You came back

By that-hamster-wheel

8K 135 15

Joe never died. He was just placed deep undercover and made to look dead. When he finally gets out 4 years la... More

You came back
My visit with Angie
Lunch with Erin
Can we play cops and robbers
Dad forgive me
Spend forever with me

Fight fight fight.... Make-up?

965 19 9
By that-hamster-wheel

The smell of coffee wafted into the living room, and Eddie was roused from her sleep. "Mmm... coffee." Eddie mumbled.

"Coffee... there's coffee?" Jamie mumbled back.

"Yes there's coffee for everyone and breakfast too." Joe said.

"Jamie he saw us and he saw me. He's going to tell your dad." Eddie whispered in a panicked voice.

"I can still hear you Eddie. I won't be telling Dad. That's on you, now come have breakfast before it gets cold." Joe said.

Jamie and Eddie sat down at the table, and waited for coffee and breakfast to be placed in front of them. "How long were you awake?" Jamie asked Joe.

"About long enough to figure out you need to call Dad, and tell him today. This is ridiculous... You're clearly serious about each other, and I know you both have a tour tomorrow." Joe said.

"Maybe you should call Dad and tell him you're engaged." Jamie countered.

"What and provide you a cushion? Not happening. You call him and tell him, my news can wait." Joe insisted.

"Do I have to be here when you tell him?" Eddie asked, as she took a bite of her toast.

"Well you are my girlfriend so yes. We can um.... tell him together." Jamie replied.

"Bad idea. Dad gets funny about things like that. Jamie stop hiding behind people and be a man." Joe said.

"Sure thing Boss." Jamie said and mock saluted Joe.

"Eat your breakfast." Joe said in a firm tone.

If there was one thing Jamie had learned about Joe, it was that you didn't mess with him, and when he told you to do something you did it, no questions asked. Jamie was having a hard time doing this however and he really wanted out. He wasn't ready to have this conversation with his Dad and he knew the longer he waited, the more pissed off and angry their Dad would be. He would also be less accommodating and forgiving.

They ate breakfast in silence, save for the looks Jamie and Eddie kept sending each other. "I forgot... my brother and his girlfriend can communicate with their eyes." Joe muttered.

"I don't understand what the problem is here." Jamie said.

"The problem is, that you know what you are doing is wrong. I would've never done something like this and you know Danny wouldn't have either. Honestly Jamie... she's a lovely woman, don't get me wrong, but she's your partner. You should have put in a request for new partners long before now, and you know it. Instead you swept it under the rug, like you do with most issues." Joe explained.

"I'm sorry we can't all be the perfect middle child." Jamie countered.

"Seriously.... Guys settle down." Eddie said and placed her hands between them. "I'm just as much to blame for this as he is. Let me explain." Eddie said.

Joe gave a sigh and then proceeded to let her speak her mind. "Thank you. A year and a half ago we went out for drinks with Spencer and my friend Hailey, and at the end of the night Jamie walked me home and we kissed. The next morning we called it a mistake, something that was just bound to happen and we got it out of our systems. Only we knew we were just fooling ourselves. We tortured each other, by dating other people and staying partners, when we both knew we were made for each other. Now we realize that after that kiss, we should have filed papers. Even off duty, kissing was wrong and shameful of us. We will spend forever, trying to make up for all of this, and we will take whatever punishment commissioner Reagan dishes out to us. We made our mistake and while you frown upon it, shouldn't you be more excited that Jamie found love." Eddie said.

"Oh I am. Compared to Sydney, you are sunshine and roses and everything else delightful. He really stepped up." Joe said. "I'm just upset at him for not doing something sooner."

"We can't all make our move right away like Mr. perfect. Seriously can you hear yourself? You sound like the poster child for the perfect man. Can you do anything wrong? Are you even capable of doing something wrong?" Jamie was furious at Joe and his patience was wearing thin.

"I wonder if I should call Danny for back-up..." Eddie mumbled.

"Leave him out of this." Both men said at the same time.

"Oh finally something we both agree upon." Joe said.

"Don't speak to Eddie in that tone." Jamie said.

"You just did. Honestly.... Eddie I'm sorry. Better Jamie?" Joe inquired, in a rather sarcastic tone.

"I can't believe you are behaving like this. A grown man yelling at his brother about his life choices. Just because I don't live my life like you Saint Joseph, doesn't mean my life is not good." Jamie said.

"Saint... oh that's rich. I'm not that high and mighty. Seriously go look in a mirror, you might see regret." Joe hollered.

"Regret... Isn't that what you have for leaving us?" Jamie sliced through the air with a knife and Joe fell silent.

"Jamie you went too far." Eddie said and gave him a stern look.

"Too far... he's... he's... I'm so mad at him. Don't defend him. He's the one saying we shouldn't be dating while we're still partners." Jamie reminded her.

"Yeah but..." Eddie was cut off.

"Just listen to him. He seems to always know what's best for himself anyways. Got it all figured out and he doesn't care what happens to himself. I'm out of here and I'm taking my book with me." Joe huffed and left to go simmer in his room.

"Men..." Eddie trailed off with a sigh, picking up her iPod and turning it on.

Jamie looked over at Eddie and noticed she had already turned her music on. "Oh fine. Tune me out." Jamie said in a frustrated tone.

"Don't you start with me mister. Now call your Dad or else." Eddie said in a firm tone.

Jamie grumbled and picked up the phone, dialing his Dad's cell phone number.

Jamie waited all of two rings, before Frank answered the phone. "I wasn't aware we had a meeting. Is something wrong Jamie?" Frank asked.

"This is official business. I need the commissioner for this one." Jamie replied.

"Very well. What can I do for you officer Reagan?" Frank asked.

"You can start by hearing me out completely before getting mad." Jamie replied.

"I already don't like the sound of this, but I can agree to that." Frank said.

"Where do I start.... Well I guess I should tell you I have feelings for my partner and they have progressed to a relationship. I broke protocol and a million rules and I'm just praying at the end of the day, that the Commissioner/ my Dad won't be too mad at me and will forgive me for my terrible choices." Jamie said.

"Jamie... How can you tell me all of that and expect me not to be mad. You broke protocol." Frank said.

"Yeah, but I love her. I really love this woman." Jamie defended.

"I know and while I think that's great, you still broke the rules. I have to suspend you both. Can't have anyone accusing me of favoritism." Frank said.

"I'll take the punishment. I don't care, because I love her and I want to be with her." Jamie shouted.

"I didn't raise you like this and furthermore your mother didn't either. We taught you to follow the rules and to obey them. You broke the rules, and now you will be punished for it. I will see you on Sunday for dinner, but I want you to know, that I am very disappointed in you as both your father and as the commissioner." Frank said in an angry tone.

"So what should I tell Eddie? " Jamie asked.

"Tell her to expect a phone call from me. And that she's suspended. Goodbye Officer." Frank replied before hanging up.

Jamie put down his phone and sighed in frustration. Eddie picked up on this, but thought it was from the fight with Joe. "So how long until Joe speaks to you again?" Eddie asked.

"You're kidding right? When Irish men fight, they don't talk for days afterwards. Haven't you learned anything from watching me and Danny.... I'm always gruff with him after we've fought." Jamie replied.

"Oh so that's what that is. I thought you were just constipated." Eddie said with a chuckle.

"So not funny. Do you want lunch?" Jamie asked.

"Yes. I don't want to get in the middle of this, so if it gets too uncomfortable, you can expect me to make an exit." Eddie replied, giving Jamie a serious expression.

"Fair enough. Our problems are not your problem. Me and him need to sort things out." Jamie reasoned.

"He'll come around. He loves you, you know that." Eddie said as they went into the kitchen.

Jamie grabbed ingredients to make sandwiches and started preparing three. Remembering exactly what both Eddie and Joe liked on their sandwiches, he prepared them to their liking. "Can you place this outside his door. I don't want him to not have lunch, just because we fought." Jamie said.

"Why did you make him a sandwich? I thought you were mad at him." Eddie said.

"Quick story. Joe used to always go read a book in his room at Dad's, when he got mad, and he wouldn't eat. So even if I was fighting with him, I always made him food, and so did everyone else. We had this rule. Even if we are fighting no one goes hungry." Jamie explained.

"That makes sense. That's a really good rule. Does that apply to us?" Eddie asked hesitantly.

"You bet it does. I could never let you go hungry, because you would be even more mad at me, if I let you starve." Jamie said with a chuckle. "Now please go give him that sandwich." Jamie instructed.

Eddie walked over and knocked on the door, "Joe I have a sandwich for you. Just the way you like it." she said.

Joe opened the door and looked at the sandwich, then at Jamie and said "Thanks." rather roughly, before grabbing the sandwich and closing the door.

"That felt painful. I could feel the anger radiate off him, and I can feel it radiating off of you. Honestly.... I wish you two didn't have to fight like this. I feel bad." Eddie said.

"Well that's what we do sometimes. We fight, don't speak to each other for a few days, then we make up and drink beers and pretend it never happened. At least me and Danny do. I haven't fought with Joe since before he left us. I don't know how to fix this and I know Danny won't be any help." Jamie said.

"How do you know that? How do you know Danny hasn't got some great advice up his sleeve waiting for you. Call him. If not today, then tomorrow. You have to fix things with Joe or it will get pretty tense around here, and I won't want to visit you." Eddie said.

"You sure are insistent. Okay, if things aren't better by tomorrow afternoon, I'll call Danny and ask him for advice." Jamie said.

A while later, "I forgot to ask, how did your phone call go?" Eddie asked.

Jamie gave her this mean glare as a response.

"That bad huh. Tell me about it." Eddie insisted.

"If you must know, Dad is really pissed at me and says I'm suspended. He wants to make an example of me, so he doesn't get accused of favoritism. As if anyone would ever accuse him of that. He never even gives us anything." Jamie said.

"That's not true and you know it. He cares about you a lot, he gives you a lot." Eddie said.

"You wouldn't be defending the man, if you knew what he was doing to you." Jamie said.

"And just what is he doing to me exactly?" Eddie asked.

"He's suspending you as well. Also you should expect a call from him and a big lecture. He will no doubt say something like "How dare you drag my son into such illegal behaviors" or something similar." Jamie replied.

"Ha. I knew this was coming. I'm totally prepared for anything that happens." Eddie said confidently.

"Yeah? Well are you prepared for when he decides, that we can't work in the same precinct. Dad has the right as the commissioner to decide that. He can separate us." Jamie said.

"I'd like to see him try. And so what if he does, we can still date. He can't control your personal life Jamie, just your work life." Eddie said.

"You always say just the right thing, to make me feel better." Jamie said.

"Someone has to, or you would just be a mess." Eddie soothed.

Joe came out and for a brief moment he was concerned. "How did the phone call go?" Joe asked.

"So you're speaking to me." Jamie replied.

"For the moment. Phone call?" Joe asked again, getting a little irritated.

"Bad. Dad suspended us and if he is feeling extra evil, he might even make us work at different precincts." Jamie replied.

"Well are you really that surprised. This is Dad, and I bet he gave you the whole "We didn't raise you like this" speech. He saves that for the really big mistakes. Did he drag Mom into it too?" Joe asked.

"Yeah... Hey wait how do you know all of this?" Jamie countered in reply.

"I got that speech just after joining the NYPD. I did something really wrong. Look I don't have time for this. Just suck it up and be happy it's just a suspension." Joe said, as he grabbed the tea he had poured and went back to his room.

"Well that was helpful. If he was so concerned.... He's happy. I bet he's laughing because I got suspended for breaking the rules. Mr. perfect cop, who can do no wrong." Jamie said.

"I'm not perfect, I just think Dad was right." Joe said, before closing his door.

"I bet Danny would be on my case about this too. See this is why I can't stand my family sometimes." Jamie gave out a frustrated sigh.

"Look I should go. I've already caused enough trouble. Next your sister will have something to say, and I want her to still like me when this blows over." Eddie said.

"Don't go... not because of my fight. That's a stupid reason to leave. I need you." Jamie expressed.

"Yeah and I need you to fix things with Joe. This is not something I like to see. I don't want things to get so bad you end up not living together. Remember, you're lucky he's back and wants to live with you. He didn't have to come back." Eddie said, unknowingly echoing his earlier words to Danny.

That hit Jamie in the right place, because he hugged Eddie and said "What am I going to do? I screwed up with my Dad and Joe, and I don't even know what to do anymore."

Admittedly it was rather pathetic, a man of his age not knowing how to fix things with his own brother. When you think about it, his brother had been away for so long, that it seemed like he was learning everything all over again. "I have an idea." Eddie said.

She scribbled a note for Joe just in case, and then grabbed hers and Jamie's coats, before dragging him out of the apartment. "Well at least let me lock the door." Jamie said and did just that.

Eddie took his hand and they walked down the street. "Where are you taking me?" Jamie asked.

"Surprise." Eddie said with a slight giggle.

Jamie was well and truly surprised, when they arrived at the polish deli down the block. "Oh so this is your plan." Jamie said.

"I figured that if you couldn't come up with something on your own, I could help you. Look the man loves his tea, so just get him a couple of boxes, and when you finally manage to fix things, it can be an apology present." Eddie explained. "Also I wanted some cabbage rolls and they make them really good here." Eddie said.

"Get a bunch, and we can cook sausage and have that for dinner, before you go home." Jamie said.

"Will do." Eddie said, before going over to the counter.

While Eddie got some uncooked sausages and cabbage rolls, Jamie browsed the tea section. "Is there anything I can help you with?" A teenaged girl asked.

"I'm not sure. See I kinda got into a fight and the person really likes tea. Which tea says I'm sorry the most?" Jamie replied.

"Well I'm not sure any tea really says I'm sorry, but we did just get in some blackberry tea this morning. I say you buy that and a few other kinds, and you should be fine. Listen... Fights happen, but if the person really loves you and you them, then it will be fine." The girl said.

"Thank-you. That means a lot." Jamie said to her.

He picked a box of blackberry out and some strawberry tea as well. He also got a box of vanilla cinnamon, which happened to be Joe's favorite and went to the cash, where Eddie was already waiting. "Did I keep you?" Jamie asked.

"No, I just finished at the counter." Eddie replied.

Jamie paid for everything and they walked back to the apartment.

When they got back to the apartment, Joe was looking up something on the desktop computer. "Are sausages and cabbage rolls good for dinner?" Eddie asked.

"Yes. That's fine." Joe replied.

"You seem busy." Eddie said, as Jamie started getting the food ready.

"I'm just looking up some stuff." Joe said.

Eddie came around and looked at the screen. Joe was looking up things Jamie loved. "Are you trying to get him an apology gift?" Eddie whispered in Joe's ear.

"Yes. I feel crummy. If things aren't fixed by tomorrow, I might have to call Danny." Joe whispered back.

Eddie smiled, because Jamie was thinking the exact same thing. Both brothers had wanted to patch things up and maybe tomorrow they would. The idea, that they had both thought of apology gifts, was rather fitting. Eddie was so happy, to see them both wanting to work things out.

In the kitchen Jamie was frying the sausages and he had the cabbage rolls heating up in the oven. He was happy with his gift choice for Joe, and he knew he could fix things, if he really worked hard. Jamie wanted to make a nice dinner, one that everyone would love, so there wouldn't be anymore fighting. The last thing anyone needed was a fight over his cooking. He finished cooking the sausages and set them aside on a plate, covering them to keep them warm. "Dinner is almost ready." he announced.

Eddie looked up from the computer and flashed him a smile. "Thanks lambchop." Eddie said, before looking down again. "That one. I think you can get it in chinatown too." Eddie whispered, as she pointed to something on the screen.

"Thank you. You've been a big help. I'm really sorry that I was harsh with you. I think the way my brother went about this is wrong, but I'm glad he chose you. You are an incredible woman Eddie, and I know our mother would have loved you." Joe whispered to her.

"Thank you, that means a lot. You know I think since you've been back, he looks up to you and he looks for your approval. It's no secret that you're his favorite sibling." Eddie whispered.

"I know, so fighting with him hurts the most." Joe whispered.

Jamie got dinner on the table and called them both over. "Can we all just promise to be civil over dinner?" Eddie asked.

"I will if he will." Jamie replied.

"I can be civil for the moment." Joe said.

"Good, now let's eat before this food gets cold." Eddie said, and she dished out food for the three of them.

The next day things weren't much better. Joe was giving Jamie the silent treatment, and Eddie had left the apartment, and went back to her own. Jamie was upset, thinking Eddie had left because of his fight with Joe. "I'm going to chinatown." Joe said, before dashing out of the apartment.

"You forgot to lock the door." Jamie shouted out in a frustrated tone of voice, before locking the door.

Joe was always interested in checking out chinatown and today seemed like the perfect day. He walked the 3 blocks it took to get there, and suddenly he was immersed in this whole other place. It was still New York, but he felt like he was in a little piece of China. There were vendors everywhere, for both food and other items. He was mostly interested in the clothes. Last night when Eddie and him were looking at the computer, they had found a nice brown leather jacket. Eddie had said they sell some similar, for a real decent price in chinatown, and that he had to try there first.

Joe explored, until he found a vendor selling jackets. "Hello is there anything you are looking for today?" the vendor asked.

"Yes I would like to purchase this jacket. Do have it in a 34?" Joe replied.

"I do. Let me just check in back." the vendor said.

The vendor checked, and came back with the correct sized jacket. "Will that be all?" the vendor asked.

"I noticed you sell leather bracelets and also square coin purses. Can I have one black bracelet, a blue coin purse and a green coin purse." Joe replied.

"Sure. We take cash only." the vendor said.

Joe took out his wallet and paid for all the items. "Have a good day." the vendor said.

"You as well." Joe said.

Joe left and started walking back to the apartment. Joe placed his items in the reusable bag he had brought with him, to hide what they were. 'I hope Jamie likes this. I also hope Eddie and Angie like the coin purses.' Joe thought internally.

Truth be told he was very concerned, because fighting with Jamie was really hurting him, and he knew Jamie was hurting just as bad. He had never meant for things to get this out of hand. He knew they were spiraling and he had to get them back to a good place.

Joe got back to the apartment and Jamie started on him, right after he hide the gifts in his room. "You forgot to lock the door. You have to be more responsible." Jamie snapped.

"Responsible.... You know what..." Joe started but then stopped himself. 'Don't make this worse.' Joe thought internally, before continuing "I'm sorry. I got excited and left in such a hurry. I will try to remember to lock the door next time." Joe finished.

'He didn't try to fight with me just then. I wonder if he is hurting as much as me. He must be, if he doesn't want to keep trying to pick a fight with me.' Jamie thought internally. "Okay thanks." Jamie said rather dismissively.

'He let it go... maybe tomorrow things will be better. He will want to make up.' Joe thought.

Joe wasn't really talking to Jamie, but he needed to know about dinner. "Will Eddie be joining us for dinner?" Joe asked, in as politely a tone as he could muster currently.

"No she has laundry to do. Will Angie be joining us?" Jamie replied, trying also to be polite.

"No she has to work late at the shelter." Joe answered.

"Okay then it's just us." Jamie said flatly. 'Great what do I do now? What if we fight again?' Jamie thought internally.

"Right, just us." Joe echoed. 'If we have even one more fight, I'm concerned we won't ever make up.' Joe was having an internal panic and he quickly left the room, before Jamie noticed.

When Joe got to his room, his hands were shaking. He closed the door and slumped down against it. "I screwed up.... Mom... I screwed up with Jamie. You always taught me to be supportive and be caring, and I wasn't that yesterday. I was heartless with Jamie." Joe whispered.

Joe just sat there against the door and continued to wallow in his misery. In the living room, Jamie was feeling similar thoughts. He was laying on the window seat and he was really sad. "Why did we have to keep fighting? Why did we have to keep hurting each other further? I love him and I hurt him. Mom you didn't raise me this way, and I'm sorry for disappointing you." Jamie whispered, as a stray tear fell from his eye.

He wiped away the tear and pulled the blanket tighter around him. He fell asleep to thoughts of their Mom, and a time when they all got along great.

Joe walked out of his room and saw Jamie asleep on the window seat. Joe smiled, as he watched Jamie sleeping. 'How could I ever fight with someone, who looks that adorable when he's sleeping.' Joe thought as he made some tea.

He made the last pot of his favorite tea and thought 'Darn... I'll have to buy more this week.'. He sat on one of the stools at the island and sipped his tea, while he continued to think of their mother. She had been the one who helped them when they had the really bad fights. She had made them see things from the other persons perspective, and had them place themselves in the other siblings shoes. It had always felt like a big task, but when they finally did that, they felt better.

Joe thought a bit more, 'So putting myself in his shoes, what would I feel?' 'Well let's see.... He's got a gorgeous partner and he has to ride with her everyday. He goes out for drinks with her after work, which could be considered a date to others. He's been undercover with her where they played a couple... oh gosh. No wonder he fell for her.' Joe realized that he was mad at Jamie for silly reasons. He was mad at Jamie, for something that was completely out of his control.

Jamie stirred and mumbled something incoherent. Joe poured him a cup of tea, thinking he would want one, when he finally shook the sleep off. He was right, because a few minutes later Jamie hastily grabbed the tea and started drinking it. "You make great tea." Jamie commented in passing, before going back to the window seat.

Jamie looked out the window at all the people walking by, and he saw two brothers. Well to him they could have been brothers, and they seemed to be laughing and talking. 'That was us two days ago. Will that ever be us again?' Jamie thought.

"We both skipped lunch. Eat this." Joe said, and placed a sandwich next to Jamie.

"Thanks." Jamie said.

"Even when fighting no one goes hungry." Joe said, reciting the rule they had made all those years ago.

"Yeah." Jamie confirmed.

Jamie ate his sandwich in silence and Joe went back to the kitchen to eat his own sandwich. Joe realized that he couldn't stay mad at Jamie. Jamie was following his heart and somehow that was normal. Everyone did it and really you couldn't be blamed for that. Jamie always had a timing problem, but at least he was happy. Joe hadn't seen him this happy since before he "died". Things seemed better, aside from their fight. When he fixed things with Jamie, he knew that everything would be okay.

3 hours into a good book, Joe could smell dinner from his bedroom. "I guess that settles who's cooking tonight." Joe said out loud. Jamie had indeed decided to cook and Joe's curiosity got the better of him. Fighting aside he left the room and walked into the kitchen. "Pasta?" Joe questioned.

"Yes but if you don't like it I can make something else." Jamie said defensively.

"No pasta is fine. I was just wondering what you were cooking." Joe said.

'He's still defensive. I'll have to try again tomorrow.' Joe thought internally as he sat down at the island.

He watched Jamie cook for a while and remembered a time when the pair had cooked together. It had been their mother's birthday, and Joe had insisted he and Jamie make dinner together for her. Erin and Danny had made the cake earlier in the day, and Grandpa was helping them cook dinner. They had gotten her favorite roast in the oven, and were working on the mashed potatoes and other vegetables, when she had come home early. "Henry I want water." Mary said.

"You can't go in the kitchen right now. Allow me to get it for you." Henry said.

"Why can't I go in my own kitchen?" Mary asked.

"You are forbidden. Now go sit down and I will bring you water." Henry commanded.

Mary went to sit down and Henry went into the kitchen. "Nice save Grandpa. She could have spoiled her own birthday dinner." Joe said.

"How much longer until dinner is ready boys?" Henry asked.

"Not much longer. The roast is almost finished and the vegetables too. Mom is going to love this dinner." Jamie replied in an excited voice.

"Well I'm going to try and keep her out of the kitchen as best I can. Your father will be home soon too." Henry said.

"Okay. I can't wait to see Mom's face, when she eats our dinner and Danny and Erin's cake." Joe said, pleased that he and Jamie had cooked such an amazing meal together.

"What were you thinking about?" Jamie asked suddenly, more out of curiosity than anything.

"That time we cooked Mom a birthday dinner." Joe replied, before going back to drinking his tea.

Jamie had hoped the conversation would continue, but Joe had simply shut him down. 'He's not ready yet, and I have to respect that.' Jamie thought.

Dinner was ready in no time, and soon the brothers were eating it, rather silently. The scraping of forks and the swallowing of tea was all that could be heard in the apartment. Jamie and Joe both lost in their own thoughts, couldn't even think of something to say to the other. "Would you like a glass of water?" Joe asked, finally breaking the silence.

"Water... uh sure. Thanks." Jamie replied.

Joe poured two glasses of water from the Brita pitcher in the fridge and came back around to the other side of the island. "Here you go Jam." Joe said, placing the glass in front of him.

"Thanks Joe." Jamie said, taking a sip of the water.

For the moment they had gotten along in the apartment and had required no buffer between them. It was all too perfect. Tomorrow still felt far away to Joe, and he wondered if tomorrow would be the day things were fixed.

The next morning Joe was awake in bed. He couldn't sleep well and had spent most of the night awake, just thinking and trying to get a sense of what he was going to do today. He knew he had to call Danny, but he didn't want to feel like a wimp, or rather get teased by Danny himself for needing advice. It was about 8am and he knew for a fact, that Danny usually got his coffee at some bodega around this time. Joe picked up his phone and dialed Danny's number.

Danny's phone rang, just as he paid for his and Maria's coffees. "Hello?" Danny said as he answered his phone.

"Danny it's me Joe." Joe replied.

"Hey Joe. How's it going?" Danny asked.

"Not good." Joe replied.

"Oh really. Would you care to elaborate?" Danny asked.

"Jamie and I had a big fight. He's dating his partner and..." Danny cut him off.

"He is? Good for him. Finally he went after her." Danny said.

"Anyways I blew up at him and told him that he was breaking the rules, and that I basically wasn't proud of him for this. Now I don't know what to do." Joe said.

"Well first of all, he's our brother. We have to be happy for him, no matter how he gets the girl. I know he broke the rules, but at this point, I've learned that Jamie will be Jamie. He marches to the beat of his own drum." Danny said.

"Yeah? That makes sense. He has this independent vibe going on. I'm so happy for him, and I really like Eddie. She's great for him. I want him to know that I love him, and that I'm sorry for chewing him out." Joe said.

"Just make him a nice lunch and apologize. Be straight forward, no beating around the bush. Show him you really care and he'll forgive you. Jamie isn't one to hold on to his anger for very long." Danny said.

"That makes me feel so much better. Thanks Danny, you're the best." Joe said.

"That's what I'm here for. Now if you need me again, you know how to reach me." Danny said.

"Thanks man. Be safe out there." Joe said.

"I will. Bye." Danny said and hung up.

Joe continued to lay in his bed and think about what Danny had just told him. Meanwhile Jamie, who was in the kitchen, was picking up his phone and dialing the same number, as Joe had not long ago.

Danny picked up the phone and said "Boy family really loves me this morning." without thinking.

"Really? Who else called you?" Jamie asked.

"Not call. Text. Erin texted me this morning about a case we are working on. So what did you need kid?" Danny replied.

"Well see... I had a fight with Joe. It's bad and we are barely speaking. I don't know how to fix this, because he's been away from us for so long." Jamie said.

"That's never stopped you before kid. Listen... Joe's probably feeling the same way as you. He has no idea what to do, because you two never really fought and this is a big one. Just try and figure out how to break the ice." Danny said.

"But how?" Jamie asked.

"Use your brain Harvard. Joe's into that herbal tea crap I hate. Make him some of that and have a sit down with him. Tell him how you feel and apologize. Joe will forgive you Jamie. Just hear him out too okay." Danny replied.

"I will. Thanks. In case no one else tells you today, you're a great brother." Jamie said.

"Don't get all sentimental on me. I appreciate it though." Danny said.

"Bye and be safe." Jamie said.

"Bye kid." Danny said and hung up.

"What did your brothers want?" Maria asked, after Danny finished his second phone call.

"Advice about a fight they were having with each other." Danny replied.

"When did you become the go to guy for advice?" Maria said surprised.

"Haven't you heard? I'm great at giving advice. Not so much at following advice." Danny said.

"That sounds like the Danny I know." Maria said with a chuckle.

Back at the apartment things were quiet. Jamie was making breakfast, omelets with some sausage inside and cheese, and Joe was feeling hungry. He came out of his bedroom and saw Jamie cooking. "Omelets? I can't remember the last time I had a good one. I can never make them right." Joe admitted.

"Good thing you have me." Jamie said rather quickly, turning his focus back on the pan.

Breakfast was painless, coffee and omelets, and a newspaper shared between the two of them. There was no fight for the sports section, because Joe had no interest in reading it today. It was very careful and composed, each being ever so careful not to step on the others toes. Both afraid to start another fight, they kept Danny's words in mind and each formulated a plan. "Is it okay if I cook lunch? It's only fair since you cooked breakfast for us." Joe asked.

"Oh lunch... well sure. I always love your lunches." Jamie replied, as he looked up from the sports section.

The jets weren't doing well and Jamie was upset about that. Jamie was a loyal jets fan, much like the rest of the Reagan's. "The jets are doing terrible." Jamie said, trying to make conversation.

"Is that so? I didn't know that." Joe said, looking up from the book he had taken to reading.

"Oh you're reading a book. Sorry I interrupted you...." Jamie trailed off.

"No it's fine really...." Joe said, but Jamie had gone back to reading the paper.

'Danny this is harder than it looks.' Joe thought internally as he went back to reading his book.

The morning passed by what felt like slower than usual, but in reality the time went by the same as always. Joe was cooking lunch in no time and Jamie seemingly making tea. Joe accidentally bumped into Jamie and almost lost the lettuce to the floor. "I'm sorry. I should leave the kitchen." Jamie said, feeling bad.

"No please stay. It's fine. I could use your help chopping a tomato." Joe said handing him a knife and tomato.

Jamie chopped the tomato and threw it in the salad. Joe had cooked two chicken breasts and was slicing them into strips. He added other vegetables Jamie chopped to the salad, and then the dressing and chicken. "Erin mentioned you've been eating salads for lunch a lot lately. This recipe was a favorite when I was undercover." Joe said.

"Erin gives away all my secrets. Actually yeah I'm trying to get more vegetables in my diet. Eddie... she controls where we eat on meals. I hope my next partner is a salad eater." Jamie said.

"Salad eaters are hard to come by. I remember this one partner... I had him for one week only and he was this vegetarian." Joe commented. "You would have liked him."

"I bet." Jamie said.

Joe placed the salads on the island, and some of the tea Jamie had made next to each bowl, along with a fork. 'That's the most we've talked since the fight started.' Joe noticed.

They sat down and started eating. "Joe... I... I'm sorry." Jamie said after he swallowed a bite of salad.

Joe turned and looked at Jamie. He was trying to read Jamie, but he couldn't. "I messed up and did things the wrong way, and I fought with you. I'm so sorry for fighting with you. I never meant to hurt you with all the vicious words I said. Please forgive me, because I'm dying inside, knowing that you are hurting." Jamie finished.

"Jamie I was wrong too. I should have been happy for you right off the bat. It's been so long and I wasn't sure how to react, but now I know the way I did was wrong. You were looking for support, not rejection, and that's what I gave you.... rejection. I'm sorry I didn't show more support. You're my brother and I gotta be happy for you. I really like Eddie and I think she completes you nicely. You know Mom would have loved her." Joe said. "Forgive me also, because I can't stand to fight with you and be silent another minute. I miss my brother." Joe finished.

Jamie got up and left the room. Joe felt hurt for a moment, until Jamie came back with a bag and handed it to him. Joe opened the bag and pulled out a box of his favorite tea. "Oh Jamie.... I just ran out of this. Thank you so much." Joe expressed with a warm smile. He pulled out a box of strawberry and a box of blackberry and smiled. "I've always wanted to try blackberry tea. Now I can thanks to you." Joe said.

"I hoped you would like my choices." Jamie said.

"I love it Jamie." Joe said and left to go to his room.

Jamie was puzzled, but Joe returned with his own bag. He reached in and pulled out a jacket. "This is for you. I got it yesterday in chinatown." Joe said, handing the jacket to Jamie.

Jamie took the jacket and tried it on. It was a perfect fit and Jamie couldn't help but smile. "I love it! How did you know my size? Did Erin help you?" Jamie asked.

"Give me some credit bro. I still remember your size, it hasn't changed much over the years." Joe replied.

"I will admit I had some help with your gift." Jamie said.

"I had a bit of help too." Joe admitted.

"Eddie?" Jamie asked.

"Yeah. You too?" Joe replied.

"Yeah. She's great eh." Jamie said.

"She sure is. I got her a chinese coin purse in chinatown, but something tells me she deserves to be spoiled, for putting up with and helping us." Joe said.

"Oh I plan to spoil her at Metro burger, and also make the most of our suspension. I'm seeing a whole day together." Jamie declared.

"Jamie... I don't care what Dad or anyone else says, you hold on to her. I was wrong and Dad, when he comes around he will be happy for you too. You'll see." Joe said.

"I hope so. I couldn't live with Dad being permanently mad at me." Jamie said.

"I know the feeling. I wouldn't like that either." Joe said.

The brothers, all made up, enjoyed their lunch and the time they had together.

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