Too Young (The Jewel Project...

By Wimbug

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[FREE STORY with paid bonus content] "Life is a series of choices, kiddo. You either choose to trust me or y... More

The Jewel Project
Family Tree
Chapter 1.1 - Hunted
Chapter 1.2 - Hunted
Chapter 2.1- Living the Dream
Chapter 2.2 - Living the Dream
Chapter 3.1 - The Grants
Chapter 3.2 - The Grants
Chapter 4.1 - Christine
Chapter 4.2 - Christine
Chapter 5.1 - Study Camp
Chapter 5.2 - Study Camp
Chapter 6.1 - Sunglasses and Screwdrivers
Chapter 6.2 - Sunglasses and Screwdrivers
Chapter 7.1 - The Race
Chapter 7.2 - The Race
Chapter 8.1 - The Ruby
Chapter 8.2- The Ruby
Chapter 9.1 - New Recruits
Chapter 9.2 - New Recruits
Chapter 10.1 - Backup
Chapter 10.2 - Backup
Chapter 10.3 - Backup
Chapter 11.1 - Training
Chapter 11.2 - Training
Chapter 12.1 - The games People Play
Chapter 12.2 - The Games People Play
Chapter 13.1 - The Traitor
Chapter 13.2 - The traitor
Chapter 14.1 - Survival of the fittest
Chapter 14.2 - Survival of the fittest
Chapter 15.1 - The challenge
Chapter 15 - The Challenge - The deleted scenes
Chapter 15.2 - The challenge
Chapter 16 - Fake
Chapter 17.1 -The New Plan
Chapter 18.1 - A sudden attack
Chapter 18.2 - A sudden Attack
Chapter 19.1 - Jessie's Trial
Chapter 19.2 - Jessie's Trial
Chapter 20.1 - The calm before the storm
Chapter 20.2 - The calm before the storm
Chapter 21.1 - The night before
Chapter 21.2 - The night before
Chapter 22.1 - The explosion
Chapter 22.2 - The explosion
Chapter 23 - Intermission
Chapter 24.1 - Broken
Chapter 24.2 Broken
Chapter 25.1 The search
Chapter 25.2 - The search
Chapter 26.1 - Lost and Found
Chapter 26.2 - Lost and Found
Chapter 27.1 - Through the storm
Chapter 27.2 - Through the storm
Chapter 28.1 - Ghosts
Chapter 28.2 - Ghosts
Chapter 29.1 - Temple 101
Chapter 29.2 - Temple 101
Chapter 30 - Too Young
Now that we're done
Family Tree - Take 2
Just because...
Fun Facts
Too Young Playlist
Bonus #1
Bonus #2
Bonus #3
Bonus #4
Bonus #5

Chapter 17.2 - The new plan

3.2K 294 622
By Wimbug

After two nights of practice, Jessica had become proficient at setting up the tent she shared with Kay and Angie. The two wanted to help, but Jessie wanted to learn how to do it on her own.

"Between you and Kyle, I'll never learn how to set that thing up," Kay mumbled, nodding towards the tent.

Jessica frowned. "I thought you already had this down to perfection." She fell from her knees to her bottom and pulled at a string, wrapping it around a pole.

"Yeah, right, if it wasn't for you, Kyle would be here, probably racing Jimmy to see who sets up the tent faster."

"Even now, when he's hurt? I thought that sling would temper him." Jessica stepped back to admire her work.

"He got rid of the sling. I had to argue with him to keep the bandage on." Kay rolled her eyes.

"And I only agreed to make you feel better." Kyle came beside Kay and wrapped an arm around her neck. He looked at the tent. "You call that a tent?"

"It does slightly resemble one," Jimmy said, coming up behind them. "A little crooked, but not bad."

Jessie put her hands on her hips. "Hey, I'm still learning. You don't have to be jerks."

"Ah, come on! Assholes are hot!" Kyle laughed.

"No, they're not. They're assholes," Jessie said bluntly.

"Of course they are! Can we start stalking you now, too?" Jimmy asked excitedly.

Kay giggled and Jessie smirked. She frowned once she caught a series of conspiring looks passing from Kay to Jimmy. She ached to ask, but was sure she wouldn't get an answer.

"You wanted to see the temple up close," Jimmy said.

Jessie narrowed her eyes. "Yes, but I don't need you for that. I can walk on my own."

The slightest trace of annoyance flashed on Jimmy's face, then he smiled again. "I was just offering you my company."

"Fine." Jessica glared at Kay who was giggling madly behind Jimmy's back. She had a feeling that the two of them knew something she didn't, and it made her uncomfortable. At least Kyle seemed as unaware as she was.

She walked away from them, in the direction of the temple. Jimmy joined her, putting his hand on the small of her back, as if to guide her. Jessie's heart skipped a beat. His touch felt so nice, so comfortable.

She stopped in mid step. Jimmy's hand pressed firmer on her back. This wasn't right. Her heart wasn't supposed to go haywire like that.

"What's the matter?" Jimmy's voice was a distant echo. He pulled her forward, wrapping his arm around her waist. "I thought you could walk on your own." Jimmy scooped her up and marched towards the temple.

Jessie wrapped her arms around his neck and looked down, expecting him to drop her. Instead, he didn't even sway. He walked as if he carried nothing. Breathe, just breathe. This was not supposed to happen! Jessica glared at him, but he acted as if carrying her was the most normal thing in the world.

"Is this how you usually pick up chicks?"

"Ha! Good one." Jimmy put her down next to one of the massive stone statues. "No. I'm making an exception for you."

Jessie raised one eyebrow. She couldn't believe he was playing along. "Cute."

He grinned at her. "You think I'm cute?"

"Puppy-cute or cute as in...?" She let out a short, low roar.

Jimmy stared at her for a few seconds then burst out laughing. "I've never heard anyone except Tom say the puppy-cute thing. Yeah, I was thinking puppy-cute, but now you've mentioned it, I'd much rather be the second type."

Jessica laughed with him, though deep inside, she wondered why he was playing along with her stupid jokes. She focused on the statue next to her. It represented a coiling snake with what appeared to be feathered wings. She turned to look at the other statue that flanked the staircase. It was identical. The feathered snake was the most powerful god of the Mayans and this appeared to be a temple dedicated to him.

As she looked up at the pyramid, Jessica's muscles relaxed. It was one of the most beautiful and impressive things she had ever seen in her life. It made her realize how small she was in this world, how fleeting. This building had been there before her and will continue to be, maybe for centuries. There were patches of moss on the steps, some of them were chipped and the rock was faded and weatherworn, but the building itself had suffered no major damage. It probably never would.

"This is how love should be," she whispered.

"Old and crumbling?" Jimmy asked.

Jessie looked at him. She hadn't expected him to hear. "No. Solid, sturdy, unbreakable, big..." She focused on the pyramid again. "Impressive, overwhelming, breathtaking and eternal." Heat rose to her cheeks. She dared glance at Jimmy.

His head was tilted slightly, as though he was measuring her. "I never saw things that way," he said quietly.

"Not exactly a romantic, are you?" she said before she could stop herself.

Jimmy rubbed his back absently. "I don't know if I'm romantic or not. I never got the chance to be so far."

He stared at her, his eyes narrowing the tiniest bit. Jessica stared back, her heart once again racing. He reached out his hand, grabbed a lock of her hair and pulled it gently, straightening the curl. It bounced back into a spring once he let it go.

"Have you ever tried straightening your hair? I bet it would reach your ankles."

Jessie rolled her eyes. "That's just what I need. Longer hair. I only left it this long to annoy my parents. They hate my hair. Keep bugging me to dye it into a more appropriate color."

Jimmy smiled and continued playing with her hair. "I like the color. I don't know how you managed it, but it suits you perfectly."

"Yes, well, probably because it's my natural hair-color."

Jimmy shook his head in disbelief. "You're naturally orange haired? Don't ever dye it then."

"You're the only person I've heard to ever like it." His fingers brushed her cheek when he reached out for another lock of her hair. Jessie took in a sharp breath and looked away. She should walk away. Now! But it was as if her feet were stuck in the carpet of dead vegetation. To make matters worse, Jimmy came even closer to her.

"Sorry. I should stop pulling at your hair. I just like how it bounces back." He put one finger on her cheek and turned her head. "You're not upset, are you?"

Upset? She had to concentrate with all her might not to shake like a leaf when he was so close. This wasn't right. He's out of bounds, Jessica. Stop thumping so loudly, you stupid heart! He's out of bounds. She'd never felt so attracted to anyone in her entire life.

"Jessie?" Jimmy squeezed her hands, in some sadistic way of getting her attention.

"No, I'm not upset." She could do nothing but stare back at him stupidly. Something else caught her attention and she frowned. "You have brown eyes."

"I know," he said warily, but couldn't suppress a smile.

"I thought they were black. It's the most beautiful color I've ever seen." Bad Jessica. Slap, slap!

Jimmy laughed and squeezed her hands tighter. "I disagree. I think your eyes are a lot more beautiful." He stopped abruptly as though he'd just realized what he'd said.

Jessica squeezed back, fighting the impulse to let go, fling her arms around his neck and kiss him. She was afraid he might read her. She was hardly any good at pretending.

"What're you two doing?" Kyle asked, appearing out of nowhere and resting an elbow on each of their shoulders.

"Jimmy," Alice called as soon as Kyle finished his sentence.

Kyle pushed the two of them apart and Jessie's hands slipped out of Jimmy's. Alice came into view, looking very annoyed. Jessie waved at her, but Jimmy didn't acknowledge her presence.

"Where's your bandage?" he asked, nodding towards the arm Kyle still had on Jessie's shoulder.

"I took it off. Oxygen is highly useful to a healing wound. Tina agreed with me," Kyle said turning his arm over. His wound looked more like a scratch now.

Jimmy frowned. "How the hell did you heal so fast?"

Kyle rolled his eyes. "What's so fast about it? It's been almost three days. And it still hurts."

"It looks weeks old," Jessica said.

"Thank you!" Jimmy said. He looked to Alice once she reached them and put her hand on his shoulder. "Hi Alice." He turned his head and Alice's kiss landed on his cheek.

"Why didn't you come over when I called? You all feel like putting me to work, too?" she mumbled. Jimmy raised his eyebrows at her. "It's that little brother of yours! He was nice enough to remind me that the only reason this vacation won't get me fired is that I'm here as his assistant." Alice huffed and placed herself between Jimmy and Jessica. "He said you should go set up the traps."

"You should tell Sam a thing or two for treating your girlfriend like that," Kyle said seriously.

The breath Jessie took went down the wrong way, but she managed to swallow back the coughing. Her eyes got all watery.

"Yes, thank you," Alice said as though she had proved a point beyond any argument. She didn't notice Kyle laughing silently behind her back.

"Hey, Kyle, screw you!" Jimmy said as Alice dragged him away. He waved goodbye to Jessie, an apologetic smile on his face.

Jessica waved back absently. ""Why'd he get upset?"

Kyle shrugged. "He didn't want you to know Alice is his girlfriend, but it's only fair."

"Why should it matter?" Jessie asked. Something was crumbling inside her, but Kyle didn't know that. Had she known Alice was Jimmy's girlfriend, she would've restrained herself more. Or at least try. She racked her brain, but up until now, nothing indicated Jimmy wasn't free as a bird.

"I'm not sure how much it matters overall. They'll break up eventually. But it matters to you." There was too much understanding in Kyle's tone for Jessie's liking.

"I couldn't care less. She was here before me." That explained why Alice didn't like her. Jimmy was spending too much time with her.

"Come on Jessie. You're smart. Don't live in denial. You like him."

She shook her head vigorously, but Kyle only raised one eyebrow. "So what? I like you, too."

Kyle smiled. "Okay, should I use the other L word?"

Jessie stared at him. Oh no! Her mind shouldn't even start going there. "How about dropping it instead? Jimmy has a girlfriend. We're just friends. I think he's nice. That's it, really."

"Okay. If you say so." Kyle put his hand over his mouth and let out a cough that sounded suspiciously like 'liar'.

"Why you..." Jessie aimed a punch at him, but he ducked.

"See, you don't like me." He laughed and grabbed her fist in midair. "But you have a point. Let's get you trained. I wanna see what you're capable of."


Jimmy knelt next to the river and sunk his hands in the cool water. He took his t-shirt off and started washing his hands, up his arms, to his shoulders.

"That's not going to soften me up," Alice said.

"I'm not trying to soften you up. I don't even see why you're upset," Jimmy mumbled.

"You don't see? You've spent more time with that Jessica over the past two days than you have with me since we got here. I don't know what you're playing at—"

"I'm not playing at anything." Jimmy stood, throwing his t-shirt on his shoulder, to cover up the tattoo. The pulse throbbed in his temple. "I'm not a cheater. I never was. Though..." he left the sentence floating.

He didn't think he and Alice were serious enough to be exclusive. Not that Jessie was anything but an assignment. But either way, he was starting to feel caged. No, you want this to work. Put some effort into it. His only effort was not getting angry. Pathetic, but it was better than nothing.

Alice's frown disappeared and she rubbed her arm. "I know. I'm just a bit bummed that you're hanging out with that traitor so much."

Jimmy clenched his jaw and took in a deep breath. He and Sam had considered that Jessie might be a traitor, too. Why did it bother him so much to hear it out of Alice's mouth? "We don't know if she's a traitor or not."

"Really? Gina was much nicer than her, and look what she turned out to be," Alice said, crossing her arms over her chest.

Jimmy's eyes followed her movement and he frowned. "What's with the cleavage?"

Alice's show of skin had taken a massive upturn over the last few days and he had a feeling Jessie's appearance had something to do with it.

Alice smiled at him cheekily. "So now you notice."

"No, I've noticed, but I thought you'd stop it. You're verging on indecent and I'm not the only one who can see you. Though I'm not sure even I should be seeing that much."

Alice swelled with indignation and pulled her top further up, leaving her tummy for show. "If you don't think the new girl is a traitor, what do you think about her?"

Two squares appeared vividly in front of Jimmy's eyes: 'lie' and 'don't lie'. He was more inclined to lie, but decided against it. If he wanted his relationship with Alice to work, he had to be honest.

"I think she's nice."

"Do you think she's pretty?"

The lie square flashed in front of his face, but he ignored it. "Yeah." He raised his arms, noticing that Alice's face turned red, her eyebrows drawn together, her fists clenched and she rose on the tips of her toes.

"How could you think that?" she said between her teeth. She let out a sigh and lowered back on her feet. "She's short and fat."

Jimmy felt a burning desire to leave Alice standing there. "You're taller and thinner than her. That doesn't make her short or fat. I think she's perfect the way she is." He should have kept that last sentence to himself. He didn't even mean it literally. Or maybe he did. It didn't matter. Having a girlfriend didn't make him blind. And he hated the model-girl stereotype Alice was putting so much price on.

"I don't want you to hang around her anymore." Alice's scathing voice snapped him out of it.

"Well, tough. I have to. Sam told me to keep an eye on her, in case she's a spy."

"I mean it, Jimmy. I don't want to ever see you around her again."

"Don't go there, Alice. I'm not telling you who to talk to. You shouldn't either."

"How can you do this to me?" Tears appeared in Alice's eyes.

Wait, what? "I'm not doing anything—"

"You want to do this! That stupid little brother of yours has no idea how happy you are to be around Jessica!"

"Shut up!"

Alice stiffened, tears pouring down her cheeks. Jimmy pulled back, his breathing uneven. Shit! "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to yell at you." He took Alice's hand, but she yanked it away.

"I'm not talking to you anymore. I never thought you could be like this. I... you'd rather have her over me."

Jimmy shook his head. "I never said that. You shouldn't want to control me."

"As long as you stay around Jessica, we're through. When you'll start missing me, let me know." She whipped around and stalked towards camp.

Jimmy put his t-shirt back on. He wanted his relationship with Alice to work, but he wasn't ready to sacrifice his freedom for it. He wasn't sure she was worth that.


So, yay or nay on Jessica? Like her, hate her, Meh her? Time for some adventuring!

This chapter is dedicated to RedasNight for awesome redheads! :)

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