Bad Girls Club: LA

By Lil_Mermaid

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I Will Be Posting Episodes EVERY FRIDAY NIGHT! ( sometime after 6 ) My Cast Is full sorry for the inconvenien... More

Bad Girls Club???
Episode 1
Episode 3
Episode 4
Episode 5
Episode 6
Episode 7
Episode 8
Episode 9
Authors Note
Love and Other Drugs

Episode 2

419 10 9
By Lil_Mermaid

Episode 2: Tipping Point


The girls give a warm welcome to each other and everything is fine until they have to find the last Bad Girl. Ghostly Cassie appears out of confessional and Shay and Lanna aren't happy about it. The two of them completely turn against her on the first night. But, the girls come to an agreement to pretend like nothing happened just for that night. Tori tries to warm up to Cassie but a friendship isn't in their future. When the girls get home Lanna and Shay have a plan that all the girls should pull a prank on Cassie. Mini and Tori aren't down with the deal and Mini has second thoughts about Lanna. Let's see what happens in episode 2.....


-- In Lanna and Shay's Room--

Shay: (gets up) Lanna!

Lanna: (wakes up) Yea

Shay: It's Showtime

Lanna: (looks at her clock) Let's go!

--Lanna and Shay walk into Ariel and Jas's room--

Lanna: C'mon guys

Jas: (wakes up)

Ariel: (wakes up) Okay well me and Jas were talking

Jas: We said that we wouldn't want someone waking us up like that

Ariel: So we changed our minds

Shay: That's bullshit

Jas: Oh well

Ariel: I guess it's bullshit then

Shay: Lanna?

Lanna: Well I'm still doing it

Ariel: You do You.

--Lanna and Shay walk out of their room and into Cassie, Mini, and Tori's Room--

Lanna and Shay: GET THE FUCK UP CASPER!!!

Tori: (groans and turns over)

Mini's POV: Did these bitches really start yelling in my room?

Tori's POV: So I'm sleeping and all I hear is 'Get the fuck up!' Not cool.

Cassie's POV: I hear them screaming but they don't run me and I'm staying in my bed.

Lanna: Shay, should we take it to another level?

Shay: Umm what you mean?

Lanna: (goes into the bathroom and fills up a bucket with Cold water then walks back in) I'm talking about this

Shay: No Shay that's too much.

Lanna: I swear everybody is dry as fuck in this house. I'm doing what the fuck I want to do.And I think Casper needs to have a nice shower

Cassie's POV: Okay so I'm peeking out my eyes and I see Lanna with a bucket of Water in her hand. All I know is that if she pours it on me I'm whopping that butch ass.

Lanna: Good Morning Bitch! (Pours the bucket on her) Did you have a nice shower?!

Cassie: (jumps out of the bed and punches Lanna)

--Lanna fights back and the end up on the floor punching each other. Ariel and Jas run in after the security. Security breaks up the fight. --

Cassie: (while being picked up by security) Little stupid bitch. I hope it was worth it!!

Mini's POV: What the Hell?! It's Day 2! Plus its 5 in the morning

Tori's POV: I've never woken up to a fight before.

--Security lets the girls go --

Lanna: Your a dumbass hoe. Good Luck finding your tracks.

Cassie: Call me a hoe

Lanna: (sings) Casper the dumbass hoe..

Cassie: (grabs Lanna's hair and punches her)

--They continue to fight and security breaks them up--

Lanna: Hoe for days

Shay: That's enough guys

Lanna: That's why I'm the Baddest Bitch in this house.

Mini: (gets out of bed and goes downstairs)

Confessional bcuz Room:

-Mini: I'm completely done with the bullying. They need to cut it out. Until they do I'm removing myself from the situation. The fight was pretty bad and I'm pretty sure one of them is going home. Once they do everything should cool down.

--Mini leaves confessional and goes upstairs in her room then back to sleep--

--All The Girls go back to bed except Cassie and Lanna. Their fight was being evaluated by the Producers--

BGC Producer: Lanna? Cassie? May I speak with you?

--Lanna and Cassie walk towards the producer--

BGC Producer: After looking over the fight we saw that one of you were throwing some brutal punches. That girl will be the one to go home. Lanna..

Lanna: Yes

BGC Producer: You may go back to sleep. Cassie will be going home. Please pack your bags

Cassie: Okay Thank you (goes in her room and starts packing)

Cassie's POV: Welp, Goodbye Bad Girls Club! (waves) I wasn't here for long but I didn't think this was the place for me anyway. The girls are too loud and crazy for me. But the reason in leaving is because I WHOPPED A BITCH ASS!! Well goodbye Bgc!

--Cassie takes her bags


Cassie: Bye Bitches

Lanna: (from upstairs) See you at the reunion hoe!

Cassie: (leaves and gets in the van)

--All the girls go to bed and Shay and Ariel wake up at 10--

Shay: Good Morning

Ariel: Morning. So she's gone

Shay: Yes, I'm pressed

Ariel: So no more drama

Shay: I guess so, I don't have beef with anyone

Shay's POV: I'm really mad at Lanna for pouring that bucket on Casper because that wasn't cool. I'm not really gonna talk to her today but I'm opening up to Ariel.

Ariel: True

--Mini and Tori Come downstairs--

Mini: Hey

Ariel and Shay: Good Morning

Tori: Good Morning Everybody! (spins around)

Mini: So since somebody left a replacement should be on their way, right?

Shay: So maybe theirs a..


-- They all run to the Hallway by the front door and see the picture of the next bad girl--

All: (scream)

Ariel: Let's wake them up

-- The girls run upstairs And wake up Lanna and Jas--

Shay: The New Girl's Picture Is Up!

Lanna: It is?!

Ariel: Yes! C'mon!

Jas' POV: I'm not pressed to see a (does air quotes) "Picture" of the new girl. Tell me when she gets here then I'll be excited

-- The Girls run down the steps while Jas takes her time. --

Lanna: She looks pretty

Ariel: I think she's gonna make it live in here

Shay: Yaass

Tori: I need a new outfit for the club tonight

Mini: Let's go shopping!

-- Jas Finally gets down the stairs--

Mini: Jas we going shopping

Jas: Yes, I can get some LA clothes! But where the picture?

Tori: Right here (points at the new girl's picture)

Jas: She cute, but she look young

Tori: She does

Ariel: So we shopping or not

Shay: Let's go

-- The girls run upstairs and get dressed then they get in the 2 cars. Then they go to the Mall. They get back from the mall around 4--

Ariel: I'm pressed to wear this dress tonight

Shay: Right imma be looking sexyy

Tori: My shoes are so pretty (throws her hands up and laughs)

Jas: Tori is so funny (hugs Tori)

Mini: So do you guys want to get ready for the club?

Lanna: I Guess..

Ariel's POV: So I'm noticing that Lanna is being kinda quiet and she and Shay aren't talking much. (whispers) I think she's guilty and Shay is mad at her

--The Girls go upstairs and get dressed into their new outfits. Then they sit at their makeup tables--

Lanna: I hope the new girl comes tonight

Shay: (looks down at her makeup pallet) What makes you say that?

Lanna: (looks up then looks back down) Just because

Shay: Hmm

Lanna's POV: Okay so the reason I'm ready for the new girl is because Shay is acting kinda shady when I thought we were cool. With a new girl in the house I can take her under my wing and put bugs in her ear. I don't think Shay is cool with me anymore.

Jas: Okaayy

Jas' POV: Lanna definately has something up her sleeve and I can't wait until it can show through her shirt. (Laughs) Did that make sense to y'all cuz now that I think about it, it sounds kinda gay. (Laughs Again)

Tori: I hope she don't bring any drama

Mini: Leave that at home baee

Ariel: She better not think she the shit either cuz nobody the shit in the house but me (laughs)

-- Everybody Laughs--

???: (coming through the front door) Haay Bitches!!!

Lanna: Hallelujah!

Ariel: How the hell?

Jas: (yells) Heyy!

-- All the girls stop what they are doing and run downstairs--


Alright, Alright, ALRIGHT !!

So It's official I'll post new episodes..


Poor Cassie is gone

But don't feel badd because

I have to tell you guys a SECRET!

--- Cassie wasn't a real person ---

Which is why I got her out of the house first

I don't have to explain myself about why I added her but IT HAPPENS

It's true Lanna got some shit up her sleeve but it's not gonna show though her shirt for a while 😂😂


She already know who she is..

Follow the Rest of the girls

Ariel- @yesimariee_x7

Mini- @nialllover

Tori- @gymbrat_tori

Jas- @_queenjas

Lanna- @lipstains__

Shay- @3_mix_bish

Thanks For Reading Check In Next Week To Learn More About The Newest Bad Girl And What She Will Bring To The Story.

Luvvv You Guyss. Byee

[Ps: Tell me who's your favorite bad girl. Comment below ]

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