His One Request

By HollisMayer

345K 11.8K 363

Mason Patrick Cahill has stopped chasing his own dreams, and settled for fulfilling his grandfather's. After... More

His One Request
Chapter 2 - When Will I See You Again
Chapter 3 - Checking Progress
Chapter 4 - Beale
Chapter 5 - I'm Missing Something
Chapter 6 - The Beginning of Us
Chapter 7 - Impatience
Chapter 8 - Working it Out
Chapter 9 - Working Together
Chapter 10 - Carefree Days
Chapter 11 - Returning
Chapter 12 - Back to the Grindstone
Chapter 13 - Charleston
Chapter 14 - Struggling
Chapter 15 - Schmoosing
Chapter 16 - Distractions
Chapter 17 - Busy Mind
Chapter 18 - Bootstrapping
Chapter 19 - Heavy Handed
Chapter 20 -- Home Again
Chapter 21 -- Damage Control
Chapter 22 - Honor and Honesty
Chapter 23 - Smooth Talker
Chapter 24 -- Showing Your Hand
Chapter 25 -- Knight to D5
Chapter 26 - An Unreadable Smile
Chapter 27 - You've Got Some Explainin' To Do
Chapter 28 - Clearing the Last Hurdle
Chapter 29 - In a Heartbeat
Chapter 30 - Checkmate

Chapter 1 - Under the Circumstances

16.4K 545 24
By HollisMayer

Lots of people want to ride with you in the limo, but what you want is someone who will take the bus with you when the limo breaks down. - Oprah Winfrey

Chapter 1 - Under Other Circumstances

"Mom, slow down. I can't understand you." She's still inconsolable. Between the signal I'm getting in the parking garage and her tears, I can't make out anything she is saying. Honestly, I can't tell if she's happy or sad. "I have to go. The connection is bad. Text me later, what you're trying to say. Grandfather is waiting, and you know how he gets if I'm late." I want to blow off today's introduction anyway. Like I do every time I meet his old clients. Instead of being about business for him, it's more about meeting his potential granddaughter-in-law.

She attempts to say something else, before I hear the phone being handed over. "Mason," My step-dad Cooper says in the phone. "We just got a call from Niam." Even though the connection isn't great, his voice is firm and easier to understand. "Addy's been taken to the hospital. Emily thought you would want to know." My heart sank to my stomach as I understand every word.

I'm not sure I said thanks before hanging up on him. I head back to my condo, and I quickly pack my bags, message my secretary, and hop on the first non-stop flight Boston.

I'm more than an hour late before I remember to call my grandfather. "What do you mean, you're not going to make it?" Grandfather roars through the phone. CEO of P. Cahill Industries, Inc. is about to loose his ever loving mind. He has plans for me, that I don't always agree with, but he keeps pushing his agenda.

"My sister is hurt and I'm headed to the hospital." I tell him again, and wait for the next words that he always says and I always dispute.

"You don't have a sister. You are an only child."

"No, I am your son's only biological child. I am not an only child." I have a sister and three brothers, but my grandfather doesn't think they count. Even though my dad had adopted my younger brother, Peyton, Grandfather did not claim him as a grandchild. He wasn't blood. This really isn't the time to get into it with a man that won't listen.

"You know what? Forget it. I'll be back in a few days. If you need me, then contact me through Tonya. If not, I'll see you when I come back." I wait a moment and hear silence, and I turn off my phone, board the plane, and wait.

Not sure what awaits me in Boston, I just know I can be there a few hours before my parents. There wasn't much of an explanation, just that she's been hurt and it is serious.

The last time I saw Addy was just before the New Year, and she was ready to finish her last semester at Boston University. She said, "I'm not ready to go back, I'm just ready to be finished."

I've missed her, and her bubbly personality, which she really didn't share with us during the holidays. She's become more serious these last few years.


"Oh, praise be to God," Niam says as I reach Addy's hospital room. The almost 5'7" Pakistani man stood by his small wife, and always sounds a little more religious when he is upset. He brings me to Addy's side, "Mason, she doesn't look good."

That was an understatement. My beautiful fair-haired sister lies in bed with multiple bruises visible on her face. Even if she wasn't unconscience, her pale green eyes are swollen almost shut and her left arm is wrapped. There are numerous machines and tubes attached to her, even one that is helping her breathe.

I look from Niam to Saada wanting answers from either doctor before me. They both take turns explaining her medical condition and what is being done for her. She has a hairline fracture on her skull, but the swelling is under control for now. She has three broken ribs and a broken wrist. There is extensive bruising on her face, back, abdomen, and thighs, but right now we are waiting for her to wake up.

They give me some details of the attack. Even though they haven't spoken his name, I know who is responsible for this tragedy...Connor Williams, my old neighbor and, unfortunately, Addy's admirer...stalker. He's the reason for the seriousness in Addy's personality, and why she could no longer live alone.

Niam is distraught. He feels as if he is directly responsible for her safety, since he offered Addy an apartment above his garage almost two years ago, after Connor's first attack.

Tiny Saada Hasni, pulls my 6'4" frame down to her in an embrace. "You brought your guitar for her, she will like that." She pulls away from me and pats my arms. "You are a good brother, she is very blessed." They leave a short time later to prepare their home for guests, incase it is needed. They say they will be back when my mom arrives, but I hope they take a little time to get some rest, also.

I pull up a chair near my sister, and watch as the machine breathes for her. "Baby girl..." I begin, but I end up fighting back tears unable to talk. Then, I stop fighting.

The beep from my phone lets me know that Tonya sent me a message detailing the hotel and rooms she secured for me and my family when they arrive. She booked four rooms on the same floor, making it easier for us to stay together...one less thing for them to worry about.

She also updated my calendar, and I study it for a few minutes trying to decide how best to rearrange it for the most amount of time off. Looking at Addy, I won't be leaving anytime soon, and I won't let her finish this semester without someone here with her. Between my mother's job and Cooper's business and the three children at home, they can't stay here for two months, but I can. I know I'm in for battle with Grandfather, but in this argument, I am more stubborn than he is.

When Addy was younger, I always knew how to make her feel better, but that usually had more to do with hurt feelings. I can't fix this, and that thought feels like a lead weight in the pit of my stomach. It makes me sick. I pull out my guitar, the one thing that always made Addy feel better, and began to sing her 'bad day' song.

To me you are ....Heaven's finest invention by far....Even brighter than the brightest star...And what I'd give to make you see ....Who you are to me

I play the song in the upbeat style it's written in, but my voice cracks through some of the lyrics. A hand rests on my shoulder before I got the end go the second verse, but I don't look at the owner, not yet. I continue to play and finish my song for her.

"She loves it when you sing that song," a soft, sweet voice says as it walks closer the Addy's side. "I hate the thought that someone has hurt her. How is she doing?" Chandler turns to me with her big brown eyes looking for answers. I can only relay what Dr. Hasni told me, since Addy's doctor has not made an appearance, yet. The more I talk the sadder Chandler looks until I pull her into my arms and let her cry.

We both know Addy is very lucky to be alive, because the attack was interupted by campus police.

"How did you get here so fast?"

"I was at a conference in New York. We were just finishing when I got the message. I got here as soon as I could."

"I'm sorry, that should have been me who called but, I'm glad you're here. How long can you stay?" Chandler stands before me dressed in black pants and a casual pink top with her hair pulled back, like she is here for the long haul.

"Through the weekend."

I pull her back to my arms. "I'm just so glad you're here," I whisper in her hair.

A few hours later my parents arrive. They speak to us in passing as they make their way to Addy. My mother who is usually the pillar of restraint and calm, has to be supported by Cooper. He looks like he is in complete shock. I guess he was hoping it was all a huge mistake, but as we look at Addy's unconscious body we can see the truth.

The doctor had come by earlier, and I relay all that I knew to my parents. Neither of them really looking away from her as I speak. I know they would be distraught no matter what child was lying in that bed, but it's different when comes to Addy. She's our only girl...the only girl in a large family of boys.

"It's getting late, and I have a few rooms at the Colonnade. How many people are here?" Considering how large and supportive our family is, four rooms may not be enough.

"Your grandparents are on their way, and so is Aunt Rita." Aunt Rita, Cooper's dad's sister, is the closest thing he has to a parent.

"I'll make arrangements for another room," I begin to walk away when Chandler places her hand on my arm.

"Don't do that. If it's ok with Rita, I'll just stay with her. Don't worry about this stuff, you need to focus on Addy." She smiles and my heart melts. Chandler is here for Addy, but just now it feels she is here for me.

"Thank you." My arm slips around her and finds a home on her lower back, and she sinks into my side. Why can't the girls my grandfather keeps introducing me to feel like Chandler? Feel like home.

Chandler goes with me to check into the hotel, and I excuse myself to make a few phone calls...the last being to Grandfather. "No sir, I didn't forget about my obligations. I'm busy fulfilling them now, and what I am asking is not unreasonable." I say to the old man fuming on the other end of the phone.

"Tell me when you can get this rescheduled. You missed out on meeting a very important congressman today." I want to scoff.... congressman's daughter maybe.

"And what was her name?"

"Her name was Julia." He says her name like it was a prize he just won.

"Right there. That tells me this wasn't a meeting with a congressman, Grandfather. This was another introduction to what you think is the right kind of girl." We are quiet for a few moments and I collect my thoughts to bring up the subject again.

I am clear and pause between my sentences, so he understands exactly what I am saying. "I am taking some time off. I'm staying here in Boston with Addy. I'll come back home as soon as she's out of the hospital, but only to clear up a few things at the office. This may take a month or more."

"That's too long. You can't be away from the office that long." That may be true for him, but not for me.

"Grandfather, I have choices to make, and I will always choose family. You know that. Right now I'm choosing Mom's family, not yours. So, you can give me this time, or I can find myself another job. Either way, I'm staying in Boston." I have never used an ultimatum with him, but I will quit in a heartbeat over this. He knows it, and he knows he just lost the battle. Now, I'm hoping he can give me the time I need without further words spoken.

Chandler enters the room and sits on the sofa waiting for me to finish my call. Her eyes are tired, but they are the most beautiful color of dark chocolate. The pink from her shirt causes her cheeks to have a flushed appearance, but it becomes brighter when she catches me staring at her. She has always been a beautiful girl, but right here right now, she's stunning.

When I hang up she says, "I just got a text from your mom. Rita and your grandparents are here. Cooper is staying at the hospital with Addy, and everyone else is on their way."

"Thank you."

"What did your grandfather say when you told him about staying."

"Considering he thinks of me as an only child, he took it very well." She laughs and then listens to me tell her about my conversation. She let me vent without taking sides; she heard about the meetings he keeps setting for me, and his autocratic ways, and how very different all of it is from my old life. She understands my fears for my sister, and how I won't be comfortable unless I know she is safe.

I take a seat next to her, and she rests her hand on my shoulder. "You are a knotted up mess." She lets out a half laugh, "Just like the old days." I move around and her fingers start working the muscles into submission, and the sounds from the back of my throat make her chuckle. "Mason, I think at this moment. I own you." That's when it dawns on me, after all these years...she does own me.


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Song: To Me -by Matthew West

My inspiration for Mason...but he's usually more clean shaven.

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