The flirty type ( an ohshc st...

By BloodAndRoses13

265K 11.8K 2.4K

Kei Koizumi is a new student at Ouran, and, after being kidnapped, winds up at the host club! Watch the flirt... More

Kai Koizumi is not a morning person.
Tis' Confusion!
The flirty type!
Piggyback rides and lollies
Secrets don't make friends
High School Musical!!!
You Can Sew?!?!?
The twins make a game!
messing with the twins heads!
The Beach!!!
Hellfish shunting!!!
Awkward dinner!!!
You bastard!!!
Tamaki makes a game!!!
Kai's plans are ruined!
Does that answer your question?
Cleaning relaxes me
Hikaru gets tackled!
To the mall!!!
It matches my sexuality!
Llama costumes and sombreros! (Part 1)
Llama costumes and sombreros! (Part 2)
A ball?
A suit?
The twins house!
We're playing what?
Authors note
The rules!
Good advice

How gay though?

7K 351 208
By BloodAndRoses13

Thank you everyone for all the suggestions! Please continue to let me know what you want to see in the story.

I walk into the club on Monday to an odd silence. Every member of the club was sitting doing homework or something of the sort. Haruhi was reading, tamaki was doing some weird type of- yoga, I think, in the corner. Mori was watching honey color, and the twins were quietly writing on a paper together, most likely designing a new prank of some type.

'No yelling, no breaking things, no teasing tamaki, somethings up.'

I walk over and sit next to haruhi, who's quietly reading a book on one of the couches. I lean over and whisper into her ear.
"What's going on? Why are they all so quiet?"

She turns to me with a confused expression.
"Beats me, they were all like this when I came in, I decided to enjoy the silence while it lasts."

I turn around and see them all not-so-covertly looking at me. Sighing,  I stand and jump up on the coffee table in front of me.
" alright, what in the bloody hell is going on?"

That earns a dirty look from mori, who hastily tries to clap his hands over honeys ears. Tamaki glances at me nervously.
"W-well Kai, I don't know what you mean. We are all just being our usual normal selves here, heh heh."
I sweatdrop, and jump down off the table. I walk directly to kyoya, who has been silently been typing away at his laptop this entire time.

"Hey ugly-face McGee, what's going on?"

Kyoya glares up at me for a moment, glasses flashing angrily, before hastily returning his face to that irritatingly calm expression.

"I'm not quite sure what you mean Kai, you will have to be more specific." He gives me a sickeningly sweet smile. I turn on heel and walk over to the twins, who are so engrossed in whatever they are writing that they don't notice me. I step over and sit across their laps, wrapping my arms around hikarus neck. I turn to look at them, a seductive smile crossing my lips.
"Now you guys will tell me what's going on, won't you? I would be SO grateful, and repay you any way you want."
Violent red rushes across their cheeks and before I know it I've been tossed on the ground and they've both run out of the room.

'Well,that didn't work'

"Someone just tell me what's going on already!"

Finally kyoya stands up, a smug grin across his features.
"Well you see Kai, a conversation occurred  this morning discussing some actions of yours in the recent past and what they meant. To plainly put it, we were talking about how you likely identify, speaking in terms of your sexuality."

"You were debating how gay I am?" I give them the most annoyed look I can muster, before Letting out a loud laugh.
"So what did you come up with?"

"Well, the twins think you're bisexual, mori believes you're pansexual, honey likes cake, I think you're gay, and tamaki went into some rant about the heart wanting what it wants."

"Kyoya, are you sure you don't just want me to be gay?" I sent a grin in his direction, but only get a blank stare in return.

'Well then'

Out of the corner of my eye I see the twins quietly slip back into the room.

"If you all must know," I pause, dramatically falling back into the couch." Mori is right as rain!"

I look up and smile at them, only to be shocked as I see mori pass honey a couple hundred yen.

'Maybe he's not as innocent as he seems'

"Well then, what's the agenda today?"

"Well my dear Kai!" Tamaki pops up from behind me, and I jump about a foot in the air.
"Today we are entertaining the lovely ladies while displaying as heroic Knights! Of course haruhi will be the fair princess whom we must rescue-"
"No." Haruhi deadpans.
Tamaki deflates and slinks into his emo corner.

"Way to shut him down haruhi!" I hold my hand out for a high five.
"I'm trying to read Kai."
I fall to the ground and crawl under the couch.
"Wow," the twins say "she's caused two guys to become depressed in under thirty seconds, this must be a new record!"

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