Life of Mine. [Harry Styles]

harryintheam द्वारा

380K 8.6K 2.2K

Rosalyn Jones is finally done being controlled by everyone. Her overbearing parents don't approve of her sudd... अधिक

Author's Note + Trailer!
1. First Day
2. Surprising Boss
3. Lost Friendships and New Music.
4. Interest
5. Go With It
6. Vague
7. Who Knows
8. Decisions
9. Trust and Mistrust
10. Forget About It
11. Slumber Party
12. The Characters
13. Sweets
14. Words
15. Date
16. Decisions
17. Conversation
18. Distance
19. Moping
21. All Together
22. Relax
23. End of the Day
24. Bliss
25. Beginnings
26. Misunderstandings
27. Fights
28. Alone
29. Determination
30. Truth
31. Love
32. Reunion
33. Compromise
34. Too Many Thoughts
35. Questions
36. Realization
37. The End.
a very belated update.

20. Breaking the Ice

8.2K 197 61
harryintheam द्वारा

Songs for this chapter:

1. Fireproof-One Direction

2. Nobody Love-Tori Kelly

3. Outlaws-Alessia Cara


Rosalyn POV. 

I woke up the next morning to Harry, the man I love terribly, setting coffee and a small bag on the beside table. He was dressed in tight jeans and a Rolling Stones t-shirt, and smelled faintly of cologne, clearly having gone out. I sat up, rubbing my tired eyes and leaning forward to kiss his cheek.

"Good morning sunshine," he chuckled as I struggled to keep my eyes open. "I brought you a mocha and a cinnamon roll."

"Thank you, babe," I grinned, leaning forward to press my lips to his softly. "How did you sleep?"

"Wonderfully," he sipped his own coffee. "And you?"

"Perfect," I sighed contentedly, leaning in for another kiss. I wanted to kiss him all day. And tell him I loved him.

Shit, I should probably tell him that little piece of information at some point. 

But not now. Right now, I was just going to enjoy the blissful time we still had. I wasn't going to ruin it by telling him I loved him when he may not even love me back. We hadn't known each other that long, and I didn't want to scare him off.

But he was the love of my life, in all honesty. He was my rock. With him, I was completely myself. I was carefree and passionate and loving and happy. Even more so, I was sharing it with the man I loved so dearly. Harry was cautious. He was careful not to hurt anyone, and loved too much. But he was also hilarious and adventurous and kind. I wanted him in my life forever. And he deserved to know that. Still, I would wait. 

"Will you hang out with me today?" I requested, so happy that he was back in my life. 

"Of course, love," he nodded. "Niall and Emily are hanging out over at your apartment, we could just join them?"

I wanted alone time with Harry, but I'm sure that could wait until later in the evening. 

"Sounds great," I agreed. I would sacrifice a bit of alone time to build up friendship between the four of us. "Kiss me again?"

He chuckled teasingly before leaning in to press his lips to mine. Soft, warm, and loving as always. I almost blurted out those three words right then and there, but quickly stopped myself.

"Hey, Ros?" he breathed, pulling back a few inches. "Can I tell you something?"

"Yeah," I nodded, hoping he'd tell me what I so desperately wanted to tell him. He placed two fingers under my chin, tilting my head slightly so my eyes met his. God, he was so lovely. 

"I..." he began. 

"Harry!" I heard Louis' voice call. 

Damn him. 

"Yeah?" Harry called back, a sad look in his eyes. 

Louis burst in the room a moment later, an amused look on his face. He always seemed to be amused. 

"We're all having game night at Rosalyn and Emily's apartment tonight," he informed him. "Oh, hey Rosalyn!"

"Hi Louis," I laughed, taking a bite of my food.

"We're having game night tonight at your place tonight," he repeated with a smirk. "See you at eight."

"See you later, Lou," Harry waved and Louis got the hint. After he left, I desperately tried to make Harry finish his thought. 

"You were saying?" I turned his face back to me. 

"Oh," he frowned. "Just that I think we should hang out before tonight, too. We haven't had good quality time in a while, ya know?"

My heart sank, but my face hid the hurt. 

"Oh, of course!" I forced a small smile. "How about we go see a movie?"

"Sure," he nodded and leaned in to kiss my cheek. "Get dressed, we'll go whenever you're ready."

                                                                                 ~                    ~                      ~

Rosalyn POV. 

The movies were fine, of course. Harry bought a jumbo popcorn for us to share, but I ate most of it. I was probably stress-eating over not having told him how I truly felt yet. He noticed that I was stressed and tried to get me to talk, but of course, I wouldn't. Eventually he stopped prying and just soothingly rubbed his thumb over my hand as he held it and kissed me softly every now and then. Of course, it made me fall even more in love with him. He was so sweet to me. 

"You excited for game night?" I asked after hours of hanging out and walking around the city. We were in a taxi on the way back to my apartment, sitting as close as possible without me being in his lap. 

"Yeah," he grinned. "I think it'll be fun to have the boys and my favorite girl all in the same place."

"I'm your favorite girl?" I smiled so hard my face hurt, tightening my grip on his hand. 

"Of course," he laughed softly, pecking my lips. "You're pretty cool, ya know?"

"I'm flattered," I giggled, feeling my face flush. "You're so sweet today."

"You're awfully cute today, too," he commented, seeing how much I was blushing. 

"Stop," I pleaded, burying my face in my hands.

"You always do that when you're nervous," he noticed, removing my hands from my face. "It's cute."

"Whatever," I groaned. 

Finally, we pulled up to my building. Everyone was already there, so to make up for being late, we supplied the alcohol for the evening. I didn't want everyone drunk all over my apartment, but since it was game night, I decided to be a little adventurous and supply it like a typical college party. Harry and I walked hand-in-hand, holding the bags of alcohol with our other hand. 

We were greeted with a chorus of "hey!", "there they are", and "what the hell took you so long?". I rolled my eyes playfully, setting out the alcohol and mixing everyone a drink. Liam was setting up monopoly and ignoring the teasing from everyone else about how he chose monopoly as the first game of the evening. 

"Alright, let's make this interesting," Niall proposed, setting his drink down. I sat as close to Harry as possible, hoping he wasn't beginning to see me as clingy. I just loved being close to him. My thoughts ceased as he grabbed my hand and pulled me even closer, leaning in to kiss my neck softly. 

"How so?" Louis asked excitedly. 

"If you have to go to jail, you take a shot," he poured a shot of whiskey and downed it in demonstration. As if these people didn't know how to take a shot. 

"How about if you draw a chance card, you have to take a shot," Louis added. "And if you land on a property with a hotel."

"That's so random," Emily shook her head. "Lame."

"Any better ideas?" Niall chuckled loudly, slinging an arm around Emily. They were so cute. They went out all the time, but won't too serious, and I still saw Emily plenty. I was happy for them. 

"No," she sighed. "Let's just start the game."

After a few rounds, Harry and Liam had taken one shot each, but also owned a property or two. Harry's palm rested on the top of my thigh the entire time, his finger tips lightly moving against my skin. It was driving me insane. 

"You're doing well," I commented in Harry's ear. I also suddenly realized how adorable his ears were. How was every inch of this man so perfect? 

"Thanks, baby," he winked and took a sip of jungle juice. 

"Hey, what does the winner get?" Emily asked. 

"The satisfaction of winning," said Louis, who had the least amount of money. 

"No, the winner should get something," Liam agreed with Emily. "How about they get to choose the next thing we all do together, and the loser has to like pay for food or something?

"If the food is pizza," I reminded Liam that Emily and I weren't rich, famous celebrities. 

"Sure," Liam chuckled. "And the winner gets bragging rights for a month."

"Good enough," Emily shrugged, taking a large gulp of her beer. 

After a solid forty-five minutes of playing, Liam and Harry were practically tied. Liam had a slight edge, but not by much. I was pretty tipsy by this point, Louis was drunk off his ass from the shots and getting several refills on jungle juice, Emily looked pretty sober still, and Niall was pretty much the same either way. Harry was a little tipsy, but not as tipsy as I was.

"You need a refill!" Louis cheered as he saw my drink was empty. He quickly jumped up, grabbed my cup, and filled it with jungle juice. "I put an extra shot of vodka in it!"

"You're so kind," I chuckled, tasting the drink. Not too bad, really. 

After a few more rounds, I was drunk off my ass. I quite liked Louis' little specialty of jungle juice with an extra shot of vodka, and had quite a bit of it. Harry hadn't had much to drink besides the few shots he took throughout the game, and was now winning. 

"You're soooo cute," I cooed in his ear while no one paid attention to us. He chuckled, nudging his nose with mine. 

"You're sweet when you're drunk," he smirked.

"I'm sweet all the time," I protested with a little frown. "And you have really cute dimples."

He couldn't help but smile wider, and I softly kissed the dimple that appeared.

"Awww!" I giggled, interlacing my fingers with his strong hand that was still on my thigh. "I love your face."

I may have been drunk, but I still knew it wasn't the time to declare my love for him. I'd declare my love for everything else, though.

"Baby, pay attention to the game," he demanded playfully, rolling the dice with his free hand. He landed on Liam's property and paid him the lofty fine. 

"I love your hands, they're so manly," I stated, playing with his fingers. "And I love when you act like my compliments don't affect you."

"You're drunk," he reminded me. 

"So?" I laughed, looking around to make sure no one was paying attention. They were too busy trying not to fall out of their chairs. "You know what else I love? Your jaw. Look."

I ran my finger along it, and then jerked it back dramatically.

"Ow!" I giggled. "Your jaw's so sharp, it gave me a cut!"

He laughed at my drunken pick up line and kissed my finger.

"All better?" he asked playfully. I nodded and leaned in to steal a quick kiss.

"I love your lips," I told him, my lips still touching his. "And your ears. You have super cute ears."

"Hey, lovebirds," Emily snapped. "Pay attention."

"Sorry mom!" I shouted across the table and Harry grabbed my hand again, an amused smirk covering his face. When it got to my turn, I rolled the dice and landed on Harry's property.

"Pay up, drunkie," he stuck out his hand and I reluctantly handed him the fine. 

"Am I losing?" I pouted.

"No, love," he laughed again. "Louis' still losing."

"Shut up!" Louis shouted in his thick accent. "My turn!"

He, too, landed on Harry's property. 

Inevitably, Harry won. Instead of being angry, in my drunken state, I got up and cheered.

"That's my baby!" I shouted, bragging in the faces of the rest of our guests. "Ha ha! He won and you didn't!"

"Ros," Emily laughed, taking a sip of her drink. She was still on her first drink, surprisingly. "You ended up losing. Get ready to buy pizza."

"Noooooo!" I whined, sitting back down. "Harry, this is all your fault!"

"Why?" he chuckled, grabbing my hand again.

"You should've helped me pay better attention!" I pouted, sticking my bottom lip out. 

"We'll let you pick the pizza place," Liam laughed, barely drunk himself. 

"I love pizza," I smiled at Harry, whom I loved even more than pizza.

"I'm glad," Harry rolled his eyes playfully. "We should probably get you to bed soon."

"Another game!" I protested. "It's only ten!"

"Yeah!" Louis agreed, the only one more drunk than I was.

We ended up playing random board games until one in the morning, and Harry had completely cut me off from drinking by eleven. I wasn't really sobering up at all, but Harry was making me drink lots of water. After a while, we all decided it was time to go to sleep. Louis and Liam set up camp in the living room, whining about how unfair it was that Niall and Harry were dating 'the chicks with real beds'. We simply laughed, saying goodnight to each other.

"Are you drunk?" I asked Harry as he shut my bedroom door behind us. I was stumbling around like a trashy college student, but Harry was being patient as ever as he caught me. "I hope you're drunk. It's so fun!"

"Not really," he chuckled, kissing my cheek. "I was a little bit earlier, but I'm pretty sobered up now."

"You're so booooring," I drawled, slinging my arms up around his neck. "Kinda like my grandma. She only drank one glass of wine a week!"

He simply laughed again, leaning down to peck my lips. 

"Bed time," he instructed, helping me change into shorts and his t-shirt. He crawled into my bed, only wearing his boxers, and I happily cuddled up to him. I checked my phone quickly before I went to sleep, as I did every night. 

This time, there was a missed call and text. The call was from my mother.

"Oh, god," I groaned, causing Harry to sit up.

"What's wrong?" he asked, placing a strong hand on my shoulder.

"My mom called," I sighed, unlocking my phone to read whatever text I had missed. "Oh god, she texted me, too."

From Mom: Rosalyn Jones, we haven't spoken in over a month and you don't answer my call? Call me tomorrow. 

I began to weep, showing Harry the text. Instead of saying anything, Harry simply pulled me back down to the mattress with him, soothingly rubbing my back. 

"It'll be okay," he promised. 

I really wanted to believe him.


1. Hello my loves!! I worked my ass off to get this chapter up before I went to sleep. It's not great, but it was pretty fun to write and literally took me all day within meeting my new roommate and getting ready for classes and rearranging my room. I swear I'm dedicated to updating as often as humanly possible. 

2. Again, just thank you so much for reading. I have over 600 reads now, and I thought no one would read it, to be honest. I'm a fairly new writer, and not great, so I figured no one would even entertain the idea of actually reading it. The fact that you guys are reading and voting REALLY encourages me to keep writing, and I love it so much. Thank you.

3. I miss Harry. The worst part of 1D's break so far is not constantly hearing Harry's voice. That sounds ridiculous but I felt like sharing that lol

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