Being The Bad Boy's Mate

By anonomyusash

10.1M 178K 33.4K

This was my first story when I was literally 12 so please be gentle. Everything is unedited from 12 year old... More



439K 8.2K 1K
By anonomyusash

[ A/N guys, I finally figured out how to make a new part, I feel like a freaking genius. Anyywaaay. Last chapter had a sort of twist. Any predictions for this chapter? Comment pleeeeaaassseee.(: ]

Just when I threw my final ball down the lane, my cell phone rang. It was Samantha.
"Jello?" That's how we answer each other. No judgey..
"JESSICA WHERE THE H E DOUBLE HOCKEYSTICKS ARE YOU?!" She all but screamed in my ear, I winced at the noise and Mitchell was instantly at my side. I was actaully cute, wait. Did I just call Mictchell Sawyer cute? What is this world coming to?
"Relax Sam, I'm just at the bowling alley. What's up?"
"With who?" She asked ignoring my question.
"Mitchel..." I trailed off knowing I was about to be screamed at.
"JESS I TOLD YOU HE'S NO GOOD WHY ARE YOU WITH HIM?!" To be honest, she was getting annyoing, but I knew she was only trying to protect me. I mean, it was her duty. I should proably explain. Eh, maybe later.
"I'm sorry Sam, I should've told you. Don't worry, we just finished and I'll be home in about ten minutes. Love you." With that I hung up. I looked over at Mitchell but he was already staring at me. He looked pissed. "Was that your boyfriend?" He spat. I started laughing but he obviously didn't find it funny so I quickly stopped. "Okay, so first of all, you shouldn't even care." I paused. "But no. It was my pr-FRIEND SAMANTHA SAM for short." I mentally scolded myself for almost telling him that I had a protector.

When I looked at him, he looked relieved. "Why, does the Bad Boy have a crush on me?" I surprised even myself by how confident it came out. What if I was finally sh- I was pulled out of my thoughts when I wasm pulled into something hard A.K.A Mitchell's chest. There was something about the way he smelled it was so; intoxicating. I felt his heart beating rapidly. I smiled at the fact that he was excited or maybe just out of breath. Probably the second one. I was actually kind of sad that, that's what I thought. "Maybe." He said looking me staright in the eye and kissing me. It took me a few seconds to realizing what was happening.

Mitchell Sawyer was kissing me.

And I was kissing him back

[I was going to stop here but then I wanted to be sweet.(; ]

*Later That Day*

After everything that happened at the bowling alley last night it was awkward, he really didn't say anything on the way home and neither did I. The ride home was just filled with the soft lyrics of my song: James Dean and Audrey Hepburn by Sleeping With Sirens
I started to sing quietly to the song but I quickly stopped when I heard MItchell chuckle. I just looked out the window, embarassed. "You have an amazing voice Jessie." I was abut confused because no one calls me Jessie but I just went with it. "Thanks" was all I said after that comment he went on about how I should sing more often and about a block from my house, I finally snapped. "Mitchell, I'm not going to sing infront of anyone this stays between you me, my brother and my friend. I'm not going to sing for anyone. I can't." "Why not?" Was all it took for me to from anger to bursting into tears. I knew why I couldn't sing for a crowd,but I couldn't tell him though. "I just can't and I can't tell you either." I got out of the car and ran towards my house. I ran through the door and straigh to my room. I fell asleep then and there. I just really needed to sleep the day off.

Mitchell's P.O.V

*After Jess Runs Out Of The Car*

I watched her run to her house making sure that she made it in safe. I sat in the car for a little while replaying what had just happened over and over again until I realized...





Sorry for the cliffhager guys! Anyway, So I'll probably update like 2 every week. MAYBE I'm not absolutely positive just yet. Anyway, please let me know what you think and give suggestions if you have any.(: Thankks


P.s follow me on Instagram? @__taylorrrrr___

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