The Girl is Mine (Jariana)

By kissmybutera

6.7K 198 16

Ariana Grande is the new girl at school. Nobody talks to her until Justin, the schools bad boy player talks t... More

1. Nice to meet you
2. Worst Lunch Ever!
3. After Lunch
4. Lovely Emotions
5. He's a Badboy
6. New friends
7. Let's Go Steady
8. Mistakes Happen
9. Forget About Us
10. Should Have Listened
11. Help
12. Justin I'm...
13. Heart Breaks
14. Love Dr. Liz
15. Somethings Are Better Left Unsaid
16. Under the Mistletoe
17. Best Friend!
18. Date Night
19. Winter Things
20. Christmas Eve
21. Christmas
22. New Year's Eve
23. New Years
24. Paparazzi?
25. Baby I
26. Is It Too Late Now To Say Sorry?
27. Please Don't Go

❤️❤️ I Love You All!

184 3 0
By kissmybutera

Okay so before this story is officially done I just wanna say that I planned of having 30 chapters but only did 27. Sooo what happens is just that Justin introduces Ariana to Kendall and that's why Kendall's with Ariana at school along with Liz.

And this is for all the Ariana and Justin haters, or any hater of any celebrity. I don't understand how someone can hate another person so much they can say disgusting things about them. That they actually have the audacity to comment such disgusting things on Instagram or YouTube or whatever. THEY ARE HUMAN, THEY HAVE FEELINGS. LISTEN TO ILL SHOW YOU BY JUSTIN BIEBER. Honestly I'm ashamed to even be the same species as you. Yeah, they might get thousands of comments but you never know, they could see your comment. Would you ever comment that on someone who will surely see your comment? What if someone commented "I hate you" or "kill yourself" probably not. You can say you don't care, but no one deserves to have that said about them. Killing yourself is a serious matter, and not something you should ever tell anyone to do. It's wrong, it's disgusting. It just makes me so angry about what people say. Once you can say you're perfect, then you can judge anyone you want. Obviously you're not perfect, you've done things you regretted, you've said things you regret! You're lucky you're not being filmed or followed around almost every second of the day. Celebrities are on the spotlight, all day, everyday. Justin Bieber's nudes got released, tf that's messed up! What if your nudes were released? Ugh I ekfkkdekkfnnekdkf I get so upset. Anyways that's it for my rant.

I want to thank everyone who read this story because it is much appreciated. I will not be releasing the sequel until after my exams and possibly not until after cheer ends. I already have some chapters written so I could release some. I want at least 500 reads on this until I release the sequel, but I could change my mind. I'm so thankful that you read this and you have no idea how much it means to me. I know this story was just filled with lovey-dovey jariana, except for the end. But I promise next book will not be like that. Follow me to be updated when I release the second book!!!!! Love you all!


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