For Him » Weird Science

By takesitslow

6.8K 171 62

The last months of high school do pass by don't they? Already in their senior year, Wyatt and Janet have been... More

"We Are Running So Fast But We Never Look Back"
"Whatever I Lack, You Make Up"
"We Make A Really Good Team"
"We've Got This Crazy Chemistry Between Us"
"Jump Starting Your Car Because The City's a Bore"
"Buying E-Cigarettes At The Convince Store"

"But Not Ever One Sees"

552 20 3
By takesitslow

I don't think people understand what you are to me. Yes I was your complete opposite. You were the blue, I the red. You were the nerd who sat by Gary all the time and talked about ways that you could talk to the "girls like me." That's what my old "friends" would have used to say. I don't think it mattered what clique we were in. Well it did to everyone else and so I was kicked off the cheer leading squad. You apologized so much, but the funny part, you never regretted it. That's why I  just laughed at you because I didn't care anymore. We were still friends when you apologized, and even then I thought you were cute for thinking it was your fault. Someone like you doesn't deserve this kind of world, where everyone thinks you don't deserve anything, but what people think is good for you. We were pushed around. They called us the "retarded girl with the perverted idiot."  I remember the day my "friends" left me and you told me they weren't my friends or even people to you. They were just other puppets in the play of High School. I couldn't help, but wonder, what were we then? Were we just puppets too in the show. I already knew it was a yes, but I felt worse knowing that we were, so I hugged you and said that you were the best puppet I ever met. You were so embarrassed and it become no shock to anyone else that you finally asked me out. Even to this day, I love you, and it has no clique or meaning to anyone else, but us.


"Hey, Gary, do you think we'll finish school?" Wyatt was stuck on his seat with all the gum that was purposely set there for him. Another prank on the kid who was stupid enough to fall for it. 

"Maybe, I don't know, dude you're smart and honestly I think you can get some where... but hey. This type of life also doesn't suit you... Hey, maybe you're smart enough to make us girlfriends!" Gary's laugh was genuine, but still full of stress that only Wyatt noticed. 

"Dude, of course! Have to know your priorities, ya know..." Wyatt stopped for a second and began to stare in a distance. Gary turned his body to see exactly what his friend was staring at. None other than Janet Taner.

"Seriously, don't you think it would be better if... YOU GO AND~" Wyatt covered Gary's mouth in an act of desperation. Wyatt was no way close to asking Janet out. Janet, the "lesser cheerleader," the "way out of Wyatt's league," the "probably stuck up," girl that Wyatt was secretly in love with. Out of all the things that separated them those were the main ones that Gary would not let go. Wyatt let go of Gary's mouth after Janet passed and everything was in the clear. "Dude, you're so very stupid some times. Seriously she is way out of your league! She is a cheerleader for crying out loud. Those kind of girls despise us, especially the thought of BEING WITH us! You should find some one better. Besides..." Gary paused for affect as he began to turn his head back towards Wyatt's distance, for behind him was Kim Joseph. "There, my friend, is a wonderful beauty who isn't out of our leagues." He winked at her as she walked by, but as usual she didn't notice. 

"Gary, Kim hates you more than I've seen her hate anyone. You know that, right?" Wyatt said as he began to watch Gary give Kim a stare. 

"She doesn't hate me, dear boy. She just loves to pretend. She's in theater, too so, acting is her strong suit. Even if she did, she doesn't hate you. She is an average student, loves puppies, and genesis. She doesn't hate nerds, but she isn't one. She is a shopping queen  and spends her day counting her money. I honestly think you guys could hit it off." Gary spoke with such accuracy and confidence that it began to creep Wyatt out. He was still staring at Kim even when Wyatt changed the topic. 

"Whatever, Gary. Anyway, can I burrow a dollar I want some soda or something." Wyatt got up from his seat walked over to Gary's extended hand, took the money, and walked over to the vending machine. He didn't want to have another  lecture from his best friend. He sighed and grabbed his coke. He began to walk over to his seat when he could have sworn that he saw Janet staring at him.  He blinked and just continued to walk, but his feet lead him to a different direction. He walked over to Janet's table

"Hey, Janet, right?"

"...Me? Oh, uh, yeah... Wyatt, right?" 

"Hey, well yeah. I just wanted to say hi... I guess... bye..." Wyatt's face was extremely heated and he was already super embarrassed. He felt as if everybody was watching that whole scene and he wished he had never done that. The whispers became louder as each step to his seat couldn't have been any faster. 

"Wow..." Gary began to clap softly and slowly. He was shocked that Wyatt would do such a thing. Each day Gary told him to talk to her he wouldn't, but he decided to now? It was better than nothing Gary thought that it was better than never so he clapped. "Good job, buddy." 

Wyatt was so embarrassed that he didn't feel like talking or doing anything. He just let the soda bottle lay on his lap as he began to asses and reassess the situation that just happened. He talked to Janet, yeah okay, was she okay with it? Did she seem bothered? Did Wyatt just bothered Janet?! Did she think he was weird?! Oh, my, goodness... 

All the things that were going through Wyatt's head was swirling and messing up together. He regretted everything and just wanted to go home and call it a day. Forget that anything happened. He wished he could make everyone forget that anything happened. 

The bell rang and the Wyatt would have to go through some more hours before he could call it a day. He pretty much gave up, before class even started, on paying attention to any class. He was exhausted. 

"Hey, Wyatt!" 

Wyatt turned around so fast that he even shocked himself how easily he reacted to her voice. Janet was actually calling him!

"Wyatt, aren't we in the same history class?" 

"Oh, uh yeah , with Mr. Ross?"

"Yup! Ugh.. Josh and Kevin need to just kiss and stop interrupting the whole class for each other. It gets annoying!!" 

"I don't think they are into each other that way." Wyatt chuckled and Janet began to laugh. Wyatt was so nervous. His hands began to sweat and he didn't want to stare at her even though he really wanted to see her smile because of him. 

"Yeah probably not, but you never know! Anyway, I guess I'll see you then. I have art next so." Janet began to back away from Wyatt's side, with her binder clutched to her chest. "See ya." Then she turned and walked the opposite direction. 

"Bye..." Wyatt was absolutely speechless. He thought after that whole scene she would not want to even look at him ever again, but she actually TALKED TO HIM. SHE TALKED TO HIM! Milestone in his life and he couldn't wait for history. He daydreamed each and every class until he finally reached history. 

"Hey, Wyatt." Janet greeted Wyatt while she began to walk along side of him, both heading to history. 


"Can't you wait to see what Josh has to say about Kevin today? Honestly if I had a nickel for how many times Josh messed up for Kevin I would be rich! Could you  imagine?" Janet was smiling and waiting for Wyatt to answer.

"Ha, well I think you would be more rich if you had a nickel for every time Josh insulted Kevin to get his attention." 

"TRUEEE!! You're funny." Janet said as she began to laugh. 

They both reached history class and actually had fun in the class. They both were happy that Josh was messing with Kevin again becasue it was another thing that they could talk about. 

After that they began to walk to history class together each and every day. They would talk about Kevin and Josh, life, homework, and they got close enough to talk about family. Wyatt and Janet both didn't have the best of families so it was pretty hard to talk about, but they actually felt better when they talked about it to each other. They became really close friends. 

"Hey, Jan." Wyatt said as he approached her walking down the hallway.

"Wyatt, I don't think today is a good day to hang out.. if you mind. I'd rather be alone."

"Why, what's wrong." Wyatt was worried. How could he not be? She was never was publicly depressed even if she felt bad. 

"Just, don't worry. I just want to be alone, that's all."

"They left you for sure this time, huh?"

"What? How.. did you know? I mean. No. Ugh, Wyatt don't you know what leaving a person alone means!?" It was true, though. Janet's so called friends have been threatening to leave her if she continued to hang out with the "perverted idiot" and now they actually left. Ignored all her calls and every time she tried to talk to them. They pretended that she didn't exist just like they had to Wyatt.  

"I'm sorry, Jan. I really am, but honestly I really hated them... What good did they do you? They stole from you, they used you. I just think they weren't your real friends. "

Janet sighed and took a deep breath. He knew he was right and she was every right to be happy at them for doing all of that stuff to her, but they were all she had. The only thing that kept her surviving through high school. She needed them, or so she thought. 

"It was because of me... I knew they wouldn't like you with me, but I don't regret hanging out with you on bit. I'm sorry that they are like that. I'm sorry." Wyatt went quiet because he was wondering if he had just made Janet more upset at the whole situation, but he was being honest. The only thing that he believed she needed right now, was honesty.

"Don't be. Its okay. You're right, they were the worst and most of the time I questioned why I even hung out with them. It just really sucks, you know?" Janet sighed again. She was tired of people and just wanted to eat chocolate and watch a movie alone. 

"What do you expect? They're all just characters... or even puppets that are apart of the play called "High School" they tell you what you are suppose to be and what you shouldn't be. They tell you want you want to be and what you shouldn't want to be. They make you a rebel or a follower. You can't just be a average kid who likes a certain type of stuff, you have a role in this play and each and every one of them is treated differently, better or worse." 

Janet stopped walking and looked up at Wyatt. She began to tear up because he was being honest to her. She knew that he was right and all she needed was something to be right in her life for once and she was so happy that it was Wyatt. Wyatt was the right thing in her life and from there on she knew she loved him. She jumped and hugged him. " You are the absolutely the best puppet I have ever met! Thank you so much." 

Wyatt's face red as a tomato just stared down at Janet clinging to him. He saw all the people, including her old "friends" staring at them, but he just wanted to be there for her. So he hugged her back,  hoping that it wasn't a friend hug even though he could tell it wasn't. 

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