Learn to Love Again

By Hexlocket

59.6K 1K 737

Sakura has been married to Sasuke for ten years with five kids. Everything to her was perfect til Sasuke star... More

Marriage Bliss
New Hire(Sasuke)
System Down
One Shot?
Divided(6 month skip)
Square One
Seeing Red
Night to Remember
One Step at a Time
Turning Black and Blue
Taking Back
Second Chances
Falling Roses
Uchiha Baby 6,7 &8?
What happened to Rina?

First Birthday, First brawl

2.9K 65 42
By Hexlocket


                  Today is Takumi's first birthday and I heard from naruto that Sakura was throwing a small party for him at her house. I keep contemplating if I should go. It's been months since I've seen my children and they probably won't be too happy to see me. I sighed as I fell back on my bed. This is going to be hard.


                     I can't believe that my little prince is finally turning one today. Now here's what I'm going to fill you guys in on.

           I've been divorced from Sasuke for nine months and have been dating Sasori for seven. Now this may seem sudden but Sasori has been staying with the children and myself. I know it may sound crazy but Sasori lives alone in a condo and he would rather be around people. He taught Daisuke how to drive and took him to his driver's test. Studies with Sarada. Plays with Miyu and Yuuta and even takes them to the park. Sasori also loves being around Takumi. Everything else has pretty much been the same. Oh, almost forgot Daisuke has finally got his driver's license and I'm so proud of him.

          I've been home all day cleaning and decorating the house for Takumi's party. Sasori decided to go out and pick up the cake and ice cream so that I could finish everything else. With help from the kids we finished a lot quicker than we thought. I just hope everyone would love it. The sound of the door opening met that Sasori was back. He walked in the kitchen placing the cake on the table and the ice cream in the freezer. Suddenly I felt his hand come around my waist from behind, "The house looks amazing." I could feel his lips gently on my neck as he kissed it. "Sasori not here. The guest will be arriving any minute." I giggled and as if on cue the doorbell sounded throughout the house. Opening the door I greeted all of my friends and their children.

        Ino and Sai with Inojin. Naruto and Hinata with Boruto and Himawari. Shikamaru and Temari with Shikadai. Choji and Karui with Chocho. Neji and Tenten brought with Kouta. They all put their gifts in the living room and let the kids play. Myself along with Ino, Hinata, Temari, Karui and Tenten decided to sit in the dining room while all the guys decided to stay in the living room. As we talked I made some tea and my friends went on to talk about how far I've come since the divorce.

           "You're really doing well for yourself and the kids Sakura." Tenten took a sip of her tea.

            "Yeah we're really proud you." Hinata spoke softly.

            "Do you think Sasuke will show up?" Temari asked giving me a questioning look.

            "I doubt it. He hasn't been around to see or even talk to the kids since the divorce." I took sip of tea and placed my cup back on the table.

            "If he does he better be ready for an ass kicking. Plus I saw the girl he's dating now and all she did was drag him to every expensive shop around. If you ask me she's just a gold digger." Ino crossed her arms

             "Honestly he'll be in for a rude awakening ." Karui stated.

              We continued our talk til it was time to sing happy birthday and cute the cake. I placed Takumi in his highchair and I put a smash cake in front of him. We were getting ready to sing til another knock came from the door. I wasn't really expecting anyone else since they were all here. Opening the door I was met with a face I hadn't seen in quite sometime.

                Itachi stood before me and I of course invited him in. Leave it to Itachi to never miss his nieces and nephew's birthday parties. I remember when he and Sasuke would try to compete over who can get the best gift. Everyone was excited to see him and we were about to start once again til another knock at the door was heard. I was starting to get frustrated as I went to open the door once again. This time made me wish I didn't. Sasuke my now ex-husband was standing at my door holding a gift. "What are you doing here?" There was a hint of anger in my voice as I placed my hands on my hips. I was hoping he wouldn't be staying. "It's my son's birthday." Looking at his eyes them seemed sorta sad. "Oh so now you care? In case you haven't noticed you haven't been around them for months and now you just show up fo--you know what I'm not even going argue with you just come in say whatever and leave." I let him inside and shut the door. Returning back to the dining room Sasuke was met with glares from just about everyone..even from his own children.

            After seeing Takumi blow out his candle and play with his smash cake I cleaned his face and hands while Sasori cut the larger cake and give out the ice cream. I had finished cleaning up Takumi and we had started a game of peek-a-boo. Playing it always made him laugh. We were still playing but something had pulled his attention and he was starting to form a word. "D-d-d-da-da,da" To my surprise his word was dada. It wasn't til I turned around to actually see that Sasuke was standing behind me. "I would like to play with my son." Takumi started to reach up to him. Sighing in annoyance and not wanting to ruin my son's birthday I agreed. He picked him up and took out in the living room. Sasori had looked over at me and wrapped me in a hug, "What's troubling you love?" Letting out a small sigh. "I just didn't expect him and then he just turns up after months of nothing." Sasori pecked his lips onto mine, "Don't worry about it. Remember he moved on and so did you. You deserve to be happy so don't let him ruin it." I gave another sigh but this time in relief. Sasori was was right, I should be enjoying the party instead of worrying.

         For awhile everything was going smoothly then I noticed Sasuke and Sasori going out into the backyard. If you ask me it was pretty strange but maybe...hopefully they would find some common ground. We were opening gifts til suddenly, "Mom! Dad and Sasori are going at it." Daisuke opened the sliding door as I rushed to the scene. Sasuke was on top of Sasori with his fist covered in blood while Sasori's mouth was bleeding. I had completely lost it, "WHAT THE FUCK SASUKE?!" 

      He looked up and saw that everyone had just witnessed what had happened. I pulled Sasuke off of Sasori, "GET OUT!" I shouted. "Please Sakura let m-" I had cut him off. "I SAID GET OUT! LOOK WHAT YOU'VE DONE! YOU'VE COMPLETELY RUINED YOUR SON'D FIRST BIRTHDAY!" Sasuke looked at Takumi who was hugging on to Daisuke crying. Seeing that he was starting to make his way towards him, "STAY AWAY FROM MY SON AND JUST GO!" Looking at everyone else who were clearly pissed Sasuke took off. I helped Sasori up and gave him some ice to help with the pain.

             After seeing that incident everyone decided to go home because clearly the party was over. I can't believe this happened. What am I gonna do now?

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