House of Anubis-The True Ones

By anubis_house

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Who will come back? Who will leave? Who will fall in love again? Who will be new to the story? What will the... More

Chapter 1: College? Dreams?
Chapter 2: Arrivals and Fights
Chapter 4: Tired and Ideas
Chapter 5: Planning and Packing
Chapter 6: Late Nights and Late Freakouts
Chapter 7: Surprise and Surprises

Chapter 3: Truth and Lies

827 17 0
By anubis_house

Fabian's P.O.V.

I can't believe I hurt Nina....I love her so much and I hurt her.

"Stupid! Stupid! Stupid!" I say aloud while hitting my head on the door of my wardrobe.

I hear the door open and Eddie walks in.

"Hey dude, you seriously need to fix this. It's created a very awkward and silent sitting outside!" Eddie says

"I don't know what to do! I hurt the girl I love!"

"You love her?" he asks

"Yes! I love her with every inch of me!"

"Okay, then you need to break it off with Mara and tell Nina that!"

"Would if she doesn't forgive me, and what is Mara hates me?"

"Look, that won't happen! Mara is very understanding and she will be fine!"

"I don't know what to do!" I say hitting the wall with frustration building up.

"Hey, just tell Mara that you need to work things out with Nina and if it still doesn't work then maybe you guys could be in a relationship!" He makes it sound so simple!

"Okay, I just need to tell the truth! she wont hate me, I'm just being paranoid."

"Go tell her Fabian, it will be okay!" he reassures me.

I walk into the dining area and ask to speak to Mara in private. Everyone gets worried faces. Gosh, I really hope she understands.

"Hey....I um have something to tell you.." I say

"Look Fabian...I know you still have feelings for Nina, it's okay really! I am just glad you were trying to do it properly, instead of what happened with Jerome or something along those lines! It's really okay, I think I still have feelings for Mick anyways."

"Thank you for being so cool about this, I have just been lying to myself about me being over Nina...I can't help my feelings toward her! I am so mad at myself for ever hurting her!" I say getting frustrated again.

"Hey calm down Fabian, you just have to open up to her on how you feel! Everyone can see how much you care for her! Except her, and you need to show her you do!" she explains, "You need to talk to her Fabian." she says before giving me on the cheek and leaving.

"Come on Fabian! It's time for supper!" she holds the door open. I walk out and everyone is staring at us.

"Guys, we broke up. It's okay though it was a mutual decision!" Mara explains with a smile.

"Okay! Fabian come here I have to show you something!" Eddie says

I walk over and can't believe what I see!

Eddie's P.O.V.

He walks over and sits and his eyes go wide.

"Is that Ms. De-" I cover his mouth before he shouts it out to everyone.

KT and Patricia shoot me a look first, then it's Alfie, and last it's Amber.

After Dinner, Patricia, Amber, KT, and Alfie, pulled Me and Fabian into the girls bedroom.

"What about Ms. Denby?!" KT asked sternly

"Well........I kind of.......hidmsdenbeyskeytokeepitawayfromvictor."

"Um, slow that down for me!" Yacker says

"I hid Ms. Denby's key to keep it away from Victor! I forgot where I put it and right after I talk to Fabian, I remembered where it was!"

"Why didn't you show me first! I'm you girlfriend!" Yacker complains

"Because it could bring back you memories from when you were turned into a sinner and I was scared you would think more into the dream you had the other night!"

"This has nothing to do with that!" she snaps back

"Well, yeah it-" I got cut off.

"Wait a minute! What dream?!" Fabian asked sternly

"Yeah I want to know about these dreams too!" KT said, and Alfie agreed

"Well I dreamt that, I was at the chasm in the tunnels, when Eddie appeared from the corner and told me everyone hated me and that he- um- that he never loved me!" she broke into tears, I went and pulled her into his arms and calmed her down. I really wish they hadn't asked about it..."Then he tried to push me down the chasm into the underworld, to be eaten by Ammut, while everyone from Anubis house, apart from Nina, taunted me and you saying you all hated me  But right when I got to the edge, everyone disappeared, when-"

"Nina appeared and told you she could save you." Fabian steps in

"Wait! So you have had one too?!" We are shocked

"Yeah, I had it almost 2 weeks ago!" He says

"That means you had it before Amber!" Patricia says.

"What?!" They all asked

"What does that have to do with any of this Yacker?" I ask

"Well, after I explained to everyone how close Amber and Nina were, I figured out that the people closest to Nina get the dreams first!"

"But Yacker, I'm not close to Nina at all and I had the dream the night before we left! So did Joy!"

"What?! Why you didn't tell me?! Why wouldn't Joy?!"

"I didn't want you to think about the dream you had and get anxiety again!"

"I get that, but you still should have come to me! Anyway, the reason you probably had it so soon, is because you are the osirin!"

"Um, I was..." I say disappointed, she just gave me a sympathetic look and continued, "But I don't get why Joy got it, and Alfie hasn't!"

"Um, I have...." he says really quiet

"When? I ask

"Um, a few days before I left to come here. Amber locked me in the dirt trap, you know the one where I found out I was afraid of small spaces, with scorpions, and spiders, while everyone from the house, except NINA, told me they hated me, but right when they were about to reach me everything disappeared and Nina told me to come to her so she could save me."

"Wait if we all had the ones we love tell us they hate us, when we are seconds from death, but then Nina saves us, then who was it Nina saved Fabian from?" Amber asks

"That's the one thing that was different about my dream," Fabian explains, "There was no one person, that was about to drown me, it was like all of you played your part...then, Nina came and told all of you to go away, and you did....she told me the beloved comes first and she would never let anything hurt me. I thought about for days but couldn't figure out anything about what it meant!"

"I have no idea but we need to find out!"

Everyone agreed.

Amber's P.O.V.

"Oh, hey Amber! What did you mean she couldn't cry in front of anyone after the incident from the last term she was here?" Eddie asks


"What?" Fabian asked 

"It was after I blew up on you. Oh, and  sorry about that!"

"It's okay...I totally deserved it."

"Anyway, so after the incident, whenever Nina cried, her tears were golden. She didn't want any of you to know."

"But she cried when Joy was struck by that lightning bolt, her tears were normal then!"

"I know it happened after she got to America."

then Patricia asks, "What do we do now?

After our Sibuna meeting, me and Trixie go to our room. I Skype Nina.

"Hey Amber." she looks exhausted

"Hey! Patricia's here!"

"Hey, Trixie." She sounds weak too.

"What's wrong Neens?" I ask

"Nothing...I am really tired, can we talk later."

"Of course, bye Neens! Love you!"

"Love you too Amber. Bye." she hangs up

"She looked awful! Like she hadn't slept in days!" Trixie exclaimed

"I know...I am stumped why though."

"Look Amber, lets just go to bed! We need to just sleep it out."

"Okay, night Trixie." I say slipping into bed and sleeping for 30 minutes before I have to get up.

KT's P.O.V.

I am in the gate house, when my boyfriend Jason, from the states, starts saying he hates me, while everyone from Anubis house that I know, say they hate me. I was about to be taken by Ammut, when this girl who looked my age came and saved me.

I wake up sweating and crying. What was that? Who was that?


Hey guys! I really appreciate whoever is reading this, I spend a lot of time writing these

chapters, and I don't expect anyone to read it! So thank you! give me your opinions because it

all helps my book become better for you guys!

                                                                      -XOXO anubis_house

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