Here We Go Again

By MightBeADemon

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[Sequel to Here We Go] Being the son of two world-famous superheroes, Iron Man and Captain America, already p... More

2: Deadpool
3: Team Red (Two Guys And One Sleeping Loser)
4: Day One
5: Day Two
6: Day Three Gone Pretty Much Perfect
7: The One Where Day Four Goes Terribly Wrong
8: This Was Not According to Plan
9: Day Five Is Really Not Fun
10: Lost, Beaten, and Found
11: False Information
12: Wade Goes Out
14: Jacob... Or Is He?
15: What Happens When Your World Is Ending?
16: Don't Be Sad, Darling
17: Home Sweet Home, I Guess
18: What Did You Just Say?
19: Another Day, Another Gay
20: One Wedding Down, One To Go
21: That Was A Bad Idea
22: Hospital? Yikes!
23: Sometimes, Being Gay Is Hard
24: Do You Want To Meet My New Cat?
25: Why Is That Rat Staring At Me.
26: Dude, Shut Up
27: A Chill Day
28: Dad?
29: College
30: Family
31: We're Husbands
32: Happy Birthday, Kiddo
a lil thing! (not story part)

1: Finally A Grad

10K 280 328
By MightBeADemon


If you already read Here We Go, then welcome, my sweet children. You are allowed to continue further.


One-And-A-Half Years Later

Spider-Man flew above New York in the warm June air, swinging from web to web. He kept his eyes trained on the street below him, scanning for a specific vehicle. He spotted the black truck hauling the white Oscorp one and swung down, gracefully landing on the edge of the rig attached the the black one. He crawled the the front, sticking to the driver's side door, hiding just out of sight.

Well, out of sight until he reached up, knocked on the window and said, "Knock knock," pulling himself up to look at the man inside and continuing with, "Mister criminal," as the man rolled down the window." He held his hand out and smiled under the mask. "Hey, my name is Spider-Man. You can call me web-head, you can call me amazing, just don't call me late for dinner. Get it?" The man tried to punch him but Spidey ducked and jumped up onto the top of the truck.

His feet hung down and he leaned so his head was hanging as well. "Not a taker? Are you a hugger?" The man pulled out a gun and yelled, "I'm a killer!" Spider-Man swung back on top of the truck with a loud, "Okay!" The gun jammed and the man put it to the side as he tried to fix it. Spider-Man seized the opportunity to return to the truck's side and practically climb into the truck through the window.

"You having a problem with your gun? Here, let me help you with that." He took hold of the steering wheel and turned the truck down another street yelling, "Coming through!" The man regained control of the truck and Spider-Man hung onto the side mirror, inspecting the situation of cars and pedestrians layed out in front of the truck. "Uh, this is bad. I'm gonna be right back." With that he jumped off the truck and shot a web, swinging forward. The truck crashed through several cars and Spider-Man spotted a man in the street.

"Watch it!" he shouted, tackling the man as a taxi went hurtling overhead. He pulled the guy up saying, "You okay?" The man nodded, staring at him in awe, letting out a breathless, "You're Spider-Man."

"The suit kind of gives it away, huh?" The guy nodded. "Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to go stop, uh, that," he said, gesturing to the truck that was getting away. The guy nodded and Spidey started back down the road.

"Wait!" Spider-Man turned to look back at the man. "Why me? I'm just a nobody."

"Hey, so was I!" Spider-Man yelled, giving the man one final wave before swinging his way back to the truck. The truck stopped suddenly and all the NYPD cars tailing the truck all crashed into one another. The back doors of the white Oscorp truck swung open and two men with machine guns started rapid-firing at the officers. Two jets of silky white web flew into the truck and snatched away the guns and then two more to snatch the men. Spider-Man grinned to himself under his mask as he hung the to men upside-down using his webs by the stoplight wire above the street.

The Oscorp driver jumped out of the white truck and ran to safety, the driver of the black hijacking truck really putting the pedal to the metal and racing away. The loose vials of plutonium, which were being held in the back of the Oscorp truck, started to bounce around and Spider-Man swung into the back of the truck, catching every vial that threatened to escape through the back. He even caught one with his foot, as his feet had the same sticking-to-everything ability that his hands possessed.

But then the truck took a sharp turn and struggled through a narrow side-street at high speed, the vials of plutonium jumping form Spider-Man's grip and bouncing all around the truck. He hung from the ceiling of the truck by his feet and managed to gather all of the vials. Until one, the very last one that he thought was still secure in the carrying case of the Oscorp truck, bounced loose and flew out the back. He raced after it, throwing all the vials in his arms up in the air and quickly webbing them so they hung from a light post for the cops to get. He chased the last vial into the street and ended up sticking to the front of an NYPD truck.

Then his phone rang. He tucked the vial under his chin and grabbed the cell phone from his hidden pockets. It was his best friend, Gwen Stacey. "Hey, um, I' sorry I'm a bit late. I got stuck in some, uh, some traffic."

"Dude, you're timing is terrible. It started already." Gwen's voice was quiet and it was clear to him that she was whispering.

"I know, I'm sorry."

"Where are you?" she questioned.

"First and Broadway, Second and Broadway, Third and Broadway. Uh, five minutes, ten tops." Gwen was quiet for a second.

"Are those sirens?" Spider-Man looked around, realizing he was in fact on an NYPD truck with NYPD cruisers racing along beside him toward the hijacked truck.

"No," he lied.

"Peter," she said sternly. "Peter."

"No, so sirens," he attempted even though the sirens blazing around him were hard to miss. "No sirens."

"Peter," Gwen's voice trailed off. "Peter? Hello?" Gwen said sharply, snapping him back into reality. "Peter."

"I'll be right there, I promise." He ended the call. Peter finally webbed to a building and swung his way to the black truck, landing on the hood. The criminal driving the truck groaned.

"Hello. I told you I am running a bit late." The guy hit a button and windshield wiper fluid sprayed Spider-Man in the face, the windshield wipers running. "Really?" He ripped the windshield wipers off the car and tossed them into the street. He then began to punch the windshield, cracking it, but not enough. They were approaching a bus and behind the bus were two people crossing the street, oblivious to the events. The front of the truck crashed into the side of the bus - not hard enough to kill but hard enough to hurt - and Spider-Man made a split second decision, jumping off the truck and over the bus, quickly shooting a web to a lamppost to hold the last vial of plutonium. He landed on the other side of the bus and dug his feet into the ground, pushing all his weight against the bus to stop it front crashing into the two innocent people.

He stopped the bus. He looked up through the window and checked to see that the people inside were all okay. They grinned and waved at him, completely dismissing the fact that they all could have died because hey that's Spider-Man and he just saved their lives.

Spider-Man's work was not finished, however. The two pedestrians he saved, a man and his daughter, thanked the red and blue suited man before he shot a web to a building and swung away to catch the man who had been driving the truck. He spotted him running, the last vial of plutonium in hand. He must have grabbed it from the web, thought Spidey. The man had his gun with him and Spider-Man decided it was working again because the guy started firing at him.

Spider-Man dodged the bullets expertly and landed next to the guy, snatching the gun and the vial from him saying, "I'll take that. That's not yours," and proceeding to mess with the guy. He whistled a tune, the 'Spider-Man theme', as he webbed the man's two hands. They were crossed in front of his chest and two of Spidey's webs went from each of his hands to a building on either side of the street.

He tossed the machine gun into the air and, just to entertain himself, shot two webs at the guy's pants and pulled them down. With the vial of plutonium in hand, he walked away still whistling. The man yelled, "This is not end, Spider!" Spider-Man just gave him a wave and walked away. Behind him, the machine gun came down and hit the guy right in the head, knocking him out.


Peter reached the park where the graduation ceremony was being held and quickly changed into a t-shirt, shorts, and his Midtown High blue robes over that. He reached the ceremony just as they called his name.

He went though the line with his backpack full of Spider-Man suit on his back, shaking hands with the administrators. He reached Gwen, who was in the line as a valedictorian, and pulled her to him and gave her a peck on the cheek before he shook her hand and continued down the line. The crowd applauded and Peter scanned the large group of graduating students, stopping when he met Wade's eyes and sending him a wink. Peter joined the group of graduates and they chatted quietly, all of them super excited about finally being out.

When Wade was called, Peter clapped and cheered extra loud, earning him a playful glare as Wade walked across the stage and an over dramatic kiss when Wade joined him and the other grads.

The ceremony finally came to a close and the high school graduates were allowed to mingle with each other, friends, and family in the large grassy part of the park. Peter went straight to his parents and was pulled into a bone-crushing thirteen-person group hug. The hug consisted of the Tower-dwelling Avengers; Tony, Steve, Natasha, Clint, Bruce, Thor, Pietro, Bucky, Wanda, and the Vision. But, it also included two men who had come up just for the special occasion; Sam Wilson and Scott Lang.

The hug broke apart and the adults broke into conversation with each other. "I'm so proud of you, buddy," Steve murmured against Peter's hair, hugging him tightly. Peter pulled back and held up his diploma with a giant grin.

"This is for you," he told his dads. "Just for you two." Tony smiled and ruffled his hair, pulling him into another hug.

"You're such a smart kid, Pete. Already planning college, I hope?" Peter grinned at his dad's concern.

"I've got that down pat, Dad. I've got till the end of July to decide, and I will," he added. Tony nodded and Peter scanned the crowd of former students and families for three specific people.

Tony took on look at Peter's narrowed eyes and concentrated look and laughed. "Go find him, kid." Peter grinned and pulled off his graduation gown, shoving it into his backpack on top of the suit. He spotted his three friends talking to each other and sprinted to them, first pulling Wade into a bear hug.

"Hey babe," Wade greeted with a laugh, pulling Peter's face up to kiss him. "I graduated high school!" he said happily. Peter nodded and let go of his boyfriend, turning his attention to his favorite blonde female. Gwen jumped on him, wrapping her arms around his neck. He laughed and spun her around, pressing a kiss to her lips out of happiness. He set her down and grinned at Harry who gave him a look.

"If you kiss me I will shoot you, Parker," Harry warned, stepping forward and pulling Peter into a hug. "You finally did something," he joked. Peter rolled his eyes and pulled the cap off Harry's head, ruffling his hair with an evil grin. Harry groaned and shoved him away, snatching the cap back and fixing his hair. Harry hated it when Peter messed with his hair, so that's exactly what Peter liked to do.

"Hey Peter, can I talk to you?" Gwen questioned, tugging on his arm. He nodded and followed her away, the happy smile never leaving his face. She pulled out her phone and tapped away, talking as she did so, her voice low. "Your traffic jam wouldn't have had anything to do with the Russian mob, would it?" she asked, holding her phone up to show him an article. He pushed the phone down, smiling sheepishly.

"Maybe?" She sighed and whacked his arm gently.

"Peter, you're going to get yourself killed one day."

"I haven't yet, Miss Stacey," he said with a cheesy grin. She rolled her eyes.

"Are you still coming to dinner Friday?" Gwen had invited him to dinner at her house the week previous and Peter had happily obliged. He knew that Gwen's dad did not like him in the least, but he was no longer trying to date Gwen so it wasn't as big an issue.

"Wouldn't miss it," he assured her. She nodded, satisfied.

"Good. Now go talk to your boyfriend. He looks like he's about to explode." With that, Gwen left him and went back to her family.

Wade did not, in fact, look like he was about to explode. He had just been having a conversation with Harry who then happened to ask how their sex life was going, making Wade flush bright red and start chocking on air. Peter went to his side and laughed a Wade's state, earning himself a glare from said choking boyfriend. Wade calmed down and sent Harry a very dark look, the Osborn doing nothing but laughing in response.

"I'm going to talk to your family," Harry informed Peter before walking away to do just that. Wade turned to Peter and mocked Harry's tone, saying, "I'm going to kiss your face," before doing just that.

Wade wrapped his arms around Peter's waist, leaning down slightly. Peter's arms went up around Wade's neck and he pushed himself up to meet Wade's lips. They were rudely interrupted a few minutes later by two bird men walking over.

"I'm serious about what I said at Christmas like two years ago, you two," Bird No. 1 said. "You already have rings. When's the wedding?"

"Leave them alone, Francis," Natasha called as she walked by. Bird No. 1, aka Clint Francis Barton, turned around.

"I told you not to call me that in public," he whined.

"Now you're just digging yourself a deeper pit, man," Bird No. 2 informed him, leaving Clint's side to go talk to Scott.

"Sam," Clint called, following him. "Sam, don't leave me." Wade looked down at Peter, cocking an eyebrow. Peter shrugged, his face flushing pink.

"I honestly don't know with them anymore," he admitted, slightly embarrassed. Wade leaned down and pecked his lips again, smiling.

"I think they're great." Peter rolled his eyes.

"You don't live with them."

"Hey, I heard that!" Clint shouted a second later, pointing an accusing finger. Peter laughed.

"How? You're deaf, uncle Clint!" he reminded with a chuckle.

"Okay, I didn't hear it necessarily, but I have sources." Peter rolled his eyes.

"Oh yeah? What sources," he argued jokingly. There was a tap on his shoulder and he spun around. Standing there was a middle-aged man with dark hair and red tinted sunglasses and a grey suit with a blue tie. In one hand he held a long white cane and Peter, who wasn't necessarily an idiot, put two an two together and figured the man was blind. He held out the other hand and Peter shook it, looking at him in confusion.

"Um, hi. Who are you?" he asked in the most polite way possible, dropping the man's hand.

"Oh, sorry. I forgot to introduce myself, how silly of me." The man smiled. "My name is Matthew Murdock. You can call me Matt."


Hi! I'm back. It's January, 2016 right now. How crazy, right? Well, at least when I mess up and write 2015, it'll be easier to correct, amiright?

Yoooo we got some Daredevil up in here. Matt Murdock here to hear some stuff (ayyye puns).

How was your Christmas (or other holidays, whatever you do)? Mine was pretty good. I got this laptop that I'm typing this on right now and I got a hella cute grey and red sweater and a Deadpool zip up sweater and some other stuff.

Also, my uncle randomly showed up and it was awesome to spend Christmas with him because he's great. We went and saw Star Wars, just me and him, because he hadn't seen it yet (I did tho) and it was exactly the same as the first time I saw it. Dramatic, angering, amazing, and sad. Kylo Ren though omg. #ProblematicFave

I've been working on some stuff so if I publish anything else you should read it (just saying, cause I'm amazing at writing even though I suck at talking).

Anyway, I hope you liked this first chapter and the little Murdock twist. I love Daredevil so I was like, eh, why not?

If the plot to this chapter seemed familiar, it's because this chapter is basically what happened in the first ten minutes of The Amazing Spider-Man 2, with my own changes, of course, for plot and shit.


Have a nice day!

Peace out, my nuggets,


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