Taming My Beast

By LetiNav

1K 20 7

Helena Van Donken a 23 year old female, of Dutch heritage, lives in the bright city of New York. However her... More

Taming My Beast

Taming My Beast: Chapter One

316 10 4
By LetiNav

                                                       Taming My Beast

                                                           Chapter 1

-Lukos Mevrick-

A shrill beastly yell filled the open plain. To call it a yell was an understatement, it was more a high pleading howl for mercy. The poor soul was all but begging for death; for an escape from the unjust nightmare of blood and pain it had had to suffer through. I honestly felt sorry for it. Truly and honestly so. It made my heart ache and teeth clench in both angry and misery at the unfairness of it. But then so was life. It was just one cruel unfair game given to us.

           A bright full mood rolled through the sky; illuminating everything in a somewhat silver glow. It sure as hell did make my body tingle for a hunt -like it always did. Adding the torture underlying below along my beastly instincts buzzing, it was a complete miracle that I was still in my human form. At present I hid behind the shrouding brush watching the cruel torture of a young wolf unfold. The trees and bushes that hid me were upon a sort of cliff and below was a large pit , to which the torture was happening. The whole area smelt like pollen and the very essence of nature. It was hard to describe exactly what that smelt like, it was a mixture of bitter and sweat and a crisp fresh smell along with a few unsavory ones. I did enjoy being in nature's embracing arms more than in being in a city, it gave my beast a better chance to break free. Go wild as some would say. Heck the city was full of too many prying eyes.

          I clenched my fists and ground my teeth as another ear piercing howl echoed through the soundless night. I wanted to scream, run down there and rip the bloody humans limb by limb for the cheek of their actions.

          I would never like, nor understand humans. They were cruel, rabid bastards whom destroyed anything that seemed like a threat. The werewolf population had been dimming and dimming over the generation as humans took it upon themselves to exterminate any werewolf that came into their path. Well not every human knew of their existence, heck if you told most of werewolves they would call you insane. However those who did know tortured any form of my kind...female, male, child, and elderly. It mattered not if they shifted; if they were different they were simply killed.

           A crackling of twigs and swaying of leaves appeared from the left of me. My head whipped around, my sensitive eyes focused; searching for whomever it could have possibly been. It appeared to be a man stood in the distant, a frightened look pointed to where he had stood on a twig; in his hand was a gun. A pretty mean looking one at that. I let out a low warning growl that erupted from the back of my throat.

         I crouched on all fours; tucked my hand beneath the large black leather jacket I wore and pulled out a blade that I kept attached to my black leathers. The blade fit perfectly in my large hands. I removed the leather pouch placed around it for protection, and smirked to myself. It was time for my first kill of the night and I was sure as shit going to enjoy it.

          "Party time," I muttered under my breath and broke out at an animal paced sprint. I dashed soundlessly through the trees and bushes; using the darkness night offered as a blanket. I was one with nature: soundless, fast and deadly. I did not shift into wolf form as I went after him, as shifting tended to cause more attention than I needed. Instead my strong wolf spirit guided me in my human form; making me the perfect killer. The idiot who had even thought of killing me was in for a fricking nasty surprise.

         I approached the man who was still fluffing about from making a slight noise.

         "Hay there! Looking for me right?" I said shooting him a glimpse of my fangs. His eyes grew wide; the electric blue vibrant with fear. He opened his mouth to possibly yell but never got to finish as I stuck a blade straight through his throat. He was an amateur; nothing more than a simple child. He was obviously not cut out for killing.

          The boy slumped to the floor; that tangible odor of blood rising into the air. I could feel the iris's in my eyes swirl and change, probably turning into a dark amber glow. My beast was all but screaming to be released and now that the first attack had been made, I was willing to comply. I ran down the steep slope, almost on all fours, my hands twitching and eyes dangerously alert. I was hungry, starving in fact for a fight. Call it animal instinct if you will but it was a hunger and if left unsatisfied it could be fatal.

          As my legs rushed down the slope, dust formed in thick bushes around me and it was all I could do not to start a coughing fit. Bushes and trees were still aligned in a abstract structure even on the slope; causing me to dodge and jump and dash past various plant life. The night air was a gentle caress against my skin, but as I heaved big breaths it seemed to scorch my lungs. It was painful and yet soothing at the same time, how odd?

         In one final hurdle I landed smoothly in the center of the pit. The humans, whose hands were gripped on large pointed sticks and blades, looked up from the bounty torturing and gave me a hard menacing stare. I simply shot him what I know to be my most devilish grin before shifting into the howling beast I am at heart.

          The air seemed to ripple and buzz at the simple overwhelming power of the shift. The men shrank back in horror at the sight of my fully transformed wolf self. I knew I was larger than most, but than again I was older than most. The men soon regained their composure however and raised their guns and blades. There were about six of them in total; all rather medium size and all rather boring and ordinary. I let out a vicious growl and bared my teeth before leaping into the air and landing, quite elegantly, onto two of the men at once. I sank my teeth into their hard warm flesh and felt myself get a rush from the thrill. I could feel the sweet metallic taste of human blood run down my throat as it soaked my lips, teeth and gums. Call it savage if you will but I was the hunter and they were the prey.

         I went at the rest with the same sort of ruthlessness I was born to feel. Heck being the sadist S.O.B I was I even took some thrill in killing the humans off. But then again it was all far in this game of war. And it was war wasn't it? A not so common war but a war any way you look at it.

         With a snarling howl I went at the remaining man. He stood proud and tall as though he had any chance taking me on. Though the human could not hid the small quiver of his lip as I let out another howl. Setting myself in a pouncing position I mentally counted to three...slowly and sure.


         My teeth were bared.


          My paws perfectly position.


         My bloody instinct took over. I soared through the air, before leaping unto of the man, whom was then crushed beneath my large weight. The man screamed all sense of pride and bravery lost. I let myself one final chuckle before I tore the mans throat with me teeth. I was overcome with a blind fury that seemed to shake me from head to toe. I was controlled by the anger. Lost to it. It soon subsided however and I was just with hollow satisfaction.

          Yet as I rose I felt a sharp almost fire like pain from my arm. I cursed mentally as my eyes caught the flash of metal. The bastard had managed to stick a knife in my arm during the battle. It was a wonder I had not noticed but the adrenaline rush and closed mindfulness of the kill had been all I had known. I had breathed in the mans fear and therefore my mind had not seemed to register the pain. Now it did.

          With another shrill curse I returned back to my human form. The shift back was never pleasant, in fact the swift movement of bones and the humming of magic made one quite nauseous afterward. With a grunt I shut my eyes and tried to steady myself. My vision seemed to swirl and my legs ached and burned. I did after some time manage to get myself under control. With a sharp intake of breath I rose from my crouched position and stumbled towards the lying tortured wolf.

          As my eyes cast upon it laying there, still as though it was dead, my heart ached in burning rage. The wolf had been a female. A female of slender build and great worth he could tell. During the fight she had been overcome with exhaustion and slipped back into human form. It was horrific however what had been done to her. She was cut open and bleeding and blue. At some point they had seared a poker through her stomach and he could tell her body was fighting to make repairs. She would most likely not make it.

          I bent down carefully and ran a hand across her icy shivering skin. The female wolf let out a gut churning whimper.

          "It's alright," I muttered, "We are kin. I won't harm you,"

          The female seemed to still them. Instead she lay there breathing shallow raspy breaths.

         "Tell me did they tell you anything," I muttered smoothing out her hair.

         "They killed my baby," she whimpered turning her dying face towards him, "I was with child and they just-" He voice broke and she began to weep. I ground my teeth in utter fury. They had not only attacked a tortured a female but a female with child.

         "I am truly sorry." Was all I could say, "but please if they told you anything it would be best you told me,"

         Her tears seemed to dull then; hiccups only remaining.

          "New York," she muttered her breath straining. I could tell by the amount of blood leaving her and strained pasty face she didn't have long.

         "What about New York?" I persisted. She let out a wheezy cough before raising her hand and placing it on my knee.

          "They said they would send my battered corpse to the boss up in-" She never finished the sentence. With one last breathy wheeze all life left the female. With a rigid sigh I reached forward and touched her face, closing her open tortured eyes. My arm still burned from the knife wound but it was nothing compared to the burning vengeance in my heart. Though she had never got to finish her sentence she hadn't needed to. She had told me all I needed to know. It was off to New York where I would find and end the war once and for all.


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