Romeo and Juliet (Book 1) - S...

By Semantrick

431K 13.8K 11.1K

*Featured in Wattpad @Fanfic Recommendations* Severus Snape could not possibly be more focused on his tasks n... More

Prologue / Chapter 1 - Leaving The Past
Chapter 2 - Welcome To Hogwarts
Chapter 4 - Triwizard Heat
Chapter 5 - Coffee For The Sleepy
Chapter 6 - Saved By The Snape
Chapter 7 - Exploding Bonbon
Chapter 8 - A Muggle Love Story
Chapter 9 - Ups And Downs
Chapter 10 - The Last Dance
Chapter 11 - What Is Yet To Come
Chapter 12 - Reveal and Forgive
Chapter 13 - Special Guests
announcement! lol
Chapter 16 - Black Forest
Chapter 17 - Abduction By Waters
Chapter 18 - Confessions and Confusion
Chapter 19 - Considerable Thoughts
Chapter 20 - Of All People
Chapter 21 - Clarice
Chapter 22 - The Same Mistake
Chapter 23 - Tortured Hearts
Chapter 24 - Apples And Acromantulitis
Chapter 25 - Obstinate Recovery
Chapter 26 - All for you
Chapter 27 - To Love And Linger
Chapter 28 - The Heiress Of Slytherin
Chapter 29 - Do Not Fear

Chapter 3 - First Day Counts

25.5K 673 865
By Semantrick



"What's in a name? That which we call a rose by any other name would smell as sweet." - William Shakespeare, Romeo and Juliet, 2.2


CHAPTER 3 - First Day Counts

~ R ~

Renee woke up at around five o'clock, having always been an early riser. Her roommates were still asleep, so she silently tiptoed towards the door and took a warm bath. After which, she quickly dressed up, but not without admiring her new Slytherin uniform, and headed for the common room.

"Incendio," Renee said quietly, pointing her wand to the hearth as it lit up. She settled comfortably in a dark green sofa that matched the linings of her robe and tie.

Renee got her standard sixth year Potions book, Advanced Potion-Making, and started to browse through the pages. She found out that she knew most, if not all, potions that were there, and even saw some corrections. She started to mark them with her quill, but then realised that the act would be futile because she won't bother following the book anyway, and she'd just have to go to the library to get 'even more advanced' potion books.

Renee scanned her timetable and was quite pleased with it. She thought about her 'Waterloo', Astronomy, and she was grateful because it wasn't a mandatory subject for the remaining two years, so that meant it was officially out of her worries. This year, having scraped up eleven O.W.L.s, she possessed the liberty to choose the N.E.W.T. subjects that are needed for whatever specific profession she chooses. Renee aspired to be a healer, or anything relative to potion-making. She dropped unnecessary core subjects to make way for pre-requisites on Healing.

In the morning, Renee would have Care of Magical Creatures, Herbology, and Defense Against the Dark Arts. After lunch, she would have double Potions, one with sixth years and one with seventh years (having excelled the placement test the headmaster gave her), then a break. Then she'd have a free period before heading off to her elective.

As for Renee's elective, Dumbledore gave her the privilege to take up Alchemy, which was required for Healing, although he mentioned that she would be the only one to do so in her year, and that left her in an anxious state.

Renee hoped and prayed that her professor, whoever he or she may be, would be... merciful. She remembered the vampire-looking professor yesterday, and prayed to Merlin that it wouldn't be him. Was it Professor Snake? Snate? She honestly couldn't remember.

Renee sighed, thinking of the busy days to come. Just when she was about to pack up her stuff and head off to nowhere in particular, a Slytherin bloke, who appeared to be a seventh year, came crashing through the door of the common room. "Did you have to wake us up?" complained a sickly looking lady in a portrait.

"Sorry," the guy said, not sounding sorry at all. "Hey you, new girl," he called Renee. She merely raised an eyebrow at his arrogance while he continued.

"Just in case you didn't know yet, I'm Aaron Brunfels, a prefect. Our head of house, Professor Severus Snape, wants us all to gather in the common room for a meeting before breakfast. If I were you, I wouldn't leave anymore." he bossily said, as if trying to frighten the newcomer.

"Fine." Renee said in response rather too strongly, though the Brunfels guy didn't seem to notice.

"I shall inform the others now." he declared, leaving with his chin higher than the sky off to the dormitories.

Okay, his name is Snape, Renee thought. It was about quarter 'til six and breakfast was supposed start at half-past seven, so she expected Professor Snape to arrive anytime soon.

Slytherin students started to assemble in the common room. Renee saw her three other roommates coming in together, and a sudden realisation occurred to her: she did not asked their names yet. They weren't particularly concerned about knowing hers either, as they completely ignored her last night. Renee noticed that they weren't with Jamila, so she guessed that they were not that friendly with her as well. Renee presumed that it was probably a common stereotypical Slytherin trait to be either a bully or a stuck-up snob, but then again, she went through worse, so she knew she could definitely handle those twats.

A few minutes later, Jamila showed up alone. Renee brushed past the other students as she made her way towards her, but stopped when she was caught off-guard by the most deep, baritone, velvet-sounding, somewhat gentle yet the most gorgeous voice she ever heard in her entire life.

"Order." he commanded, loud enough for everybody to hear, and immediately caused the noise-filled common room to grow silent.

Very discreetly, Renee turned around to face the entrance of the common room and saw Professor Snape. She was instantly intimidated upon seeing him standing upright with his arms crossed, eyeing the students one by one, almost glaring at them.

"Welcome to another year at Hogwarts." Professor Snape said, emphasising every syllable with gentle aggression. "I trust that you, students of the Slytherin house, will aim to prove to be an asset to this institution, and not... a disgrace." he pointed out as all students, especially Renee, held their breaths. She looked at him straight in the eye the whole time, trying not to show any hint of trepidation.

"I'm well aware that all of you here are familiar with the rules and regulations instigated upon this school, therefore I hope you all are diligent enough to comply with them." he said with his velvet-like voice, still eyeing the Slytherins like they were convicts, making Renee shudder a bit.

"The head students and prefects are continually available for inquiry. Should the first years or... newcomers," Professor Snape began. Renee quickly looked away from him the moment all eyes, including the professor's, turned to her, causing her own to look timidly at the floor instead. "..have any concerns, do not hesitate to approach them." he continued. Very slowly, Renee returned to look at him and tried to avoid other people's stares.

"And should any of you, commit a grave mistake as we embark on another year, will be punished... accordingly." Professor Snape said threateningly as he raised an eyebrow, making Renee shiver even more.

With that, he shot a last glare at the students, and for a moment, Renee's eyes seem to have met with Snape's, but his gaze lasted for an instant, and he immediately stormed off the common room with his black cloak billowing behind him.

Well, that was interesting, Renee thought. Snape wasn't the most pleasant man but she guessed that he could be dealt with. The students resumed their abominable chattering, while others left the common room, heading off to the Great Hall. Renee realised that she was just about to do the same, but suddenly recalled that she was looking for Jamila. Her companion was nowhere to be seen, so she left the common room by herself.

After a series going up and down a good number of marble staircases, Renee finally reached the Great Hall. She chose the first table from the left side of the hall and began to eat her breakfast in solitude. She preferred that than having to be all awkward with new people, so she was satisfied for the most part. She was also glad that there were no annoying musical wood nymphs at Hogwarts that would disturb her peace when she'd have to accomplish some reading.

Curiously, Renee took a glance at the staff table and saw Professor Snape, who seemed to be eating in solitude as well, not even bothering that he was sitting beside Igor Karkaroff, who was sitting beside Dumbledore.

Halfway through Renee's meal, she heard a familiar voice call her name. "Renee!" he shouted. She beamed when she saw that it was Fred.

"Hi Fred, good morning." Renee greeted him cheerfully as he sat beside her, carrying his meal.

"G'morning pretty lady," he said playfully in reply. "Hope you don't mind if I join you once again. How was your first night here?" he asked intently.

"Nope, not at all. It was okay, really. The facilities are great, although at times, I still get lost." Renee shrugged happily.

"Don't worry, it took us about two years to master the castle completely and gather tricks up our sleeve in discovering shortcuts and secret passages, forbidden they may be or not." Fred winked. "I should give you a tour sometime during the weekends." he grinned suggestively as he chewed his bacon.

"I'd like that." Renee replied with a smile. "Where's George?"

"Off somewhere to close a deal or something." he stated. Renee didn't bother interrogating him about whatever that deal was. "If I may ask, do we have classes together?" he asked nicely.

Renee showed him her timetable. "I do hope that we'd be fortunate enough to share one or two." she said hopefully. Fred was really nice so Renee had put her guard down for him, happy to realise that maybe she has finally found her first true friend. He scanned the parchment, taking bites from his toast.

"Bloody hell, Renee, you've got all the boring and difficult subjects!" Fred said, surprised. "And double Potions, one with the seventh years! You even take up Alchemy! Merlin's beard, you must be brilliant," he added. Renee simply laughed and grinned.

"You do realise that you'll be seeing a lot more of Snape, don't you? You must've heard about him, he's terrible. Don't worry, I'll make it up for you every weekend for the horrendous weekdays you'll be spending with him. And hey, we have sixth year Potions and Herbology together!" he said excitedly.

"That's awesome." Renee laughed. "Is it really okay for you to be hanging out with... you know, a Slytherin like me, Fred?" she challengingly asked him.

Fred stopped chewing and looked at Renee thoughtfully. "I had totally forgotten that you were sorted there. It doesn't really matter now, Renee, I know you're different. You're nice and not stuck-up as everybody expected you to be," he said calmly. "You're not like them." he added, referring to the Slytherins.

"Thanks," Renee smiled gratefully. "I just remembered, I saw a boy who seems to be a third or fourth year. A redhead as well, and resembles you a lot. Is he your brother?" she asked curiously.

"Yeah! That's Ron, our brother. He's a fourth year. Really clumsy, that bloke..."

With that, Fred began to tell more about his family, making Renee even more comfortable around his presence. She learned that aside from George and Ron, he had three more brothers and a sister who was a third year student. He told her lots of little anectdotes; from his family being a loyal Gryffindor to Ron being friends with Harry Potter, the boy who lived. Even after finishing their food, Fred and Renee walked together and exchanged stories, the former mostly about his prank-related achievements in life, and the latter just complained thoroughly about her awful time in her past school.


The first half of Renee's day was finally over, much to her relief. She was surprised to see that Hagrid was her Care of Magical Creatures professor. Not that she finds him incapable, she was actually glad about it. Renee was his most active student, and he was really nice to her in return. In Herbology, Professor Pomona Sprout was her teacher. She found her professor's humor ludicrous, but she was yet again the brainy one, so her mentor had no complains about her. In Defense, it was the weird Auror who had the artificial eye, Professor Alastor Moody, as her teacher. For some reason, Renee just couldn't feel comfortable around him-- maybe it was because he creeped the hell out of her so much, not to mention the brutal fact that he had mercilessly discussed about the three unforgivables in their very first meeting.

In class, most of the students did nothing but glare at Renee, as she kept on getting all the points for her house. It was either because of jealousy or because she was from Beauxbatons or Slytherin-- she couldn't even tell anymore. The good thing was that Fred was there to guide her, at least in Herbology and later on, Potions.

Renee spent lunch with Fred, George and a third year Ravenclaw girl named Luna Lovegood. The girl was quite the oddball, but she was nice, so the newbie was willing to be really friendly.

Heading towards the dungeons, the three sixth years made their way to Potions class. Renee felt a slight curl in her stomach as she approached the room, remembering Professor Snape's deathly glare and velvety voice.

The Potions Master wasn't there yet, so Renee was utterly relieved. She insisted to Fred that he ought to just sit with George because she found Jamila sitting alone, and decided to take the seat next to her.

"Hi, Jamila." Renee greeted politely.

"Hi." she replied with a small smile. The pair said no more after that.

After about a minute, the students heard the doors of the dungeon classroom crash loudly against the wall as it swung open, pushed by none other than Professor Severus Snape, making Renee's heart jump from utter surprise. He walked briskly towards his desk and said with his deep, distinct voice, "Turn to page 10."

The students sighed and got their copy of Advanced Potion Making. Renee remembered reading it awhile ago in the morning and mentally took notes of the corrections she saw.

"The Draught... of Living Death." he stated. "Anyone wishing to cast a person into a death-like slumber that may last... most indefinitely shall use it. However, it is very difficult to brew and regrettably, not many have the ability concoct such a powerful potion, as it requires in depth knowledge of the art." he drawled.

Easy, Renee thought, relieved. As an antisocial, she had buried herself enough in the Beauxbatons library to know about and pore over that potion. She saw this as a chance to get at least a decent first impression from Professor Snape, having little idea as to why she wanted such approval from him in the first place.

"..Which is why you all must concede from your useless standardised method of dithering tactics and focus on the procedure. You must finish brewing one by the end of the period and have it checked, though I'm quite sure none of you are adept enough to concoct a perfect one. However, you must attempt to do so, futile it may be, as it will determine if you all are capable enough to continue with the subject. I expect you all to work alone in silence. Failing to do so will result in deduction of house points." Snape said with a mixture of annoyance and threat. "Begin." he ordered then settled at his desk.

Renee saw Fred sweetly looking at her with concern, and she gave him back an 'I'll be okay' look. She took a lone table in front, at the left of Snape's desk, secluding herself away from other students. Quickly, she got her needed equipment, and prepared all the needed ingredients.

Amusingly, Renee watched her classmates as they fallibly attempted to cut their Sopophorous bean with a blade, as was written in the book. She took a dagger from one of the drawers instead, which earned her a suspicious glare from the professor.

Renee turned her back on the other students, making sure that her modified procedure weren't visible to them, though she was careful enough to angle herself in a way that Snape would see her sideways. The Slytherin in me, Renee thought. She really didn't know why she needed the man's approval, but then again always had this personality that would push her to show people that she could be brilliant, mostly perhaps because she never did get enough praise, and was always neglected. But this time, it was different; she felt compelled to do her best, and she was honest enough to admit that what she really wanted was to impress him.

Renee crushed the bean with the dagger and put its juice in a petri dish. After five minutes, she poured the African sea salt solution in the cauldron. Using her right hand, she held her wand to angle the cauldron properly, an act which all students failed to do, and added ten drops of wormwood essence. She then added three small, squared pieces of Valerian asphodel roots.

Renee did a lot more modifications to her potion. Involuntarily, she somehow glanced up at Professor Snape. She was surprised to see the Potions Master staring back at her, observing her with a face that she couldn't decipher. Her lip quivered and she did did a little bow that looked like a nod, and turned to resume her work, letting her dark hair do its purpose as a curtain to her face.

After a few more minutes, Professor Snape had enough of the students' pathetic attempts and said, "Time is up". He then flicked his wand and made all the ingredient remains and equipment disappear, leaving only the pewter cauldrons.

One by one, the professor approached each table and with each unsuccessful potion, in this case everybody's except Renee's, he had a gnarly insult to retort.

"What in the heavens do you think is this, Mr. Weasley?" Professor Snape sourly asked Fred.

"The potion.. Sir," he replied, unsure. Renee felt sorry for her friend, wishing there was some way she could have helped him.

"If that was the case, we would all drop ill with stomachaches if we were to drink this pathetic heap of mess. Five points from Gryffindor." Snape retaliated, making Fred tense up.

The man approached Renee's lastly, which made her wonder if he did so on purpose. He looked inside her cauldron briefly, and saw that the potion was pale pink, just as it should be, and not brown or green unlike the others had been. He then placed the tip of his wand on top of the concoction and a small leaf sprouted out of it. It fell to the potion and immediately dissolved.

Snape gave Renee a stony look before turning to the class, causing her heart to skip a beat. "Most unexpectedly, one student has concocted a perfect Draught of Living Death." he said, then paused. Renee's insides were bursting with satisfaction. "Congratulations... Miss Capulet as you have proved yourself against these unworthy fools... right on your first day. Twenty points to Slytherin." the professor said, somewhat eyeing the Gryffindors with a triumphant glare. The hairs at Renee's back stood up at his mention of her name.

With that, Snape dismissed Renee's classmates five minutes early. Knowing that she would have another period with the subject, Fred glanced at her with a sad smile, and she returned it with a comforting gaze. Unfortunately, all the other looks she got were hateful stares.

Being slightly obsessive compulsive, at the same time used to being treated like a slave, Renee started to non-verbally cast the Scouring Charm first on her cauldron then moved on to the others' mess. What she didn't know as she obliviously wiped the excess wormwood on the desks was that a pair of obsidian eyes observantly eyed her without shame.

"Miss Capulet, that will be enough. Please take a seat. You are not a house-elf, you don't need to impress me." Snape said menacingly. Renee was taken aback, but she had no intention of disobeying the man.

"Of course, sorry Professor." she said, avoiding the nagging embarrassment in her gut. She opted to just sit herself down so as not to humiliate herself any further, and let her hair do its job as a curtain once again.

"I must say you did a... good job on the draught." he stated quite calmly.

Whatever the professor was onto, Renee didn't know, and she wasn't complacent enough to dodge his unexpected compliment. "Thank you, sir." she managed to say.

Snape looked at Renee inquisitively, as if testing to see if she had enough wits to survive his next form of torment. "I am not benighted to ignore that Hogwarts is not as lavishly exorbitant as your previous school, but I do hope that you do not hold that against us." he said dryly.

It took Renee longer to comprehend that than she cared to admit, but she soon realised that he thought of her as a stereotypical Beauxbaton. "Honestly, sir, I am already more than grateful for the fact that all of my teachers are speaking in English now." she assured.

The professor seemed to have a problem with taking in Renee's honest answer as he brashly arched an eyebrow at her, but he soon exhibited a delinquent smirk. "Au contraire, Capulet, you might not be here long enough to avert my fractionally risqué manners, but you should know that I speak my... own... language." Snape countered smoothly.

Renee fought a losing battle at stopping her grin from coming out; the French words seemed a million times less repugnant coming from the Englishman's mouth, not even counting the velvety, dark chocolate-y voice that made her think of all the good things in the world without understanding what his words really meant. She also wanted to ask if he really talked like that, pausing every now and then, but she held herself lest she get another unwarranted reprimand.

"From what I've gathered today, I think that was most apparent, professor." Renee simply smiled.

Snape made a sudden shift of their conversation's tone. "You will do well in seventh year potions. Most of the fools you have for classmates wouldn't even achieve half what you've done. I hope you won't let that get into your head." he said monotonously.

"No, of course not, sir. Thank you," Renee told him graciously, surprised.

"I shall expect you to be Slytherin's academic pride." he stated bluntly, still keeping the piercing glare.

"I will do my best, sir." the newcomer vowed. Snape nodded and returned to his work, ignoring the vastly disbelieving girl. For an awkward five minutes, only the two of them were in his classroom, sharing a silence that was not unwelcome for both.

Renee saw that Snape was thoroughly focused with his paperworks, so she took that chance to gaze at the man. His features were strong but not aggressive; they still had that hint of gentleness in them. Long hair was common amongst wizards so she had no question about that, but what she had a query on was his frame; he was reasonably built, and she couldn't help but wonder if he worked out or drank a muscle-enhancing potion. Seconds before she snapped out of her gaping, she was completely unaware that she was involuntarily drawn to him, like how a Keeper would have been temptingly enticed at the sight of the latest Firebolt displayed at the Broom Shop.

Soon enough, the seventh years started to arrive. Renee was not surprised when Snape showed the same cold, demeanour in that class. They did the Mandrake Draught which was a bit more complex than the Draught of Living Death, but she still managed to brew her potion perfectly and earned Slytherin twenty more points. Most unfortunately, she had earned more hateful glares as well.

Renee was making her way to exit the dungeons when Snape called her attention again.

"Miss Capulet." he called with his velvety voice. "Professor Dumbledore would like to have a word with you. Please proceed to his office before heading off to your elective. His password is... lemon drop." he said, as if ashamed to utter such a word. Renee tried her best to repress an idiotic smile.

"Ok, sir, I shall head to his office in a bit." she told him. "See you, professor." she said, then awkwardly scooted out of the dungeons, though before she did, she didn't forget to make sure that she was allowed to leave, and Snape merely grunted in reply.

Renee went straight to Dumbledore, but not without difficulty. She managed to run across Peeves and got into a row with the ghost before she found the gargoyle that concealed the stairs leading to the headmaster's office. She said the password and the gargoyle moved aside.

"Ah, hello Renee. Have a seat please." the headmaster said. "Would you like a toffee eclair?" he offered.

Renee looked at the pieces of candy blankly. "No thank you, Professor." she politely refused.

"How was your first day? I ran into Pomona this morning and she told me you were brilliant in Herbology. Perhaps I should have given you an advance placement there as well, don't you think?" Dumbledore asked.

Renee suddenly thought about Fred, and how that was the only class where she could actually talk to him.

"It's okay, Sir. I wouldn't want to fill up my load this year too much. It'll be fine for next year." she told him.

"Very well. How was your double Potions? I hope Professor Snape didn't give you a hard time." Dumbledore's eyes twinkled.

"Not at all, Sir. We just brewed potions that I'm familiar with, so thankfully I'm finding Potions easy... as of now." Renee replied. Dumbledore smiled.

"That's excellent. I knew that you're gifted in the field; most students can never really brew the draughts given in your curriculum. I simply ask Severus to grade the students by how far they reach at least until the potion can take the slightest bit of effect and do its purpose. He's not very fond of it." he revealed to her.

"Oh that is... considerate, Sir." Renee said.

"Yes, well, not all are destined to become a Potions master like Severus.. and you, Renee." the headmaster praised. "That is why I let you take Alchemy as your elective. It is very much essential in the field of Healing and Potion-Making. Not many are given this privilege, and not many healers have taken up this subject. It will give you a lot more advantage and credibility, should you apply for a job." he explained. Renee nodded to show her understanding.

"Your teacher will also be Professor Snape, and the time of your subject shall be decided by him. Most likely it will depend on his free time, as he is a busy man. Today, you should meet him in the dungeons at around seven pm after dinner." he said.

So I'll be seeing more of Professor Snooty, err Snape, Renee thought. She got nervous, but she guessed it was okay, considering his professionalism despite the strictness.

"Ok, Professor." Renee replied. "Is there anything else I should know of, Sir?'

"Yes, actually. I do have a favour to ask you, Renee. Would you be kind enough to help Professor Snape in preparing the needed potions for the Triwizard Tournament? He shall be needing an assistant and you're the perfect candidate." Dumbledore asked.

Renee became anxious, but her excitement grew surprisingly. She thought it would be really awesome to finally put her knowledge into practical application, and hanging around with a Potions master wasn't such a bad idea either, even if he was unpleasant. She somehow actually appreciated his presence, peculiar it may still be to her. I could handle him, she thought.

"It would be an honour, Sir." Renee replied happily. Dumbledore beamed.

"Very well then, you may go. I hope you'll have a productive free period," he said.

Renee had spent the whole of her free period correcting her Potions book and reading about the basics of Alchemy in the library, not wanting to disappoint his elective professor when he clearly expected much from her. When she was done, she went straight to the Great Hall. The dinner was fantastic and she had yet again spent it with Fred, George and Luna. Snape wasn't at the staff table so she assumed that he was already in his office. After eating, she bade her friends goodbye and headed off to Alchemy.


~ S ~

Severus went straight to his office after finishing his last class an hour ago. It was distressing for him see that certain Marauder look-alike in his class again. Potter did not changed at all; he was still arrogant as ever, acting as if he was Merlin's greatest gift, and it didn't help that the brat's cronies were just as annoying as he was. Severus thought that the orange one could not possibly be any dafter, but then the boy would constantly find a way to prove him wrong. Then there was that Medusa-haired know-it-all whose insufferableness  would always provoke his nerves.

For four years, Severus had been putting up with their stupidity and recklessness, and he wasn't sure if he could take another three without losing all of his hair and perhaps his life, if his misfortune would ceaselessly continue.

There is an end to everything, he thought.

Severus' brooding was interrupted when he heard a brief knock on door of his classroom. Glancing at the clock, he saw that it was seven o'clock p.m., then immediately remembered that he had to teach an Alchemy elective taker, who also happened to be that newcomer who had just been sorted in his house. He hoped to the highest of heavens that Albus didn't make the girl his assistant just so he could add her to the list of students that he had to 'babysit'. At least she was in Slytherin, and house prejudice would be the least of his worries with the apprentice.

Straightening his garments and re-buttoning his cuffs in attempt to maintain the intimidation factor, Severus mightily said, "Come in."

His door was opened gently, and out came Renee Capulet. She timidly entered the room, carrying a rucksack with one shoulder.

"Good evening, professor," Capulet greeted him softly. Normally, Severus couldn't stand such atrocious American accents, but the way she spoke with such graceful benevolence made him overlook it. In fact, he momentarily found himself in the midst of observing the young woman in front of him.

Quickly coming back to his senses, Severus motioned for the lady to settle herself. "Have a seat." he ordered, to which she obediently did.

"As the headmaster have told you, Ms. Capulet, I shall be teaching you Alchemy. Surely you know that this subject is beneficial for courses relative to the field of Potion-Making, am I correct?" Severus asked briskly.

"Yes, sir." Capulet replied.

"And how familiar are you with the subject?" he queried.

"I know its fundamental concepts and intermediate transmutation of substances, Sir, though I have somehow concentrated more on Spagyric." his student answered.

Severus looked at her thoughtfully and said, "Very well. For today, you shall illustrate for me a data table of the creation of Panacea. Use references, if you must." he said, pointing to a pile of books at a spare desk. "After you have done so, I shall explain to you its internal philosophy. You may begin." he commanded.

Capulet nodded earnestly and proceeded to the table beside Severus. He took the liberty of getting some Alchemy tomes from the library, just in case she needed some back-up. He himself was surprised at his own gesture, scolding himself that he was getting soft and vowing that that would be the last time he would do such a thing.

Severus watched the girl as she got her quill and parchment from her rucksack. For the first few moments, he was completely unmindful of the fact that he was staring, or glaring, but even as he became aware he couldn't stop looking at her. It was no question that she was indeed beautiful, and he wondered why the hell would a girl like her transfer from that luxuriously fancy school that she was already enrolled in. Her silky dark brown hair was waist-long and looked as if it was well-taken cared of in contrast to his own which he never really gave a shite about, and most likely never would. Her face was so innocent yet very prim, and she genuinely looked too womanly for a sixteen year old.

After she settled herself on the desk, Capulet was soon oblivious of her milieu, and she was so focused with her work that her face was only an inch away from the tome which she was getting her answers from, and her obstinate posture was long gone, replaced by a hunched back and a bowed head. Severus was instantly reminded of a certain person who had the very same stance-- himself. He loathed that stance so bloody much, for it rendered him pathetically vulnerable to those twat Marauders who just couldn't piss off.

"Careful, or you might inhale that thick tome of yours. I wouldn't want to be the one responsible for sending you to the hospital wing for clogged sinuses." Severus mocked hypocritically, not resisting the chance.

Capulet looked up at him incredulously, but made no attempts to defend herself. "Oh, right. Sorry, sir," she huffed shyly, then immediately went back to her work.

Severus became even more curious-- or suspicious, to be accurate. So far, she was showing no signs of unwanted attitude, which was highly unusual given the fact that she was an ex-elite student and now supposedly a 'cunning' Slytherin. He made a mental note to test her if this was all an act because he has no plans of tolerating what might turn out to be a brat.

Although if she truly was as genuine and 'perfect' as she seemed, he couldn't deny that he would be grateful that she was sorted in his house. She was definitely more than a halfwit, and although that ruddy accent of hers sounded gallingly unorthodox to his ears, at least she was decent and and not obnoxious, which he could still bear with the remaining sanity he had.

Scolding himself for wasting time in diddling around, Severus returned to his paperworks, avoiding further interference. None of his students were ever given a damn so there was no reason for him to consider the girl an exception. Capulet was far from being a distraction to the exceedingly focused spy, who has long set himself for the deadly rocky ride that he felt was about to start any day. He concluded that the girl wasn't worth his time, and after this year he can finally say goodbye and good riddance to his bloody 'assistant'.

After about no more than ten minutes, Capulet finished writing and graciously handed her parchment to Severus. He wasted no second and discussed their lesson concisely without leaving any important details. The young lady listened intently, nodding whenever he asked her if she understood his explanations, although not without attacking her with threateningly relevant questions, all of which she managed to answer correctly, making him impressed deep down in the pit of his gut, though he will never admit it even if the planet was imperiled to be annihilated.

"Do you have any questions, Ms. Capulet?" Severus asked pithily.

"No, sir." Capulet answered. He would have taken that as a prideful response, but the way it had been uttered, like a lamb that was about to be the slaughtered, made him hold what would have been a nasty retort.

"None at all?" he questioned again instead, arching his defined brow. The girl nodded, and he returned her maneuver by mustering all the will he had to give her the most nefarious glare. "Then you shall prepare for a quiz next meeting." he challenged. Though still prim and composed, he saw the girl swallow and gave himself a mental pat on his back. But then he remembered that he had to be at least a bit reasonable lest Albus will call him for another 'man-to-man conversation', which he had always regarded as man-to-crackers.

"You may select a book to borrow for your upcoming test." he added monotonously, gesturing towards the pile of books he temporarily bestowed upon his student, unwillingly reassuring her. Though he moved spasmodically, he didn't miss the light in the girl's eyes.

"Okay, sir, thank you very much." Capulet complied. Severus instantly thought, For fuck's sake, doesn't this girl know anything but to say yes or no?

He grimaced as soon as he saw the girl arranging the stack of tomes like a child building a church made of legos. He heedlessly assumed that she thought his place was too filthy for her pampered arse, causing his blood to boil.

"There you go again, Ms. Capulet. Is it no longer your ambition to be a Healer and replaced it to become a house-elf instead?" Severus asked even more dangerously. He didn't know at first if the girl got his hint or she mistakenly took that as dry humour, but judging by the way she blushed a million shades of red and looked like she was about to shatter, he immediately knew that she read through his lines. She wasn't an imbecile after all.

"No, sir. I apologise. I just," she begged, then stopped as she was about to reason with him. Does this weakling really belong in Slytherin?  He raised an eyebrow, letting him know that he was waiting for her.

"I just got used to it, I guess. Sorry again." she finally said, looking anywhere but at him. The girl really boggled him; he had no inclination as to how the hell could someone be used to the idea of cleaning, let alone a wealthy wacko like her.

"Perhaps we should just proceed to our next agenda." Severus stated, breaking the awkward silence that had enveloped them after their exceptionally awkward moment. "I believe the Headmaster told you that you will be assisting me in preparing for the three Triwizard tasks."

"Oh, yes sir," Capulet eagerly said, clearly back in the game. "How can I be of service to you?"

He was almost shocked at the enthusiasm in her tone after he had hurled endless jibes at her right on their first meeting, but he decided not to pay it any mind. "For today you shall help me brew an essential solution that is to be made ready in a month for the main potions and the first task." he explained.

Soon enough they found themselves arranging equipment and gathering the needed liquids. Severus opted to be the one to chop off bits and pieces of herbs while Capulet carefully poured the iodized solutions onto the rows of cauldrons, heating and stirring them one by one with her wand. Potion-making was something that he took very seriously, and this time he didn't allow any iota of focus he had to linger elsewhere, although he found that hard to do because for some reason, he would often look at the girl's direction even though he knew that she wasn't stupid enough to burn herself. Then it almost made him flinch in surprise when he was about to look at her, then saw that she, too, was gaping up at him, but instantly retreated after realising that she got caught. He willfully stopped stealing glances after that, reprimanding himself to keep his eye on the knife.

After about an hour of concocting in silence, they finally finished. He wearily looked at the clock, then sighed heavily when he saw that it was half past eight. "We are done for now. You may go back to your dormitory." Severus waved off, turning his back from the girl to retire to his chambers. He heard a bit of shuffling and made no effort to notice it, wanting nothing but to lay down on his bed after a tiresome, long day.

"Professor Snape," Capulet called him softly. Her tone was something that Severus wasn't familiar with; usually his name would be uttered in spite or fear, but this time he heard nothing but the tone of respect and... sweetness in her voice. He looked back at her, wanting to know what the usually wordless girl had to say now.

"Thank you for teaching me and letting me help you, And for the book." She said, allowing a small smile, which made her a thousand times more attractive in his eyes. Severus didn't need to use Legilimency to know that she was genuine, it was already written all over her, and for that he smirked. "Pas de problème. Welcome to Hogwarts."

And once again, she exhibited the beautiful smile that did something strange to Severus' rigid heart.


A/N (2016): i'm aware that fred & george weren't likely to have gotten an o.w.l. in potions, but I wrote this when I was 16 and an idiot. Don't worry, the sequel of this book is now published and they aren't taking up n.e.w.t. potions there lol

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