Zodiac Signs

By ZodiacSignz

31.3K 954 748

Hello.. ☆ So this book is mainly about the 12 zodiac signs. Like if you were born in December (like me) you a... More

1. Awesome Books Made Into Movies.
2. The Signs As Tay Swift 1989 Songs.
3. The Signs As Comfort Foods.
4. The Signs As Teen Wolf Characters.
5. The Signs As Mythical Creatures.
What your sign is probably addicted to.
Most Likely to die in a car accident trying to save a cute animal
The Signs Exploring The Woods

The Signs!

4.6K 88 74
By ZodiacSignz

So just a quick thing to remind you on what your sign is. 《Incase you forgot》so yeah. Here it goes!


Aries - The ram 《 March 21st - April 19th 》

Taurus - The Twins 《 April 20th - May 20th 》

Gemini - The Bull 《 May 20th - June 20th 》

Cancer - The Crab 《 June 21st - July 22nd 》

Leo - The Lion 《 July 23rd - August 22nd 》

Virgo - The Maiden 《 August 23rd - September 22nd 》

Libra - The Scales 《 September 23rd - October 22nd 》

Scorpio - The Scorpion 《 October 23rd - November 21st 》

Sagittarius - The Archer 《 November 22nd - December 21st 》

Capricorn - The Goat 《 December 22nd - January 19th 》

Aquarius - The Water Barier 《January 20th - February 18th 》

Picese - The Fish 《 February 19th - March 20th 》


Hope this Helped! ❤

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