The Million Dollar Girl

By smreetee

277K 9.6K 484

~Choose wisely for you can only choose once~ She had it all. Money, beauty, intelligence everything. He... More

The Million Dollar Girl
Chapter 1-The Beginning
Chapter 2- Can it get worse?
Chapter 3-Last day at London
Chapter-4 Flying to New York
Chapter 5- First day at high school
Chapter 6- Worst Day Ever
Chapter 7- It's getting better
Chapter-8 Getting not-so-popular
Chapter 9 - Confused Candice... or me?
Chapter 10 - Attractions and misunderstandings
Chapter 11 - Oops!
Chapter 12 - Jully or nah?
Chapter 13 - This is getting gooood
Author's note
Chapter 14 - "Because that's when-"
Chapter 15 - "I'll see you soon then"
Chapter 16
Chapter 17 - "Your life is a freaking fairy tale"
Chapter 18 - "You are staring at a girl, Nathan Hale"
Chapter 19 - "You are my half - girlfriend"
Chapter 20 - "I am sorry if I hurt you Ally"
Chapter 21 - "Finally we are stepping in for the ball"
Chapter 22 - "I'll be by your side, forever"
Chapter 23 - "It was a mistake"
Chapter 24 - Goodbye Nathan
Chapter 26 - You have my heart
Chapter 27 - "You are always pretty"
Author's Note
Chapter 28 - "Nathan freaking Hale is back!"
Chapter 29 - Nothing lasts forever
Chapter 30 - Make the choice Ally, its time
Author's Note - Meet Ally Ricosta
Chapter 31 - Tomorrow, I'll be making my choice
Chapter 32 - You're so dead, Mr. Evans
Chapter 33 - "You didn't ever trust me"
Chapter 34 - "I've fallen for you, Nathan"
Chapter - 35 "You don't want me anymore"
Chapter 36 - "Hey there, Ms. Pretty Eyes"
Chapter 37 - "Will you be mine?"
Chapter 38 - "Am I forgiven?"
Chapter 39 - "Am I going to regret this?"
Chapter 40 - "You are the piece of me, I wish I didn't need"
Chapter 41 - "He is all that matters to me"
Chapter 42 - Hopes are what we live on
Chapter 43 - "I'm never coming back to you"
Chapter 44 - The End

Chapter 25 - "It's not like you don't hurt me"

4.3K 160 7
By smreetee

Finally I am updating! Sorry but college is getting hectic! Hope you guys like the new member. *wink*

The entire school was cheering and clapping while I hid behind the crowd. I can see Nathan looking around before stepping inside the bus. His eyes fly across me and I duck my head quickly. I don't want to have anything more with him anymore but excuse the girl inside me, I cannot stop myself from wanting to see him.

So even after arguing with myself for some good 40 minutes, I end up here to catch a last glimpse of him before he leaves. I slowly try to peek a glance over the shoulder of the boy standing ahead of me. All the boys on the team, are now in the bus and the engine of the bus roars to life.

"What are you doing here?" I turn around and see Angelina in her cheerleader costume with Annie beside her side in the same white and blue attire.

Why can't she leave me alone?

I roll my eyes. Yes, I choose to ignore her.

"What? You don't have the courage to look at us in the eye?" I hear Annie laugh. Really?

Don't respond Ally. You know they are not worth it.

I think its best if I leave now. I try to look at the bus one last time. Other girls in the same cheerleader costume as Annie and Angelina are getting inside the bus.

Oh no. Don't tell me Angelina and Nathan are going to be together for one entire week.

Like they haven't already done what you're thinking about.

Ughh. I wince at the thought.

"Wishing you could get on the bus as well?" Angelina drags me out of my thoughts and I turn back to her.

I am about to reply with a sassy comment but Jule appears on the sight, gesturing me to be silent.

"What are you doing here love? I have been looking for you all over the place," he says brushing a strand of my hair away from my face. He leans in to kiss my cheek and this time my heart does start beating a little unusually. Wrapping one arm around me he turns to face the two idiots standing in front of us.

"Oh, seems like you are busy." He says eyeing Angelina and Annie.

"Of course not. You see, no one is interested in talking to your girlfriend here." She says, making faces. Annie giggles.

"I'm glad to know that." Jule replies looking back at me, his blue eyes piercing into mine. "At least I can sleep at peace, now that I know that nobody's gonna steal my girl." He smiles at me and I cannot help but return it.

Why couldn't I just fall for Jule?

Right. I don't like easy things.

"Angie?" I hear a familiar voice and my heart starts thumping loudly. I turn around to look at him.

"Angie everybody's looking for-" Nathan stops mid-way as our eyes meet. I can see the hurt on his face very clearly, when he sees Jule's arm around my waist and once again I regret being this close to Jule.

I know I'm hurting you Nathan. I'm sorry.

Before he can continue where he left off, Angie jumps up and hugs him.

It's not like you don't hurt me.

He is still looking at me and I cannot look at him straight in the eye. I look at the ground.

"Good luck man!" Jule shakes hands with him when Angie pulls back.

"Thanks" That's all he says before turning around to leave again.

I cannot take it. Not again.

I am not letting him get away this time.

I am going to fight for us Nathan.

Really? Remember you just said goodbye to him like some 25 minutes ago.

"Nathan!" I shout before I can think how there are people except us at the scene.

Everyone turns around to look at me and I feel Jule's arm tightening around my waist. Uh oh. Bad step Ally.

He turns around and looks into my eyes. His eyes eager to hear what I am about to say.

"Good luck!" Angelina gives me a seriously? look and Jule just narrows his eyebrows.

But I finally see what I wanted to.

Nathan smiles at me, one reaching his eyes. His dimples making me drool.

"Thanks." He says and holds his position, our eyes looking into each other's like the both of us are willing to give a second chance.

"I guess I'll see you guys soon then?'' He says shifting his eyes to Jule and a few others present on the scene. When did the loads of others disappear?

Jule looks at him confusingly and I cannot help smiling.

Nathan ever so lightly looked at me and win- wait did he just wink at me? My heart does a somersault and my insides start doing a happy dance.

I feel the blush forming on my cheeks but it instantly disappears and is replaced with a frown as I see Angelina by his side.

"I thought we were running late." Peter shows up and shouts, making Nathan jump.

"Oh yes." Nathan smiles at me one last time and turns around to join the others in the bus.

I see him and Angelina getting in and the bus leave. I let out a breath.

One week without this boy.


"Are you sure you don't want to join us?" Maria asked Taylor for the hundredth time. We all are going out for a movie after school which I am forced to join in by Candice. I mean I don't see the point in watching a Disney movie like seriously? If you got some Tom Cruise stuff, I can totally understand!

"Why don't they just let her go?" I murmur to Candice. We are all in the parking lot right now. I'm standing beside Henk's car with my hand in Jule's who constantly keeps squeezing it, smiling at me occasionally. I didn't smile back, not even once because I can see why he is doing that. He is making sure that I don't notice the eye conversations going on between him and Taylor. I try withdrawing my hand from his but he just holds on tighter. He looks at me narrowing his eyes. I look away. What did he think? I wouldn't notice all that is going on between the two?

"You should come really" I can see Randy pleading, his eyes literally filled with requests for her to join in but all that girl has to do is keep refusing and steal glances at Jule.

I try my best to not blurt out the 'B' word. With a capital B, I must add.

"You know what? I'm running late. I'll meet you guys over at the theatre." Candice turns to us and hugs me.

"Dress your best baby. You are surely going to have your first kiss tonight." She whispers into my ear and pulls back winking at me. I glare at her and she chirps off, laughing with Ross by her side. They walk across the lot and hug each other.

Maybe I shouldn't see any further.

"I'll leave too." I say to Jule. Still trying to free my hand.

"What? It'll seem rude Ally. Taylor will feel we don't want her to join!"

"Don't we?!" I burst out at him. Why did he care so much about her? This was getting irritating.

"Ally that's not very humble of you." He looks into my eyes with a little fury in them, his face composed and his voice calm.

"Why should I care about being humble to her? I'm sorry but I wasn't brought up to be humble to people, it was the other way round." I finally manage to break free from his hold, with his support of course, and walk away.

I cannot keep up with him.

"Wait!" I can hear him shouting and approaching me but I don't stop. I keep walking.

I find my car and get in, driving off at the top speed. Thanks to the powerful engine of the BMW. In the rear view mirror I see Jule supporting himself over his knees, shaking his head.

What? He brought that upon him himself.

I pull into the garage of the mansion and start towards the house. I stop in my tracks. I hear a very familiar voice. It was laughing. I know who this voice belonged to.


I start walking speedily, my heart beating like it has never before. I am not exactly sure about what I am feeling right now. Excited? Happiness? Or maybe worry?

I open the doors and yes I am greeted by the sight of Kate and aunt sipping tea from their cups. When they see me, the both of them set their cups on the table. Aunt gets up and Kate rushes towards me. She is wearing a blue sundress. Her makeup is on point and her hair loose on her back. I feel tears forming in her eyes as well as mine. We hug each other for a very long time.

Kate is my second cousin. She is the only sibling that I have. We didn't really see each other much, but whenever we did, we enjoyed our asses off. Kate's dad had business down in Asia and so she wasn't able to show up on many Thanksgivings-s or Christmas-s or summers. We are very opposite though. She is the typical teenage girl, with no ambitions of taking over her father's business unlike me. The only ambition she has is to date as many hot boys as she can before she gets married to a 'rich billionaire and be the boring rich housewife' in her words. Also maybe she is a little bit kinder, merrier, with a lesser bitch-ass and free than me. Free in the sense, she does not bind herself to her set of rules like I do.

She has lifted me up in her arms and I don't ask her to set me down. We keep hugging and laughing. She finally sets me down and slaps my bum.

"That's grown fatter." She comments winking.

I gasp. "Are you serious? No you are not. Maybe it seems like this because I have this stupid skinny jeans on. Wait or is it-"

"Cut it out, will you?" She start laughing. "You haven't changed one bit," she adds with a smile "the same old worrysome Ally. 'Is my dress stained?', 'Are my shoes looking good?', 'Should I take Prada or Chanel?'" She giggles imitating my voice.

"Nor have you changed. The same old prankster." I stick out my tongue and go ahead to lie down on the sofa.

"Oh my God!" I hear her shout, "is that a grey hair Al?" Oh yeah her stupid nicknames. But wait what?

"What? Where?" I pull my hair out of the ponytail.

Kate holds her stomach laughing.

"Chill out. That was a joke." She still can't stop laughing.

"Whatever. And plus we are the same age. If I get old don't think you'll be sweet sixteen." I say cockily.

"You're older gran. I'll always be one year younger, remember?"

"One year doesn't make that much of a difference."

"Well it will, when you'll be a senior citizen and I will not." My cocky smile disappears and I roll my eyes.

"You girls take your conversation upstairs please. I have my kitty party today!" Aunt excitedly says from behind us.

Myself and Kate look at each other with a seriously? face and then start laughing.

"You still have your kitty parties?" Kate lets it out laughing.

"Kate! Forgotten your manners?" I scold her.

"Oh yeah right. I forgot we have a gran in the room." She comments, rolling her eyes.

I hit her with my bag and start upstairs. She follows me up and into my room.

"Hooh. It was taking all of my non-existent patience to not ask you about who are you currently dating down there." She says, dropping herself on the bean bag.

"Seriously you don't want to hear about it." I say dropping myself on my bed.

"Oh my God so you do really have a boyfriend?" She asks sitting straight, her eyes going wide.

"I guess." I say not looking at her.

"Fill me in. NOW!"

So the next hour is spent talking about all that happened in this school in the past 6-7 months. She keeps giving reactions at every point. Gasping, covering her mouth, laughing and making an 'aww' face. When I finish, she finally re-composes her face.

"Gosh Al, I don't  believe this is you taking. I mean you haven't ever given attention to any boy except the one working with your father. What was his name again?"

"Ernesto" Just the name brings back a thousand memories. I blush at those.

"Right. But hey! All of this entire 'TV SHOW' happened and you didn't call me once? You think this whoever Candice is smart enough to advice you? What does she know about you? We are sisters Al! You really hurt me!" She says pulling on a sad face but I don't care. Because I know she is joking.

"Stop it Kate." I say hitting her with a pillow.

"LOL. Okay. Anyways you know dad had this party last week and there was this guy, he is 22 and incredibly hot, and he asked me out. Maybe you'd know him. Heard about 'The Halls'?" I shake my head and she continues. "The one doing business in Asia? No? Never mind. So we went on a date and that's when I learnt that he is all set to take over the company. Can it get worse? I mean I thought we could hang out but things aren't going my way. So how about you give me either of Nathan or Jule?"

My eyes widen when I learn where she is taking the conversation to.

"What? You want the two of them? Sorry. You are not allowed to have all the hot boys when girls like us are still single."

"You haven't even seen them. How do you know they're hot?"

"Because you have the feels for them. I mean ALLY RICOSTA who discards boys, somehow like both of them! Oh my God I cannot even imagine how hot they would be. I'm dying to meet them. Plus it will be easier for you to make the choice. I'll keep one and then you can have the other one."

"There is no choice! I am going to have Nathan."

"Well then set Jule free. Why are you with him?"

"Do you seriously want me to repeat everything I said in the last hour?"

"No no. I have had enough of your pathetic love life. How about we do something exciting tonight?"

"Oh Jeez! I'm going to be late." I get up throwing the pillow away from my lap. I have only 30 minutes until Candice would be here.

"Late for what?" Kate asks, following me in my walk-in closet.

"I am hanging out with  my friends tonight. For a movie." I say, shuffling the clothes.

"Wow! Take me with you! I'd love to meet your friends. Oh yeah! I bet Jule is going to be there. Is Nathan coming as well?" No no no no.

"NO! I am not taking you. I mean no I can't." I quickly run out of the closet.

"Why not?" She pouts.

"You're not gonna let this go, are you?"

"Nope!" I knew that.

"Okay. Get dressed. We have only 15 minutes." I walk in the bathroom.

"Wait! Is it the showing off night or nothing special?" She has to follow me in the bathroom as well?

"What?" I turn to her.

"I mean should I be flashing my Louis Vitton dress or will old school jeans be fine?" I roll my eyes.


"Okay! Whatever! Nice!" She walks out. She did wear things other than famous designers'. How can I forget that?

I splash water on my face. Tonight's going to be a good one. I hope.


Author - We got a new member! Kate!

Kate - *stands on the table* Hola guys! How are you all? I know we are going to have a gooood time.

Ally - You had to climb up for saying that?

Kate- Of course Gran!

Author - Sister fights coming up. Oops. I let out a blooper. Anyways, hope you guys liked the chapter. Don't forget to vote and comment.

Next update will be within the next 7 days! Till then bye!

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