When fate go wrong.

Galing kay devil_princess_xoxo

4K 251 13

Elena Crystal, a 17 years old girl with many problem in her life. On her 18 birthday, something happen to her... Higit pa

I'm officially insane!
Lunch time turn to...
Hunt for the first time
The messenger
Found...so now what?
Shopping go bad
Meeting the parents
Mate and mark.
Meeting 'her'
Qalul- what?!
Pregnant and scare
New house
In heat
You got to be kidding me?!
We'll make it work
Check up
Real family
Pregnant and kidnap? Yea, no
So what you saying is...

New friend, new enemy, new powers

139 9 0
Galing kay devil_princess_xoxo

We arrive at the witch house in 4 hours. It doesn't look like what Alec described. It look just like a normal house. I give Alec a glare that say how is this creepy and he just shrug. We knock on the door and a women walk out. She have black hair and dress in purple dress. "I was expecting you." The women smile as me.

"Come on in!" She smile welcoming us and Alec give her a caution look making me hit his back softly.

"How do you know we going to be here?" I ask her while I examined the house. She just stare at me and I realize she a witch and she would have some trick to know that we coming to find her.

"My name is Selena and you must be Elena?"  she ask and I nod.

"So you want to have another supernatural form?" She lead us to her living room and we sit on the chair.

"Yes, do you know how?"

"Of course, but you have to do something for me."

"I knew it!" Alec exclaim and I slap the back of his head.


"Oh just ignore him." I tell her and she giggle.

" I need the flower in the mountain over their to make a potion for you but the mountain have a curse that witches can't go on there."

"There a curse?!" Alec ask excited.

"Yes and us witches can't be allow to enter at all. But you are not witch so I think you can go in there."

"Oh ok so how does this flower look like?" I ask her and she stand up walking somewhere. 3 minutes later she came back with a drawing that have some flower on it.

"Find it and bring it to me. Remember there are some creature guarding this flower so be careful!"

"What kind of creature?"

"The one you never want to meet"

"Oh just freaking awesome!" Exclaim Alec.

"Thank! We'll be back soon."

"We going to die!"

"Yea yea."

"I'm too young for this and-" Alec start to talk nonsense and I blocking him out thinking of how to fight these monster that Selena warn us about.

We drive to the mountain and saw a beautiful lake and a cave near it. We walk to the cave and saw a flower that look like in the picture. We went and grab it.

"This is too easy." Alec said scanning the cave. We then hear sound that coming from the lake and we run to out the cave to see a girl sitting on a big rock. I walk closer to see that she have a tail and her blue hair shining in the sun.

"Is that a mermaid?" Ask Alec shocking.

"We going to find out soon." 

"We come in peace. We just need the flower and we be gone. We don't need any problem."

"Give me back that flower!" Said a dark voice that I think it coming from the mermaid.

"Hey! We can do it the hard way or the easy way!" Alec yell getting in front of me. The mermaid jump down the water and start swimming toward us.

"I guess the hard way is it." I mumble to myself getting ready.

"We need her for the upcoming battle! Try to control her!" Snow scream in my head.

And how do you expect us to control her?!

"I hear that all murpeople have an object of power giving to them at birth. Try to find that object and you can control her! At long as you on the land she can't do anything to you."

Well where do you think it at?

"Well I think it that ring on her finger."


"Yea. Oh wait I know that look!"

"Let catch that mermaid."

"Ugh how I hate that look!"Alec mumble.

"Try to get that ring on her finger ok?" With that I dive into the water with a knife in my hand. I saw her swimming straight at me and I try to stab her but she scream making the water shake and my ear feel like it going to explode.

I saw Alec swimming to me and grab my waist swimming up to the shore. I cough out water and I heard Alec curse. I stand up looking down at the water thinking of a way to catch that mermaid. An idea suddenly run to my mind. I hold my hand up and move the water up to the air. I then saw that mermaid turning to human.

"Now!" I scream at Alec.

He quickly run with his werewolf speed to her and take the ring away from her hand.

"Nooooo!!" I hear she scream.

Alec run to me and I lower the water down. He give the ring to me and I put it on my finger. The ring have the word June craft inside if it. I take that her name is June.

"June, you are now under my control until I willingly set you free." I start to make an oath, I don't know how but it just did. I start to feel a link, connection to her.
"Come on out, we not going to hurt you. We can be friend right?"I tell her hoping she would come out from the water.

I saw her head out of the water and she swimming slowly toward us

. "I'm just going to be waiting outside the car, call me if you need me." Alec said hurry to the car.

"What the hurry?" I ask him in the mindlink.

"I don't know if she going to be naked when transform into a human or not?! That would be very awkward!" He tell me. I can imagine him blushing and I chuckle at him.

" Oh shut up!" With that he put on a block to our mindlink. I turn the attention to the girl now with 2 legs and yup she don't have any clothes on.

"Give me your jacket!" I tell to Alec. He throw the jacket my way without looking and run out to the car. I give the jacket to her and she gladly take it. "

My name is Elena. What your?" I ask her gently.

"My name is June. I'm under your command master." She tell me with her head down.

"Oh don't do that! Let be friend ok?"

"You want to be my friend?"

"Yea why not? It cool to have a mermaid friend right?" Her eyes start to tear up.

"What wrong? You don't have to be my friend if you don't want to. Please don't cry!" I beg her, ugh how much I hate to see girl cry. I don't know what to do. She then suddenly hug me.

"I want to be your friend!" She exclaim and I smile at her. I take out the ring and give it to her. She shake her head and put it on my finger.

"Keep it! I trust you! Think of it as our friendship present." I nod and take out a bracelet and on my wrist and put it on her.

"Let be best friend!"  I tell her. She took my hand and jump to the water. We start to swim around and having fun. When a voice scream from the surface.

"Let scare him!" I tell her telepathically. Wait how do I do that?!

"Since you control the mermaid, you now have their abilities. You can have a tail if you want to. Just think of a tail like how you shift to a werewolf!"

Snow tell me. Wow that so cool! I think of myself in a mermaid form and I feel my legs disappear and it replace with a purple tail. June squeal and give me a mirror. I look to see that I have purple eyes, hair and tail. Well that awesome!

We swim to the surface and take Alec leg and pull him down the water. He struggle and then he open his eyes to see me and he gasp. Then I see that he is out of oxygen and look at June.

"Don't worry, take his hand." I do as she say and he seem to be breathing under water.

"How did you do that?! This is so freaking awesome!" He squeal like a girl in our mindlink.

We start to play around under the water till the moon go up to the sky. We swim back to the surface and I turn back to human form and I see that June did the same. I still in my clothes while June is naked and Alec give her his jacket.

"Hey why is your clothes dry? That not fair!"
Alec pout.

I just shrug and went to the car taking out a pair of sweatpants and a shirt and give it to June. Alec also change to a new pair of clothes and we start to head back to the car.

"Where are we going?" June ask.

I start to explain to her everything and surprisingly she take it like it a everyday normal story. Well ok then. We drive to Selena house and knock on her door. She open the door and look at us shock.

"Well for a moment I thought you got kill by the monster." She lead us to her living room again.

"Well if the monster that you say is a mermaid then here she is." I point at June.

"Oh so the monster in that lake is you." Selena said.

"Never mind that, here the flower you need" I hand it over to her and she take it.

"Give me 10 min, make yourself at home."she said leaving the room.

"Well now that you have that ring, you can now shift to a mermaid, breath under water, siren effect, intuition, telekinesis, shape shift, and turn invisible." June explain in our link and I nod. Well that going to take a lot of time learning to control. 5 min later, Selena come out with a cup fill with something that look like tea in her hand. She hand it to me.

"Drink it. It will give you your last form, fairy."

"Fairy?!" Alec exclaim.

"Yup!" Selena chirp. I take the cup and drink it up. I then start to feel my back grow wing"

"Wow that is so cool!" June squeal.

"Now you can fly, turn smaller when in fairy form if want to, sensitive, healing, and masking. Well since you already have teleport and mind reading I guess it just going to make them more powerful. " Selena inform.

"What do you mean sensitive and masking?" Alec ask curious while touching my purple wing.

"Well she can sense someone power or know what they are and she can mask her scent." Selena tell us. I think back to my human form and my wing disappear.

"Well we got to go! Thank for your help!" I tell her while walking to the car.

"You welcome and good luck!" She wave at us.

We just got on the car and Alec got a phone call. He answer then his face turn serious.

"Our pack is under attack and they need our help." He tell me quickly and start driving. We about half an hour from our pack and I'm worry that we not going to make it.

"Use transport and transport us to our pack!!" Snow said panicking.

How do I do that?

"Just think of the place you want to be. Focus and remember all of the detail and it will take us there."

"Stop the car!" I scream at Alec and he quickly stop. Thank god we have our seatbelt on.

"What the hell was that?!"

"I'm going to teleport us there."

"You going to what?!" Alec said his face pale.

"But you never do that before! What if you do that and we missing something on our body when we get there, how are we suppose to help them then?!" He panic

"Shut up and let her focus!" June scream. I start to think about us in our pack garden and I start to feel a breeze of air going around me. I open my eyes and see that we in the middle of a fight. Alec quickly get in a defensive mode and start to shift.

He run of helping the pack telling me to be careful. I start to feel myself getting dizzy cuz I use too much energy to get us here. I feel myself falling and a pair of arm catch me. I look up to see June catch me with a worry look in her eyes. She set me on the ground and I saw a wolf coming at us.

"June! Behind you!" I yell at her and she turn back and scream a high pitch scream, making the wolf whimper. I try to shake the dizziness state and start to turn to a vampire. With my speed, I snap all the wolf neck and June manipulate them to fight each other.

The fight end in 5 minutes with most of our side being injured and all the rogues is dead. I run and follow Alex scent to see him laying in the floor with a knife in his stomach. Oh gosh! I quickly run to him and hold him in my lap.

"Stay with me!" I yell at him hoping he can hear me.

"You here, am I dreaming?" He ask me with his hoarse voice.

"No, I'm here, with you and I command you not to die on me!" I scream at him, tear forming in my face. He smile at me and I feel him going limp and his heart stop beating. The wolfs around us start to get on there knee and howl for there Alpha death. I start to cry rapidly and feel my hand start to glow.

I put my hand on his wound and in a minute I see it starting to disappear. My tear drop on his face and suddenly he sit up and start gasping for air. I put my arm around his neck and start sobbing.

"Don't you ever scare me like that again!" I scream at him while hitting his chest.

I feel that his chest is shaking telling me that he laughing at me. I look around to see that everyone eyes is wide open and there mouth is so wide that is almost hit the round. I start to laugh at them and they snap out of it and start to cheer.

Alex carry me to the pack house and the pack Doctor quickly run to us. He put me on the couch in the living room and the doctor start to check on us. After 10 minutes of checking she shockingly tell us that we are healthy and nothing wrong with us.

"I want you to meet my new friend" I tell Alex and he nod and kiss me gently on the lip. He pull me in to his lap and put his head in the crook of my neck and sniff me. Ok...then. He saw my expression and giggle.

"Your scent calm my wolf." He inform me. Oh that make sense, kind of. Oh well. I mindlink Alec to bring June and Blake to the living room and don't let anyone in the living room but us. They walk in and I introduce them to each other.

"So did you find any allies yet?" Blake ask curious. "Nope, we just visit the witch and she gave her a potion to turn into her last form."

Alec answer. "You visit a witch?!" Alex scream and I roll my eye.

"Yes, and they not that creepy." I answer while rubbing circle on his hand.

"So what your last form?" Blake ask examine me. I then hear a growl coming from Alex and Alec and Blake quickly look away. I giggle at him.

"Geez don't have to be so mean." He mumble and June laugh at him.

"Her last form is a fairy." June answer for me. Alec and Blake gasp.

"No way!" Blake squeal.

"Show me! show me!" June chuckle.

I stand up from Alex lap and spread my wing flying up touching the ceiling. Wow didn't know I can fly! "Duh!" I ignore her. I hear everyone gasp, I look to the door and see Lilly standing there looking at me with her adorable eyes.

I fly down and pick her up then fly around the room. I hear she giggle and I smile at her. I put her down and she run to Alec.

"I want to fly too!" Blake whine.

Alex roll his eyes. Alec excuse himself and take Lilly with him and I just nod knowing that he knew everything. We start to explain everything to Blake and Alex.

By the time we finish, it already dinner time. I went to the kitchen to make some food while Alex and Blake talk about patrol.

"Do you need help?" I heard June ask.

"Nope, you just go and relax." I tell her.

"Eric!" I call to one of our warrior

"Yea Luna." I stare playfully at him and he scratch his head.

"Show June a guest room so she can rest please."

"Of course, this way." I saw Eric lead June down to a hallway and I went back to make dinner. I feel Alex hug me from behind and u lean onto him.

"You have to go tomorrow don't you?" He ask sadly making my heart break.

"Yes" I answer him quietly and he pull away and sigh.

I turn back grab his neck and put his forehead on mine so they touching.

"You know I have to do it." I tell him feeling his breath on mine.

"Yea but-" I cut him off by attaching his lip on mine. He stuck his tongue in me and we start to battle for dominance. Of course he win and I pout.

"Can you let me win for once?" I ask him. He shake his head and I slap him on the chest playfully. He giggle and pull me to him.

"I have been doing some research and I think that one of your guardian is in England." He inform me and I nod.

"Can I come with you?"

"What about your pack?"

"Blake going to take over while we gone and I think with June help the pack is going to be fine" I think about it a while and nod.

"Since you can use teleport, we can reach there faster." He reminds me and I nod agree.

"We going tomorrow." I tell him and he nod. He pull me in a kiss and I hear someone clear there throat. I quickly pull away and hide to Alex chest and he giggle.

"Get a room you guys!" June said playfully and I glare at her.

"Oh you staying here with Blake and protect this pack while me, Alec, and Alex going to England tomorrow." I tell her.

"Aye aye captain!" She put her hand on her forehead and we laugh at her. We start to eat dinner when I notice Alec and Lilly is missing.

"Do you guys see Alec and Lilly anywhere?" I ask everyone starting to get worry.

"Oh he tell me that he take Lilly to eat outside." Blake inform me and I nod.

Well at least they safe. We finish dinner and in the living room watching a scary movie call Krampus. Me and Alex sitting on the love seat, June and Blake sitting below us. I'm like literally on top of Alex strangle him while Blake and June have a blanket cover there face still leave their eyes open to watch them.

We were in the part that the kid got attack in the car when the door bell ring and June jump, making all the popcorn fell on Blake and he glare at her.

"What?" June ask him innocently.

Then the door ring again this time with knocking. "Why don't you go open the door?" June yell at Blake. "No way in hell! What if that Krampus?!" Blake yell back.

"Oh grow up!" Alex said back.

The doorbell keep ringing and Alex stand up. I pull his hand not letting him go and he pat my head and smile at me. He open the door revealing Lilly and an angry looking Alec.

"What the fuck took you guys so long?!?" Alec said angrily.

"Language mister!" Lilly scold him.

"Sorry." He said and we laugh at him and he glares at us.

"Blake thought you are Krampus coming to punish him!" June scream and Blake stare at her.

"Are not!"

"Are too"

"Are not!"

"You guys cut it out!" Alex said laughing at them. June stuck her tongue out to Blake and he roll his eyes.

"Come on bedtime!" I tell everyone. Taking Lilly from Alec and carry her to bed. "I need to talk to you!" I scream to Alec while tucking Lilly to bed.

We were sitting near the lake where I learned how to control water. I shift into a mermaid and swim in the lake.

"We going to England tomorrow." I inform Alec through our mindlink. I swim up to the surface and saw that he is in deep thought. I pull his leg down the lake and he scream. I laugh at him and he give me a death glare. I pull his hand and swim deep down the lake.

We were swimming for hour and decide to try my power. I shift into a fairy and feel my wing is growing out. I focus on me being smaller and I open my eyes to see that everything around me is giant and move so slow. I focus on me being big and I'm normal again.

I try to be invisible, move object around and shift to small animal and it work. I then try my sensing on Alec and find out a shocking surprise.

"You have the power to control the weather." I tell Alec and he look at me like I'm crazy.

"The werewolf, vampire, mermaid splash fairy shifter say what?!" Alec ask horrified. "You. Can. Control. Weather." I said slowly making sure he get it.

"What?! How?!?" He ask excitedly.

"Well since you my guardian, you will have some kind of power. Now focus on the sky and imagine it start to rain." I tell him. I make an invisible force to shield us from the rain that he going to make.

About 10 second a big rain pouring down and he start jumping and squealing like a girl. We walk back to the house with him still talking about how awesome his power is.

I walk upstair to Alex room and saw him laying on the bed, on his phone. I jump on him and he catch me shock clearly on his face.

"Elena!what the hell?!" He scream and I smile at him and pull him in a kiss. I start to strip and lay next to him. He put his phone down and pull me to his warm chest. "Night kitty." I hear him say and let sleep consume me.

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