He is my other half (O.H)

Oleh salamander15

22.7K 533 63

What would you do if you found yourself back in the same town you lost your family in six years ago? Would yo... Lebih Banyak

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Six

Chapter Five

3.2K 74 1
Oleh salamander15

I got to school the next morning but I had a shooting pain in my arm. I know it has to do with Derek but I haven't seen him all morning and he hasn't picked up his phone. I was starting to get really worried but I knew he would be pissed at me if he found out I missed school. So I went on with my normal day, trying to ignore the pain.

"Brit?" I heard as I closed my locker door. Turning around I saw it was Stiles and Scott.

"Hey guys" I breathed out.

"Hey, you alright? You're looking a little pale." Stiles asked

"Can you come here for a second?" I asked and he nodded his head a little and walked closer to me. Once he was in arms reached I lifted up my hand and smacked the back of his head. "You tell me if I'm alright."

"Yeah, you're fine." Scott laughed but underneath it he could read me like an open book.

"OW!" Stiles yelled "What was that for?"

"Well, that was for getting me sent to jail!" I said while smacking him again.

"Jesus!" He grabbed his head

"And that, was for digging up Laura." I said

"That hurt." He mumbled

"Be lucky you weren't me last night. She kicked my ass." Scott laughed

"You both deserved it." I said while walking towards my first class.

The day went on and my arm started to hurt more and more. I was starting to get weak and people kept asking me if I was okay because I looked really pale.

It was about ten minutes before the final bell and I was heading to my locker when I heard a voice I knew all too well.

"Where is Scott or Brittany?" I heard Derek ask and I started to slowly make my way to where they were.

"Why should I tell you anything?" Someone asked. Jackson?

"Because I asked you politely, and I only do that once."

I rounded the corner and saw Derek standing there. And let me tell you, he looks like death warmed over.

"Der?" I asked but it came out like a whisper

They both looked over at me and I saw relief wash over Derek when he saw me, but it quickly went away when he saw how I looked. I made my way over to them and looked between the two.

"Hey, let's get you out of here yeah?" I said while wrapping his arm around my shoulder

"Wait, you're not going anywhere." Jackson said while pulling my arm roughly "Not until you tell me where you're getting your stuff."

If I was my full strength his grip wouldn't have bothered me, but seeing as though I'm not, his grip was extremely tight and it caused me to whimper. Before I could protest and tell Jackson to stop and let me go, Derek had grabbed Jackson by the neck and slammed him into the lockers.

"Don't you ever touch her again." Derek snapped

"Der," I said and it caused him to look back at me.

He let go and walked over to me, slinging his arm over my shoulder and walking towards the parking lot.

"You can't drive like that." He pointed out

"Thank you captain obvious. I have an idea."

The bell rang and we went to find Stiles. We headed off down the side walk and we kept our heads low so no one would question why we looked like death.

We saw him pulling out of the parking lot and thought now would be a good time to walk in front of his car.

Walking out with our hands up, signaling him to stop, he slammed on his breaks just barely missing us.

"Brit!?" I heard him yell, and by now cars were honking from behind him.

I heard quick footsteps coming toward us and saw it was Scott, but before I could say anything my legs gave out from under me as Derek collapsed onto the ground, pulling me with him.

I landed half way on Derek but my head ended up hitting the ground.

"What the hell?" I heard Stiles say before he closed his car door.

"Derek, what the hell are you doing here?" Scott asked "Brit are you alright?"

"Just peachy." I said trying to be sassy but it came out hoarse.

"I was shot." Derek said

"A silver bullet?" Stiles asks. He is way too excited about that.

"No, you idiot." I gritted out as another wave of pain came across my arm. When I looked at Derek I saw him biting his lip.

"That's what she meant when she said 48 hours." Scott said like he connected the dots.

"Who said that?" Derek asks

"The woman who shot you."

I sat up slowly and looked over at Derek seeing his eyes starting to flash blue and I could feel my eyes doing it too.

"Derek! Brit! Stop that!" Scott hissed

"That's what I've been trying to tell you. I can't and that means neither can she." He said while looking at me.

He looked like shit, and now I can only imagine what I look like.

"Brit, you look terrible. Like, really bad." Stiles said

"That's what every girl loves to hear Stilinski." I breathed

"Guys, we need to move you. Here come Allison and Jackson." Stiles said

"Stiles help me get them into your jeep." Scott snapped while grabbing my hand and pulling me into his side and helping me into the back of the car. He had to lift me a little and while his hands  were on my hips I heard a growl and looked back at Derek and have him, what I hoped, was a reassuring smile.

"Why do I get stuck with him." Stiles groaned

"Stiles now is not the time!" Scott snapped

"You need to get the bullet Scott." I whispered

"How am I supposed to find it?"

"She's with them. You'll find it." Derek snapped

"Stiles, get them out of here." Scott said slamming the door

"I'm so going to kill you for this." He grumbled and pealed out down the road before anyone could ask questions.

A little while later we were driving down a road and Stiles looked set on a destination. We stopped at a red light when I looked at Stiles.

"Will you text him and see if he has found it yet?" I asked while sticking my head forward between the seats. I just happened to look at myself in the mirror and I actually cringed. I was getting worse and worse.

My face was getting paler, if that was possible and I was starting to feel more light headed and dizzy by the minute. So I decide to lay down in the back using a sweatshirt I found on the floor as a pillow.

"Already did." He said while looking back at me only for a quick moment as the light turned green.

Derek looks back at me and I try to smile but I can't make my lips turn up. I can see the pain in his eyes but I know he's trying to hide. To make sure Stiles doesn't see it. He starts to take off his jacket, slowly, but surely he succeeds.

"Try not to bleed out on my seats." Stiles said by looking over at Derek.

"Hey, where are we going?" Derek asked

"To your house?" Stiles stated like it was obvious

"You can't take us there!" Derek yelled

"I can't take you to your own house?"

"Not when I can't protect either of us."

I would usually be offended and say I can protect myself but, I find it comforting that he wants to protect me.

The car was suddenly pulled off to the side and then shut off.

"What happens if Scott doesn't find the bullet hm?" Stiles huffed "Are you dying?"

"Not yet. I have a last resort." Derek says while pulling back his sleeve to reveal the wound. Knowing that mine looked a little like that, I knew I didn't have to take off my shirt to see the damage 

"Oh my god! What is that? Is that contagious?" Stiles recoils in horror. "You should just get out now." He orders

"Start the car now." Derek orders him

"You know, I don't think you should be barking orders with the way you look right now. In fact, I think if I wanted to I could probably drag both your little werewolf ass into the middle of the road and leave you for dead."

Derek looked at him and I could tell he was about to hit him, so I reached up and entangled our hands together. I know it would calm him down and it did.

"Stiles, please." I whispered, my voice not coming out any louder even though I tried.

He looked like was thinking it over and Derek decided he was taking too long and gave him a stead look "Start the car, or I'm gonna rip your throat out with my teeth."

With that he started the car and started to drive. When I looked at Derek I saw him flinch slightly and I felt the same pinch in my arm. I tightened my grip on his hand and I knew that I could take the pain away from him, so that's what I did. I let his pain become mine even more and my arm started to tingle.

"Brit, don't. You're already in enough pain." Derek hissed

"I don't care." I mumbled

"What is she doing?" Stiles asked

"Well I do. Brit," Derek said looking at me "Please."

I slowly started to pull my hand away and he grabbed my wrist, giving me a look and I knew he just want a comforting hand. So, I kept our hands together.

We had been driving around for a little bit, it was almost 6 and Derek was not looking any better. To be honest, I could barely keep my eyes open and my head off the head rest. Stiles had been trying to get a hold of Scott for a while, when suddenly the phone started to ring.

"Scott! Thank God!" Stiles said "What am I supposed to do with them?"

"I need a little more time."

"Scott, the don't have much time. We've been driving around for like hours now!"

"Take them somewhere."

"Where?!" Stiles yelled exasperated

"I don't know anywhere!" Scott paused "Take them to the animal clinic."

"What about your boss?" Stiles asked

"He should be gone by now. There is a spare key in the back by the garbage can."

"Okay cause they are starting to smell."

"Like what?" Scott asked

"Like death." he answered earning a death glare from Derek before the phone was ripped out of his hand.

"Have you found the bullet yet?"

"No! How am I supposed to find it? This place is like a Walmart of guns!"

"Look, if you don't find that bullet I am dead. And Brit will keep getting worse until I heal or I."

"I'm not so sure that's a bad thing." Scott mumbled

I let out a small growl at Scott wanting Derek dead.

"Should I remind you that the alpha can call you against your will. Next time you either kill together or he kills you, unless we can intervene." Derek says and hangs up, looking down at me.

My breathing has become more shallow and I just wanted to sleep. My arm started to throb more and more.

As we pulled up the the clinic Stiles hopped out of the car and came around to the passenger and helped Derek out, leaning him against the side of the car as he moved the seat forward lifting me up and out of the backseat. He wrapped Derek's arm around his shoulder and mine around his waist hobbling towards the back door.

He was trying to balance both of us and get the key from the ground.

"Stiles, i'll get it." I mumbled and leant down to get the key. Then handed it to Stiles. Having Derek leaning half on the door and on my side and me leaning against him, keeping each other stable.

He opens the clinic, and Derek stumbles in, falling onto a stack of dog food.

A few minutes later Stiles phone when off "hey, does Aconit Napel Bleu Nordique mean anything to you?"

"It's a rare form of wolfsbane. He needs to bring that bullet to us now or I'll die."

Stiles helps Derek into one of the surgery rooms and I follow behind, barely lifting my feet up. I slide down the wall with my back to it. Derek takes his shirt the rest of the way off, and if I wasn't so afraid of him dying, I would be checking him out hardcore. He reveals the triskelion tattoo on his back which I have always loved.

Black veins crawl up his arm and I roll up my sleeves to see the same thing happening to me. He looks over at me and tries not to make eye contact.

"Doesn't look like something a goodnights sleep can't fix." Stiles tries to joke it off

"Once the the infection reaches my heart I'll die." Derek says

"If Scott doesn't arrive in time, I have another idea." Derek says

"Which is?" Stiles asks

Derek slides a saw over the operating table to Stiles. "You're going to chop off my arm."

"I'm not too sure I can do that. All the blood and stuff." Stiles tells Derek

"You faint at the sight of blood?" Derek asks

"No but I might at the sight of a chopped off arm!"  Stiles

Derek starts to threaten him again, but I can't keep my eyes open. I open my eyes again When I get this sudden feeling like I'm going to be sick but see that Derek beat me to it.

"What is that?!" Stiles screams

"That's his body trying to heal it's self." I say trying to stop myself from dry heaving. Opening and closing my eyes.

"Well it's not doing a very good job at it!" He says disgusted

"Brit, you need to keep your eyes open okay?" Derek says to me while walking over to me and cupping my face. I nod my head and he walks back over to Stiles.

"Stiles you have to do it now."

"What if you bleed to death?" He asked

"I'll heal if it works."

"What about Brit?" he was stalling

"She heals when I am healed or I am dead."

"I'd much rather him be healed please." I mumble out

"Okay, okay. Here we go." Stiles grabs the saw and I look away.

"Stiles?" Scott says.

"Scott?" Stiles breathes out "Thank God. You just prevented a lifetime of nightmares."

"Scott! The bullet." Derek asks

Scott hands it over,

"What are you going to do?"

"I'm gonna-I'm gonna-" but before he can finish Derek passes out

The bullet rolls into a drain and Scott dives to get it as Stiles leans over Derek and holds his face. He decided that slapping his cheek would be a good idea.

"I can't reach the bullet!" Scott yells

"Use your claws Scott." I breathe out trying to get air into my lungs.

"I got it!" He exclaims

"Please don't kill me." Stiles mumbles and draws his hand back punching Derek in the face.

Derek wakes up with a startle while Stiles is shaking his hand out. I slowly stand up, and use the wall as support.

They make him stand up and Stiles walks toward me. Derek pulls the bullet from the shell and he empties the wolfsbane onto the table.

"Make sure you catch her." He said pointing to me as he lights it on fire, then shoves the ashes into the wound.

The pain is so excruciating that I fall once again, but Scott is the one to catch me. I scream out as it burns my arm. I can hear Derek's screams as well, and it quickly dies down. I feel the burning stop but my arm is weak. My legs are weak. I am weak.

"That. Was. Awesome!" Stiles screams but I'm too occupied trying to catch my breathe to send him a death glare.

"Are you okay?" Scott asks but I'm not too sure if he's asking me or Derek

"Except for the agonizing pain," Derek replies.

"Guessing the ability to use sarcasm is a good sign of health," Stiles adds

"Alright now we have saved your life you have to leave us alone. I'll tell Allison's father everything." Scott says while still holding me

"You trust them?" Derek says and I hear his footsteps coming closer

"They're a lot nicer than you are." Scott snaps and I just have enough energy to slap him on the back of his head.

"We can show you exactly how nice they are." Derek says and with that I am taken from Scott and lifted into someone else's. Walking us out of the door and towards the car.

"Are you okay?" He mumbles looking down at me

"Just peachy. Just do me a favor and not get shot again please." I said

And he just chuckles and places me into the passenger seat as Scott hops into the back.

Beacons Crossing Home. Thats what the sign read. I sighed and got out of the car walking with Derek into the building. We made our way to the room and I stop by the door. Derek was a head of me and so was Scott. I looked over to the man and the memories come back. It's like I can smell the wood burning.


"Brit get out of here! Go!" he snapped

"What about you and the others?" I cried

"Take Cora and go out the back way!" he yelled

Flashback over:

"Who is he?" Scott asked and I was brought back from the flashback. I shook my head and I could see Derek looking at me

"My uncle," Derek replies, "Peter Hale."

"Is he like us?" Scott asks

"Was." I replied walking forward "Now he's barely human."

"How do you know the Argents set the fire?" Scott asks

"Because they're the only ones that knew about us." Derek answers and I walk to him, standing at his side.

"They must have had a reason." Scott replies

"Oh yeah?" I snap "What justifies this? Hmm?" I spin Peter around so Scott can see the damage

"They say they'll only kill an adult and only with absolute proof, but there were people in my and Brit's family that were perfectly ordinary in that fire. This is what they do. And it's what Allison will do." Derek says

Just then the nurse comes in and tells us visiting hours are over.

"We were just leaving." I reply while grabbing the boys and walking back to t

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