By oohtaemin

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ON HIATUS "Quintero is what?" The Latino Blood; A major Mexican gang involved in robberies, drug deals and ev... More



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By oohtaemin

Dedicated to asking_ashleigh_  bc we friends and she is COOL. Ashleigh is  C O O O O O O O O O O O L cool.

Hey hey guess how old I am (Ashleigh, you're not allowed to guess)

• VIC •




I bolt upright quicker than lightening, my eyes snapping open and being immediately blinded by the bright light. I quickly close them again, rubbing them with the palms of my hands as I come to terms with the situation.

Kicked out of my own home by my mother and brother, I'm staying here at Tony's huge ass house. I groan and lie back down, pulling the sheets over my face to block out the light.

"Vic, bloody hell," Tony says. Shaking my weak body. Can't he just leave me the fuck alone?

"Tony, stop using that language and stop being annoying," I hear Tony's mother tell Tony off. 

"What the hell, mom? We're already late, what do you expect?" Tony replies. I can practically hear his mother roll her eyes at him. They're relationship is adorable and I'm shamefully jealous. I wish I had that. They're so close. Well, at least I have her treating me like a son.

"I'm going to work now. Vic, sweetheart, you should get up now," she says and then I hear her walking down the stairs in the distance, her heels clicking with every step.

"Vic, hurry the fuck up," he moans, pulling the sheet away from me and exposing the skin of my shirtless torso to the cold morning air and my eyes to the bright light.

"Dickhead," I mumble and pull the pillow from underneath my head, putting my head underneath it instead. I squash it down on my face almost painfully but the satisfaction of darkness outweighs the pain.

"Victor-" he begins and whacks my body with something hard, causing me to flinch but I stand my ground. "Vincent-" he hits me again on the shoulder. "Fuentes!" He hits me again and even harder this time on my arm. I flip him off, all the while keeping my head buried underneath the pillow.

"We have school in a half fucking hour," he shouts and rips the pillow right out of my grip. That's fucking it.

I get right out of the bed, opening my eyes fully and not caring in the slightest that they begin to sting from the sudden change in brightness. I storm over to him and snatch the pillow back out of his hands.

"Caesar-" I begin hitting him hard with the pillow. "Antonio-" another hit to the head. "Perry-" a hit to the arm. "Fucking Sonto!" One more forceful throw of the pillow aimed at his head and he loses his balance, stumbling back but not falling over, much to my disappointment. Before anyone can say or do anything else, we hear a voice at the door.

"If you two girls are done with your pillow fight," Tony's dad begins sarcastically. "I'll be off now."

"See ya later, dad," Tony says kindly, smiling brightly.

"See ya later, kiddo," he says back, mirroring Tony's smile. "Later, Vic," he says warmly before turning on his heel.

"Catch you later, Perry," I call back, dropping the pillow and shoving my hand into the pocket of my sweatpants. He stops and turns around, looking straight at me.

"You can call me dad if you want, I don't mind. We're close enough as it is. I mean you don't have to - it's whatever. I'll be going now," he says kind of awkwardly and turns back around. I notice now the huge smile upon my face. That act of pure love means everything to me right now.

I run over to him, heading out through the bedroom door. When I reach him, I jump straight onto his back before he can process what's going on. My legs wrap around his waist and my arms wrap around his shoulders. He stumbles a bit but then steadies himself, holdings my legs up before they slip back down.

We join in on laughter at my childish behaviour and soon enough I jump off of his back and he turns around to face me. I wipe the obviously goofy grin from my face and turn serious, looking him in the eye.

"I'm up for that," I tell him. "It means more than you think," I say and pull him into a tight hug as if I'm going to lose him at any second.

"Vic, we love you, OK?" He says, pulling out of the hug and placing his hands on my shoulders, looking down at me in the eye. "Don't you ever forget it," he tells me and ruffles my already messy hair. I roll my eyes at him and offer him a smile before he turns to leave after smiling back.

He goes down the stairs and I hear some shuffling around before the front door opens and he calls back, "And hurry the fuck up, you ain't missing school!" The door bangs shut, leaving just me and Tony here. Speak of the devil.

"You know, I'm starting to think they love you more than they do me," Tony laughs. In my abnormally happy mood, I run back over to Tony who's stood in the doorway of my bedroom and embrace him in a hug.

"I will always love you, Antonio," I say, squeezing my eyes shut and leaning my head on his shoulder with a satisfied smile upon my face. He figures out my sarcasm soon enough and pushes me away from him.

"No," he says simply.

"What?" I ask with a fake pout of disappointment.

"Don't you call me Antonio," he says and I just laugh in his face. He rolls his eyes and says, "Will you get ready already? Jeez, we're gonna be late."

"Fine, fine," I chuckle and then head past Tony into my room in the Perry household. I go over to my duffel bag at the end of my bed that still remains unpacked. I get on my knees and zip it open and rummage around for some decent clothes.

"Why are you in such a good mood anyways?" Tony questions.

"What, I can't be in a good mood or something?" I say way to cheerily. I don't know why, but today I feel like nobody can drag me down (A/N: no).

"You're Vic," he enlightens me, sitting on the bed. No shit.

"Point taken," I begin. "I don't know, man, I just feel weightless. That sounds kinda gay but whatever."

"Well, faggot, do you mind speeding up a bit? We still have to get Jaime," he reminds me.

"Okey dokey," I sing, standing up, clothes in hand, and walking out of the bedroom. I head down the wide posh hall to the bathroom, going in and locking the door behind me.

I quickly take a piss, brush my teeth and sort out my hair that is, surprisingly, cooperating. This must be my lucky day.

"Oh, happy days!" I sing at the top of my lungs as I pull my sweats off and replace them and yesterday's boxers with a new pair of boxers (in which Jaime shamelessly packed). I removed my bandages yesterday, seeing as the majority had healed slightly and the rest were no longer bleeding. Don't worry, I flushed them down the toilet, destroying the evidence. Everything would be a mess if they found out about me. Not that that'd be the first conclusion they'd jump to, but I still don't want to risk anything.

I pull on a pair of brown knee length shorts that are rolled around just above my knees. I then, after using deodorant (for the ladies, wink wink), pull a short sleeved baseball shirt that has navy sleeves and the rest is white. I slip my pumps on and then I'm off out of the bathroom, my other clothes in hand.

"You-" Tony begins as I reenter my bedroom but I cut him off quick enough.

"For the ladies, Antonio! For the ladies!" I scream cheerily in his face. Bless his frightened soul. He looks absolutely traumatized. I throw the sweatpants and my boxers onto his head before he can say anything and skip away like a five year old girl. I grab my already packed bag (done by Tony) and head straight out the door. As I get to the stairs, I jump onto the banister and slide my way down. Why walk when you can slide?

I jump off the end and land on both my feet effortlessly like a cat. Behind me, I hear Tony walking down the stairs. I turn around to face him as he comes down the stairs, two by two, until he gets to the bottom floor and stands beside me. He eyes me suspiciously but then rolls his eyes and walks towards the front door.

"C'mon," Tony says and out of literally no where, he pulls out a SnapBack and puts it on backwards on my head. The finishing touch to the masterpiece, am I right?

"What about breakfast?" I moan like a disappointed child. As if on cue, my stomach rumbles.

"Jaime's mom is making pancakes," he informs me and grabs my shirt, dragging me behind him out of the door. He lets me go and licks the door. I take it upon myself to walk over to Tony's truck.

Tony walks back over and unlocks the vehicle. I take my seat in shotgun, doing up my belt as soon as I'm settled. Tony gets into the driver seat and throws his bag on top of mine in the middle seat before inserting the key and turning it. The engine catches on the first turn so he backs out of the driveway, pulling out onto the empty road.

We start driving down the road towards Jaime's house and I notice, from the corner of my eye, that he keeps looking at me with the same suspicious look that he was using before when we were inside. What the hell did I do?

As he catches me noticing him staring, I flash him a big child like smile and he looks away almost instantly in a very awkward manner. He darts his eyes in every direction on the road, trying hard to not feel small under my gaze. I can just tell that that's what he's trying to do.

We get to Jaime's house in no time at all. Tony parks the truck on the side of the road and honks the horn. Not a second goes by before Jaime comes rushing through the front door, his mom chasing behind him, shoving something in his hand and kissing him on the forehead. Bless her.

He rolls his eyes and runs over to the truck seeing as we have literally five minutes to get to school. He opens the door to my side of the truck and looks at me expectantly.

"Are you gonna move the fuck up or what?" Jaime asks when I don't react.

"Oh," I say, catching his drift and shove mine and Tony's bag down onto the floor of the vehicle by our feet. I slide over closer to Tony, leaving the passenger seat empty for Jaime. He wastes no time in jumping in and pulling the door shut with a loud bang.

Tony starts up the engine again and Jaime tosses something to him and hands me the same thing. I open the foil wrapping of the thing to reveal two rolled up pancakes. I take a bite into the first one and almost immediately the chocolate filling spills onto my tongue, sending shock waves of pleasure through me.

"Mhmm, this," I begin with a mouthful of pancake in my gob. "This is fucking incredible." I take another huge bite out of it and I don't think I can revel in this enough.  "Yo, Jaime?"

"Yeah?" he mumbles with a mouthful of pancake.

"Kiss your mom for me, will you?" I say and he just looks at me weirdly before losing interest and going back to eating his food. I look over to Tony who is, again, looking at me in a weird fucking way and also enjoying his pancake all the while.

"Will do," Jaime says casually. I take a bite out of my second pancake and this time I taste the syrup that is fucking delicious, let me tell you.

"I think I'm in love with your mom," I say to Jaime and as soon as it's out, I realize how weird that must have sounded and start laughing at myself. Jaime looks at me weirdly again and then leans over to me to whisper something to Tony which, by the way, I can hear clearly.

"What the hell did you give him?" He whisper yells.

"I can hear you, you know?" I tell them to which they don't respond and carry on as if I didn't say a thing.

"Funnily enough, I was about to ask you the same thing," Tony says at a normal volume. Jaime leans back over and sits on his seat properly again with a confused look upon his face, eyeing me as if I'm some sort of weird alien creature.

The rest of the drive goes silently, with both Tony and Jaime giving me strange looks every time I'd fill the silence with my nonsense talk. Or so that's what they said.

Tony finds a spot to park the car in the student parking lot with not even a minute to spare and, soon enough, we're heading out of the truck and running towards the front doors of the building. We part ways with Jaime and jog our way down to our maths class with Quinn.

We reach the door and for no reason at all, both I and Tony fight over the door handle before tumbling into the class room. I look up at the people in the class sniggering at our lateness or just rolling their eyes at our behaviour.

"Really?" Quinn asks harshly with a scowl upon his face. That stupid face that I've become accustomed to is looking really funny at the minute.

"You look funny when you do that," I tell him and chuckle at my own bluntness. Tony, despite his weird sort of objection to my abnormal behaviour, laughs at what I said, joining in with the majority of the class who think I'm the funniest thing to have happened since the sneezing panda.

"Are you asking for another detention or are you high?" Quinn snaps, out of the character of the teacher. "In which case, I'd suggest you get the hell out." He points to the door with a stern look upon his face.

"I wouldn't put it past him, sir," Tony ever so kindly interjects, talking about the fact that I may be high. I don't think I'm high. I roll my eyes and stifle a chuckle as he drags me by my wrist to my seat. A couple of people stare at me weirdly, defying the majority who are just quietly laughing to themselves, but I'm in too much of a weirdly good mood to bother intimidating people today.

I snap out of my mini daze and take my bag off my back before placing it down on the table. I take a seat in my chair at my desk and shove my bag off my table and onto the floor, not bothering in taking out any books or equipment.

"Can you tell my why exactly you strolled into the lesson five minutes late?" Quinn asks Tony. He, however, looks me up and down through the corner of his eye in a weird way but says nothing as his attention turns back to Tony.

"I honestly have no other excuse except for the fact that pancakes are a real big distraction when you're driving," Tony laughs, lifting his hands up in surrender. I chuckle too, and in an attempt to hide it, I put my forehead onto the desk and my arms on top of the back of my head, my fingers tangling in my straight hair beneath the hat.

"If this happens again, I won't hesitate to go straight to the Principle," Quinn says, annoyance the only thing in his tone. I look up to see if his face matches his speech and, sure enough, it does. His eyebrows are knitted together and his eyes are narrowed and aimed at me although he says nothing at all directed to me.

He rolls his eyes and walks over the white board and carries on writing the equation he was in the middle of writing. Wow, another thing to add to list of things I don't understand.

I sort of fall asleep while Mr. Quinn explains the tasks for today. I can hear him, I'm just not listening or paying attention to what he is saying. I honestly don't care in the slightest about math. It's a dumbass lesson for dumbass people. Or maybe it's the opposite? I don't really care enough to know or want to know.

"OK, so I'm gonna let you listen to music while you work," I hear Quinn say as I tune back in. "But if I find that you haven't done all the work, even if it's just some of you, I will never let any of you listen to music in my class again."

Wait, does this have something to do with our conversation yesterday? That seem like light years ago, wow. Is he letting us listen to music because I told him it can calm people down? If so, then I'm starting to like him more and he's definitely going to become one of the better teachers in this shit hole of a school.

"Fuentes?" Quinn calls out and I immediately come back to life and give him somewhat the majority of my attention. "Are we going to do the work or just stare into space for the rest of the lesson?"

"Sir, you're so funny," I laugh. That was meant to sound sarcastic but I don't think it did one bit; it sounded legit. I bet I look like a creep now. I decide to use my famous tactic to make things less awkward. "I don't know what the fuck we're doing, dude," I say, laughing even though I'm serious. A few people laugh as they get out there phones and headphones to listen to music with.

Quinn whispers something to himself as he rolls his eyes at no one in particular, although I think it's because of me. He grabs two sheets from his desk that I noticed everyone already had before, and walks over to me and Tony's desks that are right next to each other. He places one on Tony's desk and looks at him inquisitively.

"Do you get what we're doing?" He asks Tony, to which he just responds with a polite smile and a nod of the head. Since when was Tony polite and respectful?

He then looks over at me and places a sheet on my desk and I look down at the jumble of letters and numbers. I laugh out loud at the fact that anyone could possibly think I would be able to do this sheets. They'd be kidding themselves.

"What's so funny?" Quinn asks, not in a mean or rude way but in a more curious way. He's kinda really attractive. What the hell, Vic? Where did that come from? I laugh aloud again at my brains weird detours that I seem to keep having frequently.

"The fact that you think I'll be able to do this sheet is what's funny, mister," I say. He looks at me and give me an 'are you serious' look. I just nod my head in defeat and cross my arms on the desk on top of my sheet and lean my head down on them, closing my eyes.

"Vic, dude," he begins, snatching the sheet from underneath my arms. He definitely doesn't talk like a member of authority. "You know how to do this," he says an I open my eyes and look up at him.

"Really?" I laugh and he just nods his head seriously. Who's he kidding? "Yeah, I don't think so," I mumble, rubbing my sleepy eyes with the palms of my hands.

"Just look at the sheet, Vic," he demands so I do. It looks kind of similar to what we were doing yesterday when I was being tutored by him. I still can't get over the fact that that was yesterday, like damn, how much shit went down?

"Oh," I mumble, chuckling a little. Good to see he's keeping his promise in not letting anyone find out about this whole tutoring business. I wipe one half of my face with my hand in an attempt to rid myself of the sleep that keeps threatening to drag my eyelids down. "OK, I think I can do this."

"Great," he begins although not as enthusiastically as I'd've expected. "I'll leave you to it then," he says and walks away without another word. I get right to it, borrowing a pen of Maria, Tony's girlfriend, and stealing Tony's calculator.


You know what? I actually understand the sheet. OK, so I didn't do it in the same amount of time as every one else; I may or may not have taken a tad longer, but Quintero didn't tell us to stop and nobody in the class cared much since they were too busy listening to music. I also had an earphone in, listening to one of my favourite bands.

Quinn kind of looks at me in a questioning way, silently asking whether I'm done yet. I just shrug in response and he nods a little before finishing off what he was doing. It's kind of nice that he's waiting for me, I guess. Stupid Quinn being nice to me when all I want to do is not have a crush on him. Hi, I'm Vic Fuentes and I have a stupid fucking crush on my math teacher. Sick one, right? That sounds so damn stupid.

A) I, Vic Fuentes, do not crush. B) I, Vic Fuentes, do not get crushes on males. C) I, Victor Vincent Fuentes, do not crush on thy Maths teacher. D) I, Victor fucking Fuentes, am not gay, so what the fuck? Why do I keep thinking about the fact that I may be developing a crush on my Maths teacher? That's fucking dumb. Just because he so damn attractive. Oh god, this is so irrelevant to my life.

Stupid, dumb and petty are the only words I can think to describe my stupid feelings towards my Maths teacher. He's my teacher, he's a dude and it's never going to happen anyway, so, again, what the fuck? Why can't I just take my stupid meds? Also, another reason why it's stupid and petty is the fact that I've only known him for three fucking days. What is this nonsense? What is it?

And the caring? Where the hell did that come from, huh? That is just un-fucking-acceptable.

How? Why? What? When? And again, why? I'm so stupid. I look over at Tony beside me to see that he's looking at me intently with some weird look. Not like the one he was giving before, but a kind of sad one. I chuckle at him and he snaps out of his little daze, shaking his head like he's somewhat disorientated.

"I'm so stupid," I mutter to myself, chuckling a bit at the end. To anyone else, that would've looked as though I genuinely thought the fact that I am stupid is funny. Now I laugh for real.

I like this feeling of hapinness. It never comes to my town, my town being me, and when it does, it never fucking lasts. That's why I also don't really like feeling happy because I feel so down for the next couple days. I like to feel happy in the moment, I just don't want to feel it because I know it will never last.  But I can't stop the happiness as much as I can stop the anger, so I'm screwed and stuck with it. Make the best of it is what I say. Tony and Jaime never see me happy so they must be pretty freaked right now.

"Tony?" I call while writing my name at the top of the work sheet. "You're freaked, aren't you?" I ask and turn my head to look at him with a grin upon my face.

"I'm officially freaked," he agrees and shakes his head while chuckling a bit.

"OK, let's mark this, shall we?" Quinn says, again, not as peppy as a teacher would usually say it. We go through the work sheet and you know what? I got the majority fucking right. Me. I got them right as in correct. What the hell kind of magic powers did he fucking use on me because I'm going to need some more of that shit. I'm doing unbelievably well today.

"OK, now you can all get out," Quinn says as the bell rings. The class erupts with laughter at Quinn's blunt statement and start packing away their things. "Vic, can I speak with you for a moment?" Oh God, what did I do now?

"Yeah, sure," I say, shrugging my shoulders. I get up and start shoving my things in my bag and then turn to Tony who's stood waiting for me. "Just give me a sec," I tell him and he nods his head and walks away to the door, following the crowd of students out.

I walk over to Quinn who's leaning against the front of his desk, arms crossed and all, and say, "What's up, Kellin?" I wiggle my eyebrows at him with a smirk upon my face and he just rolls his eyes at me.

"Not in school, Fuentes," he sighs and I give him a fake pout of disappointment. Damn, what is with me today?

"Whatever. What do you want?" I ask, sounding impatient although it wasn't supposed to come out like that. Although minor, I notice a sadness swim in his fucking gorgeous eyes. I'm a girl, fucking judge me if you dare. Just wait till the meds kick in again, Vic, you'll be fine.

"How'd you find it? The sheet I mean?" He asks.

"Pretty good, I got the majority right. I was so fucking surprised, like damn," I say, chuckling a little. It seems all I can do today is chuckle.

"Vic, watch your mouth," he says. Fucking grandpa. I roll my eyes and he carries on, "Can I have a look? At the sheet?"

"I just put it in my fucking bag, man," I say, annoyed.

"Language, Vic," he warns.

"Language, Vic," I mock. I groan as I throw my bag off my shoulder and past him onto his desk. I let out another groan jut to show him how annoyed I am at him. It's purely exaggeration, of course. I'm not that annoyed. I open the zip to my bag and pull out the sheet, that's scrunched already may I add, and pass it to him.

"Thanks," he mumbles, taking the sheet off of me. He skims over it with his perfect blue green eyes and nods his head, impressed. "Impressive."

"Really?" I say in annoyance as he hands me the sheet back. "That was it?"

"Yeah," he says, smirking now like the cheeky bastard he is.

"You made me get the fucking sheet out just so you could look at it for one damn second?" I ask and he nods his head innocently. "Whatever. I'm out," I say and purposely shove the sheet back in my bag so it scrunches up. I close it and sling it over my shoulder once more.

"Wait," he stops me. Now fucking what? If I stay in here any longer, my crush will become real. And I swore to myself yesterday I would not see him until my meds kicked in and here I am, chatting to him like I've got all the time in the world.

"What do you want now?" I sigh. His eyebrows furrow and I swear he looked upset for a split second.

"Your medication," he says simply. He stands up properly and jogs around his desk, opening a draw and pulling my pill bottle out. He doesn't hand it to me, however. He opens the bottle and tips two into his hand before closing the lid and dropping it back into his desk draw, shutting it loudly.

"You're acting like such a dad," I tease but he just ignores me. He jogs back around and shoves the pills into my hand.

"Take 'em," he demands. Whoa, sorry. "Now."

"Get off my back, jeez. You can't tell me what do and for that matter, you can't take my property, so hand over the bottle," I say and hold out my hand to him.

"I'll report you to social services for overdosing," he blackmails. Excuse the what now?

"You wouldn't," I say.

"Try me," he smirks. Is it weird that I found that hot? I don't find things hot, never have and never will. And what is this? How dare he weave his spider web into my mind. That's the phrase isn't it?

"You, my friend, are going to land in some trouble some day with this attitude," I joke but keep a serious look upon my face.

"Take them," he says, ignoring my comment.

"Ugh, fine," I mumble and down both of them dry.

"Hey, why didn't you just take it with a drink?" He asks, slightly panicked.

"Chill, man. I ain't got no drink," I tell him.

"I have some, you could've just asked," he says. OK, he's officially beginning to creep me out.

"Noooo thank you," I say more rudely than intended. He sighs and rolls his eyes at me, shrugging his shoulders.

"How was work?" He asks, slightly off topic, and I scoff. I will not allow myself to get close to this hot man. Stop, stop, stop it, Vic, dammit. Not hot. He is not hot.

Who am I even kidding?

"We're not friends," I say with all the sass I can find and turn on my heel, walking towards the door before opening it and stepping out. The door shuts harshly behind me and I notice now the line of students waiting for their lesson with Quinn. I also notice Tony leaning against the wall over the other end of the hall staring into space.

"Look who got into trouble again," some kid in the line says. Austin Carlile to be exact. He's like the me of Mike's year. He may be fucking tall but he doesn't get to get away with this shit.

"I'll fuck your face up," I threaten and a few 'oohs' are heard from the crowd. He lifts his hands up in defeat while laughing. Before I can do anything, however, Tony pushes me away.

"You do realise you're gonna get it later?" He says to Austin. Austin just shrugs, uninterested, while Tony continues on, "I don't know why you people bother picking fights with him." And with that he pushes me from behind towards our next lesson.

"What took you so long? I had to stand there listening to sophomore bullshit," he whines.

"We're gonna be so late," I chuckle, also avoiding his question. It would be awkward if he knew what was going on in there.

Soon enough, we reach our second period biology class and me and Tony give each other glances as though we may not make it out alive. We probably won't; our teacher is a bitch. Tony does the honours in opening the door and we both walk in, all faces turning to us.

"-Vic and Tony-" is all we hear Mrs. Turner say before she stops and looks at us. "Speak of the devils," she says with that permanent scowl etched on her face.

"I don't appreciate it when people talk about me behind my back," I say. "And FYI, I'm an angel." Tony snorts beside me and the majority of the class start giggling to themselves.

"Why is it that you both missed this lesson on Tuesday and, AND, you turn up late to this lesson?" She asks smugly. Tony and I look at eachother, confused as to what she's talking about. But just like that, the memory lights up with neon signs in my mind and apparently it does to Tony too because we both look at each other with wide eyes and smirks.

"And I want the truth," she adds, her eyes narrowed at us.

"She wants the truth, Antonio," I say to Tony.

"Well, the truth it is then," Tony says all the while smirking slyly. "Well, Mrs. Turner, we were too busy sleeping." The look on her face causes me to snort really loudly, partially because of her face and partially because our reason is actually legit.

"We were also too busy with our drugs, ya feel?" I add in and she looks taken aback but not as much as she she should be. She could probably report us for what I just said but firstly, we've said it a couple times before and secondly, she has no proof. Therefore, she cannot bust us. I don't even do drugs anyway so she can't get me in trouble. "You asked-"

"Hall detention next week. Both of you," she snaps, crossing her arms and quite frankly cutting me off.

"That was very rude of you," I begin. "Butting in when I was-"

She fucking does it again.

"Excuse me, I am the teach-" She starts but I shut her the hell up.

"Next time, I'll butt in when you are talking," I say and, again, I use all the sass I can find as I walk over to my seat, Tony hot on my trail. I pull out my seat and Tony does the same in his desk next to my own, both of us sitting down. Teacher's choice in letting us choose where we sit, not ours.

"Two weeks hall detention. Both of you. And I'd suggest you be quiet before I make it a month," she snaps and that's the end of it. She goes back to explaining whatever the hell we're doing but I just zone out again.

"Detention buddies, ay?" Tony whispers beside me. I look at him and chuckle in response.

"Three weeks," Turnip shouts at me and Tony. I just roll my eyes and lean my chin on the table, trying my hardest not to fall asleep.

I zone out for what feels like forever, but in reality is probably a solid thirty minutes. She always lectures us about biology rather than making us do work. I don't really mind or care. I faintly listen to her until I decide that the timing is right to butt into her sentence.

"-the cartilage in the trachea-" is all I hear before I cut her off.

"Biology is fucking stupid," I say extremely loudly almost to the point that it is a yell but not quite. My head is leaning on my hand that is supported by my elbow on the desk, a bored expression purposely upon my face. I hear a few sniggers around the class, including Tony's beside me.

"I agree," Tony chimes in.

"A month for the both of you," she yells as soon as the break bell rings. "And I'll be informing the Principle, so don't think about skipping," she adds as everyone starts packing away.

Once me and Tony are packed away, we walk towards the door but not before Turner shoves our detention slips into our faces. She scoffs and walks away, her hair flicking into my face as she does so. With that, we leave the classroom for our break.

"You just had to go and say that, didn't you?" Tony says as he fold his detention slip into a paper plane.

"Yes, yes I did," I say as we walk down the corridor towards the door leading to the student courtyard. As we walk out into the cold, I say, "I'm just gonna go grab my hoodie from my locker." Tony nods and we walk towards the door on the other end if the courtyard.

We go through the double doors and start down the corridor. We turn the corner and I go to my locker, open it and pull out my black zip hoodie before slamming it shut, causing a few people in the hall to jump. I chuckle at them being afraid. I pull the hoodie on and then sling my bag back over my shoulder. Just as we turn back around the corner, we bump into none other than Mr. Quinn.

"Fuentes," he begins. He looks hot, man. His top button open and all. No blazer, God dammit. "I've been looking for you."

"You have found me," I say, really just hoping he'll get to the point.

"Mike Fuentes is your brother, yeah?" He asks and I just lazily nod my head, totally uninterested. "He's in a heated fight with some dude," he informs me.

"So?" I say, although inside I'm fucking boiling up inside. What the hell does he think he's doing? I subconsciously scratch at my wrist to distract from the fact that I kind of care. I don't want to care and I will not.

"So? I and some others thought I should call you. He's kinda getting roasted," he says.

"Why don't you do something?" Me and Tony ask in unison.

"I don't like getting involved with fights," he says and finally my heart wins over my head. I don't want him hurt. I don't care about him but I don't want him in pain if I can help it. Maybe I can just talk some sense into him.

"Where are they?" I ask and Quinn just turns around and gestures for us to follow him. He continues forward and turns another corner and that's when we see a big crowd of students. Quinn stands to the side and kids his head onwards the scene.

I get right to it as I storm through the crowd. A few people start yelling at me to stop punching them out of the way but when thy realise it's me, they shut the hell up and let me through.

Once I've made it to the other side, I see Mike and some random guy just rolling around on the floor, taking in turns on being the one on top and punching the other. Mike rolls the other dude onto his back and starts throwing punches randomly at his face until the guy takes the upper hand and turns them around. He starts punching Mike and that's when I decide to intervene. He may have really hurt me emotionally yesterday, but he is still my brother. My baby brother.

I literally pounce onto the other guys back and rip him away from Mike. He falls back onto the ground and looks confused at the unexpected attack. I finally notice who he is.

Andy Biersack. The pothead mother fucker of Mike's year. He's just pure evil on a psycho level. A bully who's always drugged up on a daily basis and gets into way more trouble than I could. It's not even that he's cool as well, he's plain loony. Picks fights a lot of the time so I'm not surprised that that's who Mike was fighting. I could easily win him in a fight though.

"What the hell, you moron?" Andy yells at me, getting up off the ground. I notice Mike get up too and he actually has the fucking nerve to scowl at me. At me!

"Beat it before I rip out your intestines." I give him a stern look and he just mumbles a 'whatever' before stomping away. He knows he can't beat me in a fight so he might as well just drop it and walk away or else he's as good as dead.

I tun to look at Tony and nod my head at him. He catches my drift and steps toward Mike the same time I do, and we both grab either one of his arms and drag him down the hall. I faintly hear Quinn telling people that the show I over and to get back to what they were doing. He's cool not hot. Vic does not find teachers hot. Vic may or may not find teachers cool.

"Get the fuck off me, losers," he shouts, scratching away at my hand to get me to let go. Who the actual fuckerty fuck does he think he is? We drag him outside to a place where there are no teachers or students; the same place they dragged me when I got into that fight first day back at school. We both let go of him and he stumbles forward.

"Don't you get the message, Vic?" He spits. "Stay the fuck away from me! I hate you, can't you just leave me the fuck alone? All my life you've made me so damn miserable. I don't wanna see or talk to you again." And with that he storms past me but not without shoving my shoulder with his. I watch him leave and can't help but think about how fucked up everything has gotten in a three day period. I push it to the back of my mind though.

"You OK?" Tony asks and I actually genuinely smile. It's like I'm so numb that I'm not feeling anything besides from the weird happy mood I am in today. I feel like that was some sort if closure I needed on the whole Mike issue. He doesn't want me so I don't have worry about him. Perfect.

I look through the window of the door and see Mike walking down the hall and stopping to talk to someone. He smiles and walks away with the guy. Austin freaking Carlile. Great, another bad influence. Good for him.

"Never better," I say with a mostly genuine smile upon my face.


This is late I'm sorry bit it's my longest chapter so far. I've had and am having a hellofa load of Mid terms and whatnot ya feel? And the chapters have to be perfect before I publish them so yeah that's why it takes a while too. I'll try publishing one every week but I'm also lazy so we'll see how that one goes.

I kinda sorta changed Kellin's age to 22 ok? Cool.

Ok so, funny story, James, my geeky anime loving maths teacher, accidentally unfroze the board or accidentally clicked another tab and fucking guess what appeared on the board. Porn. Fucking porn. No lie. And all he said was oops and changed the tab. Rest of the lesson; acted as though nothing happened. He played it so cool, I'd've thought he would've ran out the bloody classroom. I felt more awkward than he probably did and I still fucking do.

AND THANK YOU FOR 1.4K FREAKING READS, OVER 150 VOTES AND OVER 200 COMMENTS, BOYS.  That's fucking amazing, I cannot thank you enough.

What's your favourite band?? I'm nosey judge me.

That's all. Thank you so much if you actually take the time to read my authors notes. Don't forget to vote and comment, dudes and dudettes. Till next time.

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