George Weasley and Suhna Aand...

By revelyn10

705 15 1

Ruhays have this prophet of a true Ruhay would appear who alongside being a witch but in the same time being... More

Author's Note
Hogwarts train & Sorting hats
Weasley Twins Pranks on me nice try
Authors Note
Potions class can't get any worse can it?
Saved by someone I'd least expect
Malfoy and George fought over who? part 1
Malfoy and George fought over who? part 2
Hugged by someone who I don't know why I feel safe with....
Reunited after that unusual hug after 10 years

Hogwarts letter and Diagon Alley

157 2 1
By revelyn10

Hi I'm Suhna Anndan Ruhay and right now I think I'm the most happiest person in the whole world I got my Hogwarts letter from a big tough looking guy who calls himself Hagrid "well then Suhna since your finished reading your Hogwarts letter today we'll have to go and buy all school stuffs that would be needed"

"Yeah lets go can't wait" I tried not to sound that excited since I'm not really good at expressing my emotions. We apparated to Diagon Alley I kind of regretted not informing my foster grandma that she won't be seeing me for the whole year except for some of the holidays I think but since I know about the wizardary world they might've planned something so it meant I didn't have to worry about anything else. We were walking down the alley Hagrid was explaining some things to me about when I'm finished getting my wand and my Hogwarts uniform he'll be waiting for me outside the store where I'd be getting my uniform and that before we meet he'll be buying my books and owl and all the other stuffs that i'll need for school so before we separated to get all the things and meet up again later he gave me a whole bunch of coins wrapped around by a soft fabric cloth and pointed the way where I'm supposed to go so I went that way and he went the other way.

when I was about to reach the door handler it suddenly opened and out came some blonde boy and bumped right in to me luckily I was able to keep my balance but the blonde boy fell right in front of me he got up rubbing his left shoulder and said" Hey watch where your goin.." I absolutely did not know why he stopped talking but then "Hi I'm Unnen Malfoy whats your name" MALFOY oh my god as far as I knew I did not want to get involved with an Malfoy no way in hell so all I did was I gave a slight smile and nodded my head a little and went pass him and inside the wand store and finally I closed the door I leted out an relieved sigh but then was interrupted by someone clearing their throat I turned my head to see that someone and it turned out to be an old man with messy white hair 

"uhh..  hi sir i'm here to get my wand nice to meet you" the messy hair sir was shocked and surprised but then he smiled and gestured me to come closer and put forward my wand hand to him so he can measure it while doing so he said " your not a weasley are you"

 "no sir I'm not a weasley I'm a ruhay" 

"ahhh no wonder ms Ruhay you must be a-"

I cut him off saying" yeah I know a true ruhay who has the true blood of the family"

"yeah.... I think I know just the right wand and not just the right wand the..." I couldn't really hear what he had said before he stoped talking  cause he ended up mumbling, after a moment he gave me a wand and I was asked to wave the wand around pointing at an object so I pointed the wand at a lamp that was in the desk right in front of me and the lamp lit on" ahhh excellent no wonder that would be  15 coins'' while he was putting the wand box away and getting me a red white pattern of a flower which I'm supposed to connect it in the end of the wand which gave a meaning that it was a wand belonging to a ruhay so like hand grip thingy majigi before I stepped out of the wand store he called out and said" the unicorn tale feather in your wand has a brother which another ginger has when you meet him you'll know" I looked backed at him and he mouthed you'll know and I stepped out, took  me a moment to process what he had just said to me but then  I said to myself that right now I shouldn't think about it, I should get my Hogwarts uniform.

I reached the uniform shop and right now a woman is measuring my arms and then when she finished she went to the other side of the store and started making my uniform it only took a while when she was done she asked for 22 coins and once I was done paying I grabbed my uniform and walked out and man I almost screamed Hagrid was right next to the door and he startled me he eventually saw my startled face and apologised and then we had a small giggle and he showed me all the things he bought for my behalf and then he showed me my owl it was brownish with some white and a little redish in the same time awww it was so cute " well go on name your pet owl already" 

"oh yeah almost forgot i'll name you Dawn just looking at you reminds me the beauty of the sky when its dawn" I said that while patting her with my fingers lightly on her back

"its a girl right Hagrid"'

"yeah how'ga know?"

"nah just a lucky guess"

"Okay we all set Suhna"

"Yeah why do you ask"

"cause we'll be apparating to Kings Cross Station"

"oh yay lets go" again I tried not to express my excitement but I guess Hagrid could see right through me  

Author's note: Please do comment I'd like to know what you think of my story and I will do my very best to comment back to you

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