The Hunter that turned out to...

By helloimvida

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This is the second book that’s part of the “Ish Series”, and I strongly suggest that you should read the firs... More

AUTHOR'S NOTE: Notice me.
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Author's Note: Sick Leave
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 24
Chapter 25

Chapter 23

284 28 2
By helloimvida

John immediately went to my side, as he puts a protective hand on the small of my back, like declaring his possession from another male or a possible rival.

Tristan stood up to his full height, showing no hints of intimidation to his dead-serious face. He stepped closer to me, as he grabbed my hand, pulling me next to him and away from John.

No words were exchanged but the actions and the building tension in this room has definitely made me and the people inside... awkward.

"Ehem." I coughed, the usual fake one, when the two boys were an inch closer to each other. Both standing steadily on their ground, like posts defending their territory. And I guess it'll only take one more move for hell to break loose.

And it did, as John was the first one to push Tristan's chest, which in turn lead to the beginning of World War 3.

Fists, kicks, and a whole lot of punches were released. As all of those bombs landed perfectly on each of their faces and bodies, which of course never failed to scare the shit out of me. Especially for Tristan, who's obviously not trained in any sort of physical combat, yet he's fighting hand to hand with an expert.

I grabbed both of their shirts, trying my hardest to make them stop. And what's more annoying to this situation? Is that the people around us were just looking.

Why are they not doing anything?! Are they blind?!

I looked to the people around me, asking for help, but then my eyes landed onto a corner, where my father is standing placidly onto the wall behind him.

I also noticed that there were a couple of familiar faces next to him. People who I'd usually want to hug and welcome right now, but can't, because of this fucking brawl.

Keith stood next to Don, along with Jel, Will, Dc and Allanah as they looked at us silently, like their mouths have been covered with an invisible tape.

"Any person on their right mind, would help me right now." I said and Will was about to take one step, but Keith held his hand out to his front, keeping him from moving.

"King's order." Keith simply said to Will, but with an obvious pained expression. "Stay."

I stopped tugging the boys' shirts as I walked straight to my father. "What the hell is going on?!"

"They have to settle this once and for all. Fight for your right, if that's what it takes." He said with his arms crossed tightly to his chest.

And weirdly, it seems like he's taking this seriously. There were no possible signs of his words as a possible joke, as his eyes didn't bore the same humor he always has, like there's something deeper behind those words of his.

"What do you mean dad?"

"It's time for me to choose who you're going to marry." He paused, looking at the two who's currently busy planting fists at one another. "At first I thought Tristan would be fit for the role, but then, let's see..."

My eyes balled out, before I cut him off and walked out of the room. Shocked? No that word is too mild for what I'm feeling right now. So that's what the party is all about? Marriage.

The hell! I'm too young, too childish, too many reasons that I can't even comprehend right now. What the fuck is my father thinking? Telling me that out of the whim? And does he have to pick that situation to bring out that news?

I rushed out of the castle and headed towards the garden. To my sanctuary, to the only place where I feel at peace. I didn't even care about the people around me in that room, who's probably going to be worried.

But that place is choking me, the pressure, and the burden of my role. This princess thing is killing me, inside out.

I don't want to be dictated! I never did.

And I've put up to some of it, so as to reach my goals, my dream of changing all those bended rules of our race. To help the bearers, and the others who were taken for granted. The humble people who have been swept underneath the rug of royalty.

Why does it have to be this hard?

For my father to choose the person who I'm going to spend my eternity with. It's just too unfair, especially for that one person who will not get chosen.

Ugh. "I thought he understood me!" I shouted, as I threw a pebble to the ocean. I was confused! And he knew that, but then he had to do that.

"Maybe that's his way of helping you." Mr. Gilbert's voice emerged from behind.

And honestly, it took me by so much surprise that I actually flinched. It's been awhile since I've heard of his voice, and the last time was in that dungeon, where I overheard him and John plotting my death.

My heart beats unnaturally by every step he took. My mind was telling me to slowly stand up and run, but as always curiosity has gotten the best of I looked at him. Because even though my mind is pointing a different instruction, my eyes were automatically drawn into another figure standing right next to him, Bruno.

How did I forgot to ask about what happened to Bruno after that forest incident?

I hastily stood up and rushed towards his side, hugging him like a big old teddy bear. "Where have you been?"

"Healing myself." He talked. And I froze.

Slowly, I withdrew from my embrace as I stumbled onto the solid ground. The same dark eyes from my dreams, is now staring at me with such thirst, a thirst for the kill.

Without knowing I was already crawling my way backwards, that I didn't even realize I was already at the edge of this cliff.

"You know. Do you, princess?" Mr. Gilbert's voice was scary, like it had thorns in the very end of his words. "You've been associating with that white wizard. Have you?" He stopped walking and kneeled in front of me. "That half-breed of a traitor who killed his own kin. How could you?"

With a flick of his finger, he hit my forehead and my vision blocked out as I screamed for my life. As I fly without wings, dropping to the end of this cliff, and into the open arms of gravity itself.

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