Living with the bad boy

By armyfavforlife

39.1K 1.2K 65

Lilliana is a good girl that doesn't do bad things,she meets Justin,the bad boy with the bad reputation that... More

Staying out
The movie
To be gone
Home at last
Whats wrong
1 year
Plane ride
My boyfriend

Out of town

5.1K 131 12
By armyfavforlife

I was in school thinking about my mom, she works late and I hate it,I never get to see her,I hardly see her at all,someone threw a paper ball at me and I saw who did and it was Justin smirking at me,I tossed it on the floor and he got another throwing it at me and I gave him a glare,he shrugged,throwing his legs on the table where a boy sat,the boy turned and his eyes met Justin's feet upon his face and he glared at him,

Justin didn't stop their,he flicked his head and the boy scooted more up and Justin smirked,I wrote something down on a paper and threw it at Justin,

He catched it,opening it,I wrote'Leave him alone' he looked at me and kicked the boys chair,getting up throwing the paper away"Mr,Dossin,this girl keeps them throwing love letters at me"

He pointed over at me and I hid behind my biology book,"I didn't do that,i told you was to leave him alone and you started throwing it first"

My teacher pointed outside"Both of you outside now"I threw my hands up in the air"But he-"he pointed,his eyebrows showing the way and I slowly got up,grabbing my stuff,slowly walking out,

He does this and he doesn't except us to go back into his class"Good girl is finally in trouble"he stood their smirking"Can you stop smirking its kind of annoying,I want to slap you right now and I'm not technically in trouble you got me in trouble,you were lying"

He shrugged"I can do what I like and your still in trouble,this is going on your reputation grade and don't talk to me loser"I gasped"No it's not is it,I'm not a loser but I do know your acting like one right now"I bit my nail,when I'm nervous,I bit my nail and he laughed"Your so-haha"he fell into fits of laughter and I slapped his chest"Stop playing around,what if that really did go on my record"he slapped my back,was he really this funny"Theres no such thing as a record here"

Wait what?their isn't,I mentally slapped myself for thinking that their was a record,I grabbed my stuff and headed home"I didn't introduce myself,I'm Justin Banser"he took out his hand and I didn't shake it,I just grabbed my stuff walking away,he's a jerk"Hey hold up,I'll drop you off"he stood beside me,"No I can walk"he snapped his fingers"Come on,I don't bite"should I go

Since Jake isn't going to be here until the end of the day with Amalia,I don't want to leave her alone,it's going to be awkward with her their alone with him"Come on"he pulled me me by my arm and I stood my ground"I said no Justin"he pulled me and shoved me lightly,pushing me

"Listen,I won't talk to you ever again"I shrugged"I don't need you to and I never wanted you to"he looked tooken back"But you looked at my body-"I laughed"That was me looking at Stephanie and why would I want to look at you and just cause I looked at you that doesn't mean I looked at your body,it doesn't mean I like you!!"he shrugged"Exactly"he grabbed my hand taking me to his car"Go in now"

"Your telling me what to do now,wow this is a great day for me?"sarcasm dripped from my mouth and he frowned"Yay"i frowned and pulled back"Ok I'll go but don't talk to me,you've already gotten me in trouble,enough"he shrugged

"Anything for you cup-"I snapped at him"DON'T TALK TO ME LIKE THAT,NO NICKNAMES" he was going to use cupcake as my name and only Jake calls me that no one else,especially not this little prick,he shrugged"Cup-"my hand went toward his face and he grabbed it"Don't ever do that again!!"he threw my arm down and I shrugged"Don't touch me,I wouldn't listen to you either way!"I stood away from him,

He went in the car and I followed throwing my stuff in the back seat"Handle this car with great care!!"I gasped"I'm so sorry your highness"I bended down

He turned on the car and drove onto the gray,dirty,cement road,it was silent I liked it and I smiled peacefully,"Got my mind on your body and your body on my mind"Justin started singing 'Cool for the summer' and I laughed a little on the inside,holding in your laugh is hard,

He kept his hands on the steering wheel but one hand doing motions to the song and he grabbed my hand and pressured me to sing but I didn't want to,I laughed out loud this time and that's when he stopped at my red house

I got out getting my red and black bag out of the back and walked to my front door of my house"No thanks?" He smirked and I shrugged,opening my door,going inside,waving goodbye,

"Honey why'd you come to school so early and i do need to tell you something"she looked down and I sat down,placing my bag on the side of the violet couch for now

"Can you sit down?"I asked my mom,what she needed to tell me has to be quick, I was going to get ready to go to sleep,ok I'm lazy so what girls are lazy at times"I'm going to be away for 5 weeks for work,their telling me to work out of town honey and you know the bills we have to pay I can't afford this house if I don't work"I nodded,I get it

"Mom it's ok,don't worry about it,when do you start?"she fiddled with her apron that she has on as she was cooking"I'm starting tomorrow"now that was a problem"Ok"i got up and headed upstairs grabbing my stuff"One more thing Lilly"I looked down at her

"Your staying over at my friends house,their new here her name is Jennifer-"please don't say what I think your going to say,the only new people here is Justin,"Jennifer Banser"i stood back horrified"No,why can't I stay with David"she crossed her arms"You know why!"his girlfriend and him are having a hard time making money and profits for their bills,bills always have to get in the way of stuff,

"It's better than leaving me with people I don't know at all,you might not even know if their rappers"she rolled her eyes"Lilly"she gave me a glare and I walked upstairs,going into my room making enough noise to make the door slams hard,I kicked it and sat on the front of my bed,

"What am I going to do?"I put my head down on my knees and clutched tight on my stuffed animal"I'm sorry Lilly"she came in and then quickly went out shutting the door,

Flashback start
"You are going to be a princess when you grow up!"my dad was sitting down on the swinging on the swing with me,having a picnic and he tickled me,I laughed and tickled him,as he started to laugh,it turned dark and I was so sleepy"daddy,can we go home to go sleep already"I had no enthusiasm to play around the toys anymore"Yea sure baby girl"

We were walking to the car when we saw guys with black masks in our car searching for something"Daddy-"I pointed and he hushed me"Go get help,say we were at the park,remember look both ways and I love you,I'll be there soon"he sounded like he wasn't going to come back,I held his hand,not wanting to let go,

He kissed me on the forehead,hugging me and I ran and ran until I saw people at lovers lane"Help,help call the police please"a boy about my age but 3 years older had told his mom about me and she came over to me"What's wrong?"I started crying,tears cascading layer over layer"My dads in trouble call 911 tell them were at the park,he told me to tell someone"

One gunshot,two gunshots,three gunshots and a car making a loud noise swerving,we saw my dads car drive off with the people inside,I ran back to my dad,darkness flooded me,I didn't know what to do"Wait,where are you going?"the boy ran for me and I looked everywhere for my dad and saw someone laying on the road"B-baby girl"I ran for him"DADDY!!"I opened my arms for him to come hold me but it never came,he stayed on the floor limp,I ran to him and held him,cars came and people went out"HELP,HELP!!"he stopped me,hugging me, giving my cheeks a kiss

"You've done e-enough b-baby,I'll be in a happy place,you know where that is,be h-happy let this go,I'll always be I-in here"he pointed to my heart and I held his hands as I heard a ambulance,seeing blue and red lights drive through the crowd,putting my dad on a thing that looks like a bed,I didn't let him go,I couldn't let this go,I stayed on the floor crying my heart out"DADDY!!COME BACK,ILL BE A GOOD GIRL"

All that was left was me and my breaking heart,waiting for someone to mend this hole in my heart,the little boy came over to me with his grey eyes that looked hazel,he hugged me"It's alright,just let it all out on me"I did,I cried out my eyes and stayed with him,hugging him,he was their for me when my daddy died and no one was their for me but him,


Tears poured down my face,don't remind yourself,I cried myself to sleep after i packed up getting ready for tomorrow,school isn't in 2 weeks what I'm glad about,but I have to study for the rest of the weekend for the test that we're going to have,

"Get up cupcake"I looked around seeing Jake standing their a worried look on his face"What's wrong?"I wiped my eyes and took the covers off of me"Nothing just...."he lightly pushed me"I've known you for how long,to know something's wrong with you,so your going to tell me"he smiled acting like he's a know it all

"Daddy"he sighed"I miss him to,he was the best daddy ever but cupcake ,you have to let things go,for once"i nodded"I know but every time I look at someone with their dad I want to have that again"he held me like our dad used to do to both of us"pretend I'm dad"I moved my legs around squirming"But your not dad"he shrugged

"I said pretend"he pointed to his head and I shoved him"I can hear,but I don't want t-"he put on his serious posture and held his face up high"Baby girl,you have to let me go for the sake of yourself,I want you happy not depressed that I died"he sounded exactly like him and that made me want to cry more,I missed his face,voice,everything about him but mostly his kisses"I miss him so much"I hugged Jake,

He hugged me back kissing me on the cheek"Jake?"he nodded"Yes"I'm going to tell him"I have to stay over at the new boys house and I don't want to today,cause moms making me,I can get care of myself"he shrugged"if mom wants you to go you have to,she's doing what's best for you"he held a smile and I smiled back,maybe it won't be that bad,"Ok I guess your right"he nodded"I always am cupcake."

I was in front of Justin's house and I couldn't do it,I couldn't my mom rang the doorbell for me and I glared at her and she did the same,we heard the click of the door and someone opened it for us and out came a woman"This is Lilliana but you can call her Lilly"I shaked her hand "It's nice to meet you!"I smiled"I'm looking forward to be having you here"

My mom left after a little talking with Justin's mom"You can cut the good girl act,if your trying to get close to my baby bear"I stopped where I was and was confused"um.....I'm not-"she gasped"Why does she want me to babysit you,I don't take disrespectful people in my house!!"I stayed standing on the outside of the door"I can go if you would like and we won't tell anyone about this cause I'm more madder than you are right now,I try to settle in but sometimes it doesn't work out"

Someone came down from the stairs "Mom don't treat her like that"down came Justin,giving looks at his mom"She's not a bad girl she's actually a good girl,all A's"she gasped"You are!!"I shrugged,I'm confused i just want to go home,his house is technically in front of my house"Yea but ill stay at mines,I need to study anyways"she gaped

"Im so sorry for my rudeness,I was just shallow with all the girls he brang over,they were all the same,I got tired of it,but you,you'll be perfect-"I stopped her their"I don't like him like that and I don't intend to cause I'm a proper woman I don't whore around like some people"

I looked at his mom"it's nice meeting you"i tried changing the subject seeing a thing that caught my eye,I saw a case full of CDs"I love this music"she gasped"You do?no one has ever said that,I'm glad you like them,what kind?"I picked one out that my mom and dad liked"The Beatles!!,I love them"She laughed looking at Justin"She better be a keeper"I laughed awkwardly"May you show me to my room Justin?"he nodded and walked upstairs,

I followed and saw pictures on the wall of Justin and a girl"Who's-"he looked straight at me with no emotion"Don't ask"I put my hands up in surrender and he pushed me in a room that was blue and gold,it was beautiful"I picked it out"he looked at me and smiled at the walls"Oh it's beautiful"he nodded but his emotions changed"Ok do whatever you girls do"he slammed the door and left,

Why did he all of a sudden change,I gasped as I saw Justin and that girl again she kissed his cheek,they were at a beautiful lake and it was beyond beautiful it was perfection,I grabbed the picture looking at it,

I washed the dust away with my hand and took a closer look at her"Beautiful"I didn't notice someone was behind me and it was Justin,he snatched it out of my hands,smelling his cologne"Please don't look at that!"he hissed at me and I sat down"S-sorry"he went out of the room and I looked down suddenly taking in the form of her face thinking,why would she be with him,is that his girlfriend,he must be pretty broken if he doesn't want no one looking at the pictures,

Or maybe he just didn't want me looking at the pictures,well I don't want to look at them anyways,I put my clothes away and lay down,wanting to sleep"Come,lets go eat!"Justin's mom came in scaring me from her excitement"Ok thanks"I changed into a under shirt,it was hot and I needed to cut some pants to make shorts,

I walked downstairs,I found scissors in the restroom and I cut the end of my pants and they looked like ripped shorts,"You can come sit down by me"she patted the seat by her and I sat down when Justin scooted me over to him that I almost fell out of my chair"What are you doing?" I managed to get the words out,while I was nervous why did he put me by him,he's so annoying"Ok sit there then"I scooted more to her"I didn't move,Justin moved me"

She looked in between us smiling"Ok good"she scooted me over to Justin and he touched my leg,rubbing it,I smacked his arm away,showing no emotion,this is why I don't wear shorts"well baby bear-"I started to say something to him while laughing"How do you know that!!?"I shrugged"Stop yelling across the table baby bear"his mom said,she passed the food out and stared at me along with Justin,she gave lasagna out,

He was dumbfounded and just ate like a pig"Gosh rude much,love"I smirked let's play a game bad boy"What?"I
shrugged"Nothing"he looked me over a few minutes,while his mom looked at me,she smiled"What? Is something wrong?"she squealed"Try it and see if you like it"I tried it and my eyes went wide"No"she frowned"I'm so sorry-"I was so surprised,this is so good "It's delicious,how do you make this,it's so great"

She smiled"Family recipe"I smirked"You have to teach me"she smiled"Ok,right now"I nodded"No not now,I have to talk to her privately upstairs"she sighed and went into her room close to the kitchen"Lilliana,it's really important"I nodded,he led the way to a room that was threatening'Knock or you'll die!!','Don't disturb me if I'm reading'

Way more than that,he opened the door and went in,what I saw amazed me"You keep your room clean!!,thanks for telling me what the secret was to talk privately about,ok bye"I waved and he grabbed my hand

"I'm serious and of course I clean my room"I saw a whole ton of books on a shelf and picked one out"Hey don't touch that!" "Romeo and Juliet?"I held the book in my hands,"you like romance books" I questioned him,that would be cool if he did"No I don't"I saw other books,that were romance types"Awww you love romance books but ohh way to much"he took it out of my hands"I'm serious"

Seeing his face scares me so i backed down"Ok what?"he hesitated on talking but it came out"You know the girl in the photo that I was with,I don't want you talking about it so I'll tell you the truth"I nodded understanding

"She was my lil sis,she died of cancer they didn't have a cure and I stood in the back not liking to be saying sorry to,when no one meant that they were sorry,it hurts to talk about it,I've never told anyone this,I need to let it out,please do you understand"

I nodded I did,same as my dad,everyone said sorry and I know they say that they're sorry but I don't like people saying sorry,they just do it to make you feel better,it doesn't take anything away,it just bring more pain"Can I tell you something?"

I haven't seen this side of him the soft part it was sad"My dad died when I was little.....I was with him....."I couldn't cry,not in front of him"I was happy when a little boy with hazel eyes like yours came with me,mending a little piece of my heart,even if that was possible he let me cry into his shoulder,he was the only one their for me"he gasped"No way!!"I stood back scared at how he gasped"What?"

"The exact same thing happened to me,I still remember that day,I heard three gunshots telling my mom about this little girl that needed help,she ran away and I followed seeing her dad die on the middle of the road,it made me heartbroken to see her like that,I....pressured myself not to cry in front of her,I wasn't good in situations when girls cry"he frowned

Once a tear fell I wiped it away"You have to experience it one more time"tears fell,no I'm stupid,why did I have to tell him,now I'm going to be sad"I'm sorry that I'm crying it's just....."he nodded,bringing me to him,closing the gap between us I cried and he gave me tissues comforting me"It was you....."I looked at him worried and confused"What was?"

"The little girl,I held onto the one that cried hugging her dad in the middle of the road.....the one that made me feel again"I didn't hear the last part right,

"I didn't hear the last part say it again and I knew it was you as well that's why I told you about my story,I felt like I could trust you,your hazel eyes,I instantly knew it was you,no body can top your hazel eyes"he smiled but it went away as soon as I held him,crying"Thank you Justin"

He got up"Ok I have to go bye"he went out,slamming the door,I winced and cried wrapping myself inside the covers,why does he do this

It's like he tries to get away from what's here now"goodnight sweetheart"I smiled at her"goodnight Mrs.Banser"she laughed"Call me Jennifer"I nodded and tossed and turned going to sleep,she closed the door leaving me to myself,clutching the tissues in my hands,I fell asleep after crying about 5 hours straight then I passed out.

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