Hood Love 1

Par NaeBbyXo

2.5M 56.4K 17.1K

Janiyah is young and wants to enjoy a carefree life. No worries at all. She's books, beauty, and brains. She... Plus

Hood Love 2


184K 3.8K 1.4K
Par NaeBbyXo

Niyah P.O.V (In MM)

"Versace, Versace, Medusa head on me like I'm 'Luminati

This is a gated community, please get the fuck off the property

Rap must be changing cause I'm at the top and ain't no one on top of me

Niggas be wanting a verse for a verse, but man that's not a swap to me

Drowning in compliments, pool in the backyard that look like Metropolis

I think I'm sellin' a million first week, man I guess I'm an optimist

Born in Toronto but sometimes I feel like Atlanta adopted us

What the fuck is you talkin' 'bout? Saw this shit comin' like I had binoculars

Boy, Versace, Versace, we stay at the mansion when we in Miami

The pillows' Versace, the sheets are Versace, I just won a Grammy

I've been so quiet, I got the world like "What the fuck is he planning"?

Drake yells through the alarm clock next to my bed. My mind is trying to register that its time to wake up. But my body doesn't listen and keeps me pressed under my comforter. The comfort of heat from the warm bed is relaxing but to know that this wont last long irritates the hell out of me.

About 5 minutes later I decide to get up. Kicking the covers off with my legs a cool breeze hits my skin sending goose bumps to the surface. I groan as my tired eyes adjust to the lighting the sun has provided. Sitting on the edge of the bed I slide my feet into my slippers.

I rub my eyes as I walk to the bathroom slowly. I decide to leave the light off since the natural light of the sun is already shining through the window above the tub.

I turn on the hot water letting it run some before stepping in. I stripped myself of my clothes slowly sleep still in my brain. I know I won't be fully woken up until I actually get in the shower.

I relax as the beads of water massage the tense muscles in my body. Relieving all stress that I've had since last night. I let that process happen for about 8 minutes before I began scrubbing my body with Paris Amour Body Scrub from Bath & Body Works.

Stepping out the shower I felt extremely relieved. I walked over towards the sink looking inside the mirror. I grabbed my Clearasil face scrub for acne. I scrubbed my face clean then rinsed. Grabbing my toothbrush I squeezed the minty paste on top. After brushing my teeth I stepped out of the bathroom clutching onto my bath towel that was wrapped around my body.

Opening up my closet I stepped in taking a look at all my clothes. The more clothes you have I swear the more difficult it is to choose. I decided on jean overalls and a basic white crop top.

I quickly curled my hair with a curl wand then slipped on the outfit I'd laid out. I slipped my feet inside white converse and tied their laces. After placing a coat of strawberry colored gloss to my lips I grabbed my white and black tribal print back pack, phone and its charger then skipped downstairs.

It was 7:45. I had to be at school at 9. My mom wasn't home because of a trip she was taking with her best friend Erica. I'd only met the woman about 3 times but my mom would talk about her from time to time. All I knew was that she had a son who I was told was a little older than me. But Erica was the same age as my mother.

Grabbing my keys from the bowl I locked the house after leaving out the front door. My Dad wasn't home either which was expected. I didn't have to let anyone know I was leaving. Both of my parents knew I was going to be on my way to school.

I unlocked my car hearing it chirp before climbing inside. Taking my phone out I began dialing my best friends number. We ride together everyday before school so this was routine.


She answered making me chuckle.

"Bitch! You ready"?

I asked. Yeah I know we're ghetto. But she has been my ride or die since forever. We was gangsta's on the playground when were little. Robbing nigga's crackers and shit.

"Yeah when you gone be here"?

"In ten".

I replied beginning to start my car. I heard rustling and talking in the background before she replied.

"Iight trick see you".

After she'd hung up I plugged my phone into the auxiliary cord in my car. Scrolling past the 2,000 songs in my library I finally decided on I'm Out by Ciara and Nicki. I turned it up all the way and when the beat dropped a vibration was sent through the car. I pulled out of the drive way and began to cruise down the street.


"Whatever Trey. Lock the fucking door"!

My best friend and cousin in-law Kiera yelled towards my cousin Trey as she walked towards my car. My cousin -who was dancing with me at the party last night- is madly in love with her. They share a cute little house together that is comfortable for the both of them. Kiera's mom was never around and her dad is a drunk so all of her life she has been from home to home. I'm not sure of the  exact details of how it used to be for her but I do know it was beyond crazy. But ever since her and my blood fell for each other they've been living in his home.

Their relationship is honestly crazy as hell. Fights constantly and they talk to each other as if they hated one another. But they're madly in love and I'm jealous of them. The only thing is Trey is 21 and Kiera is 17. Not that big of an age difference but to the cops it is.

"You and Trey always arguing".

I spoke while shaking my head. I chuckled waving to my cousin before I pulled off from where I was parked. The school was about 30 minutes away from their house which was convenient for us.

"Cuz he always saying dumb shit".

She rolled her eyes probably thinking of what he did.

"You know you love him".

She smiled blushing and looked out the window.


I yelled teasing her.

"Whateva' but he told me something went down at that party last night".

She spoke popping her gum and looking at me with the "tell me" look.

"Yeah some dudes showed up trynna' start bull shit. But Trey and Trevan handled".

I explained. She turned to look out the opened window once again but then turned around towards me.

"Hol' up. Who's Trevan"?

She asked looking at me with a quirked eye brow. I saw that a Benz was sitting in the middle of the street as the light was green. I smacked my teeth and placed both hands on the wheel, speeding passed him.

Focusing my attention back on Kiera I sat back in my seat.

"This guy I met last night"

I smirked just thinking about him. His eyes and dimples kept popping up in my head. I could see Kiera giving me a look out of the corner of my eye and I was trying my best to ignore it.

"So you just gone ignore me"!

She yelled popping my thigh.

"Ow! Okay okay. He's real cute, nice little fade, gorgeous eyes. Them lips is"..

I trailed off. She squealed hitting my arm.

"Ooh! Finally. I'm so tired of you being single".

She sighed and fanned herself dramatically.

"Shutup. And please stop abusing me".

I laughed. We pulled up to the school shortly after and it was now 8:45. We had 15 minutes to get our things from our lockers then head to class. Me and Kiera walked inside ignoring the stares and comments from thirsty nigga's.


I heard the voice of another one of my friend's named Taylor. Her and our small group of friends stood crowded around a bench that sat against the wall.

"Hey boo".

I spoke walking over towards all of them and giving her a hug. Her boyfriend -and my best friend since 5th grade- Xavier scoffed.

"So I don't get a hug from my sister? I gotchu Niyah".

He spoke with a smile mushing my forehead.

"Brother you know I love you".

I laughed trying give him a hug. He pushed me off in a playful way but I sleekly gave him a kiss on the cheek anyway.

Kiera came over with her books in her hands still smacking on her gum. Another one of my friends who was the youngest out of all of us eased his way up behind her. He's always trying to flirt with her when he know's she's with my cousin.

"K when you gone let me hit ma"?

He spoke gripping her ass in his hand. Kiera turned around quickly making us burst out laughing. Those two were always arguing because Lil Jo couldn't keep his hands to himself.

"Lil Jo if you don't getcho hands off me"!

Kiera warned screaming. I shook my head watching as his brother began to intervene like always.

"J back up man. You know she don't want yo lil' ugly ass".

His older brother JoJo spoke pulling him by his arm. His real name was Jordan but everyone calls him JoJo and his brother Lil Jo since they look exactly alike. Except Lil Jo is younger and his real name is Jaylen.

"That's not what she she was saying last night".

Lil Jo placed his hands on Kiera's waist and began grinding against her from behind. I was cracking the hell up laughing because his face was so serious.

Before we could all blink Kiera's hand was on the side of Jaylen's face. The slap was so loud that a few others turned around and chuckled. Lil Jo's hand flew to  his cheek as a shocked expression adorned his face.


We all yelled in unison except for Lil Jo and Kiera of course. I was now in tears laughing.

Once our laughter died down we all chilled before first hour bell rang. Realizing I forgot to grab my books I rushed towards my locker after saying bye.

I grabbed my books and walked towards my first period class which was AP English. The hallways were slowly beginning to empty as students filled their classrooms. But of course not everyone went to class.

As soon as I'd stepped foot in the classroom the tardy bell rung. My teacher Ms. Lavetski gave me a look as I rolled my eyes and simply walked to my seat in the middle of the room.

Once I was seated I pulled out my notebook and placed the rest of the books in the basket under my seat. I began taking notes as Ms. Lavetski walked towards the chalk board in the front of the classroom. As she began to speak and assign us our Do Now my mind began to drift as always. She didn't have to explain the Do Now everyday but for some reason she did. So I simply tuned her out and began to daydream.

Somehow my mind drift to Trevan. His face and smile popping into my head. I wonder what he's doing? Probably chasing after another girl by now. I couldn't be the only one on his mind. No, he was too fine and we'd just met yesterday. What made me so special?

I sighed and began to do my work after the teacher was finished explaining. I didn't have time to be thinking about him anyways. I needed to focus and do my work.


After school I placed all the necessary books for my homework tonight inside my bag and threw it over my shoulder. Walking outside towards the parking lot I noticed the whole crew surrounding my car.

Kiera and Lil Jo was arguing like always, X and Taylor were flirting and kissing all over each other, while JoJo talked to some random girl with a smile on his face. I rolled my eyes and began walking towards the drivers seat, unlocking my car making it chirp.

I climbed in immediately turning on the AC because it had gotten hot out. I dropped my book bag in the space near my feet and looked up shaking my head at my group of friends. They still hadn't even noticed that I'd unlocked the doors.

"Aye get in or get left".

I yelled out of my opened window making it go quiet for about 5 seconds before their noise started again. Except this time they'd opened the doors and got inside the car. Almost every day after school we'd go to my cousin Trey's house to hang out. I was extremely exhausted today though.

I could see JoJo say bye to whatever little thot he was talking to before he squeezed into the car as well.

"Don't tear up my seats"!

I yelled. They were all squeezed in the back. Taylor on Xavier's lap. Lil Jo in the middle and JoJo in the seat behind mine. I was driving of course and Kiera was next to me in the passenger seat. I plugged my phone up and blasted Lil Wayne : Wowzers as I pulled out of the parking lot.

"My tongue Brrrrr! My d**ck go blah"!

Lil Jo yelled holding his phone up, probably recording a video. Everybody was too turnt as I drove dancing in my seat.

It took about 30 minutes to get back to Kiera's house. When we finally got there , there were 2 cars parked on the side in the usual parking space I park in.

One of them I knew was Trey's which was a Mercedes-Benz SlK. I loved his car but he would never let me drive it. I'm sure he loved it more than he loved me. Parked behind it was a Candy Red 2013 Ferrari. It was sexy as hell too.

"Damn who whip"?

JoJo took the words right out of my mouth. Kiera shrugged as we all eye balled it.

I found another parking space and we all climbed out after I'd turned my car off. I grabbed my book bag knowing I was probably gonna sit and do my homework if there was nothing else to do.

Kiera unlocked their front door and we all walked in hearing loud noise that sounded like it was coming from a game.


Kiera yelled for Trey. Everyone had walked separate ways into the house. We all knew it like the back of our hands and were comfortable because we were always here.

"Living room".

Me and Kiera made our way towards where my cousin's voice came from. Sitting on the couch in the living room was two shirtless boys who's backs were facing us.

"Hey cousin".

I greeted mushing his head. The rest of the crew came from wherever they were and into the living room. Kiera sat side ways on his lap and began kissing his jaw line. Trey put down his game controller taking his focus off of the game he was playing to give his girl a kiss. See? And just like that they were back where they started.

"Ya'll make me sick".

I laughed sitting on one of the small couches beside them. I took off my shoes and sat with my feet folded underneath me.

I still hadn't seen who the gorgeous body on the couch belonged to. I looked up and immediately blushed but before I could avert my eyes his eyes met mine.

"Wassup Niyah".

I almost fainted hearing him say my name again. My body began to feel tingly and warm, but I did my best trying to hide the fact that my cheeks were a bright red and that I was screaming on the inside.

Thoughts from earlier this morning immediately erased from my mind. They way he looked at me made me feel as if I was the only one. And it was crazy because we only just met last night. Not even a full 24 hours ago.

"Hey Trevan".

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