Taken || 1D *IN EDITING*

By notmytime11

64.2K 847 164

*Originally Kidnapped By The One And Only One Direction* Kelsey just wanted a day out at the park; smelling f... More

Kidnapped by the one and only One Direction
Chapter 1-
Chapter 3- Let Me Go
Chapter 4- You look like you do already
Chapter 5- I'm Sorry
Chapter 6- Eric returns part 1
Chapter 7-Eric returns part 2
Chapter 8- Shut up and kiss me
Chapter 9- because I love you
Chapter 10- should have told her
Chapter 11-Memory lane bit my ass
Chapter 12- Does that change anything?
Chapter 13- It's ok kel. Alot of people are terrible singers..and ugly cryers
chapter 14 - Family? I think I'm sick.
Chapter 15- Yeah...No
Chapter 16- Twerkin
Chapter 17- Blood on my shoulders :p
Chapter 19 ~ We Can't stop
Chapter 20 - Unconditionally

Chapter 18 - She made me promise

495 23 5
By notmytime11

"Were here." I say breathless of Louis' continuous gas. All of our windows were rolled down and I think this may have been the first time that Lottie genuinely meant a thank you.

"You guys are just over dramatic." He huffed, pouting and looking out the window.

"Over dramatic? You killed three pigeons out there!" I shouted hurrying out the car.

"Kevin?KEVIN?!" He screeched, crawling out of the car on his hands and knees into a praying position saying over and over with fake tears 'He was too young'. I looked at Lottie who only shrugged, giving her brother the awkward stare before going ahead and leaving him.

"Come on Louis!" I call behind like an angry mother waiting for her toddler to run up from her backside, gripping hold of her hand.

Which is exactly what Louis did.

And even started fake crying again saying Kevin needed a proper burial.

"I don't know who Kevin is but his family can bury him. Louis, I didn't see anyone on the highway, what are you talking about?" I questioned starting to get a little frustrated at his continuous whining for nothing.

He gave me an -are-you-serious look," Da fuq?... Da fuq? Did you not watch any of our x factor videos? Any of them ring a ding a bell? If not let me help." he pulled me closer to hi, shouting into my ear,"YOUTUBE!"

"Holy hell! I didn't know you before you stole-" I cut myself off realizing Louis never told his parents or sisters how we met, well there was a lie intended but he never truthfully said I kidnapped the girl I liked and forced her to stay with us. I swear it was love at first sight," My heart. Stole my heart."

"Bleh." Lottie said grossed out by my choice of words.

"If I could put it any different, I would do it in a heartbeat." I whispered, stepping into the cool mall.

"So this is where we split, um, we have our phones so if any of us get lost just phone eachother." Before I walked with Lottie to charlotte russe Louis' arm gripped my elbow, pulling right next to his mouth," Do not lose her, promise?"

"Promise, Louis I won't. I need her to like me."

"Not everyone's going to like you Kel." He said, releasing his grip and moving a little back.

"Yes, everyone ha to like me!" I whispered loudly, snapping a little at him in the process," Sorry Lou."

"okay fine, Just mind my words. Do not lose her. Now go find her." I looked back to see her blonde hair just barely turn into the store, my head turning back to Louis only to find him gone.


Okay...My boyfriend's a ninja...Oh my god...Holy chiz...Go to Lottie.

My mind clicked remembering Louis' words, "Don't lose her." I repeated to myself, running to the Charlotte russe store that held many accessorized jewellery. It was Londons hottest fashion and my worst obsession. It was weird how the guys had gotten my size right for all the clothing besides the bra. It was a 'C' and I'm...Just really smaller then that, we'll put it there.

I popped my head into the store, finding her pulling a white sweater to her chest and twisting around with it, deciding on it. I walked over to her quietly, standing behind her and taking a moment to build enough courage to write a sentence in my head.

"That looks really nice. You should buy it." I said genuinely, giving her a small smile as her blond hair whipped around.

"I wish..." She trailed off, setting the gorgeous sweater on the rack, walking around to look for me.

"What do you mean? It looked nice. And I know I'm not very fashion forward on things," She glanced at what I was wearing and stifled a laugh at my choice of words to what the guys bought for me. The clothes were very expensive and Louis pretty much matched my clothing so I'd be able to pick outfits easily.

"Okay this was Louis' Idea. I couldn't match clothes for my life." She laughed, cutting it short, realizing that she was supposed to be mad at me.

"Yeah, whatever." She muttered , pulling out another shirt that was cropped with sequins covering just the top. I inspected it as best as I could without her turning away from my line of view.

"I could buy you it." I offered. She looked at me and snickered.

Some reason that really hurt me. Although if this is what it takes for her to like then me then I'll go through all the mean comments and comebacks she can throw at me. Even if I have to go into the bathroom and cry for a second then so be it because I am not leaving this place till she has a bit of liking in me.

Instead i just rolled my eyes and walked over to the rack and yanked the cloth off the rack and scurried of to the register. Of course it cost some money that would take a bite in my wallet but once I shoved the material in her face the look on her couldn't have made me anymore happy.

Her lips curved into a smile and she matched it with a pair of blue skinny jeans before exiting the shop.

"Thanks, erm, for the, erm. Sweater." She murmured, walking ahead of me a little faster. Probably embarrassed to be seen with a nerd looking girl like me but oh well, I got a thank you and that's an A plus in my book.

"You go Kelsey, kick some Boo-tay!" I whispered loudly to myself, self fiving me and earning a few unnecessary looks from people passing by.

We walked for about an hour, going into shop after shop and getting one or two items. I helped with her some money issues which ran me low on money but nothing too much for her and that's practically all I need is for her to least find me descant to be around.

I will admit my feet were cramping and I was carrying most of thye load which she had the perfume bottle that amounted to five-hundred dollars. I was really bothered by what that amounted to  which cleared me out by a lot. There was enough to buy lunch and some candy.

But I think lunch was the best thing and the most heart warming thing she has said to me since I've gotten here.

"So you look about thirty-five or a bit younger." She spoke aloud, giving me a small amount of her time.

"Thanks." I said, giving her yet another smile. Her smile faded and she frowned at me.

"Okay..." She trailed off, scratching the back of her head before turning behind and looking for something else to talk about," Sooo, your American?"

"Yeah, I moved here a while back." I played with my nails to get away from the awkward tension that just kept trying to pull me back into it.

"Why would you want to move here? It's always cold and boring. I'd rather live somewhere that atleast got some warmth down." She bickered, starting to play on her phone to avoid any eye contact with me which is kind of hard for me since where I grew up I only made eye contact when talking directly to someone. One of things that I'm still not use to.

"I would love to go home. My mom lives there and I haven't seen her in forever which I really would love to but-," I slowed myself down and started to think of what to say. I cn't just come out about what happen. She would sympothise me like every other person that I ever told besides Darcy. She didn't give me a single drop of sympathy besides a hug and pat then some food. She's the bestfriend I cold have asked for.

"I Just can't. As much I was want to suprise her with a hug and kiss on the cheek I can't. I guess it's alright," I shrug, taking a sip of my drink.

"Oh well that sucks." She blantly said, glancing at me for my reaction.

"I guess it does suck-"

"Stop. Just stop!" She bursted, throwing her hands in the air with her body. Her seat fell bak and she leaned across the table angrily.

"Why won't you just get mad at me and call me a name so I can hate you?" She questioned, pulling at her hair before throwing heself back into her seat.

"Why do you want me to hate you?" My heart was beating faaster the I ever thought it could.

"Because I'm not suposed to like you. Your the replacement girlfriend and I'm supposed to like the old one better." She whined, putting her head into her hands shaking her head, making her blonde locks toss around.

"You don't have to... I know we got off on the wrong foot but that doesn't mean anything." I say trying to make things better but she just gets even more frustrated.

"No, I promised Emily that I would only want her to ever be with my brother and hate anyone that he would ever take after her. She laughed and said I doubht he would ever get over me before I was forced to never talk to her again. She made me promise to her ot to ever like any other girl he ever comes in contact with and now your here being all sweet and nice and I'm supposed to hate you," By now she was crying and I wanted to comfort her but I couldn't find any words to actually produce, " Why couldn't you be mean and hateful to every person and let me just hate you? I can't break her promise. I can't."

I probably looked like an idiot with my mouth hanging open but in the moment I couldn't exactly focus on anything. She looked at me expecting something but I couldn't speak. Words jumlbed in my throat but none made an attempt to jump out.

"Ofcourse, look just tell Louis I want to go home and I don't want-" I cut her off trying find myself to say something meaningful.

"No one should be made to promise something like that. And promises are made to be broken so whats that matter? I don't care, I'm not mad at you and I won't ever be. I wasn't mad when you put the red in the shower I just was dissapointed and wanted to go home." Good job.

"It doesn't matter, I still did everything and I made the promise and I have to follow through with it." She said, jumbling her words to prove me wrong.

"Please," I begged, placing my hands together.

"But it would be wrong." She croacked, bringing her lip between her teeth.


"I don't, I don't know." She looked like she had to choose between life or death which in her case probably was.

"Look, we'll just go. I know I can't force you but please forget about the promise." I begged one last time putting my hands on the table to keep myself from jumping to her and trying to cry.

"She looked at me then looked around before sighing," If I do, can you please not tell Louis about this? He would kill me."

"yes." I said with a smile.

"I'm sorry for being so mean to you-"

"Already forgotten. Just glad that I don't have anyone hating me besides Emily who doesn't know me but that's somehing I can live with." I breathe.

We clean up the trash and begin walking around to find Louis, hitting some pretty nice stores on the way to him. I suggest trying some shoe stores but Lottie points out two girls screaming and running off. Both of us follow them as fast as we can with bags in our arms.

"Okay, one more." The blue eyed boy proclaims before taking one last shot and walking our way. Some of the girls followed us but soon we were out of the mall and in the car again driving home.

"Girls have a strong hold of butt." He whispers to himself rubbing his bum. I giggle then snap out of it reminding myself he's mine.

"That's nice... Should I be concerned?" I ask, turning towards him with a very cautious look.

'Unless you want a brusied bum then I would say yes." He replied, turning the wheel with his ahnd still rubbing.

"I haven't seen your-"

"EW!" Lottie screeched, covering her ears," I don't want to here your dirty talk!"

Louis chuckled while I blushed madly.

The rest of the way home was in silence which I somewhat enjoyed. Louis pulled into the driveway and Lottie scurried out quickly and into the house while I sat took my time. I was almos to the door with the few things I bought when a pair of arms wrap around my stomach and pull me towards them. Louishead burries in the side of my neck sending chills down my spin. I bend my head back and his lips place softy onto mine.

"I would stand here and kiss you all night but I'm about as strong as a one armed chipmunk. He smiled lightly before taking the bags and walking in through the door. I shut the door and followed him upstaires.

The house was quietly probably meaning his parents were asleep along with everyone else in the house. I through my top and bottom off, climbing into bed quickly as Lou just slept in his boxers with one arm around my waist.

This night turned out pretty good and I hope I don't have to worry about anything anymore. We can finally be worry free.


I'm tired.

It's eleven.

Haven't been on for a while.

Making it up.

~Keep on lovin and livin~

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