If Transformers Robots In Dis...

By TransformersFan

16.6K 454 1K

In my opinion, I think this will be very cool. But I also think not a lot of people will like this at all, bu... More

Chapter 1: Guessing Game
Chapter 2: Why Grimlock? Why?
Chapter 3: Decepticons
Trouble with usernames
New users
Learning and some randomness
Truth or dare
Another one
2K and A/N
Here we go again
Are you serious?
Some more randomness
Oh no
Oh my gosh (not a chapter)
Holy Crap (Not a chapter)
Sad news (not a chapter)
Hey (Not a chapter)
I'm still alive

Star Wars

436 13 11
By TransformersFan

Attention: This chapter may contain spoilers on the new Star Wars movie. So if you have not seen Star Wars: The Force Awakens, then you may not want to read this yet. You have been warned.


<DisguiseGuy has updated his status: Hey, how is everyone doing today?>



LeaderBot: I am doing okay.

Sir-Punch-A-Lot: I'm fine.

19NC_Medix: I'm good.

RuleBreaker: Great.

YouKnowWho: Alright.

Puppy_SteelJaw: Awesome.

ThisIsSoCool: Fantastic.

SmoothBot: I'm good.

DecepticonFan: Can't complain.

WhatAmIDoingHere: Fine.

Shiny: Eh.

LooksLikeStarscream: Meh.

Sir-Smashing-Ton: Great.

CrabCreature: I'm alright at the moment.

UntrackableCon: I can't really complain.

Rey: I feel good.

Finn: So do I.

Leia Organa: I'm good.

Han Solo: I could be better.

Chewbacca: Rwahhhaa.

Luke Skywalker:  ......

Poe: I'm great.

LeaderBot: Uh, TransFan. Who are these people?

Sir-Punch-A-Lot: I thought you were not going to invite any more people to the chat.

TransFan: Oh, they are characters from the new Star Wars movie. Well some of them anyway.

UntrackableCon: Interesting.

Sir-Smashing-Ton: Are any of these characters that are on here right now bad guys?

Rey: No, none of us are, but Finn used to be.

Finn: Well I really wasn't a bad guy, I actually never killed anyone.

LooksLikeStarscream: Then what were you doing if you weren't killing anyone?

Finn: My job was sanitation. But when I did go on my first mission, I freaked out and didn't want to kill anyone in that village, and the next day, I left the First Order.

Poe: But before he left, he rescued me from their clutches.

TR-8R: Traitor!

Finn: Great, here we go again.

Kylo Ren: Traitor!

Captain Phasma: You are a traitor FN-2187!

Snokes: Traitor!

Commander Hux: Traitor!

Leia Organa: Wow, there are a lot of people who called you a traitor.

Finn: Wait. Did Snokes and Commander Hux actually call me a traitor in the movie?

Snokes: No. I just wanted to join in.

Commander Hux: Same.

Luke Skywalker:  ...........

DecepticonFan: You said it Luke, or you didn't say it, I guess.

SmoothBot: Why isn't he saying anything? Was he even in the movie?

Rey: Yes, he was in the movie, but he showed up at the last minute or two, and he did not say a word.

SmoothBot: Oh.

19NC_Medix: Well that sucks.

Han Solo: Yes, yes it does.

Leia Organa: But it doesn't matter.

Kylo Ren: No it doesn't, because when I find him, I am going to kill him.

Luke Skywalker:  ...............

Leia Organa: BEN SOLO!

TransFan: Uh oh. things just got real.

Shiny: Who is Ben Solo?

CrabCreature: Maybe it's someones real name.

UntrackableCon: Real name?

CrabCreature: Well one of them may not be using their real name.

UntrackableCon & Shiny: Oh.

LooksLikeStarscream: Is he right TransFan?

TransFan: Yes he is.

RuleBreaker: Wow.

LeaderBot: That's surprising.

CrabCreature: Whatever. 

DecepticonFan: Wait. Puppy_SteelJaw are you watching us type?

Puppy_SteelJaw: No.

19NC_Medix: She totally is!

Puppy_SteelJaw: Fine, i'm just going to leave the chat because....

TransFan: ?????

Puppy_SteelJaw: I know nothing about Star Wars. Happy?

<Puppy_SteelJaw has left the chat>

Sir-Punch-A-Lot: Uh, what was that about?

TransFan: Obviously she doesn't know anything about Star Wars.

Poe: Well there are a lot of people who have never watched the movies.

Captain Phasma: If only there were more people who are into Star Wars.

Finn: Well they probably just weren't into that kind of stuff.

TR-8R: Traitor!

Finn:  -_-

19NC_Medix: Can you say anything other than that?

Chewbacca: Rhawaaa Whaaagha Whrrraa.

DecepticonFan: Uh, what did he say?

Han Solo: He said: no, he can not say anything else.

ThisIsSoCool: Why is that?

Finn: Because that was the only thing he said in the movie, before he was killed.

Han Solo: By me.

Kylo Ren: Then near the end of the movie, you were killed by me.

Chewbacca: Raaaghaa Grrraaaa Whaaaa.

Han Solo: Translation: Then, I shot you.

Finn: Then, I proceeded to have a lightsaber duel with him.

Kylo Ren: In which you lost.

Rey: But then I started a lightsaber duel with him.

Kylo Ren: In which I lost.

Poe: But, while they were having their lightsaber battle, I was destroying the planet, that was kind of like the Death Star, but bigger.

Sir-Smashing-Ton: Wow.

UntrackableCon: I wish I was there.

TransFan: Uh, why?

UntrackableCon: So that I could stop the destruction of that planet, that could wipe out any planet, and also stop all of the good guys from succeeding in their plan to stop the bad guys from being the rulers of the galaxy.

DecepticonFan: Well then.

19NC_Medix: There's your answer TransFan.

TransFan: Well.

Kylo Ren: Whoever you are UntrackableCon, I like you.

UntrackableCon: Uh, thanks, I guess.

Commander Hux: Well then.

Snokes: Kylo Ren you better not be getting soft.

Kylo Ren: Why would I be getting soft?

Snokes: Well you did admit that you liked that person.

Kylo Ren: So, that doesn't mean anything. Once you go to the dark side you will never go back to the light side.

Snokes: You almost did.

Kylo Ren: But then I killed my own father, then threw him down a shaft.

Han Solo: Leaving your mother alone.

Kylo Ren: So what. I don't care.

Leia Organa: Ben Solo, you take that back.

Kylo Ren: No.

Shiny: Oh, he's Ben Solo.

CrabCreature: Oh, cool. I got that right.

WhatAmIDoingHere: Yeah, we already pointed that out a while ago.

CrabCreature: Oh. 

ThisIsSoCool: I guess you forgot about that.

CrabCreature: Yep.

Finn: Anyways.

TransFan: Nope.

Rey: Huh?

TransFan: All of the Star Wars characters, get out of here now, before you say anything else that is in the movie.

Chewbacca: Argaaaha-

TransFan: Go.

Star Wars characters: Fine.

<All the Star Wars characters have disabled their accounts.>

SmoothBot: You didn't have to be so mean about it.

TransFan: I was not mean about it.

19NC_Medix: You were kind of mean.

TransFan: Really?

DecepticonFan: Yeah.

TransFan: Oh, well can't do anything about it now.

ThisIsSoCool: So know what?

Shiny: Who knows.

Sir-Smashing-Ton: How about we leave.

TransFan: Sound good to me.

Everyone: Okay.

<All users have logged off.>


Well, I hope all of you liked this chapter, especially the people who have not seen Star Wars 7 yet, but ignored my warning about the possible spoilers, so you can't say I didn't warn you. I just hope that you liked it though, because I may be doing something like this for a future chapter, but with a different movie of course. Also, making this chapter gave me an idea for another book that involves Star Wars, and what would happen if the Star Wars characters discovered Facebook. But let me know what you think of that idea.

Anyways, let me know what you thought about this chapter in the comment section, and tell me if there is anything that I can fix in this chapter, or if there is anything I can improve on. You can also put down ideas for some things I can do for future chapters, since I am running out of ideas. So just let me know either in the comments, or in private message for the people who don't want others to see what they want to say.

Till next time then.

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