The Narrowest Days

By haylbaylz

899 60 0

I see you're awake finally. Let me explain, I'm the overseer, and my name is Hayley, I will guide you on your... More

Day 1
Day 3
Day 4
Day 5
Day 5 (night)
day 6
Day 7
Day 8 (1/2)
Day 8 (2/2)
Night 8
Day 9
Day 10
Day 11
Day 12
Day 13
Day 14
Day 15
Day 16
Day 17
Day 18
Day 19

Day 2

49 4 0
By haylbaylz

I've been here for 2 days

I actually managed to make a friend, Sebastian. He had the same accent as the girl who was in the room on that screen. He has black hair, dark blue eyes, a sharp jawline, and a muscular body shape. Honestly, he wasn't bad looking but he's a little to much of a pretty boy for my liking.

Right now, Sebastian was walking me around the place so I could know where to go, and where everything was.

"There are only 20 females here in this place, we haven't had any luck with the maters giving birth to females for a while. So you see why all of us boys must treat all of you girls with respect, otherwise this place is going to die out... In this whole place there are about 200 people, including you." He paused for a Second, Every single one of these people have a depressing eeriness lingering about them "To make sure everyone has their own place to work, without over populating that area, they made sections to separate people. There are 5 classes you could become part of; builder, killer (to kill the things), maters (for you know what...), lightweights (the nobody's), and what they call the commanders. The builders are boys except for 5 girls, they worked on maintaining the building that are out in this desert place, just to make sure they didn't fall over, and kill anyone. The killers are what they sound like, except they kill those 'things' to make sure they don't come in here, there are only 3 girls in that section. Maters, well they kinda... Mate one another, in other words they are the people who do the dirty business, keeping the population at a controlled level, 10 girls, and a lot of guys on the waiting list... The lightweights are the people who are unwilling or not determined good enough for any of the work provided, 1 girl unfortunately lives in there but I hadn't seen her in a while, she usually goes out and scavenges food for her own group, so I take it she'll be back soon. Then there are the commanders, they're the upper class of all of us, only 1 girl is in that, she is the person who actually runs this whole place. Ryster is part of the commanders, he is the military leader alongside his brother." whom I still have yet to meet. So pretty much I was living with 2 commanders and I didn't even know it at first.

"The buildings in this place are broken and dusty, so I wouldn't go around playing if I was you. It seems like this place was once a beautiful city, but over time it has deteriorated. This place has roads, so stick to them, the sand on the side of the roads get really hot. outside those walls, these roads are said to lead to a better place, unfortunately there are tall walls blocking our way to the outside on all sides, the only ones to go out there are the killers, or anyone willing to put a death sentence on themselves." He laughs a little.

"Why would it be a death sentence? They might find shelter or food out there." I ask

"They might..." He thought for a moment before continuing. "But if that person finds food, that means the 'things' found food too. Lately the 'things' have been becoming smarter, and they can smell food, that being our normal food or flesh, but they can sense it from a mile away."

"How do the killers not die out there then?"

"They do, but they are extremely  trained for anything that comes their way, and threaten them." He says slinging his arm over my shoulder.

"I'm hungry..." I say moving, and putting my puppy dog eyes on. "Can we get some food??"

"I'm hungry too, don't worry, let's go." He says chuckling, putting his arm back around me.

"When will I get my job thing?" I ask, suddenly worrying about not being able to see him again.

"Soon, don't worry we can still hang out." He smiles relaxing me a little.

"Wait, where do you work?" I realize I never asked him.

"I'm a killer." He casually admits.

I then stop.

"Promise me you will stay by my side as my friend forever." I say holing out my pinky, I don't even know why I held my pinky out... Something was making me do it, a memory maybe?

"I Sebastian, will always be Lexi's, badass friend." He smirks intertwining his pinky in mine.

"Who is this badass friend? And why does he have the same name as you?" I ask laughing, walking the same way as before.

"You! You  have truly hurt my feeling, Lexi take it back otherwise I shall die." He over exaggerated, laughing.

"NEVER!" I take off running, and laughing to the cafeteria.

"GET BACK HERE!" He says laughing, sprinting up behind me, and wrapping his arms around my waist.

"Pervert!" I laughing as he lets go.

"You're a fast one aren't ya?" He rests his hands on his thighs breathing slowly.

"I suppose I am... Let's just go get food." For the past day I've been feeling the need to go on long runs but I can't because of how strict everyone is, I really hate rules... You're not along to run unless you're a killer or in danger.

We go to the cafeteria, grabbed our food, Sebastian sat with his group, meanwhile I sat in back away, from the others, I had yet to be put in a designated group so for now, I was a lone wolf.

"Seat taken?" I look up to see a tall not extremely muscular although not at all a boney man. He wore his blonde hair at mid length blonde, light brown eyes, well built facial features, and the resemblance to someone I knew but I could pin point it.

"Something wrong?" He asked tilting his head to the side.
"Not at all." I say realizing I had stared. "You just remind me of someone but I'm not sure who... Oh, you can sit if you want, it's just me back here."

"Hey little bro!" Ryster called sitting next to the boy... I looked back and forth from them both... That's his brother!?

"You're Logan?" I ask raising my finger a bit pointing it at Logan.

"The one and only." He says with a grin.

"See the resemblance?" Ryster said moving his mechanical arm over Logan's shoulder, pulling a big grin on his face.

"Logan Come on smile for the lady!" Ryster said through his teeth trying to maintain the huge smile he plastered on.

"Fine..." Then they were both smiling at me.

"Oh! I see it now!" I laugh along with them.

"So where do you stay at? I haven't seen you around before." He tilts his head to the side.

"Logan!" Ry then hits Logan on the side of his head. "She lives in the room above you!"

"Oh! My bad! Sorry, it's nice to meet you, Lexi." He says, stuffing his face with food.

"Nice to meet you too." I laugh, then I began to eat the food that was in front of me, what the ingredients in this meal are, I don't want to find out anytime soon.

"You're going to be put into your group tomorrow, be ready!" He says, once he finished his food. " talk tomorrow!" Ry dragged Logan off with him.

"Bye Lexi!" Logan called before being dragged to their job by his big brother.

"Bye!" I wave, and think.

What group am I going to be in? Then my anxiety hit me like a brick wall, what if I don't belong! What are they going to do to me?

Only time will tell.


I'm sorry for any spelling errors or anything of the sorts, just going to update, then at the end once my book is done I will go back to make corrections xx

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