Dorm Room 143 - Chapter Two

By imperfectlyperfectt

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{ Sequel to Dorm Room 143 } How does Blake cope with the loss of the love her life Reece Mathewson?? More



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By imperfectlyperfectt

IT'S BACK!!! This chapter is kinda short, I'm sorry. I wanted to start this book off so I don't lose anyone. Enjoy!!


How one is woken up determines the attitude one has for the rest of the day.

Normally my obnoxious alarm interrupted my comfortable slumber, causing my rude yet lovable attitude. If I was lucky, I woke up on my own with rays of sunlight seeping through the window blinds warming my heart.

Unfortunately, today was a different story. My heart aching yet admirable dream of Reece, and I's first 'date' on the Ferris wheel was interrupted (sadly) by a husky voice echoing in my head. I tried to ignore it, but it only got louder.

"Blake!! Get up!!! You're late!!!"

I wrapped my fingers around my pillow pulling it over my face in attempt to block my brother out. "Get out," I groaned but my voice was muffled from the pillow.

Much to my dissatisfaction he ripped my comforter off my body as the cold air immediately brought chills to my body.

Annoyed, I clutched my pillow and chucked it at Conner nailing him right in the face. I smirked to myself and wrapped myself back under the comfort of my blanket as the warmth enveloped around me.

"Blake, seriously. You need to get up," he checked his phone. "It's half past noon. You were supposed to leave the house an hour ago,"

I pushed myself up in confusion. Last time I checked, I had no plans.

I scrunched up my face, "What are you talking about??"

He chuckled rolling his emerald eyes that every girl in town fell for. "Are you hungover?"

I sent him a glare. "What gave you the idea to even ask me that?"

"Dude, maybe because you forgot that today is the biggest day of your life,"

I stared at him for a second with so much confusion. "What's today?" I asked.

He ripped my curtain open revealing the bright ray of sunshine stinging my cornea. I put my hand up in front of my eyes blocking the light from harming me any more than it already has. I felt like a vampire to be quite honest with you.

"Your first day of college dumbass," He said looking through the window.

It took me promptly about two and half minutes to somewhat process his words before responding. "What the fuck are you taking about?"

Instead of answering me, Conner gazed through the window at our neighbors house basically drooling. "Man does Natalie Davis look good today,"

I threw my pillow at him again causing him to loose balance and stumble backwards a step. "Ow! What was that for?" He whined fixing his hair.

"Answer my question asshole," I glared.

"Can I move in here after you leave?" He asked completely ignoring me.

"No you horny little shit. Answer my question,"

He smirked at me, "Blake seriously, what'd you drink last night? Because whatever it is, I want some,"

I clenched my fist in anger. "I'm giving you three seconds to answer me or I'm gonna rip your head off,"

He chuckled putting his arms up in surrender. "What's there to answer? It's your first day of college. I don't know what's so confusing about that,"


To say I was confused would be such an understatement.

"But I got kicked out," I muttered but he heard me anyways.

"Definitely gonna need the name of the drink that got you feeling like this," He nodded his head staring at me for a second. "Have you been crying?"

"What?" I asked feeling my face.

"Why were you crying?"

I pushed myself off my bed and stumbled onto the cold wooden floor as the chills ran up my legs and back all the way up to my shoulders. When I looked at myself in the mirror I almost passed out.

I looked awful. I was literally death.

My hair was tangled into a rats nest on the top of my head. My normal tanned skin was so pale I looked unhealthy. And dry tear drops from my bloodshot puffy eyes pressed against my cheeks.

"Reece," I whispered.

"Huh?" Conner asked dumbfounded.

"Reece. He's gone..oh my god!" I started shaking as memories of Reece played through my head over and over again.

"Who's Reece?" Conner stood before me with the most confused expression across his face.

The boy I love, that's who.

"Remember he came here yesterday, and you said he had nice hair,"

I nearly laughed at Conner's constipated look. "The only person I remember being here yesterday was Dave the plumber. And boy, he did not have nice hair," His eyes widened as he shuttered obviously remember the incident.

"Wait, our toilets haven't needed to be fixed since the summer.." I pointed out.

Conner looked at me like I was psychotic. "It is summer Blake.." He looked deeply into my eyes. "Are you sure you're okay?"

Holy shit.

"What's today??" I asked freaking out inside.

"Saturday," Conner responded bluntly.

"The date dumbass,"

He pulled out his phone checking the date. "Uh, the twentieth of August,"

"Oh my fucking god." I ran a hand through my hair freaking out. "So you're telling me I haven't been to college at all??"

"Right.." He tried not to make eye contact. "Look B, you're staring to scare me so I'm about to head out,"

I nodded. "Kay,"

When he left I didn't move a muscle.

This is a prank right??

It has to be. I went college for a full semester and did all the work. I remember every single thing I did. There's no way this was all just a dream.

I was on the verge of crying.

"Reece," I whispered to myself.

As unrealistic as this sounds, the pain of knowing I fell in love with someone that doesn't even exist felt worse than when I 'dreamt' that Reece died.

I felt lonelier than ever.

I felt extremely pathetic. Who truly falls in love with someone who's just a dream???

It was all just a dream. (s/o to nelly)

Next chapter with be much longer I promise!! A lot more will also happen next chapter so stay tuned!!

Love you all!

- K

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