Locked With Vincent

By groovypineapple

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Kanin knew getting involved with her older brothers's shenanigans was a horrid idea. Because it landed her wi... More

Chapter 1 | The Sentencing
Chapter 2 | Welcome to Juvy
Chapter 3 | Day 1
Chapter 4 | Dinner with the spawn of Satan
Chapter 5 | High
Chapter 7| Touch
Chapter 8| Truth
Chapter 9| Escape

Chapter 6 | Secrets

87 6 2
By groovypineapple

Three days. 

72 hours. 

And I hadn't spoken a word to Naomi, Tucker, or Claire. Not that Claire really counted. Nor had I spoken to Vincent. But that didn't really bother me. 

What bothered me was how Naomi and Tucker avoided me. I wondered if Vincent had anything to o with it. But aside that, I had no friends. Jake terminated our courtyard deal, I guess. 

He still glowered at me from across the room and during group sessions, but that was all. 

Oh, group sessions. I hated them, personally. Maybe I would have liked them if I actually had someone to talk with. Claire was still sticking onto Vincent like the leech she was. I tried to talk to Naomi, but she said she couldn't. Same with Tucker. 

I don't know if that meant they weren't allowed to or didn't want to.

I was so desperate for some kind of friendship, I went looking for Ramona. At least she didn't scream at me or ignore me. But she left like she said she was. So, again, alone. 

It was my fourth group session and again, Mrs. Meadow insisted we did 'circle time'. Allow me to explain. Circle time was when we all sat and shared our feelings. Mrs. Meadow said it could be about any feeling or emotion we felt.

She made everyone talk except a select three. Vincent, obviously. Along with Jake and surprisingly me. I wasn't sure what made her feel like I didn't have to share. Maybe it was my fight with Jake, I don't know. 

But of course, this time she made us talk. 

Tucker had already gone, saying his feeling was anger for being told what to do. Claire, choosing the slutty way, said her feeling was wanting for sex. A few guys hooted and cat-called at Claire's emotion, making me roll my eyes. 

Naomi said her feeling was not caring because, well, she didn't care. A few other people went, some saying true feelings which Mrs. Meadow clapped and praised them for. When it rolled to Jake's turn, he argued but Mrs. Meadow said it was mandatory. 

I didn't expect him to answer, but he did. "My emotion is hate for this shit hole." he smirked and leaned back in his plastic chair. With one finally glance at me, he tucked his hands behind his head. "That is good, Jake. I hope to hear more from you in tomorrow's group session." Mrs. Meadow smiled with genuine sincerity.

The red headed girl who was partnered with Claire for cell mates was next. She always talked so quiet, no one really heard. I could only make out one word. 


And then it was my turn. "Kanin, what is your emotion today?" Mrs. Meadow asked with such glee, it could kill. 

Truth was, I felt too many emotions to say. I was confused why Naomi and Tucker suddenly went cold. I was angry at Vincent for multiple reasons. I was jealous of Claire and her attention by everyone, as much as I hated to admit it. 

I was lonely. 

I was mad. 

"I don't know." I finally spoke. I kept my voice level. 

Mrs. Meadow tsked at me. "I need a real feeling Kanin." I wanted to tell her to shut the fuck up. Instead, I shrugged. "Kanin -"

"I said I don't know!" 

She sighed, disappointed but I had no respect for her opinion on me. But when I heard Vincent scoff, I felt like I wasn't exactly good enough. I looked away and the circle continued. Vincent was last. 

"Okay, your turn." 

Vincent was quiet. "It's okay babe." I visibly stiffened at Claire's words. I was confused at why, but I did. She rubbed her hand along his shoulder. I looked away and focused on the loose threads in the carpet.

"I do not like when people touch me." 

His voice was deep and rugged. Claire let out one of her dainty gasps. Vincent shrugged her hand off him and glared at her. "Meaning you."

The room was silent for a few moments till Mrs. Meadow opened her yap again. "Okay. Good progress. Now, please just spread off and talk with one and other." 

I didn't make any movement to get out of my seat, but mostly everyone else did. Claire looked hurt and moved away from Vincent to go chat with some other guys. Vincent stayed in his seat, being his normal brooding self.

I nearly fell out of my seat when a hand grabbed my shoulder. 

I looked behind me and saw Tucker. "What?" I snapped. I was still angry at him for ignoring me. "Are you mad?" he asked sheepishly. 

I have never seen someone who was so tough on the outside be so soft on the inside. 

"What do you think?" I countered back to him. 

"I'm sorry." he mumbled, taking a chair and sitting behind me. "Why did you ignore me?" I asked the question I had been wandering for the past few days. He glanced away and I saw him looking at Naomi who sat alone in a corner, messing with her hair. 

"Is Naomi mad?" I asked him. 

Tucker quickly shook his head. "She is . . . concerned." His words were vague and hardly explained anything. "About what?" I threw my hands up in frustration. "You can't argue with the fact you got high, tried to attack Jake and have been acting well, bad." Tucker looked me in the eyes. 

I leaned in closer. 

"Your in Juvy Tucker. Sorry for acting bad, but I'm not in here for being a Goodie-Two Shoes." I was being honest with him because I couldn't lie about this. "Are you with Vincent?" 

I looked over Tucker's shoulder to see Naomi standing thee with a fidgety look. "Naomi, I said not to talk about that." Tucker scolded. I frown, looking between the two. 

"What do you mean?" 

"Are you with Vincent? Romantically or in his plan?" Naomi clarified. I was utterly confused. What were they talking about. I guess I should answer if I wanted them as friends again. "No, I don't like him like that. I don't know what plans you mean, but -"

"See Naomi? I told you." Tucker interrupted.

She didn't buy whatever he was trying to sell to her. "What is she is lying? Vincent is attached to her." she kept her eyes on me. I got even more upset how they spoke like I wasn't there. "Excuse me? Care to explain?" 

"Like you don't already know." she sneered. 

I had seen how harsh Naomi could be, but it was different being on the receiving end of her fire. I flinched. "Naomi." Tucker pushed her lightly. She sighed and looked away, like she was really tired. "You don't believe me?" I looked at Tucker for support. 

But even his eyes were doubtful. 

"Fine." I stood up. "I'll prove it to you." Tucker's eyes widened and Naomi looked appalled. "What?" she gasped. 

I quickly got up and stomped over to Vincent. Taking a seat in the open chair, I looked at him. He didn't face me at first, so I only saw the side of his face. "Pardon." I said in a even voice. I couldn't anger him or else I couldn't prove it to Naomi and Tucker. 

"So you're talking now?" was his first thing he said to me. 

I shrugged. "I guess. So," I hesitated, realizing how weird this was going to sound. "Do you like me? Like, romantically?" 

I was expecting a flat out no, but I remembered that Vincent was always brutally honest. 

"Sometimes. Should I like you all the time?" 

My mouth dropped open and I swear my heart stopped. This was not proving my point at all. 

"No, you shouldn't like me." I finally coughed out. He hummed in response. "Moving on." I buena again. "Is there some plan I should know about?" 

Vincent finally turned and looked at me. 

"Who told you?" he was already upset. "Was it Jake? He promised -"

"No, no. No one told, I just assumed." I corrected him. It was like he knew I was lying right off the bat. Vincent griped my shoulders and pulled my closer. 

"Kanin, I know your lying. I need to p -"

Before he could finish, Jake marched over into our little bubble. "You're not telling her, are you?" he asked us, not bothering with greetings. "No. Someone already did." 

Vincent already somehow knew what he was speaking about. 

Wait, of course he would know. He is as freaking cryptic as Batman. 

"Who? I'll fix it." Jake grabbed his neck and twisted it till a painful sounding pop came out. I grimaced. "That was nasty." I shook my head. Jake ignored me as well as Vincent. "I don't know. She says she figured it out herself." 

Jake turned to glare at me. 

"Who told you, Kanin?" he said in a demanding tone that could make any sane person shit their pants. I swallowed and quickly glanced at Naomi and Tucker. I remember Naomi and Tucker one saying the trusted him, but it didn't seem like it. 

"No one." 

I should have ratted them out. I mean, they ignored me and still thought I was a liar. But I couldn't bring myself to do it. I didn't want them to be hurt because of me. 

"You think it was Ramona? She was high when they talked." Jake suggested. Vincent mumbled something I couldn't quite place. "Dammit, she might have." 

I looked between the two as the talked. "What is going on?" I asked again. Jake shook his head. "Why did you push her away from your group?" Vincent peeked at me for a few seconds. 

"She pissed me off." 

I let out a noise that was a cross between a gasp and a scoff. "You hurt me!" I shot back, feeling like they were undermining me. Jake raised a brow. "How?" he asked more of the question towards me. 

I quickly showed him the dark purple bruisings on my side that matched Vincent's hands. Jake shook his head. "Great, Vincent. Juan is gonna love this." he muttered and seemed so much more relaxed than I had ever seen him. 

"You hurt her too." Vincent accused. "I didn't know who she was then." he defended quickly. "You think Juan will care?" 

"Who is Juan?" I interrupted their little argument and put a hand on both of their chests to push them away. "Nobody of your concern." Jake did not meet my gaze. 

"Oh really? Because Juan sounds pretty concerned about my well being." I flared back. "Can you please leave?" Vincent's voice was strained. "Jake and I have to talk."

"In private." Jake added. 

I looked between the two, mouth opened and eyes wide with disbelief. "You're serious?" I said, shocked. "Does it look like were joking?" Jake switched back to his angry self and bared his teeth at me. 


I leave my seat from besides Vincent and walk away, feeling confused and aggravated. I wanted to know what was going on. 

Naomi and Tucker hadn't moved. "See, Tucker." Naomi gestured at me. "Vincent and Jake are trying to protect her. She is apart of it!" 

I shook my head. "No I am not!" I said loudly. Tucker hadn't said anything yet, but Naomi had enough fire to speak for the both of them. "It is obvious." 

"Naomi, I need you to stop talking on my behalf. I am not apart of whatever Jake and Vincent are planning because I don't know what they are planning."

"If you wish to no believe me, then go ahead. You're no better than Claire because you're acting just like her. Assuming without proof."

I knew comparing her to Claire was a low blow, but I was hurt and angry. Naomi was, well I thought, I friend and she just turned on me. Like the flip of a coin. Her eyes bulged at my accusation. "I am nothing like her." 

I was ready to retort back with another rude comment, but Tucker yanked Naomi back from me. "Just, stay away from us. Okay?" he ordered but it was more of a plea. "Gladly." I growled. 

I dropped back into my seat and watched as Naomi and Tucker went away into their own corner. So, now I really lost my friends. 


When group sessions came to an end, we were taken back to our cells. Vincent didn't speak and constantly scribbled on to that notepad of his. He seemed deeply focused and I felt bored without measure. 

"Are you going to keep staring?" 

I had grown used to his quiet outburst by now. "I guess."

Vincent looked up from his notebook paper and squinted at me. "Well, can you not?" his tone was a little rude. "Can you explain what is going on and who Juan is?" I retorted. 

"No." he said it with such finality, it made me afraid to ask again. 

"Then I can't stop staring."

He scowled at me. "You're very annoying." I shrugged. "Whatever Batman." I'm not sure why I called him Batman, but it made me feel like I was slick. 

"Did you just call me Batman." 

There went my slickness. I felt suddenly embarrassed and shy. "No." I stammered. "You did." he pointed a finger at me with  smug look. 

"Drop it." 

"Then admit the truth." he argued. "Why don't you?" That shut him up real quick. I wanted to smirk because for once, I had Vincent speechless. But of course, it was too good to be true. 

"Because it doesn't involve you." 

I could had kicked him. "Doesn't involve me? Every sentence between you guys included me!" I was shocked at how he could say it so nonchalantly. Did he seriously expect me to buy that crap? Vincent shrugged.

"I don't remember that." 

I felt anger bubble up inside of me, feeling like I was a child compared to him. He didn't even bother to look me in the eye. Getting up, I crossed the room and snatched his notepad away from him. "What did you guys did talk about?" I shout at him. 

His eyes fried up again. "Like I said before, not your business. Give me my notepad back." his voice held clear authority but I held the pad behind my back. "Explain first." I tried to bargain. "None of this concerns you!" he rose to his full height.

I just remembered how insanely small I was. Well, not really. But compared to Goliath over here, I was an ant. Quickly, I ran to the far corner of the room, wedged between the corner and the nightstand. I flipped the pad over so I could read what was written. 


Kanin knows. Somehow, she figured it out. Jake nor I told. But she is going to know eventually. She is driving us nuts and I can't keep hiding the truth from her. It is eating me up. Please just break -

Before I could finish, the paper was ripped form my hands. I looked up to see Vincent was breathing with heavy rage. In the span of ten seconds, my mind whirled

The first two seconds were fifteen ways he could murder me. Bashing my brains was one. The next three were about the note pad. About who the hell was Juan and what did he want with me?

The next three after that was on what I would look like dead. If I would get a proper funeral. My last thought was how undeniably sexy Vincent looked when he was angry. 

It was a little scary, but hot nonetheless. I wasn't sure why he grabbed my waist and buried his head in to my neck exactly. But I wasn't necessarily complaining. 

He smell amazing and I let myself enjoy it for a moment before trying to squirm away. "Vincent?" I called. My voice was quiet, not sure why, but it was. "Get off me." I tried to push his broad shoulders away, but he remained steadfast. 

"Hush." was all he whispered. 

And then the gates slid opened. A man I recognized slightly stood at the door. I then realized why Vincent did what he did. It wasn't due to wanting to be near me. It was due to the fact he heard someone coming. 

Over the man's shoulder was Frank who looked shocked to see Vincent and I in am embrace. Vincent finally untangle himself from me. "Juan. Nice to see you." 

My mouth dropped open, but Vincent gently shut it. "Babe," he laughed. It was a weird laugh, hoverer. "We'll continue this later." Juan's bushy unibrow rose up. "Continue what, precisely, Mr. D'Amore?" Juan's voice was surprisingly French sounding. 

I'm not sure why his name was Juan then but, it was. Vincent cut into my thoughts when he grabbed my was it again and snuggled me close. "Nothing much sir. I just can't keep away from this beauty." he smiled. 

I had never seen him smile before. 

It was breath taking.

What made me almost choke was when Vincent leaned down and kissed the top of my head. It wasn't exactly sexual, but just his lips on me. It made me blush and feel flustered

"Hmm. I hope you don't get too attached. Since your busy, I'll just chat with you later." Juan said to Vincent. It was weird how they talked like they we're catching up on old times. Vincent smiled. Again. "Thanks sir. I appreciate it."

Juan nodded. "Frank please lock their doors and leave them in peace." he turned and begun to walk down the hall, leaving my eye sight. But his footsteps still marked his presence. 

Frank didn't say a word but did lock the door like instructed. When the door clicked with a final click, Vincent remained laced around me. After three more seconds of not breathing, he slid off me. 

"You smell a little like sweat."

I felt my jaw drop open again at his bluntness. "Mostly like the soap here though." he added on while walking away from me, picking the paper off the ground. It must have fallen during that whole episode.

"That's Juan? Why is Juan here?" I managed to for coherent words. For once, he gave me an answer. "No, that is Juan's assistant. He runs the Juvy while the real Juan is busy."

"So who is he?" I asked. Vincent sat back down on his bed. "No one of importance." I blew out a breath of angry air. "You keeping secrets isn't fair; especially when it includes me."

"It wasn't meant to be fair." 


Are we all seeing the god above? *SWOONS*

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