The Sweet Seduction of a Virg...

By Mystic_Terrors

454K 11.2K 427

Fierce Savannah Richardson has been kidnapped but she refuses to obey her captors imperious commands. Who doe... More

Author's Note
Prologue: The Sweet Seduction of a Virgin
Story Information
Character Background/Casting:
Chapter 1 ~ My Sexy Kidnapper
Chapter 2 ~ Staying Put
Chapter 3 ~ The Agreement
Chapter 4 - Enough drugs yet?
Chapter 5 - A Burning Desire
Chapter 6 - His Big Secret
Chapter 7 ~ Sexual Encounters
Chapter 8 - A Big Suprise
Chapter 9 - The Engagement
Chapter 10 - Wedding Bells or Alarms?
Important Author's Note
Chapter 11 - Unrequited Love?
Chapter 12 - A Tragic Death
Chapter 13 - Meeting my Wolf
Chapter 14 - Knots, Butterflies and Shakes
Chapter 15 - In Heat
Chapter 16 - Eternal Happiness
Chapter 17 - The Big Bad Wolf
Chapter 18 - The Begining of the End
Atlernative Ending 1 - Happiness at Last
Alternative Ending 2 - The Beginning of The Apocalypse
Author's Note - Sequel

Chapter 19 - Desperately Seeking my Mate

6.2K 241 4
By Mystic_Terrors

Chapter 19 – Desperately seeking my mate

Hello,my lovelies. I've decided to do another chapter as I've been inspiredby my favourite author @KanyeInterruptedMe,(she is soooo amazing,seriously check her out) and I felt that I needed to do another one just to make it up to ye for not writing in so long! Plus I am so excited about where this story line is going, I am like a little child who's walked into a candy shop for the first time! I know it's a little fast-paced but I want it like that, I will be editing it in the near future so...Haha, enough of my blabbing, now read on! :)

I stared anxiously at the rucksack in front of me. Was this really the right thing to do?

Shut up! Of course it is! My maternal instinct and brain shouted at me. I leant over and slowly fastened the buckle, sighing as I did so.

'No time for backing out now,' I said loudly to myself.

I was running away, I had no other choice but too. The pack wanted me out, they couldn't even look me in the eyes. They were afraid, afraid of what was to come. I didn't blame them, that is why I was leaving.We had held a meeting, where the pack voiced their concerns. I could tell by some of the bloodlust stares that some would stop at nothing to be rid of me, even if that meant death.

I reached my hand around into my denim jeans pocket and pulled out the letter I had wrote. Clutching it to my chest, I felt a tear escape,rolling down my cheek.

It was for Angelo.

I knew if he knew of this, he would not let me go. I had to for the safety of the pack and this new life inside of me. I walked to the edge of the bed, where my beautiful sleeping son lay, I leant over the cots' frame and kissed him on the forehead, a small content spread across his face, yet still asleep.

'Be a good boy for daddy, I love you bambino,'I whispered.

I placed the letter upon the pillow and turned, grabbing the small rucksack and walked out of my bedroom door. The pack house was quiet as everyone was still asleep. Angelo was away, he had spent the night at a neighbouring pack asking them to join forces to find Vinito, so it was easy to sneak out.

Just as I placed my hand on the entrance door handle to leave the house, a small voice pleaded.

'Please, don't do this,' Khloe-Jasmine whispered.

My body stiffened, slowly I turned around to face her. Just about making our her curvy figure in the middle of the moonlights' rays.

'I have to, I don't want to but I have no other choice. How did you know?' I asked quietly.

'I had a vision, please promise you will return,' she begged. 'Look after Lucian, please,' I gulped and opened the door, running out before I could stop myself.

The cold air was a relief against my hot, flushed skin. I was now a few months pregnant, I could tell this pregnancy was different. The baby was a lot stronger than Luca had ever been, kicking felt as if it's little legs would break through my skin. And I was constantly in the mode of fatigue, but I couldn't bring myself to get rid of the baby not matter how sick it was making me or if it did bring the apocalypse. Even though, the child was only still growing inside of me, I loved it.

I reached the door of one of the pack cars, gently turning the key in the car door, I sat into the car and turned the key in the ignition until I heard the purr of the engine. I put the car in gear and drove, I needed to get far away from the pack house as I could. I knew the moment Angelo knew of my disappearance he would come searching for me, as well as the others that wanted to hunt me.

A few hours later, I reached my destination, the airport. I parked the car and locked it, walking towards the entrance. Nervously, I stopped in front of it, the glass automatic sliding doors opening to allow me access.

'Deep breaths, Savannah, in out, in out,' I repeated to myself.

I walked towards the check-in desk, a middle-aged woman with brown hair cast into a tight bun flashed a smile at me.

'Hello, my names Miss Richardson, I would to check-in please?' I asked, returning her smile.

'Of course, but Miss Richardson could I ask how far along are you please?' she asked, concern shining through in her eyes.

'Enough to fly!' I snapped.

'Miss Richardson, I did not mean to cause offense, it is in our policy to ask as there may be a risk to you and your baby flying at such altitudes,' she looked at me apologetically.

'Forget it,' I said, swiftly turning and walking out the way I came, I could hear her calling my name out after me but I ignored her. No way was this bitch going to let me fly, I had to think of another plan quickly before Angelo figured out where I was.


'What do you mean she is missing!' I roared.

Mason flinched, 'I...Sir, according to Khloe-Jasmine she left in the early hours of the morning.'

'Bring her to me now!' I snapped, rubbing my temples with the tips of my fingers, aggravated. 'Ridiculous! I am living with incompetent idiots!'.

'Sir I tried to stop her, but she would not hear of it,' Khloe appeared, speaking quickly.

'Did she say where she was going?' I asked irritated. 'Sorry no, Sir,' she said, quickly adverting her eyes. 'Fanculo! Call the trackers now,' I cursed.

My heart ached, being away from my scared and vulnerable mate. Who knew where she was and what was happening to her. She had blocked off her mind link so that I could not contact her. It worried me, what if she was hurt? I shook the frightening thoughts from my head, I had to stay strong for her and my son.

I ran up the stairs almost two at a time, I paused when I reached the door to my bedroom and entered. My son was sleeping soundly in a blissful state as I peered at him from overhead. Unaware that his mother had runaway.

'Don't worry little bambino, we will find her,' I said softly. As if almost in reply, he cooed opening his big blue eyes, the gold specks shining. I reached down and gently stroked his cheek. Suddenly, I felt an overwhelming sensation, making me feel faint, memories flashed past me at intense speed.

I gasped I was looking at myself holding Luca the day he was born, Savannah in the hospital bed smiling weakly. 'What is going on?' I said aloud. Immediately, I was shifted again, looking yet again at myself but in a suit reading my vows to Savannah. I pulled my hand back in shock.

'Amazing isn't it?' a voice said behind me. I turned quickly, 'What?' I said, masking my face.

'Don't worry, I was shocked the first time it happened too, it's an amazing gift he has,' Khloe-Jasmine smiled.

'What is it and why didn't you tell me?' I asked, anger starting to build inside me. 'I wanted you to find out yourselves,' she said, looking apologetic, 'I think he is able to time travel.'

'Impossible,' I said in disbelief.

'We can use it to save Savannah, if Luca learns to control it, I'll find out more information from the elders,' she said, rushing out of the room.

I picked up little Luca in my arms, looking into his eyes, I softly whispered 'You will be my little savior, my prince.' Sitting on the edge of the bed, I spotted it, a letter.

I shifted Luca into one arm while opening it desperately it with the other and started reading it.


Please forgive me but I had to leave, for the safety of our pack and us. Please don't try and find me, I will return when the baby is born and old enough but only then.

I love you and little Luca.

Love Savannah x

I crumbled the later, Luca letting out a little giggle upon hearing the crinkling of the paper.

'Oh Luca, why is your mother so stubborn and humble?' I asked rhetorically.

As if answering, his little fist curled around my finger, tugging at my heart strings, making me miss my mate desperately.

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