Learn To Love Again (Elounor...

By trashfinity

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They're not broken, they're bent, but can they learn to love again? More

Learn To Love Again
Chapter One- Meeting Eleanor for the first time, again
Chapter Two - Second first date
Chapter Three - Have you thought about it?
Chapter 4- Surprise, Surprise

Chapter 5- Even more surprises

359 7 0
By trashfinity

Louis’ POV

“Seeing as none of you like the lesson plan, we will not be doing the lesson plan. Instead, because we all have talents, we will show of our talents, every class. If we have time, we’ll do a fun activity about the lesson plan. Got it? Good. Anyone want to go first?” Ross raised his hand. “What is your talent?”

“I’m playing the guitar and singing.”

“And what shall you sing?”

“Everything About You by One Direction. And, um, this is dedicated to my favourite person in the world. You know who you are.” Jessica blushed instantly, but tried to hide it. “You know I always got your back girl so let me be the one you come running to, running to, r-r-running. I said it’s just matter of fact girl, you just call me name I’ll be coming through, coming through, I’ll keep coming. On the other side of the world, it don’t matter, I’ll be there in two, I’ll be there in two, I’ll be there in two. It’s everything about you, you, you. Everything that you do, do, do. From the way that we touch, baby. To the way that you kiss on me.” Jessica looked as red as a tomato by the time Ross was done. It was so sweet.

“Anybody else?”

“I’ll go,” Jessica offered.

“And what will you be doing?”

“I’m singing a song.”

“What song?”

“As Long As You Love Me, by my Uncle, Justin Bieber. And um, this is dedicated to someone special, well two people. Two people who became my life in the matter of weeks.”

  I smiled. Jessica was talking about me and Ross.

As long as you love me. As long as you love me. As long as you love me. We’re under pressure. 7 billion people in this world tryin’ to fit in! Keep it together. Smile on your face even though your heart is frowning. But hey now, it’s no good. We both know, it’s a cruel world. But I will, take my chances! As long as you love me, we could be starving, we could be homeless, we could be broke. As long as you love me, I’ll be your platinum, I’ll be your silver, I’ll be your gold. As long as you, la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la- love me, love me. As long as you, la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la- love me, love me.” She hit the notes perfectly. I guess she takes after me.

“That, was amazing!” I complimented her when she finished. She sat down beside Ross – when did she not? – and kissed his cheek, well, tried. He turned his head at the last second and she kissed his lips.

“Hey! No public displays of affection!”

“Says the guy who snogged someone in front of 11 year olds!”

“I was happy!”

“Well so am I!” She sassed.

“Anyone else? You don’t have to sing, you can show off any talent.” Ross and Jessica raised their hands.

“Don’t tell me you’re singing.”

“Hurtful! And no. We have another talent.”

“And what is that?”

“Our talent, is that we’re 11 year olds who are in love. To prove it, just watch.” They started kissing, almost snogging. I don’t have a problem with a kiss, or saying “I love you”, but snogging, no.

“This is music class, not a porn movie! Go get a room if you want to do that.”

“We’re in a room,” Ross sassed back.

“No shit. I mean shizz! And you’re old enough, you know what I meant!”

“We just like sassing ya, dad.”

“You better be sassing,” I mumbled. “Anyways, anyone want to show something other than porn?”

“That was not porn!”

“Not for adults, but I draw the line for 11 year olds.”

“We were just joking around.”

“Yeah, yeah. Anyone? Seriously, tell a joke, rip a big one, punch someone in the face, anything!”

  Emily stood up, punched a girl in the face, and sat back down.

“I didn’t mean literally!”

“Whatever. She deserves it.”


“She’s a bitch that likes to bully people.”

“That’s still no excuse! But whatever. This is your one and only warning! Anyone?”

“I have a joke,” Denver said.

“Go ahead.”

“Knock knock.”

“Who’s there?”


“Daisy who?”

“Daisy me rollin’, they hatin!” That was actually funny.

“I like that. That was a good knock knock joke. Anyone else?” No one said a word. “I guess I’ll go. I need 4 more people, and the couch. Volunteers?” Ross, Jessica, Emily and Denver raised their hands. They all stood up. “Ross, Jessica, grab the couch and bring it over here. Emily, Denver. Grab two pieces of paper each. Write 4 different categories on them. Then bring them to me. Got it?” They nodded. “Good.”

I decided to do “Spin the Harry”, but with Ross, Jessica, Denver and Emily, instead of Liam, Harry, Niall and Zayn.

“Good. Who wants to be spun? And I mean you roll around on the couch.” Ross raised his hand. “Who wants to spin him?” Jessica raised her hand, of course. “Ok. I will write out 3 questions for each category. Whichever one Ross stops on, is the category for this round. You will answer the questions truthfully. Understand.”



“Good. In three, two, one! Hello! I’m Louis, the “Tommo”, Tomlinson, the host of Spin The Ross! Today we have Emily and Denver! They will answer the questions, and whoever loses, will get a banana in their face. Are you ready? Then, SPIN THE ROSS!”

“The category is, FANTASIES!” Jessica yelled.

“The first question is, if you could have one member of the class to be your slave, who would it be and what would you make them do?” Ross asked.


“I’d make Danielle my slave and make her be my Nutella supplier.”

“I’d chose Zach and make him play against me in Xbox.”

“And that point goes to, it doesn’t go to you.” I point at Denver. “It goes to Emily.”

“If you had been granted three wishes, what would you wish for?”


“I would wish for Nutella, more Nutella, and to marry Dylan Mahone.”


“I would wish for someone to play Xbox with, get them to play with me, and eat cheese.”

“Emily gets the point!”

“If you could have hair with anyone lad, or lass, in the class, who would it be and why.”


“Louis because his hair is cool.”

“Exactly. Denver.”

“I would have Ross’s hair because it’s very nice.”

“I don’t think that’s right. The point goes to Emily, which means Emily wins!”


“Ok. Well, anyone else? We have a few minutes left of class. I guess not.” Everyone went and did something else. Most people were in a big circle, telling jokes and messing around. Jessica and Ross were off in a corner, talking. I checked my phone and saw a text from El. Sent 5 seconds ago.

I have a doctor’s appointment today at 12. Can you join me?

I have to check, but I’ll try.

Ok. Love you

Love you too

  I looked back over at Ross and Jessica. This time, they really were snogging.

“Hey! Lovebirds! Don’t do that! You don’t want to end up like Eleanor!” I yelled over to them. They didn’t hear, me, or chose to ignore me. The rest of the class burst out laughing.



“ROSS CARTER WILLIAMS!” Jessica and I both looked at him. “I thought we were yelling out names!”

“You two! Stop that or you’ll end up like me and Eleanor. Expecting!”

“Sorry daddy.” She used the puppy dog voice.

“Don’t let it happen again!”

The bell finally rang, and it was lunch time. I was never so excited for lunch.

“Jessica! Before you go, can I talk to you, alone?”

“I’ll see you in the lunch room,” said Ross as he kissed her cheek.

“What is it?”

“Your mum has a doctor’s appointment, and since you wanted a little brother or sister, do you want to come with us?”

“Can I?”

“I don’t see why not. We’d be back for class begins, so it’s no problem.”

“I’ll go with you then! Come and get me when we need to leave.”

“I’ll find you. Now go eat lunch.”

She ran out before I even turned back around to my desk.

Jessica’s POV

“What was that about?”

“My dad asked if I wanted to go with him and my mum to the doctor’s office.”


“I guess they wanna go to be sure my mum’s pregnant and stuff.”

“Are you going?”

“Yeah. But I’ll be back for 12:30.”

“That’s cool.”

“I guess.”

We sat in silence eating our food. Soon enough, it was time for me to go.

“I’ll see you later, yeah?” Ross asked.

“12:30.” He kissed my cheek.

“Love you.”

“I love you too,” I replied. I ran up to my dad.

“Ready?” He asked.


  We started walking to the car. Before we even got outside, Dad was pulled into the office. I followed, lagging behind. Dad was in another room, so it was hard to hear the conversation. I heard bits and pieces.

“It’s been a-“

“I’m working-“

“-Better do-“

“I was planning-“

“-One week, you have-“

“-say yes.”

“She better.”

  I was wondering what that was about. I kept trying to think about it, but I couldn’t think of an exact reason. I thought about my dad proposing, and how he had the month. Come to think of it, he doesn’t have that long left. At first, I was excited for a full family, but now, I don’t need one. I’ll have my baby brother or sister, Ross, my Dad, my Mum, and the rest of the family. Seems pretty full to me. I should just tell Dad to wait, and be more normal. I know they love each other, but it seems rushed. Yes, my dad was planning on proposing 11 years ago, but who says, they’re not just acting like they’re in love. They might just be like that for me. Acting in love, like a family, just for me. I guess I won’t know, ever.

“Sorry ‘bout that!” Dad apologized after walking out.

“What was that about?” I asked, curious if I thought correctly.

“I have one week to propose to Mum.”

“So when will you?”

“Tonight. I’m taking her out. You’re staying home with Uncle Justin again. You can have Ross over, if you want.”


“Yes, but no snogging.”

“Fine!” I was just joking around, I mean, it’s not like I was planning on just snogging, but it’s fun joking around with my dad. But then I thought this really does suck. What if I actually wanted to, so we did, and I get caught and my dad gets told? Then I’d be screwed. I could always just stay away from my uncle, but then he’d get suspicious and look around and I’d be caught. I guess I’m not snogging anyone tonight.

“Shall we go now?”

“Yes we shall.” I felt so fancy, saying “shall”. It just sounds like a fancy word, I guess.

  I skipped out to the car, and hopped in shotgun.

“Backseat,” my dad said.

“PLEASE? Just this once?” I begged.

“No. Back seat.”



“Fine then.” I slouched my shoulders as I went to the back.

  We drove in silence for a while. Well, the 10 minutes it takes to get home. The radio was on, but the volume was low, so I could barely hear. It wasn’t an awkward silence, it was comfortable. There was no need for speaking.

“Dad? What if mum said no. What if, she doesn’t want to marry you, or she’s not ready, what would you do?”

“It’s unlikely that it will happen, but if she did, I’d explain and say that she doesn’t want to.”

“But what if they didn’t want to hear and fired you?”

“I’d be fired.”

“But that means I lose you.”

“You will never lose me, Jess. Never.”

“But what if I did.”

“Don’t think like that.”

“I’m just throwing out options. I don’t want to think like this, but I can’t help it.”

“Don’t worry about it. Your mother will say yes, I won’t lose my job, and you will not lose me, ever.”

“I love you.”

“I love you too.”

  We sat in silence for the last 2 minutes in the car. I couldn’t help but think, what if? What if my mum did say no, what if my dad did lose his job? What if I lost my dad? What would happen? What if, my mum was pregnant and alone, with an 11 year old to worry about? What if? I know my dad said not to think like that, but help think of the worst possible scenarios.

  I didn’t realize I was crying until I felt a tear roll down my cheek. I guess thinking of things that can go wrong make me cry.


“Yeah?” I wiped my tears away.

“Are you ok?”

“Yeah, fine.”

“Are you sure?”

“No. I can’t help thinking, what if? I don’t want anything but this, but what if mum says no? What if, you lost your job? What if I lost everything that has meaning in my life?”

“You won’t. You will never lose everything.”

“I’m scared dad, scared about what could happen.”

“You’re 11; you have no need to be scared.”

“I am though dad.”

“Don’t worry. Live your life, you’re still a kid. Go be a carefree, crazy mofo, like your Uncle Niall. Live for the moment because everything else is uncertain.”

“But what about fate?”

“Fate still plays into that. Fate plans things out, but everything else is uncertain to us. Everything happens for a reason. Now go live your life like a kid, go be crazy.” By now, we were home. I ran out, running to the door. I was about to go in, when I realized I forgot something. I ran out to the car, gave my dad a kiss on the cheek, and said, “I love you daddy.”

“I love you too, Jessie.”

I ran back in, called for mum, and ran back out. I hopped in the backseat, grabbed my phone, and started playing Ice Cream Jump.

  I didn’t realize we were there until I heard a door slam. I looked up and noticed that we were there already.

  I paused my game, hopped out, and put my phone in my pocket. I skipped up, going in-between my parents.

  When we got in, I followed my dad, who followed my mum. When we stopped, my mum said to go sit down. They checked in our something, and I just sat around. I pulled out my phone and finished my game of Ice Cream Jump.

“Yes!” I whispered/yelled. I beat my high score. I played and played, I beat my high score 5 times when my mum was finally called in.

“Am I going in too?” I asked. My mum nodded. I turned off my phone and put it in my pocket. Mum laid on the table thingy, and I just stood around with my dad. The doctor finally came in.



“Is this Jessica?”

“Yeah. Jessica, this is Greg, Uncle Niall’s brother.”


“How old is she?”


“Wow. She’s growing up fast.”

“I know. I remember when she was three and hit you brother in his jewels.”

“I remember that. Niall was complaining a lot when he came to Ireland to see us.”


“Yeah. I have a video I’ll send to you.”


“No problem, anything to blackmail Niall.”

   They checked, mum was pregnant, with twins, of course. What else? Double trouble for my possibly single mother.

  When my mum was done, I went back to school. I got there just in time. I had 2 minutes until the bell. I found Ross playing basketball with his friends. I ran over.


“What’s up?”


“Twins?” Ross asked.

“My mum’s having twins! Yippee,” I said, my voice dripping with sarcasm.

“Sucks to be you!” Daniel, Ross’s friend, replied.

“Tell me about it!”

“Wait, why are you mad about twins? I thought you wanted a sibling?”

“Yeah, not when I’m scared one of my parents will leave the other.”

“Why do you think that?”

“I don’t know, I just feel like, what if my mum said no to my dad? What if he got fired, lost his job, and had to leave?”

“That won’t happen!” Ross assured me. “Now, think fast!” He chucked the basketball at me. I caught it and did a perfect layup.

“Who knew you could play basketball!” Daniel said.

“Not me!” Ross said. “And I’m her boyfriend!”

“I didn’t even know myself! I guess Uncle Justin making me watch basketball made me learn.

“Uncle Justin?” Daniel asked. I forgot he wasn’t in our class.

“Justin Bieber’s my “Uncle”. Not actually, but he’s married to my father’s old band member.”

“Wait what?”

“Justin Bieber, famous singer back from when our parents were teenagers, or well, kids in your case, my uncle Justin was famous. He fell in love with my Uncle Niall, who was in a band with my dad, Mr. Tomlinson.”

“Your dad teaches here? And your uncles are famous?”

“Yeah. I have no non-famous family, even if they aren’t blood related.”

“Wow,” Daniel said, surprised.

“Yeah, a lot to take in.”

“Any other skills you learned from family?”

“Football (Soccer) from my Uncle Niall, manners from my Uncle Liam, dancing from my Aunt Danielle, flirting from my Uncle Harry, cooking from my uncle Harry, fashion design from my Aunt Emily, how to make your hair into a perfect quiff from my uncle Zayn, how to sing from my Uncles and my Aunt Perrie, and modeling from my mum!”

“Wow.” Now it was Ross and Daniel who were amazed.

“A lot of talent in my family. Oh and swearing from everyone but my uncle Liam, and what two sex addicts sound like when they’re going at it from my uncle Harry and aunt Emily, and no, I never wanted to hear that, I was just at their house one day,” I said.

“That really is a lot.”

“What happens when you have a big family. Oh and North American football from my Uncle Justin and how to be “swaggy” from my uncles Justin and Niall. And my family, well the females, have the talent to get knocked up before marriage. Especially my mum, as she was knocked up at 20 and that produced me! My other aunts were engaged, and it was only 5 years ago, at the most.”

“You have a big family.”

“Yeah. 5 uncles, 3 aunts, and 10 cousins and counting.” The bell rang just as I finished my sentence. “Bye Daniel!”

“Bye…” He trailed off.


“Jessica. See ya Ross!”

“Stay away from Daniel,” Ross told me when we got to class.


“He likes you. Like likes you.”


“He likes you like I used to, which is a lot. I can tell, he likes you, just by the way he looks at you.”

“What so you want me to stay away from him?”

“No, just be careful around him. I don’t want him to have you and not me.”

“He will never have me. I’m yours,” I promised.

Louis’ POV (That night at a One Direction reunion concert at the O2 Arena)

“HELLO LONDON!” Liam yelled out to the crowd. They cheered as loud as they did back when we were a band.

“HOW ARE YOU DOIN’ TONIGHT?!” Harry asked. They screamed in response.

“We’re so glad to be back on stage, performing for fans,” Niall said.

“Enjoy the show!” I yelled out as we got into place for the next song. I heard the music start and Liam singing the first line.

“You’re insecure. Don’t know what for. You’re turning heads when you walk through the do-o-or!”

  The crowd screamed louder, if that was even possible. I missed this, performing for fans. Yes, it’s nice living a normal life, but I miss this. The singing, the dance, the screams from the crowd, everything. You get so used to something, it seems weird when it’s not in your routine. It seems weird, not being famous anymore. I was used to the life in the fast lane, going to cities all over the world, singing sold-out shows. Even after 10 years, it seems odd, not living life like that. Always being in the papers, flashes everywhere you look when you’re in public. It’s not in my routine anymore, and after 10 years, it still seems odd.

  And because it’s been so long since I last performed, the day in class not counting, it took longer for me to get my stage swag back. I would get it after the chorus the first time in the first song, but today, it took me two songs.

  After a few more songs, we did the twitter questions and covers. We also talked for a little bit, with the fans.

“As you all know, all of us, except for Louis, have settled down and gotten married,” Harry started.

“As you all know, all of us, except for Louis have kids,” Niall continued.

“If you think we’re telling the truth, SCREAM!” Liam said. The whole arena screamed.

“Well, it looks like you’re wrong, everyone that screamed,” Zayn said.

“I actually, have a daughter. I’m not married, but I’m not single either.” As soon as I said that, Eleanor was taken from the wings and pushed onto the stage. “This is my girlfriend, Eleanor. You all know, that around the time One Direction split up, so did El and I. I was going to propose soon, but she broke up with me. 11 years later, I hadn’t heard from her. Then, I got a job as a teacher. I found out, I have an 11 year old daughter named Jessica. 3 months later, I met up with Eleanor here. We ended up getting together. I do have a kid, but I’m not exactly settled down, not yet. But I hope to be.” I got down on one knee and reached behind me. Harry passed me the box with the ring. “Eleanor. I know you said no last time, but please. Will you marry me? For us and for Jessica?”

“Yes,” She whispered. “Yes, Louis. I will marry you!”

  I slipped the ring on her finger, stood up, and kissed her like never before. The crowed screamed. I was happy that they were happy for me. It was nice to finally have people not hate on your girlfriend, well fiancée, now.

“So, Louis, have we learned to love again?” Eleanor asked.

“I would like to think so,” I replied, kissing her again.

“Before we start the next song, Louis has something to say,” Harry said. I grabbed hold of my mike, and walked towards the centre of the stage with Eleanor.

“Ok. We have some news, which the boys don’t even know. Only me, Eleanor, our daughter, and her boyfriend know. El?”

“I’m pregnant!”

  The boys came up to us and jumped on us. It felt nice, having the boys back and acting like a band, I must say.

Jessica’s POV (The next morning)

  I awoke with a good feeling. I don’t know why, I just felt happy. I got dressed, skipped downstairs, got out a banana and the Nutella, and started eating. My mum came downstairs with a smile on her face. 

“Good morning mum!”

“You seem pretty chipper today.”

“Yeah. I don’t know why, I just feel happy. So how was the concert?” I asked.

“Good, the whole world knows about me and your father and that I’m pregnant.”

“So, did anything exciting happen?” I asked.

“Nothing really, I just got engaged,” mum said nonchalantly.

 I shrieked. “WHY DIDN’T YOU SAY ANYTHING EARLIER?!”  I yelled.

“Because you would do this and wake up the neighbourhood.”

“I’m sorry that I’m happy that my parents are finally getting married! I NEED TO GO TEXT ROSS!”

“No, you need to go to school. You slept in, it’s 11.”

“Can you drive me?” I asked.

“Fine. Go grab your bag.”

I ran upstairs, grabbed my bag and my phone, and ran back downstairs.

“Let’s go!” I ran out to the car, hopped in the backseat, and got strapped in. My mum came out two minutes later. I was bouncing up and down, I was that happy. When we got to school, I ran in, yelling to my mum, and checked in. I ran quickly to music, the class I had. “Sorry I’m late, mum let me sleep in,” I apologized as I walked in. I walked over to Ross and sat down beside him.

“Why are you so happy and so late?”

“My mum didn’t wake me up, so I slept in. Oh, and my dad proposed last night, and my mum said yes!” I squealed. I looked up at my dad. He was on his phone texting someone. “I’m gonna go say hi to my dad.”

“I wouldn’t do that!”

“Why not?”

“We came into class and he was pissed. He’s calmed down a little now, but he’s still not the best.”

“I’m gonna go talk to him.” I walked up to my dad. He did look mad. “Dad?”


“Why are you mad?”

“I found out that your grades aren’t slipping and that I was told to propose by the end of the month so Mr. Hayden and Miss Johnson could be together. Mr. Hayden liked her, but she liked me, so he had to get me out of the way.”

“Whatever. I mean, we can be a family now!”

“I suppose. Now go sleep on Ross’s lap or something.”

“Yes sir!” I replied. We could finally be a family.

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