Mayhem [Rules of Protection #...

By IvanaM

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Talia Rose has been on the run for too long. She has nowhere to go but back to her parents' house - not to me... More

Home Sweet Home
Hello Dear Neighbor
Mr. Trainer
Sleeping Beauty Meets The Gym
Under His Protection
The Revelation
Sweetheart in Disguise
Going Out
Flying High
Where Demons Hide
The Fight Club
Safe House
On The Run
Wicked Game
Alliance Made
Gorgeous Criminal
Back In His Arms
Feel For You
Captive to The Unknown
Rescue Me
The Revelation

Saving Hope

182 14 11
By IvanaM




We arrived at the club within ten minutes. Alex was gripping my seat as I drove, poking his head in between the front seats. He tried to coax James into spilling the information, but his eyes never left the road. I didn't consider myself to be a dangerous driver, but at that moment I saw nothing but the blur of color and lights as I built speed exceeding the limit.

Thankfully, very few cars passed by. By the amount of my seat shaking every time I took a sharp turn to avoid slamming into something, I could sense how tense Alex was, holding onto it as if there were nothing else.

I pulled up in the back, sparing a glance at the parked cars in the front. The fight must had finished, but hardly anyone left.

''Remind me to never let you drive again,'' Alex groaned. I patted him on the shoulder as he hopped out of the car, stumbling from a rush of dizziness.

''You okay?''

''Girl, you've played Need for speed too much.'' He extended his neck, grabbing his shoulders in an awkward angle.

''I'm glad you enjoyed the ride, Lexie. Now man up and call your brother, he should've been here already.''

''I thought he was waiting for us outside,'' James spoke. He jogged to us, scanning the perimeter. I wondered if he could see anything beyond the pitch black forest surrounding us. Only the gym's entrance was illuminated by street lamps, I had to leave the car lights on to see where we were standing.

''This is weird. Super weird,'' Alex mumbled. ''Are you sure it was Caden who called you?'' He looked at James expectantly.

''It was his voice,'' James retorted, a hint of annoyance ringing in his voice. One thing I learned about him in the short time we spent together, was that he didn't trust people, yet was offended when being doubted.

Alex didn't notice, or at least didn't show it, and fished out his phone. I saw the back door opening and a figure running into the darkness.

I bolted, going as far as I could see where I stepped on. ''Caden?''

''You should know better than to run to a stranger,'' he growled. His arms were around me in a flash. I pulled him into the light and scanned his body for any injuries, frowning at bloodied knuckles and torn shirt.

''Caden,'' I whispered into his chest as he pulled me into a bear hug, ''you're okay.'' I looked up to meet his eyes, noticing a small cut above his eyebrow.

''You were doubting me?'' His lips spread into a lopsided smirk. ''You know you can't blame me. Did you win?''

His eyes darkened, breaking the contact. I squirmed out of his arms and palmed his face, wanting nothing more than a slow passionate kiss as I stared as his lips.

''He won.''

His disappointment made my heart skip a beat. The world slowed down and for a moment, just a moment, I forgot about Grace. She had Aiden, but Caden only had me.

''Hey, it's okay.'' I rubbed his arms, feeling his tense muscles still quivering from exhaustion. He didn't say anything, refusing to look at me.

''I... I know it meant a lot to you, but you've got to let go. Just because he won doesn't mean he's a better fighter. And, to be honest, I prefer you standing here in one piece rather than sitting by your side in hospital as I watch you writhe in pain.''

''You don't get it, do you?'' His anger took me by surprise. He took my shoulders and shook me, anger radiating from his body. ''By losing that fight, I lost everything. Everything I cared for, except of you. But that isn't much of a consolation when I don't even have a house to live in with you.''

''What are you talking about?'' I had an idea, but I hoped I was wrong.

''He had his eyes on the gym and the club for years. I told him it wasn't for sale so he challenged me to a fight over the ownership. When I refused, he sent his men to my house. They failed to demolish it, as the orders were, and we made it out alive. So he knew I'd do anything to save my gym.''

''Please don't tell me you-''

''I accepted the challenge,'' he cut me off. ''I was defeated before the fight started, but I knew he'd go after you if I hadn't done that.''

''Caden,'' I whispered in disbelief. His pained expression held so much love that it took all of my will not to cry. ''I... I don't know what to say.''

''Then don't say anything. This will stay between us for now. I'll get a job and we'll be back on feet within time, I promise you that.''

I leaned my head on his muscled chest, breathing in his scent. I smiled, knowing I'd never get tired of being in his arms. He inhaled sharply and his hand came up, moving in a soothing circle between my shoulder blades.

His fingers combed my hair and, feeling a strange surge of courage, I stretched up and pressed my lips to his. A tremor coursed through my body as the kiss deepened.

I heard voices in the background, wishing I could press mute and stop it from ruining the moment. Caden's arms tightened around me, fierce passion emanating and wrapping itself around me as a shield. A shield from the future.

I lost the sense of need to breathe. Even though I never really believed in love and had a distinct attitude towards it, I had a feeling Caden might have the power to change that.

I pulled away with a smile, trailing my fingers down his neck. Shades of opal melted in the color of his eyes, staring at me longingly.

''We should go,'' I stated, having finally collected myself. The daze we were in was suddenly broken. I became aware of the moving world around us, saddened by how one beautiful moment was short and all the bad things seemed like an eternity.

''This isn't finished, you know.'' He teased, speaking in a low sexy tone. ''But you're right, it can wait.''

''I certainly hope so. Now, where's Grace? James didn't tell me anything.''

''Aiden sent me a message, saying he's got a lead and is going to an abandoned factory just outside the town.''

''He's going alone?'' I scowled. ''Of course not, he's got backup. He'll be fine, after all he's probably a better fighter than Alex and me.''

''Still, he shouldn't have taken off without us.''

Caden looked troubled. ''He doesn't want us to follow him, but I can't sit here and wait. Don't blame James, I ordered him to keep quiet because I knew you'd get into trouble.''

''Thanks for the vote of confidence,'' I replied dryly. ''What are we waiting for, let's go.'' I turned around on heel, but he grabbed my forearm before I could step forward.

''Not so fast. Promise me you'll be careful out there tonight.''

If I didn't know him well, I'd say he looked distressed. The walls he had been building around him for years have crumbled down, and I wasn't as thrilled as I thought I'd be. His pretending to be tough and invincible led me to the point where I almost fell for it, and I hoped I could someday prove him wrong in a harmless way.

Now that that happened, I saw the other side of the wall wasn't safe either.



Caden didn't let me drive.

Maybe he would've, if Alex hadn't filled him in on my previous racing adventure and added more details than needed.

James stayed awfully quiet, and I decided to join him until we arrived. Alex mapped out all the action, providing us with details about the tactics. He teamed me up with Caden, who growled at my proposal to split.

''What? We'll be faster and cover more area. It'll save us some time.''

''And also get you killed,'' Caden protested. Alex gave me a smile full of pity. ''You're right, but you're Caden's girl. I can't force him to leave you alone when I know I wouldn't do that to my wife either.''

''I'm not his wife yet,'' I objected, ''and I can take care of myself.''

''Just like you did when you got drugged, beaten and shot at.'' Caden remarked, returning to the old himself. I sighed. Why couldn't he be nice for more than two minutes?

''We'll follow the plan,'' James tuned in, ''there's no time for arguing. Whoever has her also has an advantage. He might have company and knows the territory. For all we know, he might have set up traps.''

Finally someone who thought like me. I wanted to agree with him out loud, but after taking a look at Caden, I didn't want to push it.

''We're not dealing with a professional. This guy didn't ask for ransom, didn't send any threatening notes or tapes. It's strange.''

''Strange in a good or a bad way?''

Silence fell over us.


''I don't know, Tal. And I'm afraid I won't know until we get there.''

''I think you should stay in the car, waiting for us. It's not safe,'' James whispered into my ear. He was still affected by his confession and I burned with need to ensure him I'd be okay, but I'd be lying to both of us.

''I'm trained, remember? I appreciate your worry, but I need to be there. Grace needs someone she trusts, a woman.''

I squeezed his hand lightly, ignoring Caden's jealous glare in the rear view mirror.

''All right,'' he gave up. ''I just wanted to you know that if you're uncertain, you better stay safe.''

''I'll be fine,'' I said and offered him the best smile I could muster, ''and so will you.''

''I should be the one protecting you, not the other way around,'' he chuckled. I shrugged my shoulders, leaning away from the window and closer to him.

''We'll watch each other's back, that's the only thing that matters.''

''We're here,'' Caden's voice boomed with power from the front. I smirked, shaking my head at his possessiveness.

I patted my waistband to check if the gun was still there. I wouldn't use it unless necessary, but I hoped I'd find my stalker holding Grace captive, so that I would feel less guilty for harming him. After all, he hadn't only put my life in jeopardy but also Grace', which hurt twice as much.

''Gear up, steer of trouble and don't forget to call for assistance if needed. James, you and I will take the front door.''

''Roger that, boss.'' James said as he opened the door and held it for me.

''Is Aiden here?'' I aksed.

''Yes, we passed by his car. We'll call him if we need to, but I don't want him to know we're here, not until it's necessary.''

I looked up at the building, but there wasn't much to see. The walls looked like they would collapse in any seconds, filled with holes and missing bricks. Wires peeked out of the outer walls, rusty and snapped off.

Caden took my hand and pressed his finger to lips, indicating to stay quiet. James and Alex were already gone, walking soundlessly on the gravel.

I followed Caden's lead. Every time I tried to pry his hand off mine, he only gripped tighter and refused to let go. We circled the building, giving our best at trying not to step into puddles of water and mud flooding the path.

I was confused how anyone would risk entering it, but then I saw the other half hidden from the street was in a better shape, with a roof and solid walls. Wide metal doors secured with a chain and padlock stood in our way, shiny under the moonlight.

Caden cursed, pulling on it without luck.

''There must be another entry,'' I whispered.

He froze. ''Someone's following us. Stay close, ok? Keep your hands on my belt and don't let go.''

I nodded. Suddenly, and idea popped up. I reached into my hair and pulled out a hairpin, letting a lock of hair fall loose from the pony tail.

''You know how to pick a lock?'' Caden asked in disbelief and admiration.

''Well, now you see that six-pack won't solve everything,'' I teased as I worked on the lock. It was a bit harder than expected, my skills turned rusty over months.

''That's why I brought you,'' he said, his reply dripping with sarcasm.

After a few more tries, it finally unlocked and he helped me pull out the chains and set them on the ground without creating noise.

''Good job,'' he praised. ''Now go inside, I'm at your six.''

The metal shrieked as I pushed it, walking on shards of broken glass. I took my small flashlight and turned it on, passing over the room.

''Wait, turn it to the left,'' Caden spoke behind me. I did as he asked and almost jumped from rush of fear as I saw a figure with a bag over the head.

''Grace?'' I called out quietly, aware that someone might be hiding in the shadows.

Caden pushed me behind him and we slowly neared the chair, but I was suspicious that the body didn't move at all. He glanced at me, his hand hovering over the bag and I nodded in approval.

He lifted it off and I gasped.

''What the-'' he cursed.

It was a dummy. I stared in shock, blinking to see if I were dreaming.

''It's a trap,'' I cried out.

A whoosh of air swept over my back, all of my hairs standing up.

''Talia!'' Caden reached out when something grabbed me from the shadows behind. I clawed at the arm holding me immobile against someone's chest, constricting my throat. He was so strong I couldn't cry out.

I was dragged out of the building, through the metal doors we broke in through. Caden ran to us, and I outstretched my arm to catch him, but our fingers only brushed as the man holding me closed the doors and sealed them shut, trapping Caden inside.

I screamed, flailing my legs and arms without thinking. Panic overwhelmed me and my heart twisted at the sound of Caden banging on the door and yelling.

Something sharp pricked my neck and I stopped breathing, dark spots filling my vision. My head was suddenly too heavy to carry and I dropped to my knees, the last thing I saw being a syringe he threw on the ground.

''Sleep, sweet Talia.'' His voice sang into my ear as he swept me into his arms. All of my limbs went numb and, defeated, I collapsed in his arms.

Once upon a time, I thought this would be one of the cases you'd see on the TV. A stalker obsessed by the victim, feeling bonded or somehow seeing it as a wicked way of revenge. This was taking it a step further.

This was mayhem.

I updated a bit early since there was a cliff hanger on the previous chapter, so that I don't keep you waiting again. :)

There are two or three more chapters until the end and I'm really excited about finishing the book and starting a new one. Thank you ever so much for reading and I'll be updating next week.

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