Cresswell Oneshots

By SilverEmpressTLC

368 13 13

Enjoy! ~Solstice More

Embarrasing Song

368 13 13
By SilverEmpressTLC

Thorne had told Cress he was going to the grocery store to pick up more snacks because the whole crew was coming to watch a movie at their place.
Cress wanted to stay behind so she could dance alone but she told Thorne she was going to clean.

As soon as Thorne closed the door Cress set up her music to dance to.

Cress had a hard time choosing since she loved most songs
She went with one of her favorite Say My Name (feat. Zrya) by Odeza.
(A/N above ^^^^^^^)

As soon as the music started she started twirling and spinning.
Her movement was extremely hard to copy
Cress wished for her hair to grow longer because she loved the feeling of it flying
Cress continued to dance, spinning and twirling around the room.

Cress was exhausted when the music stopped

Would you like me to find you another song? Asked her portscreen

"Yes." Cress replied.

Ready to dance Cress wondered what the song would be
To her surprise it was a square dancing song

Cress looked up how to square dance and she followed what it said.

Cress stumbled on a few parts but laughed it off.

Thorne however opened the door to hear what sounded like a song you would square dance to.

He put the groceries down and quietly walked to Cress's room

Cress however didn't hear him come in since the music was loud.

"Cress?" Thorne asked standing jn her door way trying not to laugh.

Cress turned bright red and paused the music.

"Uhhh Hi." She squeaked

"What are you doing?" Thorne asked trying really hard not to laugh

"Umm. Well. Uh. Er I was practicing for Iko. Yeah she wanted to see if I could dance to this music better than her." Cress sakd coming up with a excuse

Thorne couldn't contain his laugh anymore
"Sure"he said shaking his head while laughing

Cress turned even redder
She'd never felt so embarred in her life
She wanted to hide like she did when her satellite faced Luna

As soon as Thorne stopped laughing he noticed how embarrassed Cress was
"Look Cress." Thorne said wrapping his arms around her "I'm sorry. If it helps you can show me how you were dancing and we can dance together."

Cress wrapped her arms around him and nodded
Thorne kissed her head and apologized again

Cress went back to the website she used and showed Thorne what to do.
Cress turned the music back on and they began to Square Dance

Thorne stumbled way more than Cress did and they laughed it off
As they danced for a long time they learned to do it faster each time.

The whole crew was coming to see a movie and Cress and Thorne had forgotten.
Iko was the first to walk in and everyone else followed.

"Why is there....Square Dancing music?" Asked Cinder

"I thought we were watching a movie." Said Wolf

"I bet Thorne forgot."Jacin scowled

"I'll go look for them" Iko said

Iko walked towards the sound of the music.
It was the loudest outside of Cress's room

Iko peeked throught the door and saw Cress and Thorne Sqaure dancing
Iko clasped her hand around her mouth to contain herself from squealig or laughing.

She whipped out her port and took pictures and videos.

"I wonder where Iko is." Kai said

"Yeah..." Said Scarlet

Suddenly Iko couldn't contain her squeal and laugh like Thorne and let it out
Cress and Thorne turned beet red
Iko took more pictures
The rest of the crew walked towards the source of the noise

"What is going on?" Asked Cinder

This time Iko was laughing.
She held out her port and showed everybody else the photos and videos

Everybody laughed and both Cress and Thorne turned redder.

"C'mon Guys." Winter said "Let's go watch the movie. Poor Cress and Thorne are embarrassed."

"Thats something I'd never think Thorne would be" Kai said
Cinder laughed and kissed his cheek

As everybody walked away Cress and Thorne laughed
I guess it wasn't so embarrassing for them.


How was it?
Im sorry if Im getting worse at writing.
a) I don't edit my writing. I've got NO time.
b) There's been alot of drama.....

Does anybody have any ideas?
Criticism? Suggestions?

Thanks for getting New Beijing High to 6.30k
I really don't know what to say.
Honestly Ive had inspiration from

Im sorry if I left anyone out.
I probably couldn't do anything without them.


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