Bittersweet Redemption

By akslate

46.4K 1.6K 568

Bittersweet Redemption Elizabeth Daniels has spent the past four years climbing her way up from the bottom of... More

Bittersweet Redemption
Chapter One
Chapter Three
Chapter Four

Chapter Two

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By akslate

Chapter Two


The view from the terrace of my penthouse at the Regis had always been amazing. But tonight, there was something different about it. The sun was just about to set behind the New York City skyline and it was breathtaking. It had been a long week, but by god, I always made it a point to get out here every day-even if it was only for five minutes.

Draining my scotch, I gently laid the glass down on the ledge and lit up a cigarette.

This was not me-this damned penthouse on the Upper East Side of Manhattan. It didn't matter how much I loved the view, this damn place was not me. Not in the least bit. It never would be. But I was an engaged man now- whipped and doing every damn thing my fiancé asked of me.

If you asked me, I had the perfect place to live before all of this-The Burkhalter Estate, my childhood home. Mother and Father no longer lived there...They were long gone both enjoying retirement at the luxurious beach house in the Hampton's. Who wouldn't want to make that place their life time home?

I'll tell you who-Charlotte Whitaker.

It wasn't that she made me do it. I think we all knew that Austin Burkhalter never did well taking orders from anybody. It was the look of pure sweetness on her face that made me cave. I had never been able to say no to Lottie. Not even when we were children.

Emily and Wilson Whitaker had always had their designated spot in my mother and father's social circle. Charlotte and I had grown up together. We'd slept in the same bed multiple nights when we were children. We'd never been romantically involved-not until now. But we'd known each other- from the moment our families bought side by side vacation homes in Nantucket and beach houses in the Hampton's to the moment Wilson Whitaker put a costly investment into Burkhalter & Co six years ago. Let's just say mother and father were thrilled when they'd heard the news.

It wasn't until Emily Whitaker passed away a year ago that I actually started seeing Lottie as the beautiful, classy woman that she had grown into. Even if she was only barely a woman. She'd been away at a prestigious boarding school in Vermont for the past four years. When she returned for the funeral, it was hard not noticing the beautiful woman she'd grown into over the years.

She would do.

She was actually just what I needed. Not only was she gorgeous, but she was ready to begin a family. And that's exactly what I needed right now.

Did I love her?

I had loved Charlotte Whittaker the moment she pushed me out of that swing set out in my backyard because I had been making fun of her dollies. Lottie rarely ever got angry, but when I did see the fire in her hazel eyes I felt at home.

The real question is: Am I in love with her?

No. Of course I wasn't in love with her. It sounded awful. But, I didn't believe in 'being in love' with anyone. No- not anymore. And I wasn't ashamed to admit it. These days all I believed in was finding that person that didn't make me cringe when the thought of spending the rest of my life with them popped into my head-that's all I was looking for. A nice and steady comfort.

And that's the way she made me feel.

So, why not take the plunge?

Even thinking it in my mind sounded appalling, but in reality, there were no real issues with it. Charlotte would have everything she could ever possibly want with me which was a more than comfortable lifestyle. She'd already gotten a nice home to call her own. Sooner or later I would give her the family she wanted. I would keep her happy; I know I would because she was Lottie.

I cared about her more than she could ever realize and that was a lot more than any other woman had gotten from me in the past four years.

At that moment, small arms encircled around my waist from behind. I knew she was due back at any time, but I didn't realize it would be so soon. Charlotte loved sneaking up on me; she always had ever since we were kids. "You will never guess where I've been today." She murmured into my back, excitedly.

A soft smile crossed my mouth and I turned towards her. "Where have you been?"

Lottie rolled her eyes, "Guess!"

She also loved to play games, too. I glanced down, shaking my head. "Did you and your girl friends go to the spa again?"

Laughing out, she shook her head. "Guess again."

"Hell, Lottie. I have no idea. Where were you today?" I replied, trying my best to not sound impatient as I was feeling.

She pulled me inside through the glass doors and sat me down on the sofa. "Remember how I was telling you that the girls and I were going to glance around at wedding gowns today?"

Did she tell me that? I nodded.

"After seeing the awful selections around, I just knew that I was going to have to do something different than the normal low end places. Anyway, she said that she would do it. Oh my God, can you believe it? Elizabeth Daniels-designing and hand stitching my wedding gown!"

That name. God damn, her. My stomach dropped to the damn floor as her name was mentioned out of my fiances sweet mouth. "You..." I started, but hesitated. "You spoke with Elizabeth Daniels today?"

Charlotte began rummaging through her bag and laughed, "Spoke? I saw her in the flesh, Austin! I about had a heart attack. God, I thought she was beautiful the moment her first wedding gown featured in Vogue but it's nothing compared to her in person. She's simply untouchable." She had finally found what she was looking for in her bag, which was an older issue of Vogue.

I watched her closely as she began searching through the pages, "Did she know who you were?" I asked, rigidly. There was no possible way that she'd be willing to help Charlotte if she knew.

There was too much...Baggage there.

Charlotte knowingly looked up at me, "Of course she knew, Austin. Our story has been on the front page of every major magazine out there. At first, that's why I thought she was helping me on such short notice because anyone in their right mind would never turn away Austin Burkhalter's fiancé, but when I actually met her it was completely different. She seemed so down-to-earth-so incredibly genuine. She also didn't mind putting me in my place either. Look" She pushed the magazine towards me but I didn't really look. "This was the exact dress I originally wanted, and I told her that I'd pay her dearly for an exact replica but the woman wouldn't budge! I'm pretty sure she made that dress for her wedding day. Just look at it, it's the most perfect bridal gown known to women at the moment. It even says so in the article!"

"She's engaged?"

"I'm sure she is, or she believes it's on the horizon soon." Charlotte pulled the magazine closer and pushed it in my face again. "Any man would be lucky to have her. I mean, look at her!" She continued, as she looked down at the picture completely fascinated. "Isn't she stunning?"

I refused to look. Of course she didn't know, but Charlotte was wrong. Hell yeah, Eliza Daniels was sinfully delicious-so delicious that I still fucking had wet dreams about her but that didn't mean she wasn't a bad decision waiting to happen. Oh yeah, in fact, she was a very bad decision. No man would ever be lucky to have her. Unfortunately, I knew very well what kind of person she really was which was any and everything but genuine.




She was a phenomenal liar.

Damn her.

I laid the magazine that she'd thrust my way down onto the coffee table after barely taking a look. It had been four years since I had laid eyes on Eliza Daniels and I still couldn't bare looking at her even if it was only in a picture. I stood from the couch walked to the bar in the corner of the room where I filled my scotch glass to the rim and drained it. When I made my way back to the couch, I leaned down and kissed Charlotte on the forehead. "You're stunning."

Before I could move away, she grabbed my hand and pulled me down next to her. She had the look in her eyes. That look. She was so damn innocent that even I felt dirty when she looked at me with that certain look. Charlotte leaned up and placed her plump lips on mine. It was when I slid my hands into her hair and deepened the kiss that she threw her leg over mine and sunk down into my lap slowly.

God, damnit. My hands immediately went to her hips, digging my fingers into her as I pulled her down even closer to me. A quiet moan fled her mouth and she pulled away from my lips.

"If I'm so stunning why do you barely touch me?" She asked, grinding her hips against mine. My head fell back against the couch and my eyes closed, as I unraveled in the feeling of the warmth between her legs, even if she was covered. These days I was constantly hard. It never seemed to go away. It had been three months since I'd let my c*ck sink into a woman's wet heat.

Three god forsaken months.

Pulling her hips down to mine firmly, I replied. "You know why, Lottie."

"I'm not a child. I'm ready." She murmured, as her fingers began unbuttoning the top buttons of my white button up shirt.

I loved hearing those words, but I knew for a fact that she was lying. There was no way she was ready for me. Every part of Charlotte Whitaker was perfect except the fact that her hymen was still attached and untouched.

Karma really was a bitch.

"You know, I watched that video of you and Amelia La Roux a few nights ago." She murmured, as her lips followed the trail of my jaw line.

Almost immediately, I cringed and pulled back. That video was filled with nothing but raw, filthy fucking behind one of the most popular clubs in New York City. Honestly, I didn't even remember until the video leaked into the press. Some sick fuck must have been back there videoing me go to town on French supermodel Amelia La Roux's pretty p*ussy.

"How did you even find that?" I asked; that video was supposed to be deleted a year ago. Trust me; I'd paid enough to make it disappear.

Grinding over my hard dick again, she laughed. "I've got my ways, Austin. Can we get back to the important part though? The way you had her face pressed up against the brick with one hand and the other gripping her hip while you pushed inside her...It was so hot." She murmured, as she grinded on me like a cat in heat. "You know what I did when I watched it?"

Swallowing hard, I tried to clear my head of Charlotte watching me literally split that girl in half. God damnit, the thought wasn't supposed to turn me on. But it did. "What did you do, Charlotte?"

"I slid my fingers inside me. I came so hard, Austin."

Oh fuck. Shit. I needed to stop this.

"I need you to make love to me, like you did Amelia."

Laughing out, I shook my head. The statement calmed me, a good bit. "You think I was making love to her? Sweetheart, that was fucking."

The thing is, well, I wasn't even sure I could make love to Charlotte. I had made love maybe a handful of times in my life and thinking back, I'm not even sure you could even consider those times actually making love. I was old enough to know, but too young to care at the time. It was the first time in my life I thought I'd actually found something real but it back fired.

In result, I'd spent the last four years destroying everything in my path. When I had women, I gave no mercy because I simply didn't care.

And now? I wasn't even sure I knew what to do with Lottie's virtue. Sometimes, I wished I could just hand her off and let someone else take the first plunge just so it wouldn't have to be me. Just so I wouldn't have to make love.

"Well then, fuck me." Lottie begged, as she began to move her hips at a quicker pace over me.

God damnit, Austin. Don't be a pussy.

I ran my hands over her smooth thighs and squeezed. I could do this. Lottie wasn't begging me to make love to her; she was begging me to fuck her which was always exactly what I did best.

Fuck that, I could do this.

Charlotte knew exactly how I worked, and I'm assuming that's why she always tried, but never really did push it. As sad as it was to admit, I had a feeling she knew that losing her virginity to me wouldn't be all it was cracked up to be. Not because I was an asshole. No.

She knew I wasn't capable of that-of making love to her. No matter how hard I tried, I would never be able to make our first time all about her and her needs.

Unfortunately, all I knew how to do was take.

Yeah, I would take her mouth the way I wanted it. Then I would take her virginity-hard and ruthlessly. Her body would be mine-for my pleasure.

Sure, sooner or later, she'd receive pleasure from it as well. But I wouldn't let myself get lost in another woman the way I'd once done before. I refused to lay myself bare for another woman that could eventually have the chance to destroy me.

"Just fuck me, Austin. I'm not asking for anything else." She murmured, as she began fumbling with the waist band of my slacks.

Groaning, I laid my head back and opened my eyes. "You realize what you're asking me to do Lottie? We've been over this before. When I fuck, I fuck...Only. I'm trying to get over all this bullshit but I'm not there yet. I can't yet." I told her. The thing is, Charlotte knew there was something going on inside this head of mine most of the time, but she didn't know exactly what it was. She never asked, so I never felt inclined to tell.

I kept my eyes on her, and the lustful look on her face told me exactly what I needed to know. "Stand up."

She did exactly as I told her, and I didn't waste any time snaking my hand up her skirt to find her womanhood. When I pulled the fabric of her panties aside, I didn't waste any time pushing my thumb into her tight, wet warmth. With my remaining four fingers, I gripped her ass tightly.

The moment I rammed my thumb into that little hole of hers, Charlotte yelped and almost went weak at the knees. "Oh! God...Austin!" She moaned, as she gripped my shoulders with both hands.

As I kept working my thumb into her hard and fast, the only thing I could seem to think about was getting her on her knees with my c*ck in her mouth. That's what I needed. I began pushing her skirt up over her ass so that I could have better leverage and so that I could get the show on the road. But when I did, I wish I hadn't.

At that moment, I knew I wouldn't be able to go any further. Damnit, she was practically still a teenager. Barely twenty-and her womanhood clad in a pair of starch white panties decorated with rainbows and unicorns told me exactly that.

I knew I couldn't just stop without her wondering what went wrong-without her thinking that it was...Her. Even I knew that would be a dick move. So I began moving my finger faster-harder until I could feel the inner muscles of her vagina beginning to clamp over my finger. Charlotte began to sway, getting completely lost in the pleasure of her orgasm.

I couldn't lie; it was a sight to see. She began to pant, her breasts rising and falling quickly. Her lips parted, breathing loud and whimpering sweetly. But I couldn't get lost in this.

I couldn't let it pull me in. I would take Charlotte when the time was right, when I felt she was mature enough to handle me and everything I would need-even if I had to wait until the night of our wedding.

When it was over, I pulled my hand away. "I think that is a good start. You okay?" I asked, trying my best to sound concerned.

Charlotte looked alarmed and shook her head confused, "That's it?"

I couldn't help but chuckle, "Don't sound so down. I know you came, I could feel that tight little p*ssy squeezing my thumb."

She pulled her panties back in place and then fell on the couch, "Of course I came, but I guess I just thought we were going to do more. I thought you were going to fuck me."

I leaned over and kissed her on the forehead, "I think that's enough for tonight, Lottie. It's a big step for you, we should take it slow."

"We've been taking it slow for the past six months now. You act like I've never done anything before." She added, quickly. "I mean, I've had boyfriends-I've even made it to second base more than a few times."

The fact that she was referring to sexual acts as bases told me that she really wasn't ready for this.

"I'm not saying you're inexperienced Charlotte. I'm just saying we need to take it slow." I replied.

"You're going to have to get over whatever is going on in that head of yours sooner or later." She murmured, as she stood from the couch and smoothed over her skirt. "I'm heading out."

Charlotte never did lose a beat. It was one of the major things that drew me to her. She wasn't jealous; nor was she insecure. When I did turn her down, like I'd done many times she kept going.

"Just be safe." I told her, as I stood and smoothed over her hair. "And let me know if you'll be past midnight getting in."

"Of course, I'll be back before midnight. I'm meeting the girls for a late dinner and drinks after." She reached down and kissed me on the cheek; then, she was gone.

As soon as the front door closed, I was behind the bar again pouring myself another glass of scotch. It burned going down, but it was a sweet, painless burn. Grabbing the bottle, I went back to the couch and relaxed with it. With my head leaned back against the premium leather couch, I shut my eyes trying my best to relax. It never came easy these days.

Not when you had a constantly rock hard cock. Not when you had a fiancé like Charlotte. And a multi-million dollar company to run; and especially not when you had Eliza Daniels staring up at you from your coffee table.

My curiosity had gotten the best of me. With the magazine in hand, I looked down to the woman that had once gutted me. My eyes searched over the picture. With the baby blues and long blonde locks she was the same, but there was something different in her eyes.

Somehow, the woman staring back at me in this picture was almost unrecognizable.

Clad in what I was assuming Charlotte considered the most perfect wedding gown known to women, Eliza looked at me over her shoulder with the look of satisfaction in her eyes. With that thick blonde mane pulled to the side, I noticed how risqué the dress really was. Her flawless shoulders and back were revealed to the naked eye, the only fabric noticeable was the lace fabric that started right above the curve of her ass.

This didn't even look like the woman I'd seen around over the years.

Sure, unknowingly to her, I'd seen around Eliza Daniels around. I never focused on her longer than ten seconds every time, but I had seen her. On one occasion two years ago, I'd gotten dragged to New York Fashion week with Amelia La Roux, an on and off again lay of mine. Eliza worked back stage side by side a famous designer, amongst a few hundred people running around, looking as flawless as ever.

But this woman was no longer the woman I'd met four years ago in Demopolis, Alabama. The innocent little farm girl was nowhere to be found. The woman in this magazine was...Happy. It was etched all over that pretty little face of hers.

It angered me.

No-outraged me.

She wasn't supposed to be this happy.

While I couldn't get through a day wondering about what our little baby girl would look like or be like today, she was living in her little fairy tale world, just like she'd always dreamed about.

It wasn't okay. The only reason I didn't dedicate my life to ruining hers was because I knew she'd suffer from the guilt from everything that happened all those years ago. Well she would have if she had loved me as much as she said she did.

There was no guilt on her beautiful face.

No suffering.

No sadness.

Nothing but pure bliss.

Slamming the magazine back down onto the coffee table, I stood. Fuck her. She would pay, sooner or later. When the time came, she would never be able to forget the name Austin Burkhalter.

Not if I had any say in it.

The phone rang from my office, pulling me out of my thoughts. Thank God. I made my way back there, and answered. "Austin Burkhalter, speaking."

The static was tedious, but the person began speaking on the other end, "Mr. Burkhalter. I'm so glad I could get a hold of you. Lawson Randenburg on this end. I need to speak with you regarding Kevin Daniels."

Little did I know, retribution would come sooner than I originally thought.


So, here is chapter two folks. I hope you guys enjoyed it, I know i enjoyed writing it!

***There are a few things that I would like to say. From here on out, I will probably go to uploading once a week. I haven't figured out which certain day, but you guys know as soon as I do. I am in the process of getting back into school, so as soon as i know if i was accepted or not, I will have an idea. I just wanted to get these few past chapters out because y'all deserve it.  You guys have been the best fans and I really appreciate you guys pushing me to keep writing. And also, just sticking with me for the past few years. It means so much and I give all my thanks to yall.


Last but not least, I've gotten a few comments about Eliza being kind of stuck on Austin still lately that I just wanted to clear up. Just a little recap, Eliza was completely abandoned by the one true person that she ever loved. Not only that, but she lost her baby in a very cruel, tragic way.

I know you guys HATE Austin, and for good reason. However, I wanted to give a little more insight to the way Eliza is still feeling after four years. I know its crazy that she might still seem heart broken, but its not. Coming from someone that has been there, (not with the whole baby thing) but its really hard getting over someone that you put ALL of your effort and heart into.

Its not that she's hung up on Austin or does she still want Austin.

She'll always love Austin-in her mind right now, she grew from him. She found herself because of him, and because of all the heart break he put her through. Not only did she learn that things aren't always going to be the way she wanted them to, she learned how to be independent. I feel like that was always one of Eliza's biggest flaws. She was immature-EXTREMELY dependent on other people.

She and Austin will always have a bond, she had a child with him-of course there will always be hurt there. In any relationship, if you truly felt something for that other person that shatters you...The hurt will always be there. Over the years, it might not be as painful but it will be there when you think back, see an old picture or hear an old song that reminds you of them. You'll always feel a pinch of heartbreak in those situations.  Some people have better ways of coping with things that happen.

I'm trying to make it to where Eliza is handling this situation to the best of her ability, and maturely because she has grown up. Turning the sweet Charlotte away would have screamed insecure and hung up, which, she's totally not.

Hopefully, in the upcoming chapters i will be able to be more in depth about that.


Okay :)

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I need to know what you guys are thinking and where you think all of this is going!

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