Just Another Zombie Story

By euphoriiaaaa

106 9 27

Just Another Zombie Story. -------------------------------------- Charlene 'Charlie' Santiago lived an ordin... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4

Chapter 2

36 3 7
By euphoriiaaaa

          "I'm home right now with Leland." Alexis responded. Her tone changed into one of worry. "Why? What's wrong? Are mom and dad okay?"

I let out a shaky breath as I got into my car.

"Mom... She's sick. I left her at the hospital. She didn't want me to stay with her. I wanted to stay but she wouldn't let me." I said with a shaky tone." I don't know about dad. I'm about to go and check at his job. Alexis, I need you to pack for yourself  and Leland. Food, clothes, water, and whatever you have that can be used to protect yourself. Lexi, something is going on."

I paused to take in a breath. I didn't quite understand what was happening myself.

"Everyone is going crazy. So please. Don't question me until I come pick you up. Stay somewhere safe. Lock the doors. And don't let anyone in. I repeat, anyone."

A few minutes passed as I heard my sisters shallow breathing. She was nervous and scared, but who could blame her? Fuck, I was too. I waited for her response as I got closer to my dads job.

"Okay." Alexis said. "Okay. Please come quick. I'm scared, sis."

"I know. I am too. I promise I'll be there as soon as I can. Alexis, I love you. Okay? Tell Leland Titi loves him. I'll call in a few minutes to tell you if dad's okay."

After hanging up with my sister, I stepped out of my car and ran inside my dad's work. It was eerily silent at this mechanic shop. Instead of yelling out for my father's name, I silently walked through the gaps between cars. I heard a noise and turned around quickly, finding the area where it came from empty. I continued walking until reaching the back of the shop, where the office resided.

I squirmed at all the blood on the floor. My heart physically hurt at the thought of that being my dads... Or really anyone's blood. Whomever's blood it is, definitely did not make it judging by the amount there was on the floor.

"Dad?" I called out,  quietly. I heard some shuffling coming from a door that divided the office with another extra room where the boss of my father would often be in,  doing paper work.  "Mr. Davidson?"

Seeing a wrench, I grabbed it. I at least wanted to have some sort of protection from whoever, or whatever, was inside of that room. I reached for the doorknob and slowly twisted it. Once I opened the room, I saw the silhouette of a man with his back to me. He turned around, looking straight  at me.

"Mr. Davidson, are you okay?"

There was blood all over him and some poured from his mouth.

"Oh my god." I said, as I spotted the body resting on the floor. A young woman around my age. I recognised her as  Mr. Davidson's granddaughter, Amy.

Before I could even closer  the door and start to  run away, the 68 year old man lurched at me with unexpected speed. He jumped on me, knocking me to the ground. I squirmed and tried pushing him off as he tried to bite into me. The blood in his mouth from his last victim kept dripping on my face as he snarled and aggressively clawed  at me while trying to devour my flesh. I managed to hit him with the large wrench, making him fall next to me. He kept trying to get up, growling. Without much thought, I repeatedly hit him with the wrench until he stopped moving.

I shivered in disgust, much like I had the day before. Only this time I couldn't take it, and threw up in a garbage can. The blood and gore visibly sickened me. I cried quietly to myself and decided that it was time to leave.

As I walked through the shop, I sobbed slightly.

A growling noise captured my attention and I immediately shut my mouth. Looking behind me, I was instantly pained by what I saw. My father stood there; his innards nearly pouring out of him. He growled at me and the hairs on the back of my neck stood up.

"Oh daddy. No...no, no! Please not you." I said, painfully. He bared his teeth and  growled as I spoke. "Please daddy. Please don't make me have to hurt you. "

At that, my father came at me. A cry escaped my lips as I turned around and began running out of the shop. I made it in time to get into my car, get inside and close the door. He stood in front of my car, watching me like a lion stalking its prey. He began pounding on the hood of my car, and I started to cry.

"I love you daddy" I said before I  pressed on the gas pedal  and accelerated the vehicle, running over my fathers body.

I continued driving to my home, as I called my sister. I told her what happened and I heard her cry on the other line.

"He was gone Alexis. His guts were hanging out of his body. I have no idea how he was even standing. He came at me and I got away. I couldn't leave him like that. He didn't deserve to be like that. He wasn't him anymore. I had to I'm sorry, I had to."

My sister kept telling me that it wasn't okay(because OBVIOUSLY it wasn't! I just killed our father) but that she understood why I did it.

"I'm going to get some clothes and stuff from home. Please stay safe. I'll be there in an hour."

After hanging up, I finally reached my home. Quickly running up to my room, I grabbed two duffle bags that were kept away in my closet. I filled one completely with my clothes, while then I went to the kitchen and packed in the other food and snacks. Realizing I had a baseball bat and dad had a gun hidden away in the garage, I went to retrieve them.

I made sure that I had everything I needed. Still uncertain, I made my way back to my car. I heard yelling coming from the Wilkin's residence. Huffing, I shoved the bag inside my car and grabbed the bat.

I started heading towards the house, my hands clenching the bat tightly.


    As I creeped into the very familiar house, I wondered if I was being a total knucklehead by going  in there after hearing screams. I came to the conclution that I was. I mean, I had seen so  many fucking horror movies and there I was, still following the sounds that I should of been  definetly  avoiding.

Yup. I was a certified dumbass.

But either way, it was  too late to turn back now. Maybe Dean had got home, and needed help. I mean, he was tall, at 6'3,  and was a good boxer, but he could still use my help. Right?!

Or maybe not...

Dean was sprawled on the floor, breathing heavily. His mother's body laying next to him; a sharp object poking out of her bloodied skull. The gore gave my stomach a pang of  nausea, and I held my stomach as I churned forward, and I nearly threw up.

"Dean."  I managed to spit out, my voice pained. I walked over to him, and he sat up. His clear blue eyes looked into mine and my heart broke again for the third time today.

"I...I just killed my mom." he said, blankly.

Suddenly, his face twisted and he began sobbing. I kneeled beside him, and hugged him close. Tears fell down my cheek as he buried his face into the side of my neck. I recalled that the  last time I had hugged him like this, was when he cried after he  fell from the slide when we were 6.

After a few minutes of both of us crying uncontrollably, I finally managed to pull him up to his feet. I wiped at his face, and gave him a kiss on the forehead.( Obviously, having to stand on my tip-toes)This was our way of saying "We will be okay" or "We can do this". It has been something we had done  since we were kids.

"Grab your stuff and lets go."


   I waited for Dean in the car. My music was playing from my a CD; My legs huddled to my chest as I tried to drown out the world and everything I had experienced both these last couple of days.

My body jerked in fright as the passanger door opened and I visibly relaxed when I saw it was Dean.

"You scared the shit out of me" I whined out as I began to drive.

Hr chuckled a bit, which made me smile slightly. Seeing him and hearing him cry had always broke me, seeing as he was my rock. He was always the one who was happy all the time. It was rare seeing him cry and even more rare seeing him cry like he did.

"I'm sorry. But it's not my fault you don't know how to lock doors." he said wittily.

"Bitch, I do know how to lock a door, but have you seen how crazy it is out here? I wanted you to get in the car quickly"

I looked around at the streets. People ran, others attacked those who didnt run fast enough, some beat those infected people with any random shit they could find, and some were lifeless on the floor.

It was quite difficult to distinguish who was infected and who was not. Luckily, seeing them tear out someone's throat out with their teeth sort of  helped  to know.(Yes, lucky for you. Not so much for the throatless, dying human.)

After about an hour of silence and my terrifying  driving, I finally reached my sister's. The front door was open and my heart quickly sank to my stomach. I quickly got out of the car and ran inside. What I found brought me to tears.

My sister's  lifeless body.

Someone shot her in the head; a bite mark could be seen clearly  on her arm. It seemed like they knew I was coming because they left a note saying: "Your sister is at peace. She told us to do this for her. Your nephew is still here. Hurry!".

I ran around her home in search for my nephew. I began sobbing for what seemed to be like the hundredth time today, but I think the fact that many people I loved were dead, was a good enough reason as of why I could not stop the tears from falling.

Suddenly, I heard crying from my sister's bathroom. The door was locked, so I had to find another way to open it. Dean helped me kick it down. Sitting in the bathtub, was my nephew. Once he saw me, he outstretched his arms and I pulled him to me in a loving embrace.

I looked at Dean.

"We need to get the hell out of here!"


Hey! Here is the second chapter of "Just another zombie story" AKA "JAZS" . I am trying really hard to maintain the chapters so they are  long and descriptive, so I publish chapters quite slowly. For that, I apologize! I also apologize for my horrible grammar. I try really hard to make it as grammatically correct as I possibly can! If you see any errors please point them out! And if you have any ideas for the next chapter, be sure to message me! Ill dedicate the chapter to you! Thanks!💖


PS. Ella is awesome. Mwahahaha. (when you ask your best friend to fix some errors in your story xD)

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