Cherished Rain

By Mauvese

5.3K 163 125

(Mature due to strong language.) Juneau Roux just wants a simple life free of chaos. But when she meets a mys... More

Rain and Tears
Please Don't Die
A Forgotten Place
The Stalker
Fallen Staircase
Little Boy
Care to spare an ear?
Round 1
Round 2
Round 3
Dear friends...
Follow the leader
Another world
It Doesn't End Here
Let the Wonders Begin
The Forgotten
Forever Lost
WhO aRe YoU?
Hello, Officer. Can I Not Help You?
Are You Confuzzled?
It's Clicking Together
It's Time
Join Us

Don't even bother

132 4 2
By Mauvese


A pink pajama-ed Daniel lead an utterly angered Juneau across the sidewalk and out of sight.

It was an interesting sight: a formally dressed semi-woman being dragged along by a tall semi-man wearing pink pajamas with a bunny eared hoodie.

"Excuse me, but what do you think you're doing?!" Juneau shouted. She looked frantically around. She was going to scream "rapist" as soon as someone came around.

"I need your insight on something," Daniel spoke neutrally and continued tugging her along by the hand.

It was amazingly soft and incredibly warm.

"You ought to sought out one's permission, or at least notify them of your desires, before dragging them into your business," Juneau spat.

"You're a stubborn one," Daniel replied. "Talking it out with you would be a waste of time."

"Really? Well that's funny, because we've only known each other for, like, two days."

Daniel suddenly stopped and turned with an unimpressed look.

"Really? Really? You're my class president," he started. "And you're always yelling at everyone in the hallway during break- and outside of my classroom. That's one of the reasons why everyone in room B-1 hates you!" Daniel then quickly shut up.

He'd gone too far.

And it'd only been several seconds.

"I'm sorry," he mumbled.

Juneau looked to the pavement.

Her feelings had been hurt.

"I'm sorry," Daniel repeated, but still softly. He looked to the now fragile-appearing Juneau with his guiltily pursed lips. "I shouldn't have said that."

Juneau shook her head.

"It's fine," she breathed. "I shouldn't be letting such things get to me anyway."

But the truth did get to her.

It ate at her mercilessly.

Every morning while passing the classrooms of troublemakers, rude comments were spat at her.

She always had to deal with the stupid dimwits.

They asked her questions that only idiots would ask-- but then again, that's what they were.

"Let's go," Juneau brushed passed Daniel. Then looked back at him. "Where are we going?"

Daniel looked at her, still worried.

It's amazing how one could become so care some for someone they'd just met the day prior the previous day.

"Are you sure?" Daniel whispered.

Guilt added itself into the mixture.

"Yeah," Juneau whispered back.

"Then let's go." Daniel passed her and took the lead.

The two school mates walked through the city.


"I'm not going in there," Juneau stepped back from the front gate. Daniel was crazy.


"Yeah," Juneau nodded her head vigorously. She would never enter a boy's house.

Unless it was family, of course.

"Just bring out whatever it is you need to show me," she said, arms crossed.

Daniel looked at her.

Unimpressed looks were his specialty.

"Do you actually think I'd do that to you?"

"I do, actually. It's not my fault I'm a girl. Now hurry, or else I'll scream rapist."

Daniel huffed.

He grabbed her wrist then cupped his hand over her mouth.

Juneau's eyes widened.

He's going to rape me!

She struggled with panic, but Daniel was just too strong.

"Just calm down. You don't even know if I'm straight!" Daniel said annoyedly.

He opened the door to his house and was then met by his aproned mother.

The spatula dropped from her hand.

Her face was horrified.

"Daniel... WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING?!" Immediately Juliette snatched up the fallen spatula and began hitting the innocent Daniel.
"LET- GO- OF- HER!" She screeched.

"いったい!お母ちゃん!MO-OM! STOP! DO I LOOK LIKE A FUCKING RAPIST TO YOU?!" Daniel screamed.

Immediately Juliette stopped.

She dropped the spatula with surrender.


But she was tiger-faced.

"First of all..." Juliette immediately grabbed Daniel's ear. He held in a cry of pain. "Watch the language." She hissed. "Next... never, ever, bring a woman into the house without notifying me first. Last of all, don't wear your jammies outside... especially your pink ones. People will think you're gay and insane." She let go then smiled happily at Juneau.

"Hello, young lady, I'm so sorry Daniel..." Juliette gave her son a significant look,"...put you through this. But... who in the hell are you?"

Juneau's jaw dropped.

"Excuse you."

Juliette gasped.


Daniel looked horrifiedly at his mother.


A spatula hit the pink princess's face.


"I am so, so sorry," Juliette cooed to the highly offended Juneau. They sat at the dining table with their distraught hair and clothes.

Cracked eggs littered the kitchen floor.

The sunny side up eggs on the pan were burnt.

"It's ok," Juneau lied. She was terrible at it. She sounded as though she wanted to kill the woman.

How could she not feel offended?

That'd been the first time she'd been called a slut.

"Wow..." John then came into the kitchen. "What happened here?" He looked to the dining table then paused. He pointed at Juneau.

"Who's that?"

There's something seriously wrong with this family. Juneau huffed.

"Did you get our boy a girlfriend?" John adjusted his eyeglasses then scrutinized Juneau further. "So formal!"

Juneau wanted to punch the man.

And the woman.

Juneau opened her mouth when Juliette interrupted her.

"Yup, I finally did! And guess what, John! She's class president!" Juliette silently screamed with jazz hands. "Now we know he's not gay!"

"Juliette, that shouldn't matter! Whether or not he's gay, he'll always be our boy." John smiled proudly.

Juneau put on a cheesy smile then looked at the man she assumed to be Daniel's father.

"Sorry, but I'm not your son's girlfriend," Juneau mentally cringed at the word. "He just needed to show me something."

John slumped his shoulders with relief.

"John! Wouldn't she be perfect, though?!"

Can you SHUT UP.

"Juneau!" Daniel shouted from somewhere upstairs.

"Oh, here, bring him this, please!" Juliette handed a mug of steaming hot chocolate to Juneau. "Here's one for you!"






Juneau climbed the steps.
The house was completely red and reminded her of a slaughterhouse.

She peeked into the closest room.

Daniel sat inside.

Juneau stood motionlessly at the door.

"You're allowed to come in," he looked at her with innocent confusion.

She continued standing frozen.

"What's wrong...?"


Her still face suddenly appeared deadly.

"Where in the heck am I?"

Freshly brewed hot chocolate elegantly sprayed across the entire room.

How lovely.


Did I go too far?
I promise you Daniel had no such intentions whatsoever.
And such instances will never pop up.

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