Pain. One shot

Par CasCreeks

12 1 0

Pain and sorrow are the only things i know Plus

One shot

12 1 0
Par CasCreeks

"Alex?" A girl was calling my name. I didn't know where I was. All I remember was being hit in the head. It's freezing in here. Where am I? 
"Who's there?" I asked curling up. Trying to get warm.
"My name is not important right now. Let's get you up. Come on." I felt arms around my torso picking me up.
"Leave me alone!" I yelled pushing whoever it was away from me. I found a corner and slid down it into a ball. It was getting colder. I heard a zipper being undone and I saw a flash of light.
I heard footsteps coming closer to me. I wanted to move but I was too cold. I felt a volt of pain go through my leg.
"Ahhhh!" I screamed at the top of my lungs. "What do you want?" I asked trying to keep my composure.
"I wanna hurt your daddy as much as possible. Just like he did to me." She said and shocked me again. This time I didn't scream. My body was already in shock. What was she talking about? My dad was a judge. He had nothing to do with this.
I was yanked out of my thoughts as she  pulled me up and threw me against the wall. All the air left me. My back slid down the wall as I was coughing trying to breathe. After about a minute I finally was breathing normally.
"Your dad made my brother go to jail with a life sentence. Now he isn't going to get his daughter back." She said and the lights came on. The first thing i saw was her. Her Black pants, long black hair, perfect face, perfect body, she was wearing a black veil brides shirt. I looked at her arms and there were long scar lines going down them. "After you memorize me you still have to find a way out. Don't you?" She said snapping her fingers in my face.
She grabbed my arm and pulled me up. She dragged me to the door and opened it. She continued dragging me through the huge house until she got to a oak door and she pushed me in. Locking the door as she came in with me. "This is your room." She said. I looked around. A small bed, a bathroom, a closet, and a small window up high above my bed. I slowly sat down on the bed and looked at her. She looked 19 years old.
"What happened to your brother? Why did he go to jail?" I asked.
"He went to jail because he was helping a friend. They set him up. He went to jail innocent. He was 18." She said leaning against the door.
"Why am I here?"
"Because I want your dad to go through the pain I had to go through with losing someone he loves like I did."
"What do you mean by did?" I ask cautiously.
"He was killed in jail." She said coming over to me. She pulled a pocket knife out of her pocket and held it to my throat. She switched the knife with her hand and started choking me. I laid down and she got onto me and choked me again.
"P-please" I choked out. "I-i didn't do this" I whispered. I could barely breathe.
"Yes you did. You could have stopped him." She said cutting off all my air supply. My eyes fluttered. She let go. I took in a deep breath and turned my head to the side.
"He doesn't tell me anything about his work. He never does." I said. She immediately punches my stomach. I cave in and start coughing.
"I swear. I'm telling the truth." I said as I start to breathe normally.
She picks me up and puts me in a chokers hold. "I swear." I say. She instantly chokes me harder. Cutting off all my air. My eyes shut and my body relaxes. She lets go and pushes me off of her and to the ground.
"You should learn." She says punching my stomach and leaving. I curl into a ball, trying to think of a way out. I slowly and painfully stand up and go into the bathroom. I look around. There's only a toilet a small shower and a sink. There's a plastic cup and I fill it with water. Slowly taking a drink. I finish it and look in the closet. There are at least 10 black shirts and 5 pairs of jeans. The jeans are in my size but the shirts are a couple sizes too big. I go back to the bed and lay down. There's a blanket that I curl up in and I finally fall asleep.
"Dad, when are you gonna be home?" I ask through the home phone.
"It'll be another hour here. I have to close up. Just order some pizza and put it on the card. I'll be home as fast as I can." He said and we both hang up. I ordered a pizza just cheese and it came in about 40 minutes. I gave the guy the card and he swiped it giving himself 15% tip as we usually give. I thank him as he gives the card back and I watch him get into his car and leave. I shut the door and lock it. I put the pizza on the counter taking two slices and go into the living room to watch Smallville. I fall asleep 2 hours later.
(End of dream)
I hear someone yelling. I don't know who at but they seem mad. I slowly go to the door and open it. I smile at how easy it was. I had changed into a black shirt and the pants before I went to sleep. I walk down the hallway towards the yelling. Yes I know that's stupid but I want to see who's yelling.
I walk out and I'm in the kitchen. The yelling has only gotten louder. I know it is the girl. There's a door standing between me and her. I slowly open it and I'm met with a guy staring at me and the girl still yelling at him. He points at me and they both are staring at me. She sighs and grabbed my arm tightly and dragged me back into my room.
"who were you yelling at?" I ask.
"His name was Dylan. And it doesn't matter now."
"Yes it does."
"Why does it matter?" She asks leaning against the wall. I slowly sit on the bed.
"Because." I say. Wanting to yell for him to help me. So i do. "DYLAN!!!!" She is immediately pinning me down choking me. Hard. I'm trying to get air into my lungs but it isn't working. Nothing is getting in. I'm against the wall now. Still being choked. My eyes are slowly closing but my body has given up already. Finally after along time. She drops me. I fall to the ground into my hands and knees. She picks me up and throws me onto the bed. My head hits the backboard. I groan in pain. I hear a lock and i slowly open my eyes to see her coming towards me. She climbs onto me. My stomach on the bed and I close my eyes. I feel her hands searching for the soft spot on my back.
'No. No!' My head yells at me. I try to stop her but all I get is her laughing at me. She's found it. Center of my back. "Please don't" I whisper begging. She massages it. My body relaxes. My mind yells, screaming for her to stop. But it doesn't make it to my lips. She stops. I feel nothing put pain throughout my body. She just punched it.  I want to scream but my head is pushed into the sheets. I try to move but I can't. She has stopped and started massaging again.
"Please." I whisper. She continues to massage my soft spot. My body relaxes. I hurt so much. She stops. Oh no. Pain shoots threw me. My back arches and I struggle to get her off. My energy is fading.
'She will keep on doing this if you don't get her off Alex!' My brain yells. I reach for something. Anything. I grab it and I hear laughing.
"Pillow?" Shit.
'Throw it away Alex. Throw it away!' My brain yells. But it's too late. She's got it. She lifts my head up and puts the pillow under my face. I see nothing but darkness now. My head is pushed against the pillow. Making it impossible to breathe. I'm struggling to get her off. She won't move. My head is let go and the pillow is gone.
"You afraid yet?" She asks. I shake my head no I'm not.
'I've been through worse' my brain says. Ugh. 
"Please stop." I whisper turning my head to the side. Making it easier to breathe. She starts massaging the same spot on my back again. I bet it's dark blue. She massages it longer. The longer she does it, the longer I can't move. We both know that. "Please." I whisper again.
Her hands stop. I only feel one hand on my back now.
'No! No! Please stop!' My head yells. Pain erupts from my back. I scream at the top of my lungs. My body relaxes as I loose all my energy. My eyes close and I'm left with nothing but pain.
"You afraid yet?" She asks again. I nod as fast as I can. "Good." She says and pats my back. I wince in pain as she gets off of me. She pulls me into the bathroom pulling me to the toilet. She opens the lid and pats my back. Everything I've eaten from the past 48 hours comes up into the toilet with a fair amount of blood. I lean over the toilet as she closes the lid and flushes it. She pulls out a rag and gives it to me. I wipe my face and drop the rag to the ground. My body relaxes and my eyes close while she picks me up and carries me out of the bathroom and the room.
I'm set on what I think is a couch.

"Who are you?" I ask, my eyes still closed.
"As I said before. It doesn't really matter." She says and I hear another pair of footsteps coming into the room
"What are we going to do with her?" I slowly sit up and open my eyes
'Dylan' my head yells at me. It racks my brain. I hold my head in defiance. My head is pounding. My once open eyes are now close as if that would help at all.
"I need to go lay down in my room." I say as I get up. I wobble but slowly make it down the hall. Half way down the hall I collapse onto my hands and knees in pain. My back and head are killing me. Literally. I groan as I slowly get up. I lean against the cold wall and make my way to the room. I slowly open it, when I get in I take off the shirt and leave the purple underarmer on. I slowly make my way to the bed to be met with coldness. My head has calmed down. My back has stayed the same.
"Here." I hear a boy say. I slowly open my eyes to see a guy around my age. Maybe 16. I focus on his hand that holds a pill and water. I cautiously take them both. I swallow the pill and drink the water. He slowly sits on the bed.
"Why?" I ask
"I can't answer that."
"Can you answer why you didn't help me when I was yelling your name?"
"My job isn't to save you. You have to deal with your own problems. It isn't my fault your dad killed her brother."
"I don't even know who her brother was. She doesn't tell me anything!" I yell. I grab him by the collar of his shirt and throw him into the wall. "Let. Me. Out." I growl.
He smirks, "and what's the little baby gonna do about it if I don't?" He says coming over to me pushing and pinning me into the wall. I try to move out of his grip. Finally I get out and run for the door.
"Not today princess." He says and grabs my jacket, pulling me back. Putting me into a bear hug. He lifts me up pushing all the air out of me. My vision blurs but I regain it after a few seconds. Each time he lifts me up each time I loose my sight for longer and longer. Each time I can't breathe. Each time I wanna get out. each time I loose more and more hope.
I slowly close my eyes and let my body go limp. He lets go after one more lift up and I fall to the ground on my back. I take deep breathes as I try and get my strength back.
"So princess. Whatcha gonna do about it?" He asks stepping on my stomach. I groan out in pain.
"What do you want?" I ask again rolling onto my stomach about to get up.
"It's not about what I want. It's about what you are going to do." He says kicking my in the center of my back. I go down and curl up in a ball. I groan out in extreme pain.

I look up at his figure. My vision blurry. "What do you want me to do?" I ask quietly.
"You will listen to her. No matter what. And you will not tell her about this conversation. If I see or hear you step out of line. I will do more pain than just a bruised hip." He says. But before I can say anything he kicks me in the head and I am out.
I slowly wake up and I see the girl, whatever her name is standing over me. I groan as pain shoot through me.
"What happened?" I asked
"I was going to ask you the same question." She hissed and grabbed my arm dragging me inside.
"Why was I outside? How did I get outside?" I asked scared.
"Go to your room. Now." She hissed.
"Answer my question." I hissed back. She smirked and punched me in the stomach. I went straight down coughing.
"Go. Now." She hissed. I slowly got up and went to the room they had for me.
I heard yelling and things crashing. Then footsteps. Keys rattling. Then the door opened Dylan was right there. Bag in hand. He walked towards the bed I had now claimed as mine.
"I told you and warned you to listen to her. And what do you do? You disobey her." He says pulling out handcuffs. I get up and make a run for the only lockable door in this room, the bathroom. I make it to the door but as I am about to close it. I am being pulled back my the collar of my shirt. I'm thrown to the ground and handcuffed behind my back. He drags me to the bed and throws me onto it.
"I warned you." He hisses. He gets on top of me un-cuffing me. He quickly cuffs my hands to the dashboard. He does the same with my feet on the bottom of the bed. He gets off of me. He cracks his knuckles and pulls my shirt up to my bra. He kneels next to me and punches my stomach. I cave in taking a deep breathe in. He continues to punch my stomach. After eternity (10 minutes) he stops punching my stomach continually. I'm trying to stay awake but it's really hard. Everything I breathe I hurt so much. He touches my stomach and I groan in pain.
"P-please stop.." I whisper.
"Why should I listen to you when you didn't listen to me or her? Hu?" He says pushing on my dark purple bruised stomach.
"I'm sorry. Okay! I promise I won't do it again. I promise" I say hissing in pain. I try so hard to curl into a ball but it's impossible. "Please. I'm sorry." I whisper.
He laughs and punches me for another 2 minutes. He unlocks the cuffs and I just lay there. Eyes closed. Body limp. Barely breathing. He touches my stomach and I flinch but don't move. I'm in too much pain to move.
"Jade?" He says. And someone comes in. I hear a chuckle and footsteps leaving.
"You should have listened to his warning." She whispers in my ear and punches my stomach. I cave in and roll into a ball. I don't come out of the ball an hour. Finally they leave me alone after 'Jade' puts a blanket on me. After a couple hours I fall asleep.

I hear someone unlock and open the door. I'm too tired to open my eyes or move.
"She's still out." Jade says.
"Well. You go and get her a shake and I'll wake her." Dylan replies walking over to me. "Wake up princess." He whispers. I don't move. "I'm gonna ask you again. Wake up." He hisses. His hand on my arm squeezing it tightly. I whimper and slowly open my eyes.
"What?" I whimper out. He lets go chuckling. He punches me in the stomach. I cave in and groan. I hold my stomach in pain curling up into a ball.

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