Douchebag of the year

By DeaneErravihce

71 1 1

The epic fail adventure of three college idiots. More

Table of contents
The reunion

Fighting the gravity

27 0 0
By DeaneErravihce

Chapter 1

"Fighting the gravity"

      It was 6 o'clock in the morning, everybody is on a rush, today is the first day of school, as well as the first day of mental torture.  My name is Larry Griffin, i'm honestly not ready for school. My parents decided to take architechture as my course, i knew from the start that it will only give me headaches and heartaches.

   This morning i had a little bit of laziness, okay, not a little bit but honestly a "huge feeling of laziness". Eventually, everyone who loves to sleep could feel what I feel today. I swear I really don't want to go to school, i don't wanna move my ass out of my bed. My bed is my sanctuary, I feel safe and sound here,  that school is my danger zone, as well as my course. Damn, i'm so overly attached to my bed, i don't wanna move a muscle. My bed is my girlfriend and i wanna cuddle with her everyday. I wanna sleep with her, hug my pillows and eat a burrito, and do it all over again. Nothing compares to the feeling I have whenever im with my bed. This is one thing more relaxing than yoga or medication. This place is heaven, i swear it is. The cold temperature makes my body freeze, it pulls me down, i could live here forever. For a minute a think about sleeping again, but just for a minute, the next minute I heared my mother's voice, loud and irritating she said,

"Get up Larry!, it's your first day baby."

That sound, broke my heart. 

" Why I was supposed to stay away from my bed?"

I murmured on purpose.

"Is there anyway I can live here forever? Oh come on!"

I murmured again.

    Many complaints about getting up protested over my head, mental arguments. Arguments inside my empty spacious useless pinkish brain. Mom shouted again in a more irritating manner. But i don't have any other choice but to get up. I walked with eyes half closed, messed up hair, sleepy but still very cute face. The gravity was outrageous, I felt being a zombie for a moment, i murmured again.

"Oh god i wanna relax! "

    I hate math, i dont want any numbers in my notes again, ever. Just please can i be the president for a day? And i swear ill make everyday a holiday. I sigh, i was really a crackhead. My summer is not yet over isnt it? questions came rushing into my head, till i felt relieved for a while. Im having a 30 seconds of blank stares, then suddenly at the back of my mind I heared a voice,

"Move you douchebag! Pretty girls are waiting for yah! Ha ha ha" it said.

    A glimpse of excitement came in a rush, just like a counterpart version of 9/11. That voice made my day then i felt like, "Oh yeah! Let's bring em bitches". That moment i know it's gonna be a big hooray, the feeling of laziness disappeared in a speed of light. Thanks for that motivating sound, it eventually gave me a miraculous energy. Now my mind is connected with my muscle, i can move freely now. I am ready to rock, i mean, i am ready for school. I'm all geard up, then gently i said,

"Let's get it on!"

    I walked out the door, felt the sunrays devouring in my skin, headphones in with punk music, volume up, up and up, higher and higher, then woah. "My day has began, absolutely."

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