Hetalia: Did you know?

By Frostfur789

528K 19.6K 4.4K

Some random facts I found about Hetalia and it's characters. If you have any to add, pm me! If you didn't kno... More

1- Hong Kong
2- South Korea
3- Belguim
4- The 2p's
5- Hong Kong #2
6- Belarus
7- Germany
8- Sealand
9- Cuba
10- Italy
11- Russia
12- Belguim #2
13- Liechtenstein
14- Russia #2
15- Romano
16- Switzerland
17- Switzerland #2
18- America
19- Norway
20- Japan
21- Holy Rome
22- Chibitalia/HRE
23- Romano #2
24- Lithuania
25- The Italian Brothers
26- America/Russia
27- Netherlands
28- America #2
29- Sweden
30- Switzerland #3
31- England
32- Norway #2
33- Russia #3
34- Iceland
35- Canada
36- Finland
37- Romano #3
38- France
39- The Baltics
40- Canada #2
41- Canada #3
42- Hungary/Romania
43- Romania
44- Russia #4
45- Sweden #2
46- America #3
47- Prussia
48- Bulgaria
50- Greece
51- France #2
52- Poland
53- BTT
54- Ladonia
55- England #2
56- Canada #4
57- Hungary
58- Japan #2
59- France #3
60- Germany #2
61- America #4
62- England #3
63- Italy #2
64- America #5
65- Grandpa Rome
66- Spain
67- France #4
68- America #6
69- China
70- China #2
71- China #3
72- England #4
73- Nyotalia
74- Romano #4
75- ChibiRomano
76- Sealand #2
77- America #7
78- France #5
79- Austria/Australia
80- New Zealand
81- New Zealand #2
82- Australia/New Zealand
83- China #4
84- South Korea #2
85- China #5
86- Prussia #2
87- Russia #5
88- England #5
89- Sweden #3
90- Romano #5
91- Scotland
92- America #8
93- Finland #2
94- Prussia #3
95- Romano/Hong Kong
96- Belarus #2
97- Germany #3
98- Prussia/France
99- Greece #2
100- Russia #6
101- Turkey
102- South Korea #2
103- Canada #5
104- Italy #3
105- Russia #7
106- Canada #6
107- Sweden #4
108- Hungary
109- Netherlands
110- Switzerland #4
111- Austria
112- Netherlands #2
113- Canada #7
114- America #9
115- Sweden #5
116- Spain #2
117- Romano #6
118- America #10
119- China #6
120- England #6
121- Japan #3
122- Prussia #4
123- Romano #7
124- Australia
125- The Nordics
126- Italians and Greece
127- Japan #4
128- Norway #3
129- Liechtenstein #2
130- Russia #8
131- China #7
132- Germany/Prussia
133- Hetalia Cinnamon Rolls
134- Canada #8
135- England #7
136- Hungary #2
137- Mr. Puffin
138- America #11
139- England/Iceland
140- Japan #5
141- Germany #4
142- Scotland #2
143- Sealand #3
144- Hetalia Names
145- Hong Kong/England
146- Prussia #5
147- Canada/Hong Kong
148- Austria/Chibitalia
149- Germany/Prussia 2
150- Switzerland/Liechtenstein
151- Switzerland/France
152- Fem!Italy
153- Belgium/Romano
154- Romano #8
155- Switzerland/Austria
156- Poland/Hungary
157- Prussia #6
158- Austria/Hungary
159- Hungary #2
160- Latvia
161- England/America
162- Belarus #3
163- Latvia #2
164- Spain #3
165- Romano #9
166- Belarus #4
167- Chibi!America
168- Germania
169- Prussia #7
170- Germania #2
171- Egypt
172- Wales
173- Philippines
174- Germany/Prussia #2
175- Poland #2
176- Grandpa Rome #2
177- Prussia/Hungary
178- Austria #2
179- Prussia #8
180- Prussia #9
181- America #12
182- Native America
183- America/Canada
184- America #13
185- Canada/France
186- France #5
187- America #14
188- America/Canada #2
189- Germany #5
190- Norway #2
191- Norway #3
192- The Italian Brothers #2
193- Ukraine
194- Ukraine #2
193- China #8
196- Russia/China
197- China #9
198- The Italian Brothers #3
199- Human Names (Complete)
Book 2

49- Female Characters

3.4K 116 15
By Frostfur789

Did you know that all of the main Female Hetalia characters have some sort of hair accessory? Whether it be a bow, flower, or headband.

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