The Heaven Project [Completed]

By floralpages

847 67 22

The angel race exists up in the Heavens above the fluffy clouds that people on Earth see. The angels have win... More

It's Not My Fault *Connor*
Time For School *Eva*
Don't You Dare *Connor*
Chill Out *Eva*
You Can't Do That *Connor*
Things Go Bad *Eva*
Death Attracts Demons *Connor*
Humans Are Weird *Eva*
Saturday *Connor*
Movie Marathon *Eva*
Mondays Are Torture *Connor*
Meltdowns and Oreos *Eva*
A Day at the Library *Connor*
...Surprise? *Eva*
Undercover Demon *Connor*
Locked In Heaven *Eva*
Empty Threats *Connor*
Character Ask
Character Ask answers!
Epilogue *Eva*

The Watchers *Eva*

120 5 2
By floralpages

We're the angel race. That means we have wings, a little bit of powers only for emergencies and we're sent to help the humans. I've been training all my life for this. To be a Watcher.

My name's Eva, short for Evangeline. I like my nickname so much better. Most of us angel's have Latin names. I'm not sure why. Sometimes, you'll see a Greek name or maybe a Hebrew name. See, we've been here from the start of it all. My ancestors watched the fall of the Roman Empire. My great, great, great, times ten or so more greats, grandfather was a Watcher during that time. Yep, he was helping a battle general suffering from depression.

Today was just a normal day. I had school to attend. Mostly, we just learn a few human studies, practice flying techniques, learn the history of angels and then after school, is when training begins. It's not much but we have to learn to help the human through their emotions. It's really complicated. Humans are complicated.

Now back to my morning. I have to get dressed. I swing my legs over the edge of my bed and walk to my closet. The school has a uniform so there's not much to choose from. I slip into the usual white skirt and golden top. White shoes to go with it. I twirl in front of the mirror.

You're probably wondering about my wings. You're also probably stereotyping them already. White wings, am I right? Well, I'll just start off by saying that's not always true. My wings are white, yes, but each feather is tipped with a pale pink. My dad has light blue wings. Not sky blue, like pastel blue mixed with white. My mom has lilac wings that are so pretty. I absolutely adore them.

I walk downstairs into the kitchen. Us angels only eat fruit. And some other things but not meat. Never meat. It's against our morals. Never harm another creature is at the top of the list.

"Good morning Eva," my dad says.

"Morning. What's for breakfast?" I ask, sitting at the table. Oh, one more thing, I'm 15 years old. We're not immortal either so I have the same lifespan as the average human.

"Blueberry pancakes," my dad replies. My mom walks in wearing her work uniform. Well, it's sort of a uniform. She's wearing a floor length white silk dress. I don't know what her job is. Every time I ask her about it, she smiles sweetly at me and says all in good time. Whatever that means.

"Morning everyone," she says, sitting across from me. My dad and I reply with good morning. "Eva, you have a surprise after school."

"What is it?" I ask eagerly. I hate surprises and would rather know as soon as possible.

"That would ruin the surprise now, wouldn't it?" my mom says with a smile. I lean back in my chair, resisting the urge to pout.

Breakfast went well like usual. Just as I was grabbing my bag, my parents walked up to me. I already told them goodbye. They're acting weird today.

"Honey, remember that whatever happens," my mom says.

"We love you," my dad finishes.

"Okay," I say slowly. "I love you too." My parents smile at me and rub my shoulders. I smile and walk out the door. Off to school.


Did I mention we have demon training? Yeah, that probably would've been helpful. My back hits the mat for the third time in the past half hour.

"Are you sure you aren't a demon?" I question Abba.

He just shakes his head, flashing me a white toothed grin. "Full blooded angel darling. Maybe you should train harder."

"Chill it cupcake. Stop acting cocky and help this poor girl up," I say. Abba stretches out a hand to help me up. I grab it and flip him onto the mat. I stand up and brush my training pants off. "Whatcha doin' on the floor bud?"

"Grab a sword darling," Abba says, jumping up off the floor. "We're gonna battle this out."

"You're going down," I say. I grab a training sword from the rack against the wall.

Our swords clash together. Abba raises his sword above his head and prepares his swing. At the last minute, I dive away and hit his legs with my sword. Well, looks like if this was real Abba wouldn't have legs.

"Eva wins!" I shout. Abba scowls. "Suck it up, buttercup. I'm the better angel."

"Until ya come up to an actual demon. You're gonna freeze," Abba says.

"In your dreams," I say, smirking as I put my sword back. I pick up my gym bag and exit the gym. I walk down the hallway to the girls locker room.

I change back into my school uniform, pull my hair up into a neater ponytail and gather up my stuff. I push open the door. Training is done. Now I can just go home and relax for a bit. But what about that surprise?

Totally caught up in my thoughts, I didn't realize I was out in the courtyard. The afternoon sun was peaking through the trees. The leaves were pale pink, like the color on my wings.

The thing about Heaven is that things are different colors than on earth. Yeah, some trees are pink like the cherry blossoms. It's always spring here. The grass is the brightest, healthiest green. The flowers sparkle with gold. The beach is purple. The water is a deep blue. Everything has such brighter color here.

"Eva," a booming voice says. I almost jump and drop my stuff. An angel is supposed to be on defense all the time but...yeah I wasn't paying attention.

"Yes sir?" I ask. It must be one of the Council members.

"You are called upon the Council to accept the job of a Watcher. You must accept now for more details," the voice says. I can't seem to find the source but that's nothing unusual here. Voice projections are amazing.

"I...I accept," I say.

"Great. You'll be watching and helping a 15 year old boy named...well that's not important. You must go now," the voice says. Out of nowhere, golden dust falls around me. When it touches my skin, it tingles. I start dissolving right before my eyes.

"Wh-what?" I ask. My heart is pounding. Is this supposed to happen? What is happening? Then all of me disappears and I'm falling. Falling through clouds.

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