Just Business

By NicoleCollinsxx

11.5K 137 24

'Just because I'm telling this story doesn't mean I'm alive in the end of it'. Adelia Montgomery was an ordi... More

Chapter 1

11.5K 137 24
By NicoleCollinsxx

This story is going to be a sexually based one, but I'm still going to try and get a little plot in! If you want a sexual scene every chapter, please just tell me. There might not be every chapter. :)


.:First Day Confrontation:.

I took a deep breath before pushing open the doors to my new job at Chandler, the biggest business in the U.S. They deal with just about everything, which is why I'm surprised I even landed the job.

Nervously, I adjusted my high-low black skirt and tucked my sheer collared, white shirt. As I showed my pass to the guard, I quietly walked down the hallway and to the elevator. My heels were loud on the tile floor, making me even more nervous.

I had to suppress the yawn coming out of me. When I entered the office, a incredibly hot guy sat in the desk beside me. And when I say hot, this guy was supermodel attractive! He had high cheekbones with a perfect jaw. His curly hair was styled in the perfect messy matter and his lips were full. Dark, deep blue eyes gleamed at me as he smiled. He wasn't exceptionally tan, but he was the perfect shade in between. He wore a light blue button up shirt with gray and black pinstripe pants and black dress shoes.

Perfect teeth=check 

Nice face=check 

Fashion sense=check 

Great hair=check 

Wonderful body=unknown

I sat down at my desk and tried to not look at him. I don't think he'd be okay with someone staring at them...and I don't want to look creepy at my first day of work. Looking over the set of papers that were set in front of me, I couldn't keep my mind focused.

An hour into my work and I've only reviewed two reports, and answered three phone calls. I just continue reading the same paragraph over and over in the reports. I kept seeing the guy next to me glance my way every now and then and I did my best not to look at him. Then, the next thing I knew, he was coming towards my desk.

"Hey, I'm Colton." His voice was like velvet that I wanted to wrap my body in. I turned in my chair and looked at him.

"Adelia, but most call me Addie, I prefer it, it's easier to say." He chuckled and smiled at me.

"Well Addie, I'm the boss's best friend, and right hand man, perhaps we should get a drink sometime?" Wait, was my coworker asking me out on a date? I couldn't help but smile though.

"Yeah Colton, I'd love that." Just as I finished my sentence, his phone rang on his desk. He smiled at me and winked before picking up his phone. Almost immediately his face formed into a frown. Colton rolled his gorgeous eyes and hung up.

"Addie, our boss wants to have a word with you." I stood up to go to his office, but Colton placed his hand on my shoulder. His touch sent electricity through me. "Don't let him pressure you." He whispered.

Pressure me about what exactly? I thought, but out loud, I nodded my head. I stood in front if the double doors. The office had walls made of frosted glass so you couldn't see in. The walls and door were lined in a crisp gold, making the office look elegant and full of authority.

Slowly, I pushed open the door and looked back at Colton once more. He winked and immediately my cheeks reddened. I entered his office blushing. I held back the gasp that threatened to escape. What the hell is with all of the sexy men?! I thought.

My boss was drop dead gorgeous. He had silky black hair that hung loosely on his forehead. Bright, icy blue eyes, tan skin, obvious toned muscles, and the most kissable lips ever. He wore a loose fitting black top with the first few buttons undone to see his chest, gray slacks, and black dress shoes. He stood up as I approached his desk.

"Adelia, please sit." His husky voice called out. I sat in the large, plush, white chair with gold accents. He came around and nonchalantly on the front of his desk.

"Sorry to be rude, but why'd you call me in here sir?" I questioned. He came even closer and stood in front of me. I had to look up at him, if not, I'd pretty much be looking at his crotch. From what I could tell through his pants, he was nice. What am I saying?! He's my fucking boss!

"I always like to meet my new workers." He rumbled as he bent down to be face to face with me. His warm, strong, large hand brushed my face and grabbed a lock of my blonde hair. "I'm Blaze by the way." He mumbled huskily. I sat back farther and looked at his surprised by his touch.

His touch brought heat throughout me. I could feel the warmth starting at the area between my thighs. Shit, one caressing touch and I'm already turned on. Imagine him in bed.... Stop! I shook my head lightly. Blaze yet again, grabbed at one of my loose curls.

"Your hair," he whispered. "It's so gorgeous, just like the rest of you I can see." He purred. His other hand rested at lower thigh. Just below the hem of my skirt. I swallowed thickly. His eyes gazed at me full of lust. Quickly, he pulled me up by the arm and had me pressed up against one of the frosted glass walls in seconds.

I looked at him full of shock. With one hand, Blaze had my hands locked against the wall, and the other was roaming my legs. His head dipped to my neck. He inhaled sharply, nose brushing my sensitive skin, making me shiver.

"No woman has smelled so...delicious."

"Exactly how old are you?" I stammered trying to change the subject.

"Don't distract me!" He growled. "And to answer your question, twenty four. And I already know you're twenty two. Now, back to business." Blaze drug his nose up the length of my neck. His mouth reached my ear and he let out a long, hot breath. "Sexy." He mumbled. His teeth nibbled on my earlobe, causing me to moan lightly.

His grip on me tightened. The hand that was on my thigh gripped my inner thigh, causing me to gasp. "Don't do that! It tempts me!" He growled. His finger brushed my sex ever so slightly. I jerked against him, and as a reflex, my legs closed together, trapping his hand there. My thin panties didn't help anything. I definitely knew he could feel how wet I was.

"Blaze." I whispered ever so slightly.

"Out!" He barked while stepping away from me. I stood there unsure of what to do. "Get out of my office!" He shouted. I looked at Blaze confused. "Now!" I quickly scurried out of the office. I stood outside his doors and let out a long breath.

What did I do?! Is he going to fire me?! Shit, please don't fire me! It wasn't even my fault! He's the one who groped me! I didn't do anything!

Angrily, I stormed off back to my desk. I sat down and crossed my legs tightly. I feel exposed. Maybe my shirt was too much unbuttoned, maybe he thought I was a whore! I kept worrying about the possibilities of something I could've done wrong. Thirty minutes of tapping a pen against my lip, My thoughts were interrupted by Colton.

"Sooo, what did he want?" He asked. Perhaps that's what he meant by pressuring me?

"Nothing really, just wanted to know how work is going." I smoothly lied. "So, what time is that drink?" I smiled at him and he pulled up his chair.

"How about, 8:00 after work tomorrow, is that fine?" I nodded my head. Colton and I made a little small talk for quite some time.

"Colton! Get your ass back to work!" Both of us turned around and saw Blaze standing outside his office. He glared at the two of us with disapproval. "You two Adelia." I heard Colton groan and grab his chair and went and sat back at his desk. I heard Blaze walk towards my desk. "Be careful, I need you working, not screwing around with my best mate." He whispered in my ear.

I turned around in my chair and glared at him. "Would you rather I'd be screwing around with you?!" I harshly whispered. Immediately, I covered my mouth.

Blaze's eyes widened, but then he smirked. "Be careful, I might just want that." He then walked back into his office. I groaned and continued my work.

I fell down onto my bed in my house. Work had me exhausted. Everyday, I'm supposed to be there at 7:00 a.m and end at 7 p.m. I flicked off my heels and headed for the shower. I stripped down and let the warm water run down my body.

Ten minutes into my shower, I thought I heard something. Setting down the scrub, I carefully listened. I heard a banging sound from downstairs, probably in the kitchen. I froze and turned off the water. I wrapped a towel around my body tightly and walked out of the bedroom quietly.

I was scared out of my mind about who or what could be down there. Panting, I hesitantly walked down the stairs. I screamed when I saw what was in my kitchen. The large dog, or more like wolf, was digging around in my fridge eating everything! Its head snapped up and looked at me. It's bright blue eyes were rabid. Immediately the wolf turned around and ran put of doggy door. I looked at the mess it made and screamed again. I'm already exhausted and now I have to clean?!

Running upstairs, I got dressed in some shorts and a tank top. I went back downstairs to clean up the mess that animal made. It was so bizarre though, that an animal actually raided my kitchen.

Forty minutes later, I was laying in my bed trying to fall asleep. Yes, it was only 9:30, but like I said, I'm exhausted! I rolled over in bed and quickly fell asleep.

I moaned when his lips started placing soft kisses along the side of my next. His hands roamed along my stomach, giving me pleasure chills. His teeth grazed my neck and I moaned once again. He then ripped my thin blouse off of me, so he could see my black lacy bra.

His mouth latched onto mine and our kiss became as heated as possible. His hands came to the back of my bra. Expertly, he un clasped my bra. I gasped, which he took as an opportunity to thrust his tongue into my mouth. Our tongues danced together as he dominated the kiss.

I wrapped my legs around his waist and he guided us over to the bed. I yanked his shirt over his head and ran my hands down his abs. I traced his v-lines teasingly. "Dammit Adelia." He groaned. His hands came up to my chest and teased one of my nipples. I moaned and thrusted my chest out towards him. His other hand went down to my skirt. Quickly, he pulled down both my skirt and underwear, leaving me totally exposed.


I put my hands at the edge of his pants. Slowly, I unbuttoned them and pulled the zipper downward. He growled and yanked off his jeans and boxers. I looked at him with wide eyes. Wow, he's like insanely big! I pulled his face back down to mine. Our lips collided together again. I gasped when he suddenly thrusted into me hard. I couldn't help the moans that erupted from my mouth.

I woke up startled. Sweat covered my body and my sheets and blanket were tangled around the bed. Apparently, I threw the pillows off of the bed.

Holy hell! I held my head in my hands and shook my head. Did I really just have a wet dream about my boss?! My god what's wrong with me!


Umm well yeah, I decided to give this a try, I don't know if I like it that much right now, but hopefully I can make it better! :)


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