was going to be long. Getting up, she walked to the back of the club to prepare, her heels clicking against the hard wood floor of the club.

Coming to the dressing room, she opened the door and stepped in, going over to her vanity. She bent down and grabbed her duffle bag, then fixed her posture, opening the bag. Looking inside, she made sure she had wipes, body wash , condoms and a extra pair of street clothing, for when she was done with her outside client. Deciding not to change, she gave herself a once over before throwing her duffle bag over her shoulder and making her way toward the door of the dressing room.......

Lena huffed in a tired manner as her cab pulled up to a gorgeous three story house. It was white with pillars holding up the top and bottom half of the house, giving it a very presidential feel. It was very grand with its manicured lawn and bird fountain. It was certainly nice....

Rolling her eyes, she reached out, pushing the cab door open and got out. Mitch had already paid for her fair here, but her client was most certainly paying her way back. She walked up the cobble stone path that led to the house, feeling strange. This was her first private show outside of 'Delicious Selections', so she was very nervous....

Very nervous....

Coming to the door, she lifted a fist and knocked timidly. Swallowing hard as she heard a noise behind the door, she braced herself, putting on a fake, seductive smile. The door opened, revealing a red haired freckled face man, about in his late thirties. Lena tried to hide her surprise, but she couldn't. She tilted her head to the side as she took in his features, never remembering having the pleasure of seeing a red head.

"Surprised? My teachers use to say my brother and I were the devil!" the red head laughed, making her blush furiously from being caught staring.

"Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to.... " she stammered, looking down at his dress shoes. They were alligator skin....

Hmm, fancy.....

"How about you come in , so we can get the party started, hmm?" the red head said, reaching out for her and pulling her through the threshold to her surprise.

"My name's Paul, by the way. What's yours , gorgeous?" Paul asked , hand pressed deeply into the small of her back.

"Uh, I, Lena.... Lena is my name. It's very nice to meet you , Paul." she stammered, then collected herself, finishing politely.

"Well, do you sing , Lena, like your namesake?" Paul questioned, referring to Lena Horne as he guided her through the living room, toward the den, where the party was being hosted.

"Uh, no, I don't, I have a terrible voice." Lena said, giggling nervously as they came to stand in front of a den , lights low inside the room.

"But, you do have a beautiful body, now don't you?" Paul asked seductively, running a finger up her chin. Lena swallowed hard, feeling strange. She was about to dance for a room full of horny man....

Without her fellow dancers.....

Without Mitch.....

Without protection....

"I, um, have to go change, so I can get comfortable. Where's the bathroom?" she asked in a tight voice, her palms sweating.

"Sure, of course! It's right down the hall, to the left." Paul said, pointing to the entrance of the hall that was only a few feet away.

"Ok, thank you, I'll only be a second." Lena reassured, getting ready to turn, but Paul stopped her.

"Don't take to long, Beautiful, we can't wait to see that body of yours...." he said, eyes filled with desire. He released her as she blushed feverishly, turning to head to the bathroom. Lena made her way to the bathroom, following Paul's directions. Once there, she changed into a baby blue bra and panty set , she kept concealed in the side pocket of her duffle bag, in case she ran out of outfits on the nights she worked. Each girl at 'Delicious Selections' did about two shows a night and worked the floor, so they needed extra changing clothes. Opening her black robe, she pulled it off, then took off her black lingerie set, exchanging it for her baby blue set.

Bending down and taking off her black heels, she threw them in the bag, then began to rustle around in it, looking for her pepper spray. She pulled it out and kissed it, then put it back in her duffle bag, zipping it up. Throwing it over in the corner, she turned toward the mirror and looked at her reflection.

Ok, here goes nothing...

Stepping toward the bathroom door, she opened it and stepped out, closing the door behind herself. Walking down the hall, then turning the corridor, she came back to the living room, gazing at the den nervously. Taking cautious steps forward, she came to stand in front of the den, her heart beating quickly.

"So, this must be her? You weren't lying when you said she was stunning, Paul." suddenly a red head appeared, similar to Paul, but not him.

"Yes, brother, she's quite a delicious creature...." Paul popped up out of nowhere, making her place a hand over her heart, trying to steady her breathing as she took in the two men before her.

They were twins....

Red headed, freckled face twins.


Double shock!

"Lena, this is my brother Phillip, he was wondering about you..... What was taking you so long?...." Paul said, reaching out for her, running a finger down her arm.

"I, Uh, was just taking a breather." Lena said tensely, then swallowed as the twins smiled at her devilishly.

"No need to be nervous, love, we just want you for us.... All three of us..." Phillip said huskily, making her skin hum. Wait, there was another twin? Lena furrowed her brow as Paul dropped his finger from her arm, grabbing her hand as Phillip did the same to her other, guiding her into the den gently. Lena's eyes strained against the darkness of the room, trying to look around. Her eyes landed on a couch in the middle of the room, seeing a figure looming against the center. She strained more, her eyes adjusting to the lighting somewhat.

She took in the man sitting on the couch, trying to take in his features. He had dark hair, which was about all she could tell in the darkness of the room.

"Lena, this Akylas, a friend of ours." Paul told her, rubbing her back with his free hand. She looked at the dark figure on the couch again, trying to see him.

"Oh, silly me, how about I turn these lights on , so you can see us better...... So we can see you better...." Phillip said seductively, then released her arm, clapping his hands, causing light to flood the den. Lena quickly covered her eyes, shielding them from the bright lights. Slowly, she pulled her arm away and they landed on the man sitting on the sofa. He was big, really big, something reminiscent of a giant. He had luscious dark brown her. His face was chiseled to perfection and he had gloriously high cheekbones and a straight nose.

His caramel eyes were piercing her, looking her over in the same manner she was doing him. He was dressed in all black, making him appear mysterious, which was something she was never drawn to.....

Until now.....

"Oh, Paul, I think she's taking a liking to Akylas. I'm quite hurt...." Phillip joked, sporting a mock pout as Lena pulled her eyes away from Akylas, to look at him.

"Well, since our precious Lena is so eager to began, let's start!..... What kind of music would you like , dear?" Paul asked, whispering in her ear.

"Um, I don't really need any...." she stammered nervously as Phillip and Paul released her, nodding at her request. They walked over to the couch, sitting down on either side of Akylas.

"Shall we begin?" Phillip asked, raising a brow, bringing his hand together, but not clapping fully. Lena stepped over to the center of the room before nodding, her arms wrapped around herself.

"Don't worry, Lena love, we don't bite....Yet...." Phillip said, then clapped his hands, dimming the lights. Swallowing hard, Lena slowly released the hold she had on herself nervously, and began to sway her hips, throwing her head to the side, causing her hair to cover her face. Dancing along to the imaginary song in her head, she turned around, throwing her head back, her nerves calming down. Shaking her bottom a little, she bent forward, giving the men a full view of her thong clad intimates. A hiss emanated from the couch, then a muttered curse followed.

Lena straightened her form, then lifted her arms, undoing her bra snaps. With her back still facing the men, she pulled her bra straps down her arm and threw it over her shoulder, hearing a howl. She gyrated her body, sweat accumulating over her frame as she moved , as three sets of eyes burned into her back. Turning around, her hair still in her face, she rubbed her hands up her thighs and swirled her hips, her dance coming to an end.

"That's it?" Phillip and Paul said in unison, looking at her in disbelief, while Akylas only stared.

"Yes, I never take off my underwear during a show." she said, telling the truth.

"What about at the club?" Paul asked her, brow raised.

"No..." she shook her head.

"Why not?" Phillip asked curiously, brow furrowed. She looked a the twins ,wearing two different looks.

"I, uh, just don't..... " Lena said, covering her breast.

"Well, for the price we're paying, you shouldn't have a problem it..... We would very much like to see.... All of you...." Paul said, eyes burning with lust.

"How about it, Lena? We'll even pay you extra on top of your traveling expenses.... What do you say? Just a little peek...." Phillip said huskily, making Lena blush crimson. She was not about to go against the rules she had set for herself for a little extra money, it was demoralizing. But, they were paying her extra.

Keyword: extra....

Slowly, Lena reached down for her underwear, looping her hands through the elastic. Pulling her panties down, she kick them off, swallowing back her nerves.

"Come here..." Paul said, cocking his finger at her. Timidly, she stepped over to them, her palms becoming moist. Reaching out, Paul pulled her down into his lap, groping her roughly, making her moan unexpectedly. She blushed as Akylas stared her down while Paul felt her up. She pulled out of his lap quickly, her breathing labored.

"I can't, I only came to dance. I don't have sex with clients..." she told them, shaking her head. Some girls had sex during their private shows, but she had yet to, although Mitch did make her bring condoms. He made all the girls take condoms with them during their outside shows.

"For the amount we're paying for you, it wouldn't hurt for you to break one rule for us, would it?" Phillip asked, snidely, raising a brow at her.

"I don't care how much you're paying me, I'm not sleeping with you.... I just can't..." she said in rush, then turned, picking her lingerie up off the floor, showing her intimate parts, which caused Phillip and Paul to moan, while Akylas stayed silent.

His eyes roamed over Lena's backside as he clenched his jaw, his new-found hard-on pressing against his dark denim jeans. Akylas Reynolds hadn't had a erection in five years, and he most certainly wasn't expecting a stripper to make him raise to the occasion, surprising and shocking him. Akylas was in the military for ten years when he suffered extreme injuries from war, in Iraq. The tank that he in his fellow troops were in was bombed unexpectedly and a number of his comrades perished.

But, he didn't.....

It was something he had to live with since the explosion.....

And, on top of that, the explosion had caused alot of problems.....



And, erectile dysfunction.....

Something he only shared with the twins, his two best friends since grade school....

But, there was someone else who knew of his condition.....

A girl, one he thought about in battle relentlessly, the memory of her keeping him going. But, when he was discharged from the Marines and he went to her.....

She shunned him.....

Saying that he wasn't a man anymore.....

Crushing him.....

Ever since the accident and being shamed, he never thought to look at a woman for enjoyment.....

But, Lena was different to him.....

She was so sexy, but timid, although she tried to conceal it.....

He still saw it.....

And, it excited him.

Whoever heard of a timid stripper?


His penis pressed against his pants, causing him to hiss inwardly, watching as Lena put her clothing on. She turned and gazed at he, Phillip and Paul expectantly.

"What is it that you need, Lena love?" Akylas smiled as Paul played stupid, raising a brow at the tiny brown woman standing in the middle of the den.

"My money!" Lena spoke in a sassy tone, narrowing her eyes.

"Now, Lena, you didn't give us a, so why should we reimburse you in full?" Phillip asked slickly, eyes roaming up her body.

"Because, contrary to your words, I gave you a show.... A full show! And, did you forget, you made me drive twenty miles out of my comfort zone to dance for you? You owe me! Just pay me so I can get the hell out of here...." Lena huffed, then sighed, squaring her shoulders. Akylas felt his cock twitch as she huffed in aggravation, the sound delighting his ears. He wondered what she sounded like huffing in pleasure.....

"Okay, Lena love, okay. Here, doll...." Paul said, pulling out his wallet and opening it, snatching ten hundred dollar bills out. Handing the money out, Paul lifted a brow as Lena looked at him cautiously. She swallowed as she stepped over to him, reaching for the money. Quickly, Paul pulled her into his lap, trapping her there by holding her against his hard chest.

"Now, what do we say, Lena?" he chided, making her shiver.

"Thank you..." she said slowly, causing the twins to beam.

"Let us call you a taxi, Lena. Don't want someone....snatching you up, now do we?" Phillip said seductively as he stood, pulling out his phone to dial the cab service.

"I have to go change..." Lena murmured, pulling out of Paul's lap. She eyed Paul, then Akylas, his caramel eyes bearing into her. Turning abruptly, she made her toward the exit of the den and walked out, going to the bathroom to change, money in hand. Pushing the bathroom door open, she stepped in and over to her duffle bag. She opened it, beginning to change into her street clothing. Once done, she zipped her bag up and threw it over her shoulder, gazing at her reflection in the mirror. She shook her head at what she saw.

A whore, just like Tanner use to call her....

And, he was right.....

She almost let herself slip away in that room with the twins and Akylas.....

Akylas, that was Greek and he did look Greek....

There was something else about him though, something she couldn't put her hands on. A knock sounded at the door , making her jump in surprise.

"Lena love, your cab is here. Not playing with yourself, are we?" she rolled her eyes at the sound of Phillip's voice, knowing he was the more forward twin. Reaching out, she turned the knob and pulled the door open, revealing Phillip.

"Let me escort you to the door, love." he said, grabbing her hand as he turned. Lena followed him towed the door, not saying a word. Phillip opened the front door, smiling at her like a Cheshire cat. She furrowed her brow, about to walk out when he stopped her.

"Thank you, Lena love...." he said softly, rubbing a knuckle down her chin, leaving her confused.

"For what? I only danced for you...." she said, making Phillip chuckle.

"You'll find out soon enough.... Goodnight, gorgeous...." he said sweetly, winking. Lena rolled her eyes and walked out, toward the cab, not even looking back, knowing Phillip was checking her out from behind. Coming to the cab, she opened the door and slid in, her eyes trailing to the house, seeing Phillip grinning evilly. Lena huffed and rolled her eyes.

Sick bastard.....

"Where to, lady?" the cabbie asked, looking at her through the rearview mirror. "Atlanta...." Lena huffed, crossing her arms tiredly as the cabbie nodded, pulling off from the curb......

Continue lendo

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