Two Pieces of a Puzzle {Garma...

By KawaiiFluffkinKat

35 2 2

You meet the head guard of Phoenix Drop, Garroth and fall in love with him. But he has an undying love for hi... More


Are We There Yet?

28 2 2
By KawaiiFluffkinKat

Jackie's POV:

We set off to...wait. Where are we going, exactly?

"Um...(firstname)? Where are we going?"

"I...don't really know...uhhh."


"My goal is: to find a flat area, so we can set up camp. And...s-sadly...I only have one tent."

The fact that I'm blushing does NOT help this situation. Wait...HOW MANY SLEEPING-BAGS DOES SHE HAVE?!?!??

"U-um...h-how many s-sleeping-bags d-do you h-have!?"

"Mother of Irene. WHY ME?!"

   We stopped talking about the...thing. I may be a flirt, but I'm not so good when it comes to actual girl contact. Which is kinda weird in my opinion. I wonder how big her sleeping-bag is?

"Jackie, we're here!"


"Hey, Jackie. Do you think you could get some firewood?"


   I went to get some firewood, and I walked straight into the forest. It's so peaceful and...quiet. This reminds me of the time I went camping with my parents and....we ran into...Shadow Knights. Oh, finally! I found wood! I went back to the site, and I saw (firstname) setting up the tent.

"Hey, (firstname)! I found some wood!"

"Good! Just set it over there," she points to the tree next to me

Your POV:

   I'm kinda glad that Jackie found me! He's really sweet, and he's kinda cute. I don't like him in that way, though. I only like him as a friend, nothing more. Wait...WHY AM I DOING ALL THE DIRTY WORK?!



"DON'T YOU THINK I NEED HELP?! For someone who is a cute little flirt, you're not much of a gentleman."

"D-di...did she call me...cute?"

I pretended I didn't hear that and say...

"What was that?"

"N-NOTHING! D-DIDN'T YOU SAY YOU NEED HELP?!", he rushes over to help out

"Uh...yeah. But you don't really need to...shout."


"It's ok. And...yes! I did call you 'cute'."

   I smirked and he blushed. I wonder if he'll ever ask me on a date? NOT THAT I WANT HIM TO BE MINE...or anything! Plus, I'd rather have my first kiss be taken away by someone I truly love.

-GUYS GUYS GUYS GUYS GUYS!! Look at what I found! -----> (╹◡╹ლ)
ER MER GERD IT'S SO KAWAII!! That's all I wanted to show you =). Anyway hope you have/had a great day or...night! Anyway bye =D!

Today's Random Word(s) of the Day is: Caramel Macaroni
418 Words

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