The Lure of Darkness (Kylo Re...

By TypeALoser

34.8K 1.6K 333

In a show of mercy disguised as a ploy of interest for the First Order, Kylo saves Maiya under the rouse of b... More

//Two // Maiya's POV//
// Three // Kylo's POV //
// Four // Maiya's POV //
// Five // Kylo's POV //
// Six // Maiya's POV //
// Seven // Maiya's POV //
// Eight // Maiya's POV //
// Nine // Third Person POV //
**Author's Note ONLY**

// Ten // Maiya's POV //

943 50 6
By TypeALoser

I lay curled in bed under the sheets. Today is a day of sadness, and I don't feel like joining the world yet. I just want to stay in bed and try to remember the faces of my family. But every time I almost remember something, it's wrong and their faces become blurs again.

"Maiya? Are you in here?"

Kylo's voice is small compared to usual, as if a he's a boy looking for someone he lost.

I make a noise to alert him where I am. Speaking would use too much energy.

A moment later the sheets are pulled away from my head. "I thought you wanted to train today. Why are you still here?"

I shrug my shoulders. 

"I'm sad today Kylo, I just want to be alone."

I feel bad saying it, but doing anything else but laying here and reflecting on what I can't remember just doesn't seem worth the energy it takes.

My words, however, don't affect Kylo as he says, "While that's too bad, I have something for you."

I sigh and roll over to look at him as he stands by the bed, his helmet off, and a piece of paper in his hands. "What's that?"

He smiles faintly and holds it out to me. "You can't look yet. First you have to come with me to the training room."

I open my mouth to tell him no, but he does something shocking. He pleads with a strain of urgency, "Please, Maiya. It's good. It'll be worth it."

I'm almost positive one more refusal from me just might make him snap and force me anyway.

I sigh and force myself out of bed, sliding my boots on as I do. I stand and take the paper from him before we begin the walk from his room to the training room. I haven't a clue what this surprise of his is, but it must be important for him to insist I get up. 

As we stand before the training room doors, he looks at me with his helmet on and says, "Read it now."

I don't question him as I unfold the faded yellow note and begin to read the words on it.


           Sorry I couldn't pull much together for you.
Surely you can understand, the First Order doesn't cater to 'silly' things like this, despite its emotional importance. And this is pretty important.


I look up from the letter, confused as to what he meant, when I see the doors open and Kylo lead me inside the training room. He leads me to the right where a small cake with white icing sits on a table. I grin and look up at him, excitement filling my eyes.

"Kylo, what?," I breathe.

He takes his helmet off and looks at me, a smile on his handsome face. "Happy birthday, Maiya."

I drop the note as I run forward and crash into Kylo, wrapping my arms around him. He wraps his around me tightly. "Thank you," I say as I resist the urge of tears. 

The only memory I'd ever been able to carry with me from before I could remember was the celebration of my birthday. All this time, it hasn't really seemed like something worth celebrating or being happy about.

But Kylo's fixed that, it would appear.

I lean back just slightly from him. "That- this... This gesture means a lot, Kylo. I haven't had something like this in... Well, a really long time. I'd almost forgotten what it was like to be somewhat happy on my birthday."

He smiles softly at me and gently pushes a strand of hair out of my face.

"For you I'd move stars and planets to make you happy, if that were the sort of thing that would make you happy, anyway."

I chuckle softly. "This is perfect for me. Thank you."

But even as there's no more words for us to say, we continue gazing at each other, with his arms still around me from the embrace, and my  hands still resting on his shoulders.

And for once, I decide to do the unthinkable. Something many people just might want to beat me for.

I softly place my hand on the back of his head and I stand on my tip toes.

He's stiff, almost nervous is seems. I look into his eyes and never once does he look away from mine. 

I close my eyes as I stand as tall as I can and bring his face closer to mine.

At first our lips just softly meet. It's like beautiful foreign territory, like I shouldn't be here. But I want to be here.

After a moment one arm stays around my waist as he pulls me closer, the other hand on the back of my neck.

He deepens the kiss as our lips merge together, his tongue just barely tracing the line of my bottom lip. I tangle my fingers in his thick, wavy black hair.

I want this to last forever, but we eventually have to break apart for air.

As we gaze into each other's eyes, I without a doubt don't regret what I just did. In fact, that's the one choice in my life I whole-heartedly know was my best.

"So," I say with a broad smile, "how about that cake now?"


GUYS HERE YOU GO!! I am SO SO SO SORRY it took so long.

Every idea I tried just didn't work or feel right until now.

I sincerely hope you enjoy this chapter!


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